Live In Position (70 page)

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Authors: Sadie Grubor

BOOK: Live In Position
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"So, what are you looking for, swept up, pulled back tightly, loose curls?" The bleached blond tilted her head at me waiting for my response.

"Um…curls don't really hold in my hair. They just fall out." I took another bite.

"Do you want curls?" It seemed she felt challenged by my statement.

"Just have a backup plan when they fall out," I snorted.

She got down to business, brushing, teasing, wrapping and rolling my hair up. With it all piled on top of my head she wrapped a plastic cap over my head, stuck a hair dryer in a long tube looking piece and turned it on. While my head began to heat up a small woman appeared with an apron full of brushes. If it weren't for the makeup boxes set up behind her you could mistake her for a painter.

"I think we should go with a neutral smoky look, how about you?"

"You should go more glamorous on your wedding day." Larissa chimed in as the hair stylist worked on her head.

"No, she should stick with the smoky look," Allison added, but closely watching the woman painting her toenails.

"I'll stick with neutral," I rolled my eyes and went on with my food.

"Look," Victoria jumped in front of me and spun.

Her hair was half pulled up and in even bigger ringlets. They flowed over her shoulders and down her back. When she spun back to face me, her green eyes were lit with excitement.

"You look beautiful." I fought not to tear up.

"Can I go show daddy?"

"No," Allison called out. "He'll see you when you come down the stairs." Victoria pouted.

"Why don't you go grab something to snack on, okay? It won't be too much longer." My look of sympathy wasn't doing anything for her, but she went to the food tray regardless.

It would be another two hours before everything was finished and Felicity was organizing everyone for the start of the wedding. Ilene and Juliette had already gone down to take their assigned seats, while Allison nitpicked at me making last minute adjustments. Larissa finally pulled her away just as my father appeared in the doorway.

"Look at you," tears glistened in his eyes. "You look beautiful."

"Dad, don't make me cry," I warned him lovingly as we embraced.

"Paw paw," Victoria squeezed between us and hugged him.

"Oh my, stand back, let me see how beautiful you are." She backed away and spun around. "You look like a princess." He knelt down and kissed her forehead.

"Thank you." She beamed with pride and curtsied.

"It's time," Felicity whispered from out in the hall.

"You ready?" His eyes searched me for an answer.

"Yes, I am."

With my arm through my fathers and Victoria leading the way, we walked down the hall to the top of the stairs. Just before I could step out and look for Collin, Felicity stopped us. She ushered Victoria to go ahead. She was halfway down the stairs when Felicity motioned for us to go.

It only took one step for me to start thinking over everything that had happened since coming into the Bishop's home. When I first entered the home I wasn't fully sure I would be able to handle it. By the time I was given the chance to think about it, I had fallen in love with Victoria. Now my eyes fell upon the green orbs that had once caused such mixed emotions. His eyes held awe and adoration. Taking the hand my father offered to him he pulled me closely to his chest.

"You look beautiful." His whispered words wafted over my face in a minty breath.

Pulling me to his side we faced our guests and walked toward the priest. Most of the faces were unfamiliar to me, but I was sure I knew their nannies. Then a brief moment passed when Ilene's words from the night before filled my mind. The wives in his social group were so different from me and held different expectations. Insecurity swept through me.

Our steps came to a stop and I looked into the smiling face of the priest. The ceremony began. Words of love, respect, and support were spoken from his lips, as Collin and I stole glances at one another. The moment we turned to face one another I felt my resolve breaking down and the misty cloud in his eyes was not helping.

A lone tear formed at the rim of my eye as he vowed to love me till death. When it was my turn to make my vow to him, the tear fell and my lips quivered. I finished before any sobbing could start.

The time had come to seal our vows, our union, with a kiss. A smile spread over Collin's lips as his arms circled my waist. Pulling me to him, he kissed me gently before parting his lips and sucking my bottom lip into his mouth. I pulled back laughing, but he only dipped me back and kissed me again. Righting us again, the priest announced us as Mr. and Mrs. Bishop. Guests stood and cheered politely as they enveloped us.

