Lexington and 42nd (The Off Field Series #1) (33 page)

BOOK: Lexington and 42nd (The Off Field Series #1)
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“Ha! You’ll be fine. Besides, I think you put her in her place the first time you met.”
Olivia’s phone beeped and she glanced at it, frowning before picking it up to respond to the message. I watched as she typed frantically, her forehead slightly furrowed in concentration yet for the most part she looked completely calm. She was one of those people who I imagined always managed to appear on top of things, even when everything was spiralling out of control.
“So you guys know each other well?” I wasn’t sure why I asked but either way, Olivia didn’t seem to mind.
“Hmmm? Oh, you mean Jensen and me?” She paused, looking up at me for clarification. “We went to college together. He inadvertently got me my start in the industry. Gave me an exclusive interview before the BSC Championship instead of giving it to one of the local news networks. It was the cornerstone of my portfolio. I’m pretty sure that’s what got me an interview with the network when I graduated.”
“That was nice of him.”
Olivia laughed. “I think he did it just to get me off his case.” She grinned. “I can be very persistent, if you haven’t noticed.”
I nodded, smiling. Olivia could be very persistent.
“It’s good you’ve stayed friends.”
She shrugged. “It was nice getting a start in this industry with one familiar face around town. Making it as a sports journalist is tough as it is. Add in the craziness of this city and…let’s just say the last few years have been intense.”
“Did you guys ever um…date?”
Olivia looked up from her phone and stared at me, and immediately I wanted to take back my question. “No, we never did. Although I certainly appreciate why you would.” She gave me a knowing smile and then put down her phone. “My mom says that from as young as ten, I used to stand in front of the mirror every night before bed and imitate the reporters on the news. Then when I got a bit older, instead of the news, I’d report the latest sports results and make her pretend she was a tennis player I needed to interview after her match.” Olivia shrugged. “I’ve known this is what I wanted to do for a very long time, but I learned the hard way in college that mixing business with pleasure in this industry is never a good idea.”
“Yeah, don’t I know it?” I shook my head, still marvelling at how I’d managed to wind up in this situation.
“Oh! I’m sorry. I wasn’t talking about you.”
I waved her off with a flick of my wrist. “It’s fine. I should know better. In fact I
know better. I just…I’m not really sure what came over me actually.”
I took a sip of my coffee, watching as Olivia’s eyes flickered to her phone again as another message came in.
“Sorry, this thing never stops these days.” She read it quickly then flipped the phone face down on the table. “So, I know I said
wasn’t going to report on you and Jensen,

I swallowed an excessively large mouthful of coffee. “Go on.”
“I wanted to give you the heads up because other journalists—if you can even call them that—are sniffing around. I’ve had three calls since the photos were released from people wanting to know if I knew who you were.”
“Unfortunately yes. You’re officially on the paparazzi hit list.”
“Oh my God.” I dropped my head into my hands.
“It’s okay though. I told them you were some random British tourist who’s already left the country. I just thought you should know, because if you’re going to keep seeing him, you might want to figure out your story. If you don’t, they’ll just make one up.”
I nodded slowly. “Thanks, I guess I owe you one.”
Olivia’s eyes sparkled. “No problems, I’ll keep that in mind.” She bounced up from the table. “Anyway, I know you’re in a rush so I won’t keep you. I just wanted to give you a heads up that the vultures were circling.”
I pushed myself up to stand, feeling like someone was physically bearing down on my shoulders. “No, it’s fine. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. Thank you.”
Olivia turned to me as we stepped out onto the footpath. “I promised myself I wouldn’t pry about what’s going on, but for what it’s worth, Jensen seemed pretty happy when I spoke to him last night.”
I forced my face into a calm expression I imagined Olivia could pull off in any situation, even though I wanted to crumple onto the pavement and cry. “Thanks again, Liv. It was nice seeing you.”
She smiled at me curiously for a second then turned and walked away.
Three days later I got a text from Will, only a few hours before I was due to see him for the first time since we came back from the Hamptons. It was unavoidable unfortunately.
