Live In Position (72 page)

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Authors: Sadie Grubor

BOOK: Live In Position
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"Victoria," I panted. He groaned and placed his forehead to my chest.

"It's just as well because I need to discuss something with you." I nodded for him to continue. "The detective has found nothing but a trail for Grace."


He nodded. "Yes, so I had my lawyer petition the court for sole custody."

"They'll have to do it with Grace just disappearing again." He looked worried and that confused me.

"Yes," he forced a smile. "However, they want to meet with Victoria again, as well as have you present."

"That's not a problem." I brushed his hair from his forehead.

"I want to make a petition for you to have parental rights to Victoria." He blurted.

"But how…I mean that's not possible without –"

"If Grace doesn't return or at least is gone for a particular period of time, then it can happen. You wouldn't be able to adopt her until we can get Grace deemed unfit and that she abandoned Victoria." I saw the hard swallow he took. "Victoria would be aware of being called an abandoned child."

My eyes widened, but then I got my feelings under control.

"Well, we would just need to talk with her first."

"You are so fucking perfect." He began kissing me again.

"Victoria," I panted.

"Won't hear any –"

"Is behind you," I pulled away and blushed. Victoria giggled loudly and climbed onto a stool.

"What's for dinner?"

A week later we sat in the judge's chambers. Lawyers and the judge went over paperwork, documentation, and police reports. Nothing could stop Collin's petition for sole custody; however, the judge had to wait before he could allow an adoption to take place.

Meeting Victoria in the hallway after the small hearing made my heart leap. She was as cheerful as ever. I took her hand and we began to walk back to the main lobby of the courthouse.

"So, how about some ice cream?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

"Really? Can we?" She developed a bounce in her step. Somewhere in the background a baby wailed loudly.

"Definitely," I smiled.

Collin froze next to me. I stopped and looked to him. His eyes were focused across the room. I followed his glare. Dominic.

Dominic approached with an infant carrier. The source of the wailing was coming from the small infant inside. A reddish purple color painted the poor baby's face. My heart broke for the child.

"What do you want?" Collin's eyes darted from the baby and back to Dominic.

"Is Grace here?"

"What? No she isn't here. No one can find her or has seen her. Apparently you've seen her?"

"Look she showed up a week ago with this baby okay?"

"Why didn't you tell anyone? You knew we were looking for her." Collin was starting to yell. I placed a hand on his arm to calm him. Victoria buried into my side.

"She just showed up Collin. Claiming this kid was mine, she said she didn't have anywhere else to go." Dominic tried to put a pacifier into the baby's mouth unsuccessfully. "I told her she could stay until I got a DNA test, but two days ago I got home from work and she was gone."

"She just left the baby there alone?" I gasped.

My instincts took over. I reached for the baby and removed him from the seat. Holding him against my chest I patted and rocked until he calmed.

"I haven't been able to get him quiet all fucking day," Dominic exhaled and rubbed his tired face.

"Where did she go?" Collin continued his questioning.

"I don't know. I got home from my shift and there was this middle aged woman on my couch with the baby sleeping in her arms. All she said was that Grace hired her so she could run errands and said I would pay her for the day. She hasn't contacted you at all?"

"No," Collin shook his head, running his hand through his hair.

He turned his eyes to me and the baby, giving me disapproving look. Victoria was still buried in my side, hiding.

"I don't know what the hell I'm going to do with him," Dominic spat. "Christ, she just shows up and throws me an infant claiming its mine. She even fucking named him after me, calls him Dom." His humorless laugh was a little eerie.

"Why don't you let us take him while you look for her? Come over this evening and—" Collin's reddening face stopped me from finishing.

"We are NOT taking that child home." He pulled the baby from my arms and thrust him back into Dominic's. "I will not get involved."

Turning his attention back to Dominic, I grew angry. Grabbing Victoria's hand, I walked away from them. Collin called after me, but I needed to cool off. Collin met us at the car, but we didn't speak, even after he pulled out of the parking space. It was Victoria who broke the silence.

"Was that my baby brother?"

Tears formed in my eyes and I wiped at my face.

