Light Switch (19 page)

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Authors: Lauren Gallagher

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Light Switch
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“So I noticed.” I thought of Slut and the way she’d stood with her head and shoulders down. They were they same signs of submission every sub in the room demonstrated, myself included, but she was somehow different. “Why do they still let him in here?”

“He’s never done enough to get himself booted out,” Scott said under his breath, “Not here at the club, anyway. All I know is, I wouldn’t let that fucker touch one of my subs for anything.” He slipped his arm around my waist and we kept walking.

The knot in my gut unwound a little more. I’d never suspected Scott would throw me to the wolves and let just any Dom touch me, but his protectiveness reassured me I would be in good hands no matter what happened tonight.

“Scott, good to see you.” That bold voice had an entirely different effect on me than Victor’s. He was a Dom, of that I had no doubt, and habit kept me from looking directly at him.

“Byron, hey,” Scott said. “Haven’t seen you around lately.” They shook hands, and my downturned eyes gave me the perfect view of his long fingers and chiseled forearm.

“Well, you know how it is. Life and all its bullshit sometimes keeps me away.”

“I know how that goes, definitely.”

The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end as Byron shifted his attention to me. Though I couldn’t see his face, I knew he was looking at me now. Unlike Victor’s, his scrutiny—no, curiosity—didn’t make me uncomfortable. I was simply hyperaware of the fact that I was in his sights now.

“A new sub, I see,” Byron said. “May I?”

“Go right ahead,” Scott said.

Byron grasped my jaw just enough to keep me from pulling away were I so inclined, and raised my chin, forcing me to look him in the eye.

In an instant, everything about him took my breath away. His very presence was, like Scott’s, commanding, from the way he set his broad shoulders to the tightness of his lips and the narrowness of his dark eyes. His every nuance spoke of boldness bordering on arrogance, but it wasn’t off-putting in the slightest. It suited him, and in spite of our unorthodox introduction, I was neither alarmed nor nervous.

“What’s your name?” It was more a demand than a question.

My eyes darted toward Scott, seeking permission to speak. He gave a slow nod.

“Kristen,” I whispered.

Those tight lips pulled into a thin, asymmetrical smile. He looked at Scott. “Moore, where
you find these gorgeous women?”

My face burned. Scott just smiled.

“Why don’t you two join us?” Byron gestured toward a nearby couch.

“Don’t mind if we do,” Scott said.

I sat on the couch beside Scott. Byron took a seat near the end beside a collared, leather clad blonde kneeling on the floor. Once he’d taken his seat, she scooted closer, resting her head on his thigh. He ran his fingers through her long hair, and her eyes flicked up just long enough to acknowledge both Scott and me.

Scott and Byron fell into a casual conversation. As they talked, I kept my head down, but surreptitiously watched them. I simply couldn’t look away from Byron. His long fingers mesmerized me as they absently stroked Charlotte’s hair. When I managed to look away from his fingers, I drank in the dusting of stubble across his sharply angled jaw and the way the corners of his eyes crinkled when he laughed. He was probably in his late thirties or early forties, judging by the lines on his face and hint of gray in his dark hair. Jesus, he was gorgeous. Maybe it was because he was a Dom and we were at a BDSM club, maybe it was simply his quiet, intense presence, but I had no doubt the man had a filthy side a mile wide.

And just as I stole glances at Byron, I realized Charlotte was doing the same with Scott.

Evidently I wasn’t the only one who noticed, because Byron suddenly grabbed her collar and barked her name.


She jumped. “Yes, Sir?”

He leaned down and pulled her head back so he could speak right into her ear, “Were you looking at him, you little slut?”

“Yes, Sir.” She swallowed hard, whimpering softly before she whispered, “I’m sorry, Sir.”

He pulled her head back a little more. “You want him again, don’t you?”

Another whimper. “Yes, Sir.”

“Well, I think he enjoyed what you did before.” Byron glanced at Scott. Then he shoved Charlotte toward him. “Go on.”

She didn’t hesitate. She crawled across the floor to Scott and knelt in front of him. Without making eye contact, she whispered, “May I?”

Scott ran his fingers through her hair, then lifted her chin with two fingers. “May you, what?”

She licked her lips. Her cheeks flushed. “May I,” she hesitated, glancing over her shoulder at Byron. He nodded. To Scott, she whispered, “May I suck your cock, Sir?”


