Locked Together (In Chains) (19 page)

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Authors: Michelle Abbott

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Locked Together (In Chains)
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In the bathroom, I strip off my dirty clothes and put them in the hamper. I can hear the clatter of pots and pans coming from the kitchen. I’m hungry for some real food. I step under the jet of warm water and I notice a bottle of strawberry scented shower gel, he must have got that just for me, it’s not a scent Simon would use. I flip the cap and slather the gel over my body; it smells of summer, strawberries and cream. I close my eyes and let the water wash over me. “Savannah.”

Hearing Simon call me, I turn off the water. I’ve spent far too long in the shower, my skin is wrinkly. “I’ll be down in a minute,” I call out to him. I dry myself off with a big, fluffy towel and head to my bedroom in search of some clean clothes. I open the wardrobe door and frown. Has someone else been staying here? There are dresses, tops and a pair of jeans that I don’t recognise.

“Oh, I forgot to mention, “Simon calls up, “I got you some new clothes.”

He’s being so kind, I almost want to cry. Prior to my time in the Pound, I’d never wear dresses because I don’t like my white, flabby legs, but after wearing Pound scrubs for so long, I welcome something pretty and feminine. I pull out a purple coloured dress and hold it up against me. It’s long and comes down to the middle of my calf; it’s covered in a flower design with a wide plain purple waistband. I slip it on and examine myself in the mirror, turning from side to side. I like it. I’m about to leave the room when my gaze falls on Kayden’s little bear. I pick it up and stroke its threadbare tummy.

The aroma of bananas hits me as I reach the kitchen door; Simon places a plate of banana pancakes on the kitchen table, along with maple syrup and a mug of fresh coffee. I take a sip of coffee, and sigh, I’ve missed this. Simon joins me at the table. “Eat up before it gets cold,” he says. He doesn’t need to tell me twice. I close my eyes as I savour the taste of the fluffy banana pancake.

I stare at my empty plate in amazement. I can’t believe I ate it all that quickly, I used to be a slow eater. I gulp down the rest of my coffee. “I’ve got the day off and I want to take you out somewhere fun, to take your mind off things,” Simon says as he refills my mug. “Let’s go to London. I know you’re worried that you’re a fugitive and I want you to feel comfortable. There’s so many people and tourists in London, no one will notice you, you won’t stand out. An artist has turned the fountain in Trafalgar Square into the world’s biggest chocolate fountain, would you like to go and see it?”

“Real chocolate?” I ask.

Simon smiles and shakes his head. “Unfortunately, no. It just looks real.”

“Oh that’s a shame, but yes, I’d like to go.”


It took a couple of hours to get here, after we left the countryside there was so much traffic, but I enjoyed the scenery. It was like seeing it for the first time after spending so long in the drab surroundings of the Pound and being cooped up in the caravan. Simon parks his car in the parking lot of his office building and we walk to Trafalgar Square. He’s right, I feel anonymous in London, no one is paying any attention to me. There are lots of tourists taking photos.

I gasp as we approach the fountain, it looks just like chocolate. I dip my hand into it, it’s strange because it feels like regular water. I notice people around me are frowning at a couple playing around, splashing each other with the chocolate water. It makes me smile; it’s a hot day and a fun way to cool down, why would anyone be annoyed about that? The woman turns around and I get a good look at her face. I freeze, it’s Bailey. She hasn’t noticed me; she’s having too much fun with the guy she’s with. It’s a couple of minutes before I get a good look at the guy, but once I see his face, I recognise Reece. My eyes scan the crowds looking for Kayden, I can’t see him.

Reece and Bailey have stopped splashing each other, they’re sitting down at the fountain, he has his arm around her and she’s resting her head on his shoulder. Are they an item now? I frown, I knew Reece liked her but she always seemed to hate slaves.

I jump as Simon places his hand on my shoulder. “Everything okay?” he asks.

I keep my eyes on Reece and Bailey as I answer him. “I don’t know. I’ve just seen the guard and the slave Reece, but I can’t see Kayden anywhere.”

Simon is quiet for a minute, then he turns me around to face him. “Are you telling me that the guard you kidnapped is here, with the slave, willingly?”

