Life of a Fool (London Brothers Book 2) (24 page)

BOOK: Life of a Fool (London Brothers Book 2)
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“No.  I’m going to keep driving.  When I get there and check
it out, I’ll call you and tell you what I find.  There’s no point in me sitting
on the side of the road for an hour, wasting time if this isn’t the place. 
Just keep driving.  The place is in Hana.  I’ll text you the address.”

Craig let out a loud groan, but I knew he agreed.  “Fine. 
Send me the address.  Ty is going to drive so I can try to find out more
information.  I feel scattered after being on that damn flight so long.”

“I know.  Me too.  Anything could have happened in the last
fifteen hours.  Makes me sick.”

Craig was quiet for a few seconds.  Then he said, “Jace, you
need to be prepared for
.  In survival mode, Lori Ann will put
herself at the mercy of
to save herself and us.  Just…”

“Stop!  I know what you’re trying to say, Craig.  I’ve had a
thousand of those thoughts running through my head for three fucking days.  I
know, okay?”

“I’m sorry, man.  I just want you to go in there with your
head as level as can be.  We both know your first reaction is to kill him.”  He
was right. 

I didn’t say anything back. 

“That’s why you need to wait for us.  You’re no good to Lori
Ann if you’re in prison for breaking the guy’s neck.  He’s not worth it, even
if he’s been fucking her for the last three days.”

I wanted to kill Craig.  “You’re pushing it, man!  I know
you’re trying to help, but all you’re doing is making me angrier and that’s not

“It had to be said.  And I don’t hold back from you.  So get
the fuck over it…and wait for us!”

“I told you.  I will go check it out.  I’ll do my best to
wait for you as long as I see she’s okay.  We know he has at least a few guys
with him, so I’m not going to go busting in there alone if I can help it.”


“Hanging up.  I’ll send the address.”

I disconnected and kept driving
along the scenic highway towards my girl.  I hated to think of her
him, but deep down I knew what she would do to survive.  And I understood it. 
I had to get her back before he tired of her or got angry about God knows what
and did something irreparable.  My foot instinctively pressed the accelerator.


Forty-five minutes later, I turned off of Highway 360 and
onto Ulaino Road, then took a right on Maia Road.  The giant house was situated
like a compound with big heavy gates guarding it.  I took out the binoculars I’d
bought at a store near the airport and started scanning the area.  There seemed
to be a golf course on one side that the house faced, and I could make out a
walking path of some sort on the edge.  The driveway was long and winding, and
there was no way to sneak up and not be detected. 

I had to think. 

I pulled up the satellite image of the property on my phone
and took a look at the area.  I texted Craig and told him to do the same as I
relayed the gate and camera issues.

How the hell were we going to get inside the gates, much
less not be seen by the security cameras everywhere?  Best I could tell was we
would have to go through the back side of the golf course and come in that
way.  So, I parked further down the road, finding a tiny little opening where
it looked like a road was started and never finished.  It was overgrown with
grass, but flat enough to park the rental car.  I grabbed my gun and ammo, my
binoculars and cell phone before locking the car and starting my hike toward
the compound.  It was already almost five o’clock, and the sun was getting low
in the sky and would be setting soon.  I needed to figure out our path before
it got too dark so I could relay it to Craig and the guys.  See…I told that
asshole it was better for me to come ahead instead of waiting. 

I inched my way across the lush, green terrain, trying like
hell to watch everything around me.  I was tense with anticipation of being so
close to Lori Ann.  It was like I could feel her pulling me toward her, and as
my thoughts rambled and took over my mind, I lost track of how long I’d been
walking.  Before I knew it, I was on the edge of the pristine golf course that
apparently backed up to the house.  Immediately, I was grateful it wasn’t
fenced in, which struck me as odd, but seeing as how this was a vacation home
and not Antonio’s personal house, there really wasn’t a need for extreme
security.  Still…it was odd.  According to the satellite images, there was some
kind of path—a walking path that surrounded the golf course area—and as I
cautiously approached, I could see a rough, crushed granite walkway.  I debated
following it, but chose to walk right on the edge of it, partially hidden by
the trees and bushes.  My hand remained on the gun tucked into the back of my
jeans, and I used the binoculars to check the area every few minutes.