"Yes," Collin answered.

"Grace left him too huh?"

I wanted to strangle that no good woman with my bare hands.

"Yes," he answered again. I narrowed my eyes at him. He refused to look at me.

"Can't Sophia be his mommy too?"

There was no stopping the tears now. I felt so bad for the baby. He did nothing to deserve a shitty mother who abandons her offspring, nor did he deserve suffering with Dominic's lack of knowledge. Collin simply sighed.

"That's not how it works Victoria." His tone had softened.

"But –"

"Sophia is with us, not with them." Collin finished.

"Does that make him my daddy too?"

"No," Collin and I answered in unison.

"So he won't have a mommy?" There was a slight whimper in her voice.

"Collin, please, can't we just help that poor little boy?" I gripped his thigh.

"He isn't our concern." He growled. "Do you really want to get involved in all of that?" Briefly his eyes turned to look at my teary face. "We have our own children to worry about."

"I don't want to keep the baby, but we can help until he finds a good nanny or whatever he decides." I choked out my argument.

He looked at me one more time and sighed heavily. "I'll give him a call when we get home, but this won't be permanent. I need you to relax, not become more stressed."

Leaning over I kissed his cheek. "This is helping me relax. I would be so worried about the baby if I we didn't help."

"I still don't like this." Collin grumbled, keeping his eyes on the road.

"I'll make you feel better, later," I whispered into his ear before sitting back and speaking louder. "This way Victoria can meet her little brother." Before turning to look at her, I saw a small grin on Collin's face.

That evening Collin contacted Dominic, offering him our help with Dom and giving the information for the Nanny Poppins Services. I had given Collin a couple of names to suggest to him. I also gave Collin one intense evening of gratitude. No longer comfortable in the cat woman suit, I donned a tiny nurse's outfit I'd been saving and made sure only refer to him as Doctor Bishop. He seemed to enjoy it immensely.

Dom was only at our house during the day for a week before Dominic hired a tiny blond, Kenly, from the nanny service. His last request was if I would spend a day with Kenly and the baby, just to help her get familiar with him. Collin was relieved when I was no longer concerned with taking care of Dom. However, I did make sure Kenly understood that she could call me any time, as well as visit often. He was Victoria's brother after all.

Having an uncommon afternoon to myself, no Ilene, no brunch, no meeting, no gathering, no phone calls, or school events, I decided to give Flounder a bath. The kennel had groomed him while we were in Hawaii and his coat had been so shiny.

Deciding I would use our tub – since it was the largest – I filled it halfway with warm water. Flounder may have been named for a fish, but he didn't take to the water. He thrashed around the tub trying to jump out every chance available. I had to sit on the edge of the tub to keep him in while I leaned forward for the sprayer to rinse him off.

My plan was foiled when he jumped, placing his front paws on the edge of the tub next to me. I slipped from the side into the sudsy water next to him. Flounder took the opening and hopped out of the tub running out of the bathroom. I sat in the dog bath water laughing myself to tears until the phone rang. Climbing from the tub, I wrapped a large towel around me.

"I am going to get you back Flounder!" Stepping out of the bathroom I grabbed the cordless next to the bed. "Hello?"

"He's here." I recognized Benji's voice immediately.

"Oh, that's wonderful. How are they?"

"They are fantastic," he boasted. "Rand did so good Soph, she was amazing, and the baby, Jack, is so perfect."

"You named him Jack," I cooed and rubbed my slightly bloated belly.

Remembering I was still soaked I stopped myself just before I sat on the bed and began to strip the soaked material off.

"I am so happy for you both."

"Thanks Soph. I have so many people to call while Rand is asleep."

"Okay, tell her I love her, congratulations, and have her call me when she feels up to it."

"Will do. By Sophia."

"Bye." I set the phone back on the base and pulled my shirt over my head.

Once I redressed in dry clothes I tracked down Flounder to finish cleaning him up. I straightened the bathroom back to
its before puppy bath state.

Sitting down at my small desk in the bedroom, I looked down at the leather calendar book resting on my closed laptop.

