Liar (28 page)

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Authors: Justine Larbalestier

Tags: #ebook, #book

BOOK: Liar
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Chantal's a hypocrite and every bit as big a liar as I am.

It makes me want to tear out her throat. How can anyone forget about Zach so easily?

But at least he's more mine now. Mine and Sarah's and Tayshawn's.

Though it's me who has to avenge him.


I don't have a brother. I made Jordan up.

What did you think? That after having me, the wolf girl, my parents would risk a second child? A second freak? Two cages in the already overcrowded apartment? Even if the kid wasn't wolfish how would you keep it from blabbing about its monster for a sister?

Not likely, is it?

Good-bye, Jordan. Imaginary or not, he sucked. Vile, sticky-fingered, foulmouthed, nasty, smelly brother.

But you want to know why, don't you?

Why did I lie about having a brother?

I wanted to see if I could do it: invent a person. Make them believable. Real. Whole. I wanted to see if you would buy it. And you did.

You buy everything, don't you?

You make it too easy.


I found Zach high up a tree in the North Woods in Central Park, not near any of the paths. The tree had wide, thick branches and plenty of leaf cover. He did a good job of keeping still. I couldn't hear or see him, but his scent gave him away. It was everywhere.

The branches started a few feet above my head. Zach was using his height against me. He is—he
—over six foot four. I'm not. He could jump and touch the lowest branches. Not me.

I prowled around the tree, quiet. I couldn't feel the telltale prickles of someone looking at me. Zach was high up. Maybe he'd fallen asleep. It happened. He trained so hard, worked such long hours keeping up with homework that he was often coasting on two or three hours of sleep a day. I'd seen him fall asleep in classes, at lunch. Sometimes when we ran together he'd be close to falling asleep on his feet. If he'd gone for a ball scholarship he could've gotten the sleep he needed, but he wanted a full ride courtesy of his brains.

Zach wasn't crazy.

He'd seen what a sports scholarship can do to you. He'd seen what happened to his brother. Shredded knees and back leaving him too crippled to even walk right. No pro career for him, but his grades were only so-so, and he'd never figured out anything else he wanted to do.

Zach wanted options.

The trunk wasn't that wide. I spread my arms around it and slipped my shoes off, gripping with the soles of my feet. I was going to climb it like a coconut tree.

It was harder than it looked, but I was strong and didn't care about cutting up my hands and feet.

“Hey, there,” Zach said, leaning down from halfway up the tree. I'd reached the first branch. “Want a hand?”

“Nope.” I grabbed the branch over my head and hauled myself up to straddle it with my legs. Wolves might not be wild about climbing, but I like it fine.

“Well done, shorty.”

“Thanks.” I wiped my hands on my pants. “Told you I'd find you.”

“You did. You are a superhero.” He climbed down to my level. “Strong and brave with magical tracking skills. I'll never doubt you again.” He was grinning to undermine his words, but he meant them. “How'd you do that?”

“Do what?” I asked, playing dumb. “Climb the tree?”

He snorted. “Find me, stupid. The park's I-don't-know-how-big. Must be thousands of trees. You can't have seen me from down there. It's not possible . . .” He stopped, leaning in, looking at me closely.

I could see the pores of his skin, tiny hairs, a few blackheads nestled against his nose.

“You're not like anyone else. What are you?”

That could have been the moment. I could have told him. I almost had a few weeks before, but, well . . . we were distracted before I could get the words out.

“There's something, isn't there?” Zach said.

What would have happened if I'd told him? Would he have laughed?

I ran my fingers over his cheek, over the light stubble.

“Tell me, Micah.”

Instead I leaned forward, kissed the tip of his nose, and then his mouth. We made out, tentative and cautious, because we were up a tree, and gravity isn't kind.

When we climbed down it was getting dark.

“Run home with me?” he said. I did. More than a hundred blocks side by side, backpacks bouncing. We'd done it before. I figured we'd do it again.

We didn't.

Outside his building we stopped. Zach wiped sweat from his forehead, his upper lip. We kissed again.

“Tomorrow,” he said.

I nodded.

“Will you tell me then?”


He laughed.

It was the last time I ever saw him.


Brandon hasn't told on me; he avoids me. But he doesn't avoid Erin. He harasses her whenever he can. Erin, who he never looked at twice and didn't give a damn about before she ran away. Or after she ran away, for that matter, when we all thought she was dead like Zach.