I watched in disbelief as Charlotte unbuckled Scott’s belt and unzipped his pants. Out in the middle of the room, surrounded by dozens of people, and neither seemed to notice or care if anyone saw them.

She stroked his cock a few times. When she leaned forward, she hesitated, glancing up at him. Scott responded with a single, slow nod, and her hesitation was gone. I couldn’t breathe when she ran her tongue around the head of his cock once, twice, three times before she took far more of him into her mouth than I thought her jaw could accommodate.

Scott looked past me, something unreadable in his expression. After a second, he nodded. To Byron, I assumed. Then Charlotte deep-throated him, and Scott closed his eyes, exhaling through parted lips.

A hand on my thigh made me jump. When I turned, I met Byron’s intense, dark eyes. I quickly dropped my gaze, but he raised my chin and made me look him in the eye.

“Do I make you nervous?” he asked.

I moistened my lips. No sense being dishonest with him. “A little, yes.” I closed my eyes and shivered as he trailed his fingertips along the side of my jaw.

“Do you want me to stop?”


“Look at me.”

I opened my eyes, resisting the urge to look away again. Never before had I seen eyes more intense than Scott’s, but now I was looking directly into them at very, very close range.

He inclined his head slightly, twin creases forming between his eyebrows. “Do you want me to stop?” he asked again.

I swallowed. “No.”

The frown faded, replaced by a devilish, asymmetrical smirk. “Somehow, I didn’t think you would.” With that, he leaned forward and kissed me. He was a complete stranger, someone with whom I’d exchanged no more than a handful of words, but his lips met mine with all the bold familiarity of a longtime lover. His kiss was neither hesitant nor passive, and it certainly wasn’t gentle or tender, but at the same time, it wasn’t overbearing or demanding.
This is how I’m going to kiss you
, his lips and tongue said,
and you
like it

And I
like it.

When we separated, he watched my eyes as he ran the tip of his tongue along the inside of his lip. Then he glanced down at his fingertips trailing along my forearm, and when our eyes met again, the smirk was back. Amusement crinkled the corners of his eyes as he touched the goose bumps he’d created on my skin. He was responsible for every last one of them and he

Even with his cocky amusement and his unapologetic kiss, one thing was undeniable: he was completely in control. Just like Scott, he was in control no matter how turned on he was, and everything he did was a deliberate, calculated method of conveying that message.

He leaned in again, this time dipping his head to kiss my neck. Closing my eyes, I tilted my head to the side to grant him better access, feeling oddly like I was offering up my throat to a vampire. He didn’t sink his teeth in, though. His lips found all those deliciously sensitive places—just above my collarbone, right below my ear, the underside of my jaw—that made my nipples harden beneath my corset.

I looked at Scott.

Our eyes met. I squirmed in my seat. Byron’s lips and stubble against my skin made me tremble, watching Charlotte go down on Scott made my mouth water, but it was that look in my Master’s eyes, that horny, hungry look, that drove me wild. I licked my lips. A grin flickered across his face.

Then his expression hardened and he nodded toward Byron. “Suck his cock.”

My heart skipped. “Sir?”

“You heard me.”

In another lifetime, on some other long-forgotten plane of existence, this would have struck me as absurd. It would have horrified me, being ordered to go down on a stranger in a room full of people.

That wasn’t the case in
lifetime. As soon as Scott confirmed what he’d commanded, I was off the couch, on my knees, and unzipping Byron’s pants.

Oh God. Oh my God

No wonder Charlotte had no trouble accommodating Scott.

to have this cock inside me before this night was over.

Just as Charlotte had with Scott, I stroked Byron’s cock a few times, then looked to him for permission to go further. Instead of a nod, he rested his hand in my hair and put just enough pressure on the back of my head to allow—no, command—me to go down on him.

He wasn’t much thicker than Scott, but since Scott pushed the very limits of what my jaw could handle, Byron gave me a run for my money. I had to take him slowly, pausing constantly to tease the head of his cock with my lips and tongue when the strain on my jaw became too much.

“Jesus, yes, that’s perfect,” he whispered, still gently grasping my hair. His approval sent a rush of warm relief through me just like Scott’s always did.

Eager to please him, I doubled my efforts. In seconds, I was rewarded with a deep groan. Then, his hand tightened in my hair and he stopped me.

“Not yet,” he said. “Assuming I have your Sir’s consent, I’m not done with you yet.”