It was getting darker, and I feared Craig and the guys
wouldn’t be able to navigate through the forested area to meet me.  I had no
choice but to keep going and try to reach the house.  The closer I got, the
more my anxiety ramped up.  I stopped to look towards the house with the
binoculars, and I could see movement on an upstairs balcony.  I quickly
squatted down behind a small tree and focused in on the image.  I could tell it
was a man, but wasn’t sure if it was Antonio or one of his men.  I studied his
movements.  It appeared he was on the phone.  I waited and watched.  I could
see a few people on the lower floor too.  One man and…shit!  I could see her! 
There was no doubt it was my Lori Ann.  She was sitting on a barstool next to
the kitchen island, wearing a men’s button down shirt and a pair of shorts that
were too big. 

The entire back of the house was open, and I could clearly
see her and a man.  I forced myself to look back up at the man on the second
floor and decided that was Antonio.  He held himself differently than the man
downstairs—stiffer, more controlled.  Looking back at Lori Ann, she looked
okay.  I watched as she got up from the barstool and walked toward the stairs. 
It was like watching a movie play out, and the fear that racked my body had my
feet running toward the house.  Something was happening.  I knew it.  I could
feel it. 

I glanced one more time through the binoculars at who I
presumed was Antonio, and his animated movements told me he was angry about his
phone call.  And dammit if Lori Ann wasn’t about to walk in on something she
probably shouldn’t.  So, I ran like hell, not giving a fuck if I was seen on
the damn cameras or if Craig and the guys were anywhere around.  Nope.  I just
ran—to save my Lori Ann.


Chapter 25
Lori Ann

“Antonio, I don’t have any clothes to put on.”  Having
satisfied him, and myself for the second time, I’d taken a shower and cleaned
as much of him off my body as possible.  I stood under the shower for a long
time crying.  I wanted Jason.  I needed him, and I felt like I’d betrayed him. 
Yes, I said I’d do whatever it took to protect all of us, but the guilt of
getting pleasure from Antonio was too much for my head and heart to process. 

“Here, amore mio.  Wear these.”  He handed me a white button-down
shirt and a pair of black athletic shorts that were really big on me.  He stood
in front of my towel-clad body, cupped my face, and said, “I’m sorry I don’t
have a suitcase full of beautiful things for you to wear.  I didn’t bring
anything because my plan was…

“I know.  Your plan was to take me back to Italy…to our

He moved his hands, held my chin between his thumb and
finger, and said, “Yes.  That was my plan.  But we are here now, and I’m happy
about the change.  Aren’t you?”

“Yes, Antonio.  I am.”  It was true.  I was happy I wasn’t
in Italy being beaten and trapped as his prisoner, but I didn’t let my face
reflect my thoughts.

He kissed my nose and said, “Good.  So wear this for now.  I
don’t want anyone seeing you walk around in that towel or even those robes in
the closet.  It isn’t appropriate for others to see what belongs to me.”  His
voice was colder than before, and I started to worry.  So, I did what I could
to relax him.

“Thank you.  And I do believe these shorts will fit my growing
waist a bit better than any of the clothes I would’ve had at our house.” 

He laughed and grabbed me for a hug before kissing my
forehead.  Guess my words worked.  “Aww, my wife.  Yes, you are right.  And I
love the reason those clothes would not have fit.  Thank you for reminding me.” 
He knelt down and kissed my stomach, then looked up at me.  “Sei cosí bella,
mia moglie.” 
You are so beautiful, my wife. 
Tragedy averted, for now. 

“Thank you, Antonio.  I’ll get dressed and then I really
need some food.”  I smiled.

He stood and kissed my lips.  “I will go to the kitchen and
make you something healthy.”  I didn’t argue.  I only nodded and watched him as
he walked out of the bedroom.  When he was gone, I slipped into the bathroom,
shut and locked the door, then sank to the floor and cried all over again.  I
could so easily see that Antonio was a ticking time bomb.  His kind restraint
wouldn’t last forever.  No, the violent man I knew just a few long weeks ago
lurked underneath. 

