Line Of Scrimmage (4 page)

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Authors: Lolah Lace

BOOK: Line Of Scrimmage
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Kari returned after three hours
. I had been watching the clock. I heard the garage door open. Wonder what she thinks about my car still being in the garage?

I didn’t move from the desk. I waited until Kari came upstairs. She was alone when she peeked around the corner.

“Hey, you still here?”

“Yeah, I had some work to do. Did you get Trey?”

“Yeah he’s downstairs. He’s playing the Wii.”

I noticed the
Skylanders Giants
backpack in her hands. “I’m going to stay here tonight.”

Kari frowned. “What happened?” A
mask of concern rushed to her face.

“Nothing to worry about. Did you tell Trey I was here?”

“No, I didn’t know for sure. Your car didn’t mean you were still here.”

“Yeah well I am. I put the clothes in the dryer.”

“Thanks, Mason tell me what’s wrong?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Does your wife know about us?”

“I don’t want to talk about it
.” I shut the lid on my laptop and stood. “I going to go say hi to Trey.” I walked to the doorway and bent to give Kari a kiss on the lips. “Don’t worry about things that don’t concern you.” That came out a lot ruder than I intended.

I pressed pass Kari and headed downstairs to the living room where Trey was sitting on the floor playing video games.

Trey’s eyes were glued to the TV screen and it took him a few minutes to notice me.

“Hey buddy.”

“Hey Coach.” Trey didn’t seem surprised to see me.

“What you playing?”


“I like

I can put it on two players, if you want to battle me.” Trey shrugged.

“Yeah I
’ll battle you.” I smiled at his nonchalance.

Trey quickly paused the game and grabbed the other Wii controller for me. He was excited to have me as his second player and I thought about the fact that he was an only child.

Trey was a good kid. I played with Trey for over an hour. I let him win most of the time just as I let Hannah win when I played with her. I have to see my kids. I will let Tess have her space but I have to see my kids.

I made dinner for myself. Kari and Trey had eaten already. I had
a huge bowl of Fruit Loops. I waited for Trey to go to sleep before I retired to Kari’s bedroom. There were a few baseball games left. I wouldn’t want Trey to let it slip that I had slept over at his house. That would make my problems ten times worse. Kari had drilled into Trey that he should not mention that I was here, that I played with him and basically not mention me at all. There is a baseball game day after tomorrow. If I’m not back at home I’m going to have to stay at the hotel.

I have to go into the office tomorrow but I need more clothes. I know Kari wouldn’t mind buying me some things. She knows my sizes. She learned them in Vegas. It’s strange playing house with my mistress when I have a house. It feels like I have two families. I wish it could be this way. It’s strange to have feelings that you know are wrong but somehow you justify them because they feel right to you.

Kari and I went to bed after midnight. I wanted to be inside her but I was in my own head and thinking too hard. I cuddled in close to Kari. She had her back to me. I draped my arm over her and pulled her in as close as I could. Her hair was in a ponytail. I pushed my nose into her ponytail and it smelled like grapefruit juice.

I opened my mouth and bit into her ponytail. I’m not sure why I did it but I did. Her hair looked like dark brown cotton candy. Who doesn’t want to put cotton candy in their mouth? The fruity smell was too enticing. I tugged at the ponytail with my closed lips.

“Mason.” She whispered. “Do you have my hair in your mouth?”

“Yeah.” I mumbled.

“That’s gross.”

“Nothing on you is gross.”

“You’re a weirdo.”

“I thought I was a psycho.”

“You are. What does my hair taste like?”

“It’s taste
dry, kind of like shredded wheat.”

“Huh, do you want to talk?”

“Not really.”

Kari lifted my arm and turned to face me. We were closer than close.
“Mason, you can tell me anything.”

“I know.
Your breath smells like peanut butter.”

“I had peanuts. Is it gross?”

“No, nothing about you is gross.”

“I know something is wrong
with you. I can feel it. I wish you would share.”

“I don’t want to share. I
just want to look at you and get some peanut butter flavor in my mouth.”

Coach Rizza whatever you want.” Kari inched forward and planted a passionate peanut kiss on my lips. Her tongue opened my lips and pressed in to conquer my tongue. If only I had inhaled some grape jelly we would be the ultimate snack.

My hands wa
ndered underneath the blanket and roamed from her bended knee up her thigh. I palmed her ass and I was happy to feel her bare skin. Kari pulled away from my lips to watch my eyes.

“Where are you
r panties?” I meant thong but it came out panties.

“I would never wear panties in bed with you.”

“Why not?”

“Easy access. I don’t want
to get you super excited. You might start cutting up all my underwear.”

I smirked at her playful observation. I couldn’t deny or live down the fact that I took a knife and cut her thong just to get to her pussy.

I gently pushed Kari’s shoulder until she was lying flat on her back. I reached down and pulled both her legs up by her knees. Kari watched as I arranged her legs over my sideways turned body. The bottom of her calves were pressed against my ass. I went rigid as the head of my cock brushed her closed pussy lips. I took my available hand and pulled her close to me. I opened her legs so I could poke my way into her pussy lips and dig into the treasure I had grown to love. Laying on my side I tried to push inside. I was stuck at her pussy’s appetizing door.

Kari opened her legs wider and I pushed in again. I sank in just a little and reached up and grabbed Kari’s outer shoulder for leverage. I pushed in again and sank deeper into her. She was wet inside but her juice hadn’t made its way to the folds of her lips yet. I pushed in further to where she was the wettest. I pulled halfway out
and coated the opening with her liquid sex.