“In that case,” Scott said. “Shall we take this into one of the private rooms?” His implicit consent to let Byron have his way with me made me shiver.
Yes, yes, please, yes

Byron stroked my hair, and when he spoke, he almost purred, “Yes, I think so.” As one, the four of us stood and the men straightened their clothing. Before we went anywhere, though, Byron said to Scott, “Rules?”

Scott gestured at me. “She doesn’t like to be tied. And no anal. Otherwise, pretty much anything is fair game.” He looked at me. “Am I missing anything?”

“No, Sir.”

“Noted.” Byron nodded. Gesturing at Charlotte, he said, “She’s been rather disobedient lately, so she’s just going to watch. Isn’t that right?”

She didn’t lift her gaze to meet theirs or mine. “Yes, Sir.”

“Pity.” Scott grinned and trailed his fingers down the side of her neck. “Maybe next time.”

She closed her eyes and bit her lip. I couldn’t even begin to imagine her frustration. Scott had denied me plenty of times, but I’d never had to watch him with another woman. And he’d certainly never withheld anything while Byron was there. Byron with that beautiful, mouthwatering cock that I wanted any way he’d give it to me.

The frustration must have been killing her more than the anticipation was killing me.

With rules established and my heart in my throat, we left the ballroom.







Chapter 19


Charlotte and Byron walked ahead of us. On the way down the hall, rational thought squeezed past arousal and elbowed its way to the front of my mind. The reality of what we were doing started to sink in. Was I really going to surrender to not one, but two men? One of whom was, regardless of the fact that I’d been sucking his cock moments ago, a stranger?

But I wanted this.

Didn’t I?

A sharp
came from another room, followed by a delirious moan. My stomach flipped.

I touched Scott’s arm. “I’m a little nervous about this.”

He put his arm around my waist. “Are you too uncomfortable to keep going? You can stop this at any time.”

“No. I just wanted you to know.”

“Good girl.” He kissed my cheek. “You know what to do if it gets to be too much.”

Charlotte opened the door to one of the side rooms and held it while the three of us walked past. The room reminded me of Scott’s dungeon, minus the Saint Andrew’s Cross and the bratty cat. Floggers, whips, and canes were arranged along one wall, and in the middle of the room was a black leather table that resembled a massage table. Eyebolts stuck out of the ceiling beams and a few places on the walls, presumably for securing those who were into bondage. Ropes and chains were coiled and hung neatly below the floggers, and there was a small chest of drawers in one corner.

Byron picked up a length of rope, and I sucked in a breath.

Scott’s hand warmed the small of my back. “It’s not for you,” he whispered.

I released my breath. Byron looped the rope through a couple of eyebolts and gestured for Charlotte to come to him. He put her on her knees and went about tying her hands behind her back.

While Byron secured Charlotte, Scott had me pull a sheet out of the chest of drawers and put it over the table. While I did, my eyes shifted back and forth between the two men, and my heart pounded. They all had experience with this. I trusted Scott, and if Scott trusted Byron, then so did I. Along with that trust-by-proxy, Byron had assured me with his touch and kiss that he was in control. He wasn’t, I hoped, a loose cannon who’d go overboard once I was in a position of powerlessness.

Still, this was all new to me. A stranger. A strange place. Two Doms instead of one.

I can do this

With Charlotte tied and the table prepared, both men turned to me.

Byron leaned casually against the table and folded his arms across his chest. He exchanged glances with Scott, then looked at me and said, “Strip.”

The room was silent except for the whir of my corset’s laces sliding through the metal eyelets. When it was completely unlaced, I pulled the corset off and dropped it to the side. Then I went for my skirt.

This sense of exposure that had intimidated me in the beginning, in those earliest nervous nights in my bedroom with Scott, returned, but now thrilled me. It was exhilarating, stripping down to nothing in front of two men. Two men and a woman, even.

I reached for the strap on one of my stiletto heels.

“Wait,” Byron said.

At that, I looked up.

A grin played at his lips. “Leave the shoes on.”

As I stood, Byron pushed himself off the table with his hip and came to me. Just as Scott had done so many times in the beginning, he walked around me and looked me up and down. I chewed the inside of my cheek and kept my eyes focused on the floor in front of me. Scott neither moved nor spoke, but I had no doubt he was watching me. Watching us.

