Lilies for Love (10 page)

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Authors: Felicity Pulman

BOOK: Lilies for Love
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She walked on. Her stomach rumbled as she smelt the enticing scent of hot pies. All shops were forced to close during the three-day fair, but most enterprising traders had removed their goods to the fairground for sale. The cook-shop, although officially closed, was doing a roaring trade from a nearby cook-stall. Janna hurried past, feeling saliva seep into her mouth as she watched a young man bite into a savoury pasty.

She wondered if she should return to Sister Anne, but the delights of the fair drew her on. She continued to wander along between the lines of makeshift stalls, listening to the cries of pedlars and stall keepers alike, all shouting out their wares with the promise that their own goods were far superior to anything else on display.

Suddenly she caught sight of a familiar face. Her heart lurched sideways. Hugh! He was pushing through the crowd, closely followed by Godric. As she watched, a young woman rushed up to Hugh, seeming delighted to see him. Just as Hugh was delighted to see her. Janna took good note of how he kissed the woman's hand, and held on to it for a few moments afterwards. She, however, seemed to have no courtly inhibitions. Instead, she threw her arms around his neck and planted a hearty kiss on his cheek, holding on to him then as she leaned back to survey him. They laughed together, and then the woman said something. At once Hugh's expression changed, became serious. He launched into speech, and the young woman listened, shaking her head and trying to protest, but he would not be interrupted. Arms akimbo, and looking indignant, he finished having his say. The girl smiled up into his face and said something, apparently trying to coax him into good humour. In this she seemed to succeed, for Hugh eventually gave her a grudging smile in return, and then made a courtly bow in farewell.

The young woman moved into the crowd. Janna's envious gaze followed after her. She was extremely attractive, with a rosy complexion and sparkling eyes. Her long dark hair was bound in a gauzy veil and secured with a silken band. She wore a dark blue kirtle embroidered with flowers. Who was she, and what was she to Hugh?


Hugh's notice after what she'd just witnessed, Janna turned and hurried off, while reassuring herself that her habit would render her invisible to both Hugh and Godric. She could not face Hugh now, not dressed as she was, and not so soon after his encounter with that beautiful, bright girl who so obviously cared for him and who knew him well enough to have earned both his respect and his affection.

Children ran about, laughing, shouting, playing tag and pushing each other, enjoying every moment of their freedom from toil. Janna saw a trainer with his bear in the distance, and felt a pang of pity for the huge creature that stood upon its hind legs and was being goaded to dance. She heard a sudden roar from a crowd nearby and, anxious for distraction, walked over to see what had caused the uproar.

She caught a glimpse of bloodied feathers and a torn coxcomb, and realised she was looking into a cockfighting pit. Half-attracted, half-repelled, she pushed through the crush of bodies to get closer, for she'd never watched a cockfight before, and was interested to see what it was all about.

A barrier of woven wattle surrounded the pit to prevent the cocks from escaping. Those who had made wagers pressed closest, their expressions intent. The two birds leapt at each other with talons outstretched, engaging in deadly combat amidst a welter of blood and flying feathers. The pit was already stained with blood and gore from previous fights. As they watched the two birds attack each other, raking downwards with their sharpened spurs, the crowd shouted encouragement or groaned in despair. The larger cock seemed to be the favourite, but its smaller opponent seized the advantage when it jumped high and slashed downwards. Blood spurted, and the larger bird fell to the ground, mortally wounded.

The crowd gave a collective groan as the result of the fight became clear. The favourite had let them down. The owners jumped into the pit to pick up their birds, while a few lucky winners jostled through the crowd to get to a man holding a satchel full of coins and wooden tokens. There would be money to put ale in their mugs tonight, and Janna wished them good fortune with their winnings. But for herself, she'd seen enough.

Several of the spectators had wicker cages by their sides containing colourful cocks with glossy feathers. These birds were no longer proud and crowing for their beaks were bound, and their feet too. They must suspect, by now, what fate awaited them. As Janna began to push her way through the crowd, two new fighters were placed in the pit, ready to be released when the word was given. The men who were clustered around surveyed them carefully, and swapped judgments with their neighbours, and pulled coins out of their purses, ready to make a new wager. Janna wondered how many of them could afford to lose on what was, at best, a contest based on guesswork and chance. To win or lose on the throw of the dice, or the prowess of two fighting cocks – she shook her head, marvelling at the crazy optimism that urged men to such madness.

One such was surveying the bloody pit with an intent expression. He turned his head as she passed him by, and she was struck by the wild exhilaration in his dark eyes, a sort of crazed desperation that told her he would continue to wager until his last coin was spent, that he would even wager his soul if he could. She wondered if that point had already been reached. Her attention sharpened as she noticed a young woman hurrying towards her. Hugh's friend. Sick at heart, Janna turned away.

