Linked (33 page)

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Authors: Heather Bowhay

Tags: #Teen Paranormal

BOOK: Linked
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wrong?” Ryan asked again.

wrong,” Jason’s deep voice rang out behind me, his hands suddenly claiming my
shoulders. “Nothing other than the fact that I promised this dance to Alex a
long time ago.”

my eyes, I took short, deep breaths. Of course, I would have known it was Jason
even if he hadn’t spoken, because the Essence flowing through his hands and
into my body was amazingly familiar. Amazingly like home. My heart was suddenly
racing, and my stomach was all a flutter, but somewhere in the back of my mind
I was wondering what he was up to.

Ryan shrugged and looked around. “Alex who?”

long story,” Jason said. “I mean Lexi. I promised her this dance.”

she’s dancing with me right now,” Ryan said, standing a little taller. “You’ll
have to wait your turn.”

Jason said adamantly. “You don’t seem to understand. This is not a request.”

don’t believe the promise was specific to any one particular song,” I said
aloud, but my eyes were still closed. Instantly, Jason spun me around rather
forcefully, pulled me towards him, and snugly wrapped his arms around my waist.
My eyes shot open.

promise is a promise. And this
the right song,” he said with
directive, a warning flashing behind his eyes. His fingers pressed harder into
my waist, and he raised one brow like he was daring me to contradict him.

you’ll just have to wait,” Ryan snapped. “Lexi?” He tapped my shoulder.

okay,” I said, never taking my eyes off Jason. “I remember now; he did promise
me this dance.”

don’t know what Ryan said or did after that. Lost in Jason’s all-consuming
gaze, I was perfectly content in his arms and didn’t care about anything else
in the world at that moment. This might be my one last chance, and foolish or
not, I relaxed and leaned into his body.



up, I noticed Jason watching me closely. Any lingering resistance I might have
held against his physical charms faded away as I became engrossed in the
intensity of his stare and the incredible shades of blues and greens I found in
his eyes. Lights reflecting off the disco ball flickered across his face,
highlighting his bronze skin and well-defined jaw line. As always, he was
ruggedly sexy, but his behavior towards me this night was completely
uncharacteristic, even bordering on possessive. Therefore, I found myself
observing him with an expression of uncertainty. Disarming me again, he grasped
my hips and pulled me tighter until there was no gap remaining between us.

never been this close to him before, and it was all I could do not to pass out
in his arms. My body trembled and my lips quivered as our bodies pressed
together. He invaded my senses, my emotions, and definitely my logic.
Overwhelming physical contact and frenzied emotions accelerated the flames
burning inside me. I could feel the heat rising between us, but this time it
was all natural – the raw heat that exists between two people when they are
physically attracted to one another.

sapphire blue sweater was soft against my cheek, and his scent – masculine and
woodsy – infiltrated my senses, intoxicating me to the point of confusion. My
eyes fluttered closed, and I breathed deeply, thinking I was either dreaming or
on the verge of going crazy. “What…are you…wearing?” I heard myself asking dreamily.

sweater and a pair of slacks.” I could hear the smile upon his lips.

“No, I
mean your cologne.”

chuckled. “It’s called Givenchy Play. Does it bother you?”

I mumbled. “It’s insanely attractive.” Relaxing my body against his broad,
muscular chest, I squeezed my arms tighter around him, and rested my head
against his shoulder. I certainly wasn’t going to admit the blood flowing
through my veins carried flames of desire…desire that was spreading fast like a
wildfire, scorching my skin in the process. My heart was battering away at my
chest like I was competing in an iron man race. Not to mention, disobedient
thoughts were getting the better of me, and I was having a hard time not
undressing him with my mind. A new heightened sense of awareness encompassed
me, one like I’d never encountered ever before. I could actually feel my
Essence, as well as his, flowing together and fusing. It was promiscuous yet
sensuous all at the same time, and I wondered what our Essence would feel like
if we took things to the next level.

chest expanded as he took a deep breath. “I’ve been waiting a long time for
this dance. Too long.” He ran his hand over my spine and drew back until his
face was only inches from mine. “Alex, your dark brown eyes bewitch me, and as
always, you are stunningly beautiful. Holding you in my arms feels so right.”

