Little Doll (11 page)

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Authors: Melissa Jane

BOOK: Little Doll
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For good reason,
I had my reservations about how the rest of the night would progress. The clock on the wall revealed that dawn would arrive in only three hours and yet there was still so much to settle before any of us got some shut-eye. I absently stroked the bruised knuckles of my right hand that had not so long ago pummeled Juan’s face. It had taken a giant’s determination to stop when I did, though, truth be told, my conscience could have happily allowed maiming the prick into submission. Hector on the other hand would not have been so forgiving.

had been a testing night for all involved and while it was in my best interest to show as little
as possible, it was proving a greater challenge than I had anticipated.

The tension in the room hung
like a heavy blanket. The question of why we were all called to congress in the early hours of morning remained unanswered. Hector had already downed four tequilas in fifteen minutes as he muttered obscenities and Juan sat perched on the arm of the chair, nursing his now gratifyingly blackened eye.

An abrupt knock
sounded at the door, yet it was only Hector who remained unperturbed by a random visitor. The door swung open and Ethan’s sister was escorted in by the two guards. The sight of the purplish bruising around her neck and wrists and her reddened cheeks only reignited the rage I had been feeling earlier. My teeth clenched tight with such force, my jaw immediately began to ache.

The girl looked
ashen-faced, but with the strong line of her own jaw, I could see she was determined to put on a front. She was by no means a weak spirit, that much was obvious but, in this place, such a trait could get a woman killed.

Hector turned to look in
her direction, but not before shooting me a warning glance. I could do nothing but watch on as he made his way with easy strides toward the girl whose body had become as rigid as a plank of wood.

fearful eyes cautiously glanced at Juan, who stood facing her square on with the audacity of a hunter who got off on mauling his prey. There was no mistaking the flicker of curiosity that flashed across her face as she took in the sight of Juan’s swollen eye. Then it seemed to dawn on her suddenly and she shot me a subtle look of appreciation.

That simple look filled me with a perverse sense of satisfaction I had never felt before.
Her attention reluctantly fell back to Hector who had now closed the space between them. I was transfixed by the pale swell of her chest rapidly rising and falling, followed by a deep breath to calm herself. She was a beautiful woman unaware of her ability to draw attention.

I realized n
othing about this night could rock this girl enough to deter her from meeting the challenges that kept coming her way. She was a force to be reckoned with.




















Hector regarded my battered face with a self-righteous air.

Laila, Laila, Laila.” He spoke my name as if testing the way it sounded on his tongue while turning to the men behind him, both of who stood stoically motionless.

“As intoxicatin
g as wine,” he said, a knowing smile playing on his lips as he spun on his heel to face me. “How true a meaning. You do have a certain pull over men.” His greedy eyes roamed over my curves. “Isn’t that right, Juan?”

I knew what he was doing and i
t was nothing short of a kick in the guts. He didn’t really like the quiet demure me, he wanted the feisty bitch who wasn’t afraid to be slapped around. Now that I wasn’t responding to him, he felt like his hold on me was slipping. That still didn’t stop the nightmare of what happened to me only an hour ago from attempting to chip away at my steely resolve. The wound was still raw.

, on the other hand, found his father’s jibe humorous, a wicked smile reaching his eyes. In my peripheral vision, I saw Aiden flex his fingers before they formed fists, his eyes boring holes in the back of Juan’s head.

I wouldn’t normally address the girls by their names,” Hector said arrogantly, drawing my attention back to him. “It tends to add an inappropriate familiarity, but you, Laila, are different. The name suits you, but if you like I can call you whore.”

e regarded me with a provocative stare while awaiting my reaction. I gave him none.

I have to admit I accept some responsibility for tonight’s unfortunate events. I made the mistake of thinking you were ready to make your debut. Your little performance out there almost cost me a small fortune but lucky for you, our trusted customers found your naïve state rather alluring.” The corners of his mouth twitched.

am not yours to do as you wish,” I stammered.

That’s where you are wrong, my dear. You see, your misfortune is incredibly opportune for me.”

If his pause was designed to rattle me further, he successfully accomplished his goal.

I currently have a buyer who has missing merchandise. If by chance he feels you are a suitable replacement then he will take ownership of you after your training. If not, you will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. The money made from that will act as compensation for our original buyer.”