The noise increased as her steps took her closer to the enclosure where all manner of livestock were for sale. Geese gobbled and hissed, horses neighed and oxen bellowed, a loud cacophony that was matched by the roar of human voices as prices were argued and agreed upon. Seeking somewhere quieter, Janna came upon the juggler once more. He was now throwing knives into the air and catching them, to the hopeful gasps of the crowd, who waited for him to miss and blood to flow. Among the crowd were several shifty-eyed beggars, as well as a woman with bold eyes and a seductive stance. Her lips and cheeks were scarlet patches on her white, powdered face. She gazed upon the scene with a haughty stare, but Janna was sure she was fully aware of the hungry glance of every man who passed her by. Not everyone was about an honest trade this day, but Janna had no doubt these other enterprises would prove at least as profitable if not more so, provided the miscreants weren't apprehended.

A man stepped from the crowd into her path, blocking her way. Instinctively Janna flinched, but then relaxed when she saw who it was. Master Will, the bailiff. Curious, she waited for him to explain his action.

'I beg your pardon if I startled you, Sister,' he said. He looked anxious, rather nervous, Janna thought. She brushed away his apology with a quick gesture and waited, intrigued, to hear why he had stopped her.

'I . . . I wished to enquire after Sister Agnes,' he said awkwardly. 'I know, for she has told me, that you two have become close friends – not that such a thing is allowed in the abbey, of course,' he added hurriedly.

'Yes, we are friends.' Janna hid a grin, hearing the echo of Agnes's voice in his disclaimer, and seeking to reassure him.

Master Will passed a hand over his mouth, as if unsure whether or not it was safe to speak further. Finally he said, 'Think you that Agnes is happy where she is, at the abbey?'

'She has told me she is content to be there.' Janna wondered where this strange conversation was heading.

'I know she has lived there since she was a child. She knows no other life, and yet . . .' Master Will looked down at the ground. 'There are other ways to live,' he mumbled. 'She could find a good husband, someone who would be kind to her, who would give her children of her own to love.'

'But . . .' Janna had no doubt that the bailiff had already cast himself in the role of 'good husband'. Nevertheless, there were several seemingly insurmountable hurdles he must face if such a thing was to come to pass.

'She has not taken the vow that binds her to stay there,' the bailiff interrupted. 'I know, because she told me, that she was given to the abbey after she was badly burned as a child. She was given no choice in the matter! While I believe she has taken some vows of obedience and so forth, she has not yet taken the final vow that will dedicate her life to God.' He raised his eyes, looking defiant. 'I've known her since she was a child, and I realise now that I love her,' he said. 'I know she feels ugly in the sight of God, but when I look at her, I see only her kindness, her sense of humour, and her courage.'

'As do I,' said Janna, feeling greatly encouraged by his words.

'Then will you speak for me?' In his urgency, Will caught Janna by her arm.

'And say what?' She made no effort to free herself.

'That I love her, and would take her for my wife. But that if her love of God is greater, then I shall try to understand her vocation, and will pledge not to annoy her with my continuing attention.'

'You must know she is afraid of the world outside the abbey,' Janna warned. 'Because of her scars, she fears the pity and scorn of others.'

'I will shield her, I will protect her,' Master Will protested.

'It is Agnes you have to convince, not me.'

'But how can I do that? I saw how she ran off today rather than face everyone here at the fair. How can I reach her if she takes refuge in the abbey and will not come out?'

The bailiff's words depressed Janna's spirits even further as she realised the full extent of the harm she had done Agnes by her thoughtlessness.

Master Will released Janna's arm, and caught hold of her hand instead. 'Say you'll speak for me,' he begged. 'Reassure Agnes that my intentions towards her are honourable, and that I care about her. Please, Sister, will you do that for me?'

'I will. But you must be patient. Having spent so many years under the influence of the nuns, Agnes needs to get used to the idea of living outside the abbey. She is innocent of the ways of the world – and of men.'

'Could she think of me as a husband?' the bailiff asked eagerly. 'Has she said aught of her feelings for me?'

Janna hesitated. She remembered the joy on Agnes's face at the mention of Will's name. She remembered too, her first conversation with Agnes and the lay sister's admission that she would like to wed and bear children but that no-one would have her, scarred as she was. Would the bailiff's love be enough to offset her fear? Janna had no way of knowing. 'She called you kind, and good,' she said slowly. 'I saw you laughing together during harvest, and I know she was grateful for your care of her, and for giving her an excuse to escape the abbey walls for the freedom of the fields.'

'That's a good start!' The bailiff smiled his relief.

'I will do what I can for you,' Janna agreed, and his smile grew wider. He left her then, with a promise to look out for her on the morrow. Janna continued to wander along between the lines of makeshift stalls, enjoying the sight of so many luxuries and the opportunity to look at and finger them all.