I jumped when Byron’s hand touched the small of my back. He gave a soft huff of laughter, but otherwise didn’t react. He kept circling me, letting his hand slide around to my side, my arm, my hip, across my belly, to my other hip. There, it stopped. He stood behind me now, and when he put his other hand on the side of my neck, he pulled me to him. Cool leather and hot skin touched my naked body, but it was the brush of his stubble and the softness of his lips beneath my jaw that made me tremble.

“We’re both your Masters tonight.” His voice vibrated against my throat. “Whatever we say goes. Is that understood?”

I looked at Scott. With no expression on his face, he nodded.

I swallowed. “Yes, Sir.”

“And no matter what we do to you,” he whispered, his hand drifting up my side and cupping my breast as he paused to kiss my neck again. “You will not come until one of us tells you to. Understood?”

I looked at Scott again. The blank expression was gone. I knew that grin, and I knew it well.
Oh God, they’re going to kill me

“Kristen,” Byron snapped. “Answer me.”

I licked my lips. “Yes, Sir. I understand.”

He stepped back. “Sit on the end of the table.”

I did as ordered, hoisting myself onto the end of the table and letting my legs hang. As soon as I was situated, both men’s hands were on me: Scott grabbed my shoulders and pulled me down onto the table. Byron forced my knees apart. Neither man was gentle, and their combined roughness made my heart pound with excitement.

As Byron trailed sizzling kisses up my inner thigh, Scott sat behind me on the table and said, “Give me your hands.”

I raised my arms over my head. He closed his hands around my wrists, just tightly enough to let me know I wasn’t getting them back any time soon.

“Are you okay with this?” he asked.

I nodded. For all intents and purposes, my hands were bound, but I had complete faith that he’d release them the second he sensed any reluctance on my part.

“Good.” He leaned down and kissed me. His lips crushed mine as his tongue demanded access to my mouth. Still in absolute control, but showing absolutely no mercy.

I gasped into his kiss when Byron’s lips closed around my clit. I desperately wanted to run my fingers through Byron’s hair, but Scott held my wrists tighter.

“Remember the rules,” he said, panting against my lips. My toes curled. His breathlessness turned me on almost as much as the slow, smooth figure-eights Byron’s tongue made on my clit. “You’re not to come, Kristen.”

Scott’s mouth warned me not to come. Byron’s
me not to.

Byron’s finger teased my pussy, then slid into me, and my back lifted off the table. My pulse raced, my thundering heart driven by equal parts desperate need for release and the icy panic that I wouldn’t be able to hold back.

“I’m going to let you come,” Scott said, “but only when I get to one.”

Confusion furrowed my brow. “One, Sir?”

“Yes. One.” He adjusted his grasp so he held both of my wrists in one hand, one finger dividing them. With his free hand, he cupped my breast, then pinched my nipple hard enough to make me yelp. He did it again, then again, the pain-pleasure combining with everything Byron did and sending me even higher.

Scott kissed my neck again. “Five.”

I suddenly understood what “one” meant, and I bit back a moan. Byron’s fingers beckoned against my G-spot and his mouth—oh, sweet Jesus, that mouth—continued teasing my clit.


My heart pounded.

Byron slipped another finger inside me.


Scott pinched my nipple harder, and coupled with the low thrum of Byron’s voice against my clit, the delicious pain made my head spin. From the other side of the room, Charlotte moaned and her restraints creaked.

Struggling to hold back, I held my breath. I tried to pretend violent tremors weren’t already coursing through me, or that Byron hadn’t found that perfect combination with his fingers and tongue, or that Scott’s warm breath on my neck wasn’t raising goose bumps all over me.


A cry escaped my lips, a cry that was almost a sob, and I willed myself to hold back. To wait for Sir’s command. My impending orgasm took on a life of its own and tried to wrest itself free as the last few threads of my self-control started to fray. A few more seconds, and everyone in this club would know about my release.

No. I can hold back

Mind over matter kept me in check, but for how long?

No. I
hold back


In an instant, the world around me ceased to exist. Maybe I cried out, maybe I didn’t. All that mattered was this pleasure so intense it was painful, and I loved it, and I wanted more, and I couldn’t take any more, and damn it I needed more.

Before I’d even caught my breath, Scott whispered in my ear, “Do you want him to fuck you?”