Again he waited for me to speak.

I didn't utter a sound. How could I when I was dying inside?

“I foolishly thought you would be like all the other girls
who come into my home. You, however, do not even seem to possess basic cooperation. From here on out, Juan will train you in everything that is required for your new role.”

My legs
lost all strength and threatened to collapse while my chest hurt from a heavy weight that seemed to be crushing me. I didn’t want to be anywhere near Juan. Not after what he had done. I could barely stand to be in the same room with him.

“You appear quite pale
, mamasita. Is everything alright?” Hector asked, as if we had just been discussing what to have for dinner, instead of tormenting me with his wicked words.

His eyes
, however, radiated spite. He was enjoying the effect he was having on me and I hated myself for being such an open book in front a man who had no qualms about wanting to destroy me.

“No! T
his isn’t right,” I retorted, my voice small and defeated.

Mmm, not a good start,” he tut-tutted me. “Defiance is not your friend, Laila. Our customer will not be so kind to you if you give him the insolence and unnecessary problems you have given me.”

I remained silent as my future was read out to me.

“All discipline will be a reflection of your behavior. Therefore, the state of your wellbeing will be solely in your hands.

That being said, if our original buyer chooses you as a replacement, I cannot guarantee your safety. You see, he has rather unorthodox needs and it is our job to ensure you can meet every single one without question or hesitation.

No matter what Juan chooses to do to you, including any basic commands he may have, you are to be obedient and receptive at all times. Any adolescent behavior will carry a consequence. Do you understand?”

Hector closed the gap between us, gripping my chin
cruelly; his soulless black eyes penetrating mine. I winced from the pain, but he only tightened his hold.

“You see, girl. Y
ou are very beautiful but so fucking slow to learn.”

His grip tightened.

“If you cannot refrain from acting impulsively, then you should not plead so innocent when that situation becomes your demise. Pain and humiliation beyond your wildest imaginings will be a part of your daily routine, you may beg for mercy and sob for pity but it will fall on deaf ears. This
your new existence.”

ctor released his grip, taking a step back, leaving behind a dull ache in my jaw. In that moment I saw Juan. He was so smug, I wanted to punch him in the face myself.

He was clearly pleased with how the night was playing out, his eyes glistening with amusement. It was all a game to him, noth
ing but the thrill of the chase. He wouldn’t stop until I was broken in every way.

“I will teach her,”
Aiden offered, stepping forward into the light. He appeared calmly assertive yet his eyes blazed with fury. My stomach dropped as the realization of his sudden request sunk in.

’s loud, mocking laughter filled the room. Aiden remained unperturbed, his determined focus never breaking from Hector’s quizzical eyes.

“Aiden, you have never expressed interest before, why now?” He
ctor asked with genuine surprise and curiosity, his deep voice heavy with suspicion. He looked to me expecting to see some answers from my expression, yet all he got was a mix of disbelief and devastation.

Aiden folded his arms across his chest, his body language speaking volumes.

“You want the best results, get the best man for the job.”






I stood before the two men who over the course of many years I had grown to despise and detest with every fiber. The veiled look on my face ensured they could not see the contempt I held for them, however my credibility as a neutral player was wearing thin. Somehow, somewhere, something fucked up and now it was all I could do but fix it. I was here to play their game and, while losing had never been an option for me in the past, it was certainly not about to take first place now.

a well-known drug magnate who heads a cartel stretching internationally through fifteen countries, Hector Florez was not a man to mess with. Civilized or not, people who know the rules of coercion Hector plays by are more than happy to act as his minions to avoid a painful death or, for the brave ones, pocket some extra blood-stained American dollars.

The girl before me
was clearly having difficulty swallowing his words, her body trembling from head to toe as the realization took hold. If she were any other girl, she would not stand a chance in this place. All credit to her, she deserved a medal of bravery.

sets of astounded eyes lay upon me. They waited expectantly for an explanation that would be entirely improvised and hopefully somewhat believable. The notion of Juan being the one to orchestrate the girl's 'education' made every cell in my body want to explode. Unbeknownst to him, Juan had already jeopardized the plan I had set in motion, and him having the freedom to molest this girl was not conducive to my objective.