I glance back at Bailey and Reece. “Well they certainly look contented.”

Simon follows my line of sight. “The redhead, is that her?” he asks. I nod my head.

Simon gets his phone out of his pocket. “What are you doing?” I ask, putting my hand on his arm. “Please don’t call slave security, Kayden might be here.”

“I’m not calling anyone,” he says, holding his phone up, “I’m recording a video.”

“Why?” I frown at him.

He films for a little longer and then puts his phone back in his pocket. “I did some things I regret and I want to make it up to you.”

“How will taking a video of those two make anything up to me.”

He places his arm around my shoulder and pulls me close to him. “I’ve got something in mind; well see how it pans out.” He smiles down at me. “Shall we find somewhere to have lunch?” he asks.

I stare at Bailey and Reece some more and I start heading towards them before my brain has chance to realise what my legs are doing. I stand in front of them. At first they’re too wrapped up in each other to notice me, but then Reece looks up, his mouth falls open and he nudges Bailey. I don’t waste time with pleasantries. “Where’s Kayden?” I ask them.

Reece frowns. “I thought he was with you.”

I shake my head. “He’s not with me, when did you last see him?”

Bailey gets to her feet. If that bitch is thinking of starting something, she’s picked the wrong damn day. Reece stands up too. “Answer me, when did you last see him?” I scowl at them.

Reece shrugs his shoulders. “The night you left the hotel. He went out somewhere and that was the last time we saw him.”

My lungs are suddenly struggling to take in air and my legs are wobbling. “Slave security must have caught him,” I say as I reach out for Reece’s shoulder to steady myself.

“No one’s caught him,” Bailey says. “They haven’t been looking for any of you.”

I frown at her. “How would you know that?”

“I work there,” she rolls her eyes at me. “I went back into work the next day, told them I’d managed to escape.”

I jump as I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see Simon standing beside me. “We should go Savannah,” he says.

I hold up my hand. “Give a minute.” I turn back to Bailey. “They must have asked who kidnapped you and where we were.”

Bailey’s gaze flicks from Simon, to me. “They did but the chips aren’t activated so they can’t track you. They don’t want bad publicity; they don’t want anyone knowing how lax their security is. As far as everyone is concerned, you three are still locked up in there.” She reaches for Reece’s hand. “Come on, let’s go.”

“Wait.” I grab her arm. “Where is Kayden?”

She stares at me. “I don’t know, and what’s more, I don’t care. Goodbye.” She drags Reece along behind her like he’s a lost puppy.

My shoulders slump as I watch them leave. Simon puts his arm around my shoulders. “Let’s go for a walk along the river,” he says.


We walk along by the Thames until Simon spots a bar with outside seating and a view of the river. He orders us both some white wine. I stare at the boats and my thoughts drift to Kayden. I don’t understand why he hasn’t come to the farm. Is he hurt, or dead. I take a gulp of my wine. No, I can’t think like that, I have to believe he’s alive. “Simon, has there been anything on the news, or in the papers about a slave being found dead?”

Simon sighs and shakes his head. “He’s alive Savannah, he’s survived much worse than being on the run.”

I begin to relax a little. “You’re right.” Perhaps he was telling me the truth, when he said he didn’t love me, maybe he’s met someone else.

“Would you like to see a show tonight?” Simon asks.

Maybe it will take my mind off things. “I’d love to.”

“We’re spoilt for choice, what are you in the mood for, thriller? Comedy? Musical?”

“I’ve had more than enough thrills,” I laugh. “A comedy would be good, or a musical.”

While Simon plays around on his phone, I look around at the other bar customers. A middle aged couple are sitting at the next table. The woman is tall and elegant and she’s wearing a designer suit. They’re speaking a language I don’t understand but they look Italian. Simon looks up from his phone. “How does Dirty Dancing sound?”

“It sounds inappropriate, Simon, it would be incest.” I bust up laughing at my own joke; Simon smiles and shakes his head. “I loved the movie, it would be great to see it on stage,” I say.

“It’s been out for a while,” he says, “so we shouldn’t have a problem getting tickets. Would you object to me inviting Christina?”