I licked my lips as I sank in and out of her
refreshing pool. I bit my lip as I thrust from the shallow end and swim into the deep end. I was threading in her wet waters and trying to stay afloat. I took my hand from her shoulder and ran it underneath her t-shirt and grabbed her tit and groped her hard pulling her tit and nipple toward the ceiling. Kari moaned.

I warned. She had to be quiet. We couldn’t wake up Trey.

I worked her pussy steady and slow. Her juices flowed from her pussy and ran down to my balls. There was a huge wet spot under her ass as I probed her pussy with my magic stick. I wanted to ram her pussy and bang my balls against her
hot ass but Kari was a screamer. We had to stay quiet. Kari closed her legs at the knees and squeezed my cock. I closed my eyes as her tight pussy wrapped around me and melted my insides.

I moved in and out slowly, afraid I would cum before she was ready.

“Oh Mason.” She sighed. Those cum sucking words were nice to hear but a definite way to make me cum. I stopped moving to gain my composure.

Kari tilted her head to look me straight on. She clasped the heels of her feet into my backside and that’s when she took over. Rolling, she rolled her ass and hips in circles over my sensitive cock.
The rolls went from shallow to deep. Kari was pressing all the way down on my cock and gripping it in the process. I joined her slow sensuous rolls with my own. We moved in an erotic rotation of bodies. We moaned together as my cock hit her luscious walls. I can never give her up.

“Oh Mason.” Kari moaned and I shot my rapid fire cum inside her like a semi-automatic handgun. This is exactly how babies are made. Why am I thinking about babies? Kari takes her pills. I check the pack often when she’s not around.
I don’t believe in abortion but she doesn’t know that. We don’t discuss important things like that. As long as she takes the pill everything will work in my favor.

Kari opened her eyes to me staring at her. She smiled and it sent a shiver up my spine.

“Don’t move. I want to sleep inside you.” I said as I laid my arm across her body.

Kari placed her arm on mine and closed her eyes.

“Tess knows I’m having an affair. She doesn’t know it’s you but she told me not to come home. That’s why I can stay the night. It’s nothing you need to worry about. I can handle Tess.” I snuggled my face into her cheek and kissed her in it. “Go to sleep, princess.”

This night would be l
ike when we were in Vegas. I could hold Kari in my arms all night and sleep peaceful and sound. I could close my mind to everything until the daylight. I held Kari until I fell asleep and her pussy held me throughout the night.





I ke
pt my hotel room at the SpringHill Suites. I actually stayed there during the day when I wasn’t at work. I went to Kari’s and slept with her after Trey went to sleep. There was a baseball game on Saturday and Tess decided to not show up and she decided not to drop Hannah off at the game. She claimed Hannah was sick with a bad cough. This information was sent via text message. I had no way of figuring out if it was true. To make matters worse, she told me she was going to be a no show thirty minutes before the game started.

My first instinct was to drop
everything and march over to my house. Calmer heads prevailed. I called Kari’s cell even though she was a few feet away. I had to tell her what Tess was up to. Kari walked away so no one would know we were talking to each other. Jack Unger had his blues on my Kari. I noticed him and his mischievous eyes. I have to keep an eye on him.

Over the phone
Kari told me to calm down. Her voice soothed me when I wanted to get in my car and choke the life from Tess for being so unfair and using my kids against me. Kari told me I had an entire team of kids depending on me to coach this game so I needed to get a grip. Her words worked. I pushed my domestic affairs to the backburner and did my job as the coach of the Braves. We won, 15 to 13. It was close but my daughter Hannah was missing and she is one of our best players.

Jack come over to me after the game and asked about flag football. He wanted to know if I was coaching
a football team this year. With all the drama I wasn’t sure. Jack said he was thinking of giving it a try and I didn’t see why not. I was polite to this metrosexual bastard but Jack lusting after my Kari made me dislike him. Maybe I shouldn’t have told him Kari was the best I ever had. That was a stupid move. He would fuck her if he could. I’m being really paranoid.

I lo
oked around the park at the plethora of fathers. I’m sure a lot of them would fuck her if they could. Kari is mine. I have nothing to worry about. I have her mind, body and love. I need to worry about Tess. She’s unstable and unpredictable.




It had been three short days, long if I count the time away from my kids. Tess was going to finally let me back into the house, just to talk. I felt like I had exchanged a thousand text messages with Tess, to only get this far.

I missed my kids. She had deliber
ately kept them away from me. I guess I shouldn’t blame her, a woman scorned or something or another. I did blame her. There was no need for me to lie to myself. We had adult issues. The kids weren’t a part of our problems. If I decided to coach flag football would she even let Hannah be on the team?

I put my key in the lock of my front door and it worked. That’s a good sign. She didn’t change the locks.
I entered and took a curiously cautious look around. Everything was just as it was with one major difference, the house was dirty and unkept. Tess hadn’t cleaned a thing. She hadn’t vacuumed. There were Cheerios sprinkled all over the carpet in the living room. I went to the kitchen and found Hannah sitting at the table painting. There was wet and dried paint all over the tabletop. I missed her too much to scold her for it.

The kitchen
sink was piled with dishes. I had never seen such a sight in the ten years Tess and I had been married.

.” Hannah leapt from the table. “Are you divorcing us?”

“No never, never
, never.” I knelt to see the hazel eyes that asked such adult questions. “Why would you say that?”

“Mom has been crying all the time
while you were gone and when I asked her why she was crying she said that you were leaving us and divorcing us.”

“No way, never. I’m not going anywhere. I love you guys
to infinity. I would never leave you. That’s just silly.” I kissed Hannah in her forehead and pulled her off her feet and in close for a tight embrace. I could feel her smile into my chest.

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