Laila’s expression
seemed now a mix of pure disgust and heartache. While she had been fighting a battle of wills against Hector’s sickening threats of her demise, her doll-like face turned stricken with distress when I added my two cents worth.

Stepping close
behind the crestfallen girl, so close my chest pressed against her small back, I could feel the trembling of her body. The gentle scent of her hair reached my nostrils and a part of me wanted to indulge a little more in her tastes and flavors, but for now business had to be exactly that.

Hector’s face was
one of confusion and Juan was simply incredulous. I knew I was fighting an uphill battle, but it had to be done. I rested my hands on Laila’s petite shoulders and felt her body immediately tense at my touch. I could hear her rapid breathing and considered for a second why she would detest me so much. Rubbing my thumbs gently but rhythmically over the nape of her neck, I could feel her body quiver and skin cover in goose bumps. The moment of doubt left me and it took all I had not to smile knowing she was enjoying my touch. Perhaps I wasn’t seen as a total monster after all.

Hector finally broke the silence.

“What is this about, miho?”

“Juan only knows how to teach fear,” I
said with disdain. Laila’s shoulders sagged at the memories my words aroused.

              “Fuck you, puto,” Juan spat, yet he still appeared amused by the scene unfolding before him. “It is in her best interest if she has some fear. Otherwise the commissioner is faced with disobedience from the very start when he should expect compliance. It is part of the purchasing price. You know that.” 

              “I can teach her how to be intimate and pleasure her buyer without the fear.”

              Juan snorted.

“That’s bullshit and you know it! What she needs, I can do,” he said arrogantly. “You can’t teach her to be submissive
, Aiden, you’re not versed in this type of play so why don’t you go back to watching the perimeters.”

              With a point to prove, I turned my attention back to the stricken girl. “Get down on your knees now,” I ordered.

No movement. Of all times to defy me, she had to do it then. Juan’s derisive laugh grated on my
nerves. She had purposely or inadvertently helped to prove the asshole's point.
Fuck that!

              My right hand slid quickly up her neck to grab a fistful of her hair. Another distressed sob reached my ears yet I made my expression seem indifferent as I put my lips to her ear.

For Christ’s sake, Laila, just do it!” I hissed, my voice a whisper only she could hear, the tone stern. I wasn’t here to fuck around.

              Without making a sound, Laila slowly sank to her knees. I released her hair and stood by her side.

“Now on all fours

look of desperation almost got me. I stared coldly into her eyes though it was difficult not to get lost in them.

              “Please,” she begged breathlessly, her face crumbling, “why are you doing this?”

              Again, Juan’s mocking laugh rang out.

Perhaps at that moment she realized the alternative to resisting my commands would be dealing with Juan.
Conceding defeat, she fell reluctantly forward onto her hands, eyes glued to the patterned rug beneath, her tears free-falling in a dead straight line. 

              Juan shook his head again in disbelief.

“This is fucking ridiculous
. She needs work, Aiden. Considerable work. She is still so full of pride. Alexsonov will not stand for ignorance and you know it.”

“I know,” I replied, unchallenged. “I’m not finished yet.”

I refocused my attention back on the girl.

“Laila, crawl to the couch.”

She did as instructed this time without hesitation seemingly resigned to her fate.

“Now stand up and bend over the couch.”

Again she followed my every word.
Standing on shaky legs, she bent over the back of the plush lounge, her toes barely keeping contact with the carpet. I approached and with two hands, I gripped Laila’s slender waist and pressed my groin against her voluptuous ass. Loud sobs escaped her mouth breaking the watchful silence in the room.

              “Stop it,” I instructed calmly.

At the sound of my voice
, her sobs escalated. I lifted her silky negligee over her waist and, using my booted foot, I kicked her legs open, cursing the Lords’ name under my breath for my throbbing cock and the sight before me. Rubbing my hand tenderly over Laila’s backside, I massaged each cheek in a circular motion. She continued her sobbing. I decided enough was enough and was forced to slap her right cheek with full force.

Laila squealed from both pain and what I assumed was surprise so instead of quieting her she only sobbed louder. 

