Lily's Mistake (4 page)

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Authors: Pamela Ann

BOOK: Lily's Mistake
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“Don’t worry about it. I get it—we’re women. I can be emotional at times, too. You don’t have to explain yourself to me.”

Mindy flashes me a genuine, knockout smile. “Thank you. You know—I like you already. You have this aura around you; I find it very soothing and I feel like you really do mean what you say.”

“Thank you. That’s a very nice thing to say.”

Mindy gets up and is about to leave my office when I speak again. “This might sound stupid, but can you tell me what I’m supposed to be doing right now?”

“Bring a notepad and go to Drake’s office. He should direct you and tell you what he needs to be done.” She turns around and then pauses, again. “Drake Tatum is a great man to work for. A little difficult at times, but he’s fair and square. Try not to mind his fiancée, though. She’s a class-A bitch, but other than that, it should be smooth sailing. See you in a bit.” I give her a small smile and sit in my chair with a frustrated sigh.

Everyone always mentions this Shannon woman being so abhorrent. I would love to see this girlfriend of his. Or maybe I can easily just Google her and not wonder any longer.

Let me just finish going over Drake’s calendar for today then I can freely quest about his infamous girlfriend,
I think wickedly.



Clearing my throat, I make sure I have my notepad and pen in hand before I knock on Drake’s office door. I push the heavy, oak door open and pause when he glances up from his laptop. For a second, his eyes flash an emotion for a split second before they become cold.

I lick my lips, trying to appear nonchalant. “I need to go over your schedule for today. I can’t, for some reason, find your old agenda anywhere.” My feet start working again and I advance to his desk and sit on one of the leather chairs, opposite him.

His eyes linger on me, tracing and caressing with cold assessment; they stay targeted on me in a quiet stare. Uncomfortable, I uncross and cross my legs and place the notepad on my lap. “Are you ready? Or do you want me to come back some other time?” I inquire lightly, trying in earnest not to melt under his heavy scrutiny.

Drake leans back in his chair and folds his arms, his muscles bulging beneath his shirt. “How have you been, Lil? And don’t give me that crap of being okay. I want to know how you are and how life’s been for you.”

Taken aback by his question, I weigh my options. Should I counter his question with a smartass reply or answer it honestly like a civilized adult?

Common sense wins out. “I am doing mighty okay given the circumstances. Mom and I are fine, really, but I’m sure you know that already. So, why ask?”

“I just had to,” he murmurs, then clears his throat. “We can go over my agenda now, if you’d like?” 

I press my lips together, trying to figure out what’s behind his odd attitude. Okay, I get that he’s a little shocked seeing me again, I feel that way, too, but does he have to bring something about us up every time I walk in here? I’ve been here for a little over two hours and Drake’s still talking about the time in between Mexico and now.

“I need you to make an appointment for me with Lavern O’Malley of Lights Studios. Make that a business lunch, anytime this week. After that’s confirmed, I need you to make a restaurant reservation. Somewhere quiet so we can talk. Italian or American to be exact.” I write down everything he has said.

Without looking up, I ask him. “Do you have a particular restaurant in mind?”

He shakes his head. “No. You can choose. Somewhere five-star if you get my drift.” Obviously; like he’d dine anywhere else less, especially when he’s on a business lunch.

“Order me a box of black Armani crew tees, large. You should have a company credit card issued under your name in the HR department, you can go get that and use it for the purchases.”

“Send flowers to Cedars-Sinai Hospital for Christian Liberty. You can write a card along the lines of get well soon and such.” I nod as I jot down his commands.

“I’m due for my physical and dental appointment. I need you to get on that. Also, get me two courtside tickets for the next Lakers’ game. I need my dry-cleaning picked up and dropped off at my house in Malibu. My closet is color coordinated, so it shouldn’t be too hard on you to figure out where it all goes. My dog, Skull, needs to be groomed.”