Please God, let me buy more


We went through the rest of the day with Antonio pampering
me.  Whatever mood I’d seen earlier seemed to have passed.  He sat with me on a
lounge chair out by the gorgeous pool and talked about a future full of the
three of us—him, me, and our baby.  I smiled and listened, not saying much.  He
fed me fruit and rubbed my feet.  To an outsider, he appeared to be the most
attentive, kind, happy man alive.  To me, it was a mask…a costume.  But I
played along, moaning at the foot rub, smiling when he fed food to me, and
laughing at the appropriate times.  I was a fucking Academy Award winning

As darkness fell, I knew what he would want.  Me.  Naked in
bed.  Fucking him.  I didn’t really have much of a choice.  Not to mention, my
pregnant libido didn’t give a shit where my head was.  We made our way inside
and up to the master bedroom.  Before we were even through the doors, Antonio
had stripped me of my shirt and shorts and had me held tight against his body,
my back to his front.  He leaned onto my shoulder and said, “I need you again,
mia moglie.  Can I have this?”  He cupped my pussy.  The contact felt good, but
unnerved me at the same time. 


“Good.  I’ll be gentle.  I don’t want to hurt you.”  The
word “want” came out all wrong.  It was like he was telling me he didn’t “want
to hurt me, but it was out of his control.”  And that scared the shit out of
me.  I spun in his arms and stared into his face.  I
to see his
face to know what was coming.  “Stop.  I can see your fear.  That is not what I
meant.  I will not hurt you or our baby.”

“Please, Antonio.  Please remember what is at stake.  You
said you love this baby.”  He put his finger on my lips to quiet me.

“Lori Ann.  Stop.  I told you I wouldn’t hurt you.  I meant
it.  You misunderstood.  Now.  Go lie on the bed.”  He reached down and rubbed
across my clit, then slipped a finger inside of me.  “See, you are wet for me,
il mio amante.  I will help you.” 

I stepped back and did as he asked.  When he undressed and
climbed onto the bed, he took my good hand and pulled me to a sitting position,
then moved around behind me and pulled me back to rest against him.  He
whispered, “I want you on your hands and knees while I take you from behind,
but I know that is impossible with this.”  He laid his hand on my cast…the cast
I had because of him.  “So, this will have to be it.”  He leaned me forward
just a bit and positioned himself at my entrance, then pulled me down onto his
cock.  I gasped at the sudden feeling and heard him groan.  “Yes, that feels
amazing.  Now, lay your head back on my shoulder and let me have you.”  I did
what he said and let him thrust in and out of me as he used his hands to rub,
pinch, and play with my breasts, stomach, and clit.  It felt really good, and
because I couldn’t see his face, I imagined being with Jason and it wasn’t long
before I was shaking with my release.  “Oh, amore mio…yes, let go.”  Antonio
pumped into me a few more times before I felt him harden even more and pour
himself into me. 

Jason.  Hurry.  Please.

We showered and curled up next to each other and slept.

I didn’t wake up until the next morning, still naked but
covered up and tucked in an empty bed.  I wanted to stay there all day.  But
nature called, and as soon as I was up, I heard the bedroom door open and saw
Antonio striding across the room.  Was that room monitored somewhere?  How the
hell did he know I was awake?

“Good morning.”  He kissed my forehead as I stood to walk to
the bathroom.

“Morning.  I slept really well.  What time is it?”  He
followed me.

“It is nine-fifteen.  I’m happy to hear you rested well. 
There is breakfast for you in the kitchen.  The clothes you wore yesterday are
clean and sitting on the end of the bed.  My apologies.  We will get you some
things today or tomorrow.”  He stood talking to me as peed.  He was never like
that before.  Never would he have stood in the bathroom and watched me actually
to the bathroom.  “Also, I’m very sorry to say I have some work that
needs my attention today.  I hope you will find something to entertain you. 
There is a lot around here to see, but you must stay on the property.  I do not
know the area well, and I would hate for you to get lost or hurt.  You have
more than yourself to consider now.”  His words weren’t chosen flippantly.  No,
he was reminding me of our agreement.  Not only was I protecting the baby, but
also Jason and Craig.  Another reason why I couldn’t ever believe the change he
was trying to sell me. 

“I understand, Antonio.  I won’t leave the property.  I’ll
probably just sit by the pool and read.  I saw some books in the library
downstairs, and I really have no energy to wonder around.”  His smile told me
he was very pleased with my answer.

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