Bodies of strangers surrounded us and it was almost too much. When Max pulled me into his arms and spun me, I welcomed the familiarity. Larissa was wiping at tears as she kissed my cheek.

Stepping aside she allowed my father and Carla to approach. My father hugged me tighter than he ever had before moving on to shake hands with Collin. It was then that Carla's entire body engulfed me, almost knocking me over. Her tears wet the side of my face and only helped unleash the flood of tears I'd been holding back.

Next up to be received were Juliette and Connor. Connor kissed my forehead.

"I knew you were special." He smiled down at me and moved on to hug his son proudly.

"It was beautiful; you are beautiful, thank you for allowing me to be here." Juliette held my newly ringed hand with both of hers.

"Of course," I wiped away the tears still dampening my cheeks.

Ilene and Drake Pentworth, her new man, stepped forward with proper hugs and kisses. I wouldn't have expected anything less from her. After a kiss to Collin's cheek she pulled Drake into a group of socialites to mingle, and to show off I'm sure.

When my eyes fell on Jonathan I stiffened at Collin's side. He wrapped his arm around me tightly and kissed my head.

"John," Collin's formal tone was different from how he had greeted the other guests.

"Congratulations," he shook Collin's hand. "To both of you," he reached for my hand, but I only looked at it before glancing back up to his face. "Allow me to introduce my date, Helena Griffith." He motioned to a tall light brown haired woman with large chocolate eyes and pencil thin eyebrows. She was almost model worthy, but the conservative nature of her attire placed her more professional.

"It's nice to meet you," I forced a quick smile.

My nerves were still on edge from Jonathan's presence. A quick glance around us put me at ease. Allison was nowhere in sight.

"Pleasure," Helena responded with a smile that would make both Crest and Colgate jealous.

"Helena Griffith?" Collin's brow furrowed. "Aren't you the attorney who defended Doctor Erickson in his malpractice suit two years ago?"

She smiled proudly. "Yes, I am. I'm glad to have gotten him free of those ridiculous accusations."

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Collin finished the conversation.

"What are you doing here?" Allison's shrill tone sent a small, low groan from my lips.

Jonathan turned to look behind him. "I'm congratulating your brother and his new bride."

Allison walked around him and I couldn't help but notice how Jonathan's eyes followed her stomach. She stopped next to me and examined Helena.

"You must be the new 'friend' my boys have talked about." Allison extended a hand to her. I had to admit I'd been expecting a Jerry Springer throw down, but was impressed with her control, even if her tone was still the familiar snotty one.

"You must be Allison," she fidgeted for a moment under Allison's stare, but shook her hand quickly.

"Thank god you are keeping him busy and out of my hair," she shot out to Helena before turning to Collin and me. My eyes widened.

"This dress really did do well didn't it?" She fondled the skirt lightly. "You looked lovely." Her attention quickly turned to Collin.

Tipping on her toes she gave him a large hug and kissed his cheek. "I'm so happy for you, even if you are the biggest cliché possible." There was a quick wink to me before she turned and tripped over another guest's foot.

Collin had her, but Jonathan had been quicker than a flash. His arms were around her straightening her up. Collin released her arm as she pushed her ex-husband away from her.

"You need to be careful," Jonathan sounded like he was begging her instead of ordering her.

"Collin had me and it was an accident. I'm fine." She turned to walk away.

"Someone should be taking care of you." He blurted.

My eyes shifted to Helena. Embarrassment on her cheeks, but a scowl was brewing on her brow.

"I can take care of myself." Allison yelled over her shoulder while continuing her escape from him.

Jonathan and Helena excused themselves to go mingle with others.

"Well, that was interesting," Collin whispered into the side of my head.

"Did you see how he watches her?" I whispered back. He nodded, but talking wasn't going to be possible as we received one guest after another.

Miranda waddled up with Benji holding her arm. I quickly bent down and put my ear to her stomach. She laughed.

"It can't be much longer now," Collin smiled warmly to her and Benji.

"We are only a week away," Benji's proud smile was matched by Rand's.

"You shouldn't have traveled all this way." I kissed her cheek.