I look up. “You have a dog?” I ask, astonished. He was never keen on dogs, ever.

“I do. Skull’s been with me for about eight years now.”

“Oh, but you hate dogs,” I counter.

“Someone once told me that dogs can be the greatest of companions. They’re loyal to their owners and will love you unconditionally.” Is he for real? I told him that when I was sixteen and he was eighteen, playing a video game in my parents’ living room. He just recited it verbatim.

“But, you hated dogs! You can’t just like them because I told you they’re great animals!”

“People change, Lil. You have, from what I can see.”

“Riiiight...” I murmur, more than confused. “Will that be all?”

“Have lunch with me.” Before I can decline his offer, he continues, “We can talk more about work while we eat.” Okay, I guess if it’s about work then I can do it. 

“When do you want to leave?”

“I need to make a quick call, and then I’ll come and get you.” Drake delivers the words with finality.

I give him a quick nod and walk out of his office.

To be quite honest, I’m edgy where Drake’s concerned. I can’t read him—well I never really could—the man is an enigma. It’s baffling how he could grow up so guarded. Patricia and Hugh are the greatest of parents and the only people I know that Drake freely shows affection to—well, and my mom, of course.

When I’m back in my new office, I do the first task on my notepad. Mindy is kind enough to send me all of Drake’s contacts. I call Lavern O’Malley’s office and speak to her assistant, setting up the business lunch date for Friday. Now, all I have to do is find a restaurant and call back the assistant to confirm the venue. I browse online to look for a restaurant when Drake knocks on the glass door. It makes that ‘thunk, thunk’ sound.

“Ready to leave?” Drake peers around the door as he holds it open.

“Of course.” Fetching my purse in the drawer, I stand up and step past him.

There is something about this new Drake. It makes me feel uneasy. It’s like my every move is being analyzed, he’s studying me for some odd reason. Each time those steel, metal eyes zone in on me, I feel my heart palpitate. It’s very disconcerting.

Mindy went to lunch five minutes ago, seemingly in a much better state than she was in earlier.

The elevator ride is, well, quiet. There’s an uncomfortable silence, the easy feel kind, but crackling with tension, unsaid words and vehement intensity. I’m beginning to wonder if it’s a wise idea to have agreed to have lunch with him.

In different circumstances, this would’ve been a given
─doing a favor for a close family friend─working for him so he’s taking that person to lunch, it would be considered normal, but things between us aren’t normal and it’s tiresome to pretend that it is.

The tension between us is incredibly palpable.

“My car is through here.” Drake points at the entrance door. Of course, he won’t be parking his car in the employee parking garage like the rest of us. His car is situated and parked conveniently up front.

“Swanky ride,” I comment when he fishes out his keys and unlocks the doors to his silver Maserati.

“Thanks,” Drake mumbles as he holds the door open and I swiftly slide onto the black leather seat. I pull the seatbelt and buckle myself in, cringing when I get a whiff of something feminine; a faint smell of perfume lingering on the black strappy belt. Is it Shannon’s fragrance? Ugh!

When Drake finally rounds around the car, slides inside and starts the engine, my heart speeds up along with the speedometer. Good Lord, this man drives like he’s racing in a Formula1.

“Will you calm it down a bit, Drake? I’d love to arrive at our destination in one piece.”

“Anything for my Little One,” he responds with endearment. Little One? He used to call me that and it would irk me like nothing else when we were younger, but once he told me why, I stopped getting upset about it. Drake felt I needed protection from all the bad things in life. Little One, weird much?

Drake quickly glances at me and for the very first time today, he smiles.

God, that smile… it used to make my stomach nosedive and silly little butterflies would flutter about. I may not be naïve and love-struck anymore, but it still does something to me. His killer smile accompanied with those gleaming, wicked eyes, it’s a sight to behold. For a second—only for a second—I’m momentarily entranced. 