                 “I said, stop it, Laila!”

espite my growing impatience, my voice was controlled and calm. My hand returned a second time to her already throbbing cheek, radiating a flaming red hand print, a stark comparison to her porcelain skin. Instead of inflicting more pain, I took the softer approach and massaged the sting out. From above, I could see Laila bury her face in one of the cushions, muffling her sobs to avoid further punishment.

              “Good girl. Shh, calm yourself,” I continued the massage until I could feel her stop shaking. My touch was having the right effect and if she kept it up we could get through the night without any other dramas. My hands travelled along her slender back, tenderly rubbing her shoulders. Using both hands over her arms I stood her upright, letting the silk negligee fall back down over her ass.

Laila’s chin was quivering uncontrollably and I sensed another flood of tears
coming. Cupping it in my hand, I turned her stricken face toward me. Although the whites of her eyes were bloodshot, her sapphire blue irises glittered like the sparkling gems they were.

Snaking my hand to the nape of Laila’s neck, I pulled her forward before she had a chance to resist. Drawing her close enough to feel the warmth of her wavering sweet breath against my lips
, I savored the look of vulnerable desire haunting her features. She didn’t look at me like she did Juan, even now when she had every right not to trust me, she still couldn’t disguise the wanting curiosity.

Her hooded eyes flickered with uncertainty until I could no longer resist the woman quivering in front of me. Closing the space between us I crushed my lips to Laila’s, a soft moan reverberating from her mouth to mine. A whole lot of sweetness was the only way to describe her taste. She tried to pull away from the contact but was met with my hand firmly secured to the back of her head. There was
no escape for her.

we had an audience, I gently sucked on Laila’s luscious bottom lip, my teeth grazing her soft fullness. She groaned and that only spurred me on, her tongue finding mine matching my eagerness stroke for stroke, lick for lick. She was finally relaxing, her body molding gently against mine, deepening the kiss, compelled by her own apparent desire. I couldn’t deny it, lust exploded through me for this young woman who was robbing me of all sense and logic.

Despite Juan already having her, I wanted Laila there and then, I wanted to possess her mouth and ravage her body. My cock was aching for the woman who could very well be my ruin, but I didn’t care. I didn’t care because I could feel her enjoying it as much as I was, a
sick sense of pleasure rippling through me knowing this was exactly the state I needed her to prove my point.

With much reluctance
, I pulled away from the embrace. Her eyes were still closed, her lips deep red and swollen, but she was still wanting. She was fucking beautiful.

Moments passed before her eyes flickered open and realization of her actions hit her with a rush. The confused ecstasy vanished from her face and was replaced with cheeks ablaze with humiliation. Suppressing the urge to smile at her response, I turned
to face Hector and Juan head on while blocking Laila from the inquisitive and disbelieving stares of the four other men in the room.

              “Did she kiss you like that, Juan? Or was she fighting you the whole time you were on top of her?”

hind me Laila whimpered, in front Juan snorted with derision. “This little show of yours,” Hector said, clearing his throat. “it's nothing in comparison to what she has already experienced tonight, she has gone further than this already.”

              “Has she? I don’t believe so.” I replied, unperturbed by Hector’s words of doubt. “You threw her into a flame pit with no knowledge of what to expect or how to behave. I am not at all surprised by her reaction; in fact, under the circumstances, any other girl would have done the same and you know it.”

              “That was hardly a display of compliance,Aiden. If your intent was to convince me b

              “Small steps are all it takes. Less resentment equals less chance of defiance.”

              “Perhaps,” was all he could offer.

I wasn’t deterred.
Laila was different to other girls. With her, Hector had to start from scratch. Most of the other girls who came here wanted to be here.

              “You haven’t even taught her the basics yet… that’s what I am for,” I persisted, unwilling to let this go any way different to my own plan.

              “The basics are all she will learn from you, Aiden,” Juan said with spiteful vehemence. “You cannot expect her to be a quality sale when you know nothing of this trade. Substandard transactions will ruin our reputation.”

He was clutching at straws
and turned to Hector, arching an incredulous brow.

“Is that what you want?
We already have a fucking contractor MIA, and now fucktard over here wants in on destroying the business.”

              Finally, Hector broke the silence. His words couldn’t have sounded sweeter.

“If you can teach this bitch new tricks
, the job is yours.”

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