"Yeah, like I would miss this," she snorted. "Besides I needed to get out and do something before I'm home with a newborn for weeks."

Though I wished they would join us for the reception dinner at the restaurant, I understood her need to get home. Kissing her goodbye I made her promise to call me the moment she had the baby. Benji swore I was on the list, right at the top. With their well wishes, they headed back to Seattle.

Arriving to the restaurant, still not having a moment alone with my new husband, was even more chaos. Guests wanted to toast, give gifts, pass along advice, and Collin was eventually pulled off into a group of colleagues. While he was with them, I was drawn into a group of doctor's wives and other wives within the same social group.

They asked questions, but avoided the fact that I had been the nanny. Instead inquiring about if I planned to adopt Victoria, would I be joining the PTA – the met every Wednesday you know – and other things I didn't have an exact answer for. For the second time today, Ilene's words clouded my thinking. Phone calls were promised from most wives before the night was over.

With Victoria on her way to Tacoma with my father and Carla, Collin drove us back to the beach house. Stepping into a quiet house was wonderful, but the surprise of everything being cleaned up and returned to normal was a shock. Ilene and Juliette were on top of their game.

"So, I have you for over a week, all to myself." Collin hummed into my ear and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Tomorrow we leave for Hawaii." He kissed behind my ear.

-Hmm," I lay my head back against his shoulder and closed my eyes when his mouth moved down my neck.

"I want you," he whispered.

My thighs instantly tingled and a pulsation began between them. A small shriek was squeezed from my lungs when he whisked me up into his arms, bridal style, carrying me up the stairs toward our room.

He was slow, agonizing slow, but sweet in his touches. My body felt like it would absorb him into my skin at any moment. As we calmed our hearts and breaths, we lay in each other's bare arms, our bodies twisted around one another. For the first time, I fell asleep in my husband's arms.

Chapter Forty

Stretching the next morning I realized I was the only person in bed. With a toss of the covers I sat upright. Dizziness struck and my stomach gave a familiar gurgle. Lying back onto the pillows I covered my face with my hands, hoping I could stop the dizziness.

"Are you alright?"

I couldn't respond. It was too late for me. Rolling to the edge, my feet hit the thick carpet and dug in as I darted for the bathroom. I had to choke back the lump rising in my throat. With my knees on the tiled floor, my morning offering was made to the porcelain god. Collin's warm hand rubbed along my back. I attempted to swat him away, but he stood stoically beside me until I was finished.

"Are you alright?" He handed me a cold damp washcloth. I nodded and wiped my face off. "I have breakfast waiting for you, come on," he stood and extended his hand to me.

"I need to brush my teeth first." Taking his hand he pulled me from the floor and walked me to the sink.

Grabbing my toothbrush and the paste, I applied a decent amount and began scrubbing away the residual sour taste from my mouth. Cupping water in my hand I drank and rinsed everything from my mouth. I stepped into the bedroom when I was finished. Collin had waited to escort me down to breakfast.

Eggs, toast, pancakes, and bacon were waiting on me. The smell of the buttery goodness made my stomach growl with anticipation. Sitting in the spot Collin had set for me, I began to dig into the plate of food. Collin chuckled quietly as he sat next to me.

"Shush it," I pointed my empty fork at him. "You have no idea how gross it is to empty your stomach one minute and then want to eat an entire IHOP the next."

He chuckled again and began eating his own food. Breakfast for the most part had been quiet after that, except for the few times we discussed our departure times and things we needed to hurry and get finished.

Back in the bedroom we packed up our things and Collin started taking the luggage down to the car. Slowly I walked from the bedroom and down the stairs. Looking over the large house I smiled. I got married here yesterday. Collin stepped back into the house. My eyes shifted to his face and my smile grew.

"What are you smiling about?" His feet brought him closer to me.

"How lucky I am." We wrapped our arms around each other, Collin on the step below me. He planted his lips firmly to mine.

"Mmmm," he pulled back, "I believe I'm the lucky one, Mrs. Bishop."

"I think I like the sound of that," I bit my lip.

"I love the sound of it."