My shrilling phone brings me out of my guileless, idiotic trance, though. I answer the call without glancing at the caller ID.


“Miss Lily!” Jared drawls on the other end.

I smile at the sound of his voice. “Hey, hey!”

Jared chuckles. “What are your plans tonight? I want to take you out.”

“Certainly, pick me up around six-thirtyish?” I happily reply to his question. Jared’s a sweetheart. I’m really hoping this will turn into something good, something profound. So far, he’s been passing with flying colors. Not only is he good with his oral skills, he makes the best pancakes. Breakfast in bed is his thing and he spoils me rotten. After a quick goodbye, we end the call.

“Boyfriend?” Drake asks in a deadly tone. He’s gripping the steering wheel a little tighter as he rubs it back and forth.

“He’s getting there, yes.”

“Hope said you don’t have a boyfriend. When did this occur?” Drake asks in gritted tone.

“You talk to my mother about my love life?” I screech; a little bothered that he asks about me and my love life to my mother.

“Well, yeah. I do remember you exist, you know? Not like some other people I know,” he shoots back. 

You have got to be kidding me! We are not going there again. We keep going in circles and it’s making me dizzy.

“Whatever. It doesn’t matter.” I shrug with pure indifference.

He grunts, but doesn’t say much else for the rest of the car ride to the restaurant. I’m honestly fine with that, so it’s a quiet until we arrive and are seated at his chosen destination.



8 Years Ago…

Playa del Carmen, México


I look at Lily’s determined face. “OKAY—if this is what you want, then meet me on the veranda in fifteen minutes. Go get ready because there will be no backing out once you come to me. Think it through, okay?”

Lily merely smiles at me before she leaves. “No need, Drake. I’ll be back in fifteen minutes.”

I don’t know exactly why I even offered, but what I do know is that I can’t fathom another man touching her… let alone having Lily give up her innocence to some random guy. When she came up to me during New Year’s Eve, blatantly offering that innocent body of hers, I wanted to succumb and devour her luscious lips on the spot; however, I stopped it before anything happened. You see, even if I found Lily sexy and beautiful, the minute my parents ever find out about us like that, wedding bells will start ringing in my ears and I sure as hell did not want that. Not at all.

I love women and I sure as hell am not ready to give up my freedom. I know my parents will expect me to marry Lily I am just not there with them on this one. Apart from her hot body and pretty face, it isn’t enough for me to go in for the kill. Or kill myself in the process.

So, I steered clear away from her as much as I could until tonight. The thought of having her underneath me is already making me hard. She just expects me to pop her cherry, right? Nothing crazy afterwards… like an engagement ring? Fuck, I better make sure that she knows beforehand.

I stroll over to where the outdoor canopy is located. I stare at it and think,
I want to fuck her here. In the open and high from orgasms
. Yeah, I plan to take my sweet time with her, all night if I have to, because this will be the only time I am allowing myself to have her.

Fifteen minutes later, I have a hard time getting my thoughts in order. Lily Alexander struts out of the house with nothing on except a sheer, light pink baby doll nighty. My eyes instantly take in her breasts before traveling downwards to her bald mound. Fuck, she looks fucking incredible.

She looks at me nervously. “Drake?” she asks after a good minute of me not voicing a word out loud.

“Are you a hundred percent sure about this? Because once this happens… we can’t undo it. I don’t know if I can stop once we start.” Fuck. I know that once I slip inside her, I’m not going to stop. The thought of taking her virginity is already too intoxicating.

Lily shakes her head. “No, I’m sure. I’ve been sure for a very long time.” Her hazel eyes glitter as she looks at me with adoration and lust. I instantly get hard at the sultry look she gives me.

“Undress for me,” I order. She immediately starts to unclasp the latch on the back of her baby doll and slowly takes it off her body; standing naked, proud and confident before me. I have a hard time taking my eyes off her beautiful body. “Go to the bed and spread your legs open.”

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