Flipping open to the current week I read over the rest of my week; dance class, karate, dinner party with Collin's mentor, lunch with Ilene and Larissa, dinner with Juliette and Connor, phone meeting with publisher. The list seemed to go on and on. With a heavy sigh I closed the book and grabbed the stack of folders I'd been avoiding.

Sitting in the middle of the bed, I spread the folders out around me. Collin convinced me to fill out the request and requirements form and ship it off to an agency, trying to get possible applicants for a personal assistant. I had done it and after a phone discussion received multiple faxes. The most I'd done was sticking them in folders and stack them on my desk. With the weight of my calendar becoming more and more, I have finally resigned to look them over.

I needed someone who would help me with invites, scheduling for the book tour, as well as someone who was decent with children. Because, let's face it, I would most likely need the help after the baby arrived and Collin's schedule was almost as bad as mine. Opening the first folder, I began to review.

Amidst my reading I started to get lost in my own thoughts, thoughts of my interview, and my first step toward being hired by Collin. When in the beginning I thought this level of lifestyle could possibly be my breaking point, I had more than prevailed. In the process I gained so much more. The nanny live in position had grown into something I could have never imagined.

I have a beautiful little red haired girl who could melt my heart with one look, a baby on the way, and a husband who worshipped me. To add to the euphoria, I was on my way toward my long time career goal. My book was selling at an unexpected rate and becoming well known with parents and children. It seemed I was getting it all.

Would this person, this assistant, be my first step in succeeding in my newest position, the position of Mrs. Doctor Collin Bishop, prominent wife and mother of two?


Sitting in the recently remodeled spare room, which was now my personal office, I looked up over my laptop as my beautiful ten year old girl slowly walked her two year old sister into my office.

Katlyn Arabella Bishop finally arrived to the family two weeks passed my due date. She weighed in at 8 pounds, 10 ounces and twenty-one inches long. Even at birth the coppery fuzz covering her head showed evidence of her father. The resemblance only grew stronger with the months and years to follow. Her emerald orbs could only be matched in the beauty of her daddy's.

"What are you two up to?" There was no controlling the smile spreading over my face.

"We missed you," Victoria smiled toward me and then dropped her head to Katie. "Didn't we?" she cooed to her living doll.

Victoria had taken on the role of doting and helpful big sister, though she did disappear on me for those colicky months. If it hadn't been for Steph, my assistant-slash-live-in nanny, I don't know what those months would have been. Between the book parties, the colic, Victoria's schedule, and Collin's traveling engagements I could have easily lost my mind.

The gurgled 'mum' falling from Katie's lips made me smile wider. Pushing up from my seat, I rounded my desk and lifted the little mini-Collin into my arms. Her chubby arms wrapped around my neck and her head rested on my shoulder.

"I'm done for the morning. Come on," I stretched my hand out to Victoria, "we should start getting you two ready."

Together we walked to Victoria's room. Releasing my hand, she ran directly to her closet and pulled out the white and dark mauve gown.

"I'm so excited to be in the wedding," she squealed on her way toward her bed.

"These dresses are so freaking cute." Steph's voice alerted us to her arrival in the room. She looked to me first. "Do you want me to take her?" Her arms stretched out toward a half asleep Katie.

I shook my head. "No, it's nice to hold her."

"Just don't let –"

"Sophia," Collin's worried voice caused me to turn toward him standing in Victoria's open doorway, "You shouldn't be carrying her around."

"Collin." My firm warning tone was accentuated with one raised eyebrow.

"Overbearing again?" His concern shifted to the look of a scolded boy within milliseconds. I couldn't help but smile at him. "I'm sorry," it only took a few steps to close the gap between us. "I just want to make sure you and the baby are okay." His lips pressed to my forehead as his long fingers stretched over the newly developing baby bump.

"I have already told you it is perfectly safe for me to pick up and hold Katie. You know, as a doctor and a two time dad, you should really know this by now." The left side of my mouth rose in amusement of my teasing.

"As a doctor, I'm well aware of the dos and don'ts; however, the love of my life and our children are concerned, so all the awareness is now null and void." His lips now pressed to Katie's head.