“No, it will be lovely to see her again.” Okay, maybe that’s an exaggeration but I am so over my issues with her. There are much more important things to be concerned about, I can put aside our differences, Simon loves her. He calls Christina and arranges to meet her outside the theatre. We spend the rest of the afternoon at the bar, enjoying the sunshine, drinking far too much wine and reminiscing about our childhood. I push thoughts of Kayden from my mind.

Simon glances at his watch. “We should make our way to the theatre,” he says.

Christina is waiting outside and I’m surprised when she gives me a hug before she even greets Simon. She still dressed in her work suit and she smells of Chanel perfume. “It must have been so awful for you, Savannah. Simon has been out of his mind with worry. I’m so pleased you’re okay.”

“It’s not an experience I want to repeat, but I’m fine,” I tell her. “Thank you Christina, for being there for Simon.”

I look around for my brother; he’s heading towards us, waving three tickets. “I managed to get us front row seats,” he says.

We stop at the bar, so that Christina can get a drink. I’ve had enough; if I have another drink I’ll be falling asleep during the show. We take our seats just as they dim the lights and I lose myself for the next couple of hours. It’s like the movie, except better. I’ve had a wonderful evening and I’m feeling good.

As we walk back to the car I can’t help noticing that there are no slaves in London, or if there are, they’re hidden away. Maybe the government don’t want to show the seedier side of life to the tourists. I must have dozed off in the car because I wake with a jolt when I feel someone shaking me. I peel open my eyes and see we’re parked outside the farmhouse. “You’re moving back in with me,” Simon says. “I’m going to take care of everything tomorrow.” I don’t know what he means by ‘take care of everything’ but I’m too tired to care. He takes my hand and helps me out of the car. “Go up to bed, Savannah.”


I wake up to the sunlight streaming through the window. My head hurts and my mouth feels dry and furry. I glance at the clock, two in the afternoon, I frown, that can’t be right, can it? I’m still fully dressed, I must have been tired, or drunk, if I didn’t even bother to change into PJ’s. I ease myself up from the bed and open the door. I can hear classical music playing downstairs, Simon must be home. I pad down the stairs, to find him sitting in his favourite recliner, eyes closed, lost in the music. Not wanting to disturb him, I turn to leave. “Savannah.” I turn around to see him smiling at me.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you, or to sleep the entire morning away.”

“I didn’t want to wake you.” He gestures towards the armchair. “Sit down; I’ll make you a coffee. I’ve got something to tell you.”

I relax in the chair until Simon comes back in with my coffee. He sits forward in the chair and rests his arms on his knees. “I had a meeting with Mr Porter this morning.”

I almost spill hot coffee all over my lap. “Simon, was that wise?”

“Relax.” He smiles. “You’re free Savannah; you’ve been released early for good behaviour.” He hands me some sheets of A4 paper. “These are your release papers.”

I put down my coffee and flick through the pages. “I don’t understand, why would he do this?”

Simon leans back in his chair. “I might have shown him a video and a photo or two.” He chuckles to himself. “I might have mentioned that the media would find it interesting that a supposedly kidnapped guard is having an affair with one of the slaves accused of kidnapping her, and they might wonder why the escape hasn’t been reported.”

I stare at my brother. “You blackmailed him.”

“I negotiated with him.”

I drop the papers on the floor and reach for Simon’s hand. I pull him up out of the chair and hug him. “Thank you, you’re amazing.”










It’s been three months since I last saw Savannah and if I saw her now, I think I’d run and hide. I look a mess; I wouldn’t want her to see me like this. I haven’t shaved in forever; I don’t think Savannah likes hairy faces. My hair has got long, it’s at my shoulders and it gets on my nerves, I wanna shave it off. I’ve been lucky, most parks have washbasins in the toilets, so I’ve been able to keep myself a bit clean, but I ain’t got no soap. I sniff my scrubs, they stink but I can’t wash them, I don’t wanna be sleeping naked. I’ve got lots of those paper things that Savannah can get money with. I tore off a strip of cloth from my pants leg to tie the papers together, so I don’t lose any. Today, no one wanted to give me any work, so I kept walking. I got through three towns but it’s starting to get dark earlier, so I’m gonna have to stop when I get to the next town. I’m hungry, no work means no food.

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