I moaned, struggling to find the answer to that trick question, the answer that wouldn’t keep me from the thing I wanted the most just then. Simple answers were complicated enough with Scott teasing me and Byron’s mouth doing those perfect, magic things to my pussy through the powerful aftershocks of that orgasm.

Taking a deep breath, I said, “If that would please you, Sir.”

He kissed the inside of my elbow. “Good girl.”

Byron rose, meeting my eyes as he ran the back of his hand across his lower lip. He grinned at me, then went for his belt, and my heartbeat suddenly sounded a lot like “fuck me, fuck me, fuck me.”

Oh, I intend to
, his eyes said as the corner of his mouth pulled up a little higher.

“Don’t forget the rules,” Scott said, letting his breath and lips brush the inside of my wrist as he spoke. “No orgasms until we say so.”

“Yes, Sir,” I breathed, forcing myself not to watch Byron get undressed. The anticipation was already killing me even when I wasn’t looking at him. I’d already been up close and personal with his cock. I knew precisely what he was about to give me. The only thing I didn’t know was how long I’d be able to take it before not coming was no longer an option.

A condom wrapper tore. I gulped. The very thought of Byron’s cock inside me sent pulses from my clit straight up my spine, and that thought was about to become reality.

Scott’s fingers tightened around my wrists. A hand rested on my hip. Another gently pulled my leg up. I obediently hooked it around Byron’s waist, drawing a deep, unsteady breath as I did.

Byron thrust into me so hard the table shifted, the feet grinding on the floor. Panic swept through me, but Byron didn’t seem to notice, and the table stayed under us as he fucked me.

I heard a soft whimper, and for a moment, thought it was my own voice. Byron’s eyes darted to my left, and when I looked in the same direction, I realized it was Charlotte. She pulled against her restraints, squirming and biting her lip as she watched us. There was no doubt in my mind that, had her hands been free, she’d have been touching herself.

The next whimper
mine. One man fucked me, one restrained me, and Charlotte watched me. If this moment got any hotter, I wasn’t sure I’d survive it.

“Don’t come yet,” Scott whispered. “No one has said you can come, have they?”

My voice shook as I replied, “No, Sir.”

“Don’t you dare come.” His whisper dropped to a growl. “I know you want to, but you won’t, will you?”

Before I could speak, Byron slowed his thrusts and slipped his hand under my knee. He drew my leg up, resting my ankle on his shoulder, and paused to run his fingertips along the leather straps of my shoes. Our eyes met, and the asymmetrical grin turned my insides to liquid. He kissed the inside of my ankle, then brought my other leg up onto his other shoulder.

He picked up his earlier rhythm as if he’d never missed a beat, and I let out a breathless cry of ecstasy. He fucked me hard, so hard, so goddamned hard it should have hurt but it didn’t because he hit my G-spot just right, just right, just like—

“Kristen,” Scott said sharply. “Answer my question.”

“I—” Couldn’t remember the question.

Byron thrust into my pussy. Scott pinched my nipple. I couldn’t think. I couldn’t even breathe. Something inside me was on the verge of collapsing, exploding, melting, shattering.

“If you come,” Scott snarled, “you’ll be disobeying both of your Masters, and there
be consequences.”

I sucked in a breath and tried to stay in control. My body begged for release, my mind screamed for the orgasm that threatened with every stroke of Byron’s cock across my G-spot. Only my fear of punishment and my desperate need for their approval kept me from careening over the edge into sweet, sweet oblivion.

“Think we should let her come?” Byron said, panting.

“I don’t know.” Scott trailed his fingertips around my nipple. “Has she been cooperative enough?”

“Please, Masters,” I moaned, my voice inching toward a sob. “Please, let me come.”

“I think I like the sound of her begging,” Byron said.

“Beg for it, Kristen,” Scott ordered.

“Please, let me come, Masters.” I was breathless, on the verge of tears from both delicious pleasure and agonizing frustration. “Please, please, let me come.”

“Keep begging,” Byron said, groaning as he thrust even harder.

I screwed my eyes shut, squeezing out a hot tear that rolled down the side of my face as I teetered on the brink of simply not giving a fuck and coming, regardless of the consequences. Everything conspired to send me out of my mind as I struggled to hold back. Byron’s sharp breaths and powerful thrusts. Scott’s hands on my skin. The cooling tear on my face. The white-hot ice that was ready to flood my veins at any moment. Madness. A breath away from complete and total madness.

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