Her eyes opened blinked slowly and then fully focused on Collin. "Dahey." Katie reached out for her father and he quickly cuddled her to his strong chest.

Now, I have been with Collin for a few years and have had him in the most intimate of ways, but to see him holding our daughter, seeing him take on the role of protector and caregiver made my insides melt. When he looked to me and winked, while rubbing Katie's back, my thighs ignited and he knew it. Sometimes I think his desire to have another baby so quickly was simply because of the horny side effect. It took a moment to gather my thoughts back to the present task of getting ready for this evening. I walked over to Victoria.

"So, we need to pull your hair up on your head and place the tiara right about here, right?" My fingers were pressing onto her head about two inches from her hair line.

"Yep." The excitement in her eyes was infectious. I leaned forward and kissed her head before sending her off to shower.

"I can take Katie to lie down for a bit before we get her dressed." Steph offered.

"I'll carry her in," Collin walked the sleepy girl toward her room with Steph following closely behind. I took the opportunity to shower.

Shaving my legs with a swollen stomach, even if it wasn't very large yet, still made it difficult and I cursed not going to get them waxed last week. Just as I moved into my flamingo position Collin's naked body wrapped around me.

"Damn it Collin," I yelled
half-heartedly. "I have a razor" turning to look up at him, "Are you trying to cause damage?"

"I think we both know the last thing I would allow is harm to come to you." A familiar smolder burned in his green eyes. I began to push space between us.

"Collin, we have to be ready and I still need to shave my legs." With one arm stretched out forward, he pressed forward until my back was against the wall.

"Give me the razor." His hand extended toward me. He must think I was crazy. There was no way I was going to let him shave my legs. "Don't give me that look," he smiled, "Trust me."

Hesitantly I handed over the razor. With my back against the wall, I gasped when he moved to his knees before me. Taking one of my legs, he applied the shaving lotion before slowly and precisely following the curve of my leg with the razor. Never had I thought this would be such a turn on, but hot damn it was erotic.

The way his long fingers slid across my skin and the delicate way he moved the razor. My body was being consumed by desire. Heat spread across my chest and face, embarrassed with myself for getting so worked up over leg shaving. When he finished and turned to face me, on his knees, I saw my lust reflected back in his green orbs.

A clang of plastic to porcelain sounded through the bathroom when he dropped the razor and grabbed onto my hips. His kiss to my belly brought my hands to his hair. When his kisses became wetter and lower my hips moved forward in anticipation. The moment he kissed my anticipating and swollen lips I moaned. The sound encouraged his tongue to work its magic in tandem with his fingers.

Collin moaned in approval when I threw my leg up over his shoulder. The sound carried straight to my core and I exploded from the inside out. My chest was heaving in an attempt to get my breathing under control.

"Oh God," grunting as he stood and swiftly entered me.

"I have to have you," he growled. Taking my leg by the back of my knee he hooked my left leg onto his hip and thrust repeatedly into me.

"Oh God, Collin." My hands scratched at his chest before taking purchase on his shoulders and gripping onto them. He plummeted deep inside me. The coil quickly tightened in my belly ready to unleash a wave of pure pleasure. "Please, Collin, please," I begged and he complied.

"Fuck Sophia," he growled, "I love when you beg for me." His fingers slid between us and my body clenched down around him as he erratically pumped into me with a loud grunt. This time we both were gasping for steady breaths.

An hour passed since the shower rendezvous and we were both dressed for the evening. Collin's black suit was cut perfectly for his broad shoulders. I found myself trying to prevent my hands from stripping him down and hiking my dress up.

Reminding myself we couldn't be late, I took one last look in the mirror. The gray satin, empire waist dress was comfortable and complimented my current figure. With his hand placed to my lower back, Collin walked me out of our bedroom toward our girls. His hand slipped down over my ass just as I entered Victoria's room. God I loved him.

"Do you need help with anything?" I called out and sat my clutch purse on top of her dresser.