With a small dip in his stature he grasped me behind my knees and back. Carrying me bridal style, he took me to the packed car.

"Aren't you supposed to do that on the way into the house?" I giggled.

"In, out," he shrugged, "doesn't matter, just has to be a threshold from what I've heard." He winked and closed my door.

During the drive to the airport I called William to make sure that Flounder, Victoria's not so small puppy, was taken to the kennel and everything was handled. He assured me it was and told me to have a good time on my honeymoon. I'd been wondering how much longer it would be until Will proposed to Amber. It was just a matter of time.

My next call was to my father. Victoria was with them for the afternoon, but needed to be back in Seattle for school. He was supposed to drive her to meet Larissa at our house, so Victoria could pack things to stay with her aunt and uncle. Having only boys, Larissa was looking forward to the girl time she would get. Amber, too, had gratefully taken on helping with Victoria while she was staying.


"Good morning," I practically sang through the phone. Carla laughed.

"Are you two on your way?" Excitement filled her voice.

"Yes, we are. I'm just calling to check in on Victoria and to make sure dad didn't try to kidnap her longer." Carla laughed again.

"She has been wonderful and it might be me who kidnaps her. It's been so nice having her here with me."

"Is that mommy?" Victoria's anxiousness was apparent in the background.

"Yes, it is." Carla answered her. "Hold on a second, someone wants to talk with you," she now addressed me again.



"Hey baby, are you having a good time?"

"Yes," she exclaimed. "I made pancakes this morning and we are making cookies now. Last night, Paw paw taught me how to play war with cards and he promised to teach me poke today."

"Poke?" I furrowed my brow just before realization dawned. "You mean poker?!"

"Yeah, that's it," she exclaimed with pure joy.

"You tell paw paw that he better not cheat." She giggled.

"Tell her hello and I love her," Collin whispered from the driver's seat.

"Daddy says he loves you."

"I love him too, but I still don't know why I couldn't go on the honeymoon too," by the end of her statement she was definitely pouting.

"We will only be gone a week. It won't be too long. Be a good girl for Paw paw and Carla, and for Aunt Rissa and Uncle Max."

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too." I felt the tears start to form in my eyes.

"You still there?" Carla returned to the phone. I wiped my eye.

"Yes, we are only a half hour away from the airport now."

Okay, well, I'll let you get going. Have fun and stay safe. I promise we'll return Victoria to Seattle today." She chuckled.

"Thank you. Talk to you soon." The phone went silent.

"Everything okay?" Collin's hand rested on my left thigh. I nodded.

"Yeah, I just miss her. She said she loves you too, by the way." I rested my head back against the seat. There was a comfortable silence for the rest of the drive.

The flight landed at Honolulu International Airport on time. Collin had a car waiting for us just outside the terminal. We drove until we reached a building which looked like an oversized hut.

Inside there were people rushing around in white shorts and Hawaiian shirts. All eager to take our luggage and welcome us with Leis, we were shown to a large bamboo looking counter. An exotic brunette welcomed us. While Collin checked us into our room I glanced around. I was immediately curious about where the rooms were.

"Right this way, Mr. and Mrs. Bishop."

Collin wrapped his fingers in mine as we followed the short tan man. Two other men stepped behind us with our luggage. When we walked back outside I turned and looked up at Collin. He gave me a sly smile.

"Where are we going?" I whispered.

"To our bungalow," he answered with not one more hint.

The man motioned for us to climb into a long golf cart as our bags were placed in the very rear. I stepped into the cart and took a seat. Collin slid in next to me.

We didn't drive long and the moment we rounded a palm tree filled bend my eyes widened. Stretched out before me were a group of bungalows built over the water. Winding through a few paths, we reached a long wooden dock like walkway. The men hurried down the dock with our bags.

Collin extended his hand to me once he was out of the cart. I took it and climbed out next to him. His arm wound around my waist as we followed the men.

"This is amazing," I breathed out.

"I hoped you would like it."

"Like it? I have never been anywhere like this. I love it." I snuggled into his side and he held me tighter.