words caught me off guard as he was never forthcoming with compliments, and I
didn’t know what to say. I didn’t have to say anything though, because he
didn’t press for a response. The music played hypnotically, and my hips swayed
in accordance with his – rocking in a slow, seductive rhythm. We were silent,
but he didn’t release his hold on me. My hands rested at the base of his neck,
but I boldly reached up and ran one hand over his short blonde hair, down his
neck, and across his arm. His biceps were tight; strong. My lips brushed
against his neck, and he jerked slightly, as did I. He felt like an extension
of my body. We were so close; we were almost one. Everything felt so right,
which meant it was probably time for everything to go wrong.

music faded, and several sighs went up around the room. As conversations
started up again, people broke apart from their dance partners, and the romance
in the atmosphere started dissipating. Even though I hated to, I drew away from

it was a good thing the song had ended; I needed to focus. I’d promised Madison
I’d hold his attention, not the other way around. I just hadn’t realized how pleasurable
it was going to be…how hard to maintain self-control.

“Oh no
you don’t,” he said, yanking me back into his arms. It was as if he already
knew another slow song was on its way before the music even began, and when it
did, the Nickelback song,
Never Gonna Be Alone
flowed from the speakers.
Glancing around, I noticed many people were engaging the same partner for a
second slow dance. Off in the distance, I spotted Jessica’s face peering over
Rob’s shoulder, and when our eyes met her expression changed from one of
serenity to one of open shock. Her wide eyes blinked rapidly with sudden
understanding, and her lips parted slightly. I could tell she’d just realized
there was more than friendship to the embrace Jason and I were locked in.
Looking back at her helplessly, I pressed my lips together and shrugged, but I
didn’t see her response because another couple moved between us and blocked my

fingertips lightly massaged my back and he asked, “Do you know the lyrics to
this song?”

I muttered as the lights dimmed, darkening the room even more. I wasn’t going
to admit I knew the words by heart – that I listened to them every day, because
I was obsessed with Nickelback and this song reminded me of him.

he said smoothly. “I want you to listen to them carefully right now.” He looked
down at me, his face unreadable. “Okay?”

I nodded and melted against him. I was all too aware that the verse was about
not letting another day pass without admitting your true feelings to someone.

a minute or so, he clasped my chin, tilted my head up, and said in a deep, rich
voice, “Alex, just like the words in this song, I’m not going to miss any more
days with you.” His eyes softened and crinkles formed at the edges.

passed over me, and I suppressed a gasp. “What do you mean?”

he could respond, Ryan came up behind him, tapped him on the shoulder, and said
impatiently, “I believe it’s my turn to dance with Lexi. And FYI, Carissa is
looking for you. So, if you’ll so kindly hand over Lexi, you’ll be able to
patch things up with your Ex.” His tone was taunting, like he enjoyed provoking
Jason. It was obvious they had some sort of history together, and I wondered if
it involved Carissa or possibly another girl.

body grew rigid. He turned slightly and looked down his nose at Ryan, who was a
good four inches shorter. “Alex and I are not finished here. Not by a long
shot,” he said acidly. “So, you might as well find someone else to occupy your
night with, because Alex won’t be available
.” The emphasis on the
last word bordered on violent.

face twisted up, and he looked over at me uncertainly. Startled by Jason’s
reaction, I knew I needed to smooth things over with Ryan before the situation
escalated. I noticed a few people already gazing our direction with keen
interest, so I reached over and grabbed Ryan’s hand and offered him an
affectionate smile. Jason’s breathing intensified, and his fingertips pressed
into my back. With the one hand I still had resting on his shoulder, I returned
the grip and then nudged him with my knee.

I said sweetly. “Jason and I do have a couple things to discuss. But I will
track you down sometime later if you’ll just give us some time here?” As I
squeezed his hand, I batted my eyelashes and smiled sweetly. A rumble emerged
from Jason’s throat – like a volcano threatening to erupt, but I gave him a
disdainful look and dug my nails into his shoulder. That seemed to simmer the
emotions boiling under the surface, so I looked back over at Ryan.

he said with consideration, “whatever you need Lexi. Just find me when you’re
through with him.”