"Nope, I got it." Victoria stepped out in the fluffy white gown with tiers of light mauve tulle around her waist and a large dark mauve satin bow tied in the front. Her hair was pulled up into a high bun and the tiara was perfect. A tear formed in my eye as I looked her over. Damn hormones.

"You look beautiful," Collin voiced what I couldn't say without bursting into tears.

"Thank you, daddy." She smiled proudly.

Victoria and Collin had only gotten closer as the years passed by and every month for the past year Collin took Victoria on a 'daddy-daughter' date. It was always just the two of them and it usually lasted for a minimum of 4 hours. I loved every date they had and every day they grew into the best of friends.


We all turned as Steph walked Katie into Victoria's room. She wore the same dress as Victoria, minus the tiara. Victoria pushed by us and was the first to reach her sister.

"Look at you Katie, you look like a princess." Victoria kissed her head. "We match." Katie giggled and smiled up to the big sister she adored.

"Okay ladies, we need to get going," Collin announced while rubbing his hands together. "Steph are you ready or did you need more time?"

"No, I'm good. I'll go grab the diaper bag."

Steph headed to Katie's room while we went down the stairs, Collin carrying Katie.

Downstairs everyone slipped into their coats and last minute checks were made to ensure we weren't forgetting anything. Collin escorted all of 'his ladies' to the car and we were off.

Arriving to the NHS Hall of the Seattle Botanical Gardens my eyes widened at the beauty. Allison had really done a beautiful job finding this location. The gardens were lit with warm yellow lighting and the stone walkway was filled with the smell of fragrant plant life. Inside there were enough round tables to seat at least 250 people, but probably more. Allison, dressed in a long dark mauve dress, approached us quickly.

"I need the girls to come to the back room with me."

Victoria quickly took Katie from Collin and walked toward Allison.

"Maybe I should tag along," I stepped forward, but Steph's hand halted me.

"Go sit, I'll help with the girls."

"Thank you, Steph," Collin answered before I could. Placing his hand on my lower back he guided me through the double doors and into the room of round tables.

The flowers and plants decorating the hall were amazing. Tea lights surrounded the centerpieces and candelabras lined the walls. It was so simple, elegant, and intimate. Excitement for the evening built into a thousand butterflies. Looking to the front of the room, my eyes settled on the arch of creeping ivy. Just then Larissa caught sight of us and waved us to a table in the front.

As we made our way through the mostly filled tables I caught sight of Dominic. My brow furrowed briefly in contemplation to why he was here, but then I saw Kenly seated two seats from him with lil'Dom on her lap. The moment I made eye contact with her I smiled.

Dominic hadn't much luck where Grace was concerned. Of course the DNA test proved the little boy was his and for a couple of months I thought Dominic wasn't going to be able to handle it, especially when Grace resurfaced in our lives begging to be with her son. It lasted only a month before she disappeared in the middle of the night.

The last we heard of Grace, she was living in Hollywood with an 'up and coming' photographer. Collin had gotten a hold of her long enough to demand she sign away her rights to
Victoria. In true Grace Fashion, it took money for her to do comply with our wishes. The moment her maternal rights were terminated we filed for mine to take place. We celebrated with a four day weekend at Whidbey Island, just the four of us, when everything was finalized.

As for Dominic, he couldn't get her to relinquish anything, but my concern with his handle on his child was completely misplaced. Dominic was a very attentive and active father. Baby Dom came first and foremost in his life, though in defense of my apprehension he did like the appeal his son had on women. He had even referred to him as unmatchable foreplay for women. I didn't exactly enjoy his remark, but I also didn't expect any less from him in that area.

Kenly had been an amazing addition to his household. She was fantastic with the baby and held no intimate interest in Dominic; in fact, she would probably prefer to have dated Grace. Yeah, exactly; it was perfect for a live-in nanny in his house.

Reaching our table, Larissa immediately descended onto my bump, her hands circling it and then rubbing her own. My eyes widened in question. She shrugged.

"We've started trying again." A smile crept over her face.

"I'm so happy for you." We embraced and over her shoulder I watched Collin take Max's hand and pat his shoulder.

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