Hey, just wanted to make sure you’ll be at the press conference this morning. Can’t believe how busy you’ve been.
I cringed as I read his message, feeling sick about the lies I’d fed him for two days to buy myself some time.
Me: Of course I’ll be there. Don’t be offended if I steer clear of you in front of everyone. I’d rather not set the rumor mill alight two weeks running. Speak to you after?
Will: Got it, can’t wait x
God I felt like the worst kind of person. I knew he’d understand my need to be out of the spotlight given his own preference for keeping his personal life private. He just didn’t know I had no intentions of seeing him afterward. As soon as the last question was asked, I was out of there—no way was I having the conversation we needed to have with anyone even remotely close to us.
My nerves were all over the shop by the time the press had gathered, waiting for coach and quarterback to take to the stage. I’d been so focused on ensuring Will and I weren’t seen together in public that I hadn’t given any thought to what it would actually feel like to lay eyes on him again. Mark had allocated James to manage the team, no doubt to ensure the two of us were kept well apart, particularly with Hayes sitting in the front row. I stood to the back of the room, partially covered by the rows of cameras focused in on the media wall.
The hushed murmur of the waiting press was replaced by the familiar sounds of cameras clicking and shuffling in seats as the side door opened. My breath caught as Will stepped out, his big frame moving with ease toward the table. He wore the official club uniform, long limbs encased by gray sweat pants and a blue Warriors t-shirt stretched tight over his chest. Wet hair and a half smile peeked out from under his cap, pulled low enough to cast a shadow across his jaw. A thrill coursed through me just at seeing him, my fingers itching to touch him.
I stiffened as his eyes roamed the room, knowing what he was looking for. When they landed on me his face lit up momentarily and I felt my own features give way under his gaze, part happiness and part panic gripping my chest. He held eye contact with me, a flicker of uncertainty marring his face as I fought to control any emotion on my own.
Dana’s shoulder brushed mine. “You all right?”
I nodded, dropping my eyes but latching on firmly when she gave my hand a squeeze. I’d revealed nothing after my run-in with Hayes and as much as I’m sure it was killing them not knowing, the team hadn’t pushed me on it. I was confident they sensed it hadn’t gone well, given my overtly false enthusiasm in the office. I was a mess and they knew it, but I was grateful that they played along as if everything was fine.
I let the press conference wash over me, enjoying the sound of Will’s voice without taking in his words. Twenty minutes went by in a flash and before I realized it, the last question was asked and answered, the swarm of press rising to their feet to exit.
Desperate to avoid any run-ins with the media and keen to put as much distance between Will and me as possible, I turned to Dana with pleading eyes. “Are you good to wrap this up on your own?”
She gave me a sympathetic smile. “Sure, you get out of here.”
Squeezing her hand, I turned and ducked out of the room, down a corridor that lead underground, a short cut so I could beat the press to the cab rank.
My phone rang and seeing it was Will I silenced it, focusing instead on the click, click of my heels on the concrete floor of the tunnel. I had almost rounded the corner when I heard him.
Shit. How had he gotten away from everyone so quickly?
I swivelled, giving him a small wave as I started back towards him on shaky legs. He stepped out into the hallway and it was only then I realized I’d been walking past the back entrance to the locker room. So much for a stealthy exit.
“Hey yourself.” I smiled, unable to ignore my natural happiness at seeing him.
His face softened, long arms crossing his chest as he leaned against the wall and watched me approach.
“Where’ve you been all my life, Bambi?” He grinned and my heart did a backflip in my chest. I didn’t really have to give him up, did I?
“Sorry, work’s been a bit crazy this week.” I shrugged, tearing my gaze from his face at the lie.
He stepped closer, his familiar scent engulfing me. “And here I thought you were avoiding me.” I shivered at the way his voice lowered. That was
voice. He only spoke that way to
Keeping my tone light, I said, “Of course not. Don’t be silly.” God he was so close it was hard to breathe. “I actually have to go now though.” I signalled with a nod of my head to the exit.