If I thought the view from the dock was amazing, I was corrected once we were shown into Bungalow Nine. The living room area had a large glass door which slid back, opening the entire glass wall to the little attached deck. On top of that, there was a large piece of glass in the floor to view the water under the bungalow.

"This is fantastic," I breathed out and walked around.

Stepping into the bedroom I was a loss for words. The bed faced a large open wall with a view of the water and the horizon. I spun and looked at Collin with a large grin before quickly walking out onto the small deck off the bedroom.

The soft warm breeze blew around me, tousling my sundress around my legs. Rays of sun heated my skin, but it was comfortable. I heard Collin's approach and looked over my shoulder at him.

"It is so beautiful." His arms wound around me from behind.

"I agree."

"This is so perfect, Collin. Thank you so much."

I turned in his arms and kissed his chin. He returned the appreciation with a kiss to my lips. I opened my mouth the moment his tongue slipped over my bottom lip. The moan I heard could have come from one or both of us. It didn't matter.

When his hands gripped my hips firmly, I knew where this was headed and I couldn't have wanted anything more at the moment. Slowly, he bunched the cotton of my dress. Tingling heat swept over my skin when his long fingers slipped inside my panties and squeezed my butt. And when his pinky finger slipped lower from behind just brushing the juncture of my lower lips, wet heat pooled between my thighs.

My panties slipped to my knees and I wiggled so they would fall the rest of the way down. Silk and lace rested around my ankles until my husband grabbed the back of my thighs and set me on the banister behind me.

"Collin," I gasped and looked around us. There was no one in sight, at the moment. "We can't, not here." I was barely able to get the words out before his fingers slipped into my wet molten heat and pumped.

"I want you," he growled against my neck, "Right now."

The dominant nature of his last two words had me rocking my hips forward harder against his hand. Dropping my head to his shoulder, I took his shirt into my mouth and I squealed my release. Panting my teeth released the cotton from my mouth and kissed up the side of his neck. As my mouth captured his lips, he slid his long, stiff shaft inside of me.

"Oh god," I gasped, gripping his shoulders tightly.

His hips drove into me over and over. I could feel the tightening muscles of his ass against my legs. My husband was on a mission and would not abandon it until he met his goal.

Heavy breaths left both our mouths as our bodies crashed together over and over, his slick erection moving in and out with increasing speed and depth. Soon I met my end and dug my fingers into the flexed muscle of his shoulders.

"Yes, that's it baby. Cum around me, fuck, Sophia, I can feel you…Christ," he panted and growled just before he slammed erratically between my legs. His forehead came to mine. "I love you so much, Mrs. Bishop." He panted and kissed my lips.

Hawaii was such an amazing place. The weather, food, entertainment, and views were spectacular. However, it was mostly the conversation I loved the most. This trip was the longest, uninterrupted, time Collin and I shared, ever.

He talked about his childhood, growing up privileged and with expectations. I talked about growing up with a sick mother, losing her early in life and growing up in police stations and fishing boats. He finally let me know how he was feeling about his family after everything.

While we did not agree on Allison, he wishing she would go back to her husband, we did agree Ilene was tolerable, but not the matriarch she had once been. Collin was happy for his father and Juliette, but a little hurt his father had cheated on his mother and held such secrets. The conversation would die into a comfortable silence after awhile. One evening, while lying in bed, watching the sun set, he placed his hand on my stomach, fingers spread. I placed my hand over his.

"Do you have any names picked out?"

"No, not yet." I leaned my head against his shoulder.

"Would you be opposed to a junior?"

"Of course not," I giggled. "Is that what you would like, Collin Bishop Junior?" I looked up to his face. A large smile was on his face.

"Very much," he sighed. Leaning his head down, he kissed my forehead.

"What if it's a girl?" I lifted both eyebrows at him.

"Hmm, I'm not sure. Are there any names you prefer?" He settled in closer next to me on the bed.

"I've always liked Kaitlin." My eyes began to feel heavy.

"That's pretty, I actually like that a lot." My eyes began to droop and close. There wasn't anything after that, besides peaceful dreams of a baby girl.

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