Ryan, I will,” I said pleasantly.

He touched my shoulder. “But it would be a good idea to keep an eye on him.”
Ryan’s expression hardened as he looked at Jason and jabbed his finger into his
arm, “And you, better watch yourself. If I didn’t know any better, I would say
you were trying to make the moves on her. And you and I both know that is
strictly forbidden.” After a final glare passed between them, Ryan offered me
one last smile before turning and leaving the dance floor.

are you doing?” I hissed after Ryan was out of earshot. “It’s like you’re
trying to create a scene.” I glowered.“Maybe we shouldn’t be dancing together
twice anyways. I don’t want anyone else to get crazy ideas about us; especially
when those ideas would be completely unfounded. What’s more, speculations could
turn into rumors and jeopardize you or your family in some way, and I refuse to
let that happen.”

finish this dance with me, and then we’ll go somewhere private and talk.” I bit
my lip uncertainly. “Come on Alex,” he pleaded. “There’s nothing out of the
ordinary about us dancing together. We’re in the same Circle for heaven’s

expression was imploring, and since I’d always been defenseless against his
charms, I relinquished. Surveying the room, I was relieved to see that no
longer was anyone paying us any special attention. Most couples appeared
totally engrossed in one another.

glad to see you’re wearing the opal pendant I gave you,” he whispered with
satisfaction into my ear.

beautiful,” I said softly.

are you,” he whispered, his breath tickling my neck.

trembled. What was he thinking? Compliments and near public displays of
affection. Or a better question, yet, who was this imposter and what had he
done with real Jason? I wasn’t sure, and even though I was worried about the
attention we’d been drawing, I definitely liked this Jason better.

strobe lights bounced off the gold streamers and silver stars that hung above
us, sending sparkles all around the room. Suddenly, I noticed a ball of pink
weaving in and out of the dancers. My breath caught in my throat, and I
instantly tightened my grip on Jason as I caught a glimpse of Carissa. She
charged by one couple, rudely bumped into another, and didn’t stop to apologize
when one girl gave her a dirty look and even called out a few choice words.
Carissa was scouring the dance floor, and it wouldn’t be long before she
spotted us.

wrong?” Jason asked. He was facing the opposite direction and had no idea we
were about to be accosted by his Ex, so he was obviously picking up on my body

Out of
nowhere Madison flew directly between us and Carissa, intercepting her before
we were seen. Somehow, Madison managed to steer Carissa a full 180 degrees and
shove her back in the direction she’d come from. Impressed, I watched them
heading way, and at the last possible second I thought I saw Madison turn and offer
a flashy grin.

is it?” Jason asked again with concern, and pulled back so he could see my
face. “You look a little pale,” he said with a frown. “Let’s get some air.” He
grabbed my arm and led me through the crowd just as the song ended.

right!” the DJ’s voice filled the room. “Let’s get this party moving again.” An
upbeat tempo resonated around the dance floor as a Pink song blasted from the
speakers. “Not long now, and we’ll be ringing in the New Year,” the DJ

wasn’t happy with the throngs of people on the second story balcony, so we
ended up on a smaller terrace just off the third floor. As we stepped into a
chilly night, another couple strolled past us and disappeared inside, closing
the door behind them. A view of the balcony was not possible from inside the
mansion because of a short, windowless hallway that led to the balcony door.
Even though I could still faintly hear the music from inside, we were alone and
very secluded.

moon glowed opaquely from behind some clouds, casting a luminescent radiance
over an otherwise dark night. A nautical, stainless steel propane heater stood
center stage, offering warmth, and orange flames flickered encouragingly inside
the lamp. Off to the left side of the heater sat a tall, round cedar pub table
with two cushioned bar stools. We stopped at the deck railing, and I felt the
weight of his gaze upon me. Shivering at the ferocity of his stare, I wondered
what he was thinking. A hint of pine hung in the air, and I noticed two potted
trees situated nearby. Mistakenly, he attributed my trembling arms to the cold
night air.

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