“What? Why the rush?” He cocked his head in question, brows drawing together.
“I…I just have to get back to the office.” I took a deep breath. “I have a meeting.”
“What happened to us catching up?”
“I know, I’m sorry. It just came up this morning.”
Really, what was one more lie?
Will shook his head. “Hang on a minute. You
avoiding me.”
“No! Of course I’m not. I really do have to go.”
He stared at me a beat. “Anyone ever tell you, you’re a terrible liar?”
“Will…I’m not—”
“Who’s your meeting with?”
“Who’s your meeting with Emma? It’s a simple question.”
“It’s…I…you don’t know them.”
He held my gaze, stubborn in his anger. God, there was no way I was going to win this staring contest.
“Will.” I let out the breath I’d been holding. “Let’s catch up tonight. We’ll talk then.”
His eyes bulged. “Jesus, we’ll talk?” His hands mimicked quotation marks at the word
. “What the fuck does that mean?”
“Nothing, it means nothing…let’s just catch up tonight, not here. Please?”
“No. This is bullshit. If there’s something we need to talk about, then let’s talk about it now.”
Oh my God. This was the definition of hell.
I opened and shut my mouth about a thousand times, trying to get out what I needed to say. For all the endless minutes and hours I’d thought about how this would go, I realized I’d never actually planned the words I wanted to say in my head.
“Fine. I think it would be a mistake for us to keep seeing each other.”
Way to just…put it out there Emma.
Will looked at me blankly, confusion marring his beautiful face.
“I just think it’s for the best.”
“Best for who?”
“For both of us.”
A choked sound came out of his throat. “I don’t recall asking your opinion on what was best
for me
.” Shaking his head, he pinched the bridge of his nose and met my eyes again. “After the weekend we’ve just had, are you fucking serious?”
I flinched at his words. “I thought it was ‘no biggie.’”
I watched in horror as he turned and slammed his palm into the door. He turned back, taking a deep breath before speaking.
“What’s really going on here Emma? Tell me the truth.”
I closed my eyes and squared my shoulders before looking at him again.
“It’s hard, people are different around me in the office now. I just think we’re better off leaving things before they get any more complicated.”
His laugh was humourless. “You’re unbelievable.”
“Will, come on. This was only ever supposed to be a bit of fun, you know that.” The words felt like razor blades coming out of my throat.
“Fun. Is that what you call it?” His face was only inches from my own. “You call meeting my whole fucking family ‘just a bit of fun?’”
“No, that’s not what I meant…meeting your family was great. I loved it…I just, my career is important to me and I don’t want to jeopardize it.” I reached out to touch his arm but he flinched away, turning to pace the corridor.
“What the fuck is wrong with you!” His voice echoed in the empty hallway. “I can’t fucking believe this. Finally, I finally get through to you and now this.”
God it hurt, it hurt everywhere. Pain for me, pain for him. I couldn’t believe how fiercely he was reacting, and every part of me wanted to go to him, tell him I didn’t mean it, that I loved him. “Will please, be reasonable.”
“Reasonable? How am I the one being unreasonable?”
I shook my head, frustration bubbling just below the surface at his naivety. “Put yourself in my shoes for a second. It’s hard, all right? People are judging me, and no one’s particularly impressed with my behavior.”
“Oh for fuck’s sake, don’t be so damn dramatic. The club will get over it. Besides, no one’s said anything to me.”
Anger flared as I thought of Sarah, thousands of miles away. “Don’t be so dramatic? Will, you walk around in this ridiculous little bubble with no idea what’s going on around you. Of course no one’s said anything to you…you’re the bloody quarterback. No one says anything to you as long as you’re making the ball land where it needs to. God, you’re so…uggghhh!”
I turned my back to him, pinching the bridge of my nose as I tried to regain some control. Turning around I looked up at him, stepping close enough to feel the heat radiating from his body. “Answer me this. If the roles were reversed, would you give up football for me? If you had to, if that’s what it took, would you walk away?”

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