It's only now that she's back in school and her boyfriend is in jail in Florida that he's giving her lots of quality Brandon attention. Because now she's prey. She twitches, looks around, checks all possible exits. She's always ready to run, to cower, to hide. She exudes the prey scent: fear.

Brandon thinks because she's prey, she's easy. She's someone he can take. He's probably right.

Lucky Erin.

I want to prove him wrong. I don't like to think of Brandon and me having anything in common. I'm the predator, not him. I can teach him that. I
teach him that.

I wish dogs would take Brandon. I think about how I can arrange it. I can make him prey.

Instead I make it a habit to be in Erin's vicinity as much as I can. Brandon doesn't say a word if I'm there. He can't even look me in the eye.

He's scared of me.

He should be.


The week after the funeral I eat lunch with Sarah and Tayshawn most every day. We don't talk about what I want us to talk about. We don't talk about Zach or what happened to him either. I don't tell them anything about the white boy or what I have to do.

On Thursday after school we meet at Sarah's place. Supposedly to study. I am hoping not.

Her dad is working late and her mom's away at some lawyer conference. Turns out Sarah lives a few blocks from my place, but her building is shiny and new. There's a doorman. He sits behind marble and writes down my name and checks my school ID. I've never been in a doorman building before.

He hands back the ID and tells me that Miss Washington is expecting me.

“Okay,” I say.

“Eighteenth floor,” he tells me, pointing to the bank of elevators.

“What apartment number?” I ask.

“Eighteenth floor,” he repeats. “That's the number.”

The elevator opens up to Tayshawn. We're standing in a room that's bigger than my kitchen. It's lined with racks for shoes.

“You have to take your shoes off,” Tayshawn tells me. He points to where his are already resting on a rack. “Pretty weird, huh?”

“Yeah.” I slip off my sneakers and put them beside his, looking up at him, smiling. I've always liked Tayshawn; he's the only one at the school who's always been nice to me.

Tayshawn holds his hand out to help me up. I take it and feel a jolt of intense longing.

I kiss him lightly, my lips on his. I lean into it, easing onto my toes so our lips stay aligned. My mouth opens a little, so does his. We're kissing for real.

The feel of it is strong. I grab hold of him, grip his biceps to keep from falling.

He pulls away but I don't want to stop. He pushes me off. The heat is still on me, so intense my legs shake. I have to steel every muscle to keep from throwing myself at him again.

“Sorry,” I mumble.

We're here at Sarah's to study together. I'm not sure I can. I thought Tayshawn felt that way, too. He's not shaking.

“Wow, girl,” he says, showing me his palms. “Slow down.”

I look away. There's sweat on my upper lip. I don't know what to say. Zach would have responded. Zach would have exploded with me.

“This way,” Tayshawn says, opening the door, careful not to touch me.

It's the biggest apartment I've ever seen. We're standing in a living room that's as big as an entire floor of my building. Everything is clean and shiny. The couches are made out of real leather. A television takes up a whole wall.

I walk toward the glass walls that look down on Astor Place. Beyond I can see both the Chrysler and Empire State buildings. To my right, I can see all the way to Brooklyn.

Tayshawn mock punches me, and even that light touch of knuckles on my bare shoulder is enough . . . I cough. He looks down at his hand, as if he didn't know what he was doing.

“You're staring,” he says at last. “You never seen a rich person's place before?”

“Nope,” I say. “I thought Zach's place was big.”

Tayshawn laughs.

He thinks I'm joking.

“Where's Sarah?”

“Here,” she says, from behind us. “Welcome.”

She sounds like a hostess at a party. Or at least how I imagine one would sound. She looks like one, too, even barefoot. Her pretty black curls spill down her back.

I knew Sarah was better off than me. I didn't realize just how much.

I am looking at her mouth. I am thinking about kissing her.

“You bring your books?” she asks. I tap my backpack. We're there to study bio. It's the only class Sarah isn't acing.

She leads the way into her bedroom. The room is huge and has a view of the Woolworth Building. With binoculars you could probably see the Statue of Liberty. There's a teddy bear and a floppy giraffe on the bed. Compared to the acres of stuffed toys I was expecting it's not too bad. The room's painted blue and white, not pink.

The door to the closet is open. It's not a closet so much as another room. Outside of a department store it contains more clothes than I've ever seen before.

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