Lost in thought, she didn't notice Hugh until he was almost upon her. She was about to bob a curtsy when she remembered how she was dressed. Instead, she drew aside to let him pass. He gave her an impersonal nod and continued through the crowd until his companion stalled him with a delighted cry. 'Janna!'

Hugh came to an abrupt stop. 'Johanna?' His wondering gaze encompassed her black habit before moving up to her face and the veil and wimple that covered her hair and neck. 'Jesu!' he exclaimed in amazement as he hurried back to her side. 'You look so different, I didn't recognise you.'

'My lord.' Janna felt her face turn pink under his gaze, and hastily turned to his companion. 'Godric!' She smiled at the villein, feeling no constraint in showing her joy at seeing him again.

'You look so well – and so happy!' Godric reached for Janna's hand. His glance fell on her habit, and he snatched his hand away and, in some confusion, hid it behind his back.

'This is a fortunate meeting,' said Hugh. 'I have thought of you often, and wondered how things are with you at the abbey, Johanna. Or must I call you "Sister Johanna" now?'

'I will answer to Johanna, sire. Or Janna. And I am well. Content.'

'But you are not safe here!' Godric's expression reflected his concern.

'Indeed, we heard that Robert's man had attacked you.' Hugh's face darkened in anger. 'And I thank Christ and all His saints that he was unsuccessful. But I wish you would tell me the real purpose of his attack, because I cannot believe it was happenstance, as Robert claims, or even a sudden fit of lust, as Robert's servant claims. The cord in his possession gives him away, even if his tongue will not.'

Janna sighed. It was so hard not being able to tell Hugh the truth, but to do so would be to betray Dame Alice's tiring woman, and she could not do that. Godric, however, had no such qualms. 'You'd do better to ask Mistress Cecily that question,' he muttered.

Janna gave Godric a sharp look. She hoped that Hugh hadn't heard him, for although she'd told Godric all the circumstances that had led to the murder of her mother, she'd told him in confidence. 'Have no fear. I'll say no more,' Godric reassured her.

Hugh considered Janna with a quizzical expression. 'Mus has been sent back under guard to Babestoche Manor. He will have to answer for his actions to the abbess when she next holds court here.'

'Mus will be coming back?' Janna felt a cold sweat break out at the thought of coming face to face with Robert's man servant.

'He'll be well guarded.' Hugh hesitated for a moment, understanding that his news could be unwelcome. 'As his overlords, Dame Alice and Robert will also be required to attend.'

Janna swallowed hard, fighting panic at the thought of seeing them all again. Yet she could not flee, for if she did, Mus would go unpunished. Worse, he would be set free to come after her once more.

'But I shall be here at his trial to support you, and so will my aunt,' Hugh hastened to reassure Janna.

'And so will I,' Godric chimed in. 'I will do all in my power to protect you, Janna. You know that.'

Hugh nodded in agreement. 'I trust that Mus's true intentions towards you will come out at the hearing. He must be made to pay for his actions.'

Janna gave a heartfelt nod. She wouldn't feel safe unless Mus was locked away for a very, very long time. 'So the man's name really is Mus?' she questioned.

'It's not his real name. It came about, so I am told, because he is such a sly fox with the ladies. And I apologise to you on behalf of my family, Johanna. Whatever Mus's reasons, I am sure his attentions were unwelcome. But I can't say I was surprised when I heard that, even though you are smaller and attired in a nun's garb, you yet managed to get the better of him.'

Janna looked into his dancing eyes, and wondered if he was laughing at her. She decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. 'I did warn him,' she murmured. 'I told him if he tried anything, I'd cripple him.'

'And what did he say?'

'That he liked a challenge.'

'I'll make sure I pay attention if ever you give me like warning.' Hugh was only half-joking. Janna remembered that they had once shared a kiss, and that she'd enjoyed every moment of it. Her face began to burn at the memory. Godric, too, had kissed her, kissed her until her body had melted with wanting. She dared not look at either of them.

'I have missed you all so much,' she said hurriedly. 'Please tell me, my lord, are your aunt and the lord Robert still staying with you?' She cast a quick glance around, suddenly fearful.

'No, no. They went back with Mus,' Hugh hastened to reassure her.

'And the young lord? Hamo?'

'He's still staying with me, and thriving under the care of Cecily and Godric. We are teaching my cousin how to ride, and to fight with a sword, and how to be a good squire.'

If Hamo was learning all those things, so Godric would also be learning them, and Cecily too, Janna thought, trying to stifle a pang of jealousy. Then she remembered the young woman she'd seen earlier with Hugh. Who was she, and what was their relationship? The question burned her tongue, but she knew she couldn't ask it. But there was also another rival for Hugh's affections that she could ask about.

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