Loco's Love [Brac Pack 9] (10 page)

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Authors: Lynn Hagen

Tags: #Siren-BookStrand, #Inc.

BOOK: Loco's Love [Brac Pack 9]
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Loco let go of Tangee’s right wrist, grabbing his mate’s cock and stroking it at lightning speed. He was about to come and wanted Tangee to rush into the river of release with him.

“Yeah, yeah. Just like that. Fuck. Loco. Don’t stop, don’t stop.” Tangee rolled his hips, bouncing his ass as Loco slammed into him.

Loco whined and then broke the skin on Tangee’s neck, sinking his teeth in as he whined louder, coming hard.

“Efing, efing, efing, hell.” Tangee jerked and bucked under Loco, his come making Loco’s hand slick with semen.

Tangee collapsed under him, breathing heavily as his forehead rolled back and forth on the carpet.

Loco wanted to lay there and enjoy his mate, but they had to get into the bathroom and wash up. Loco pulled free as he licked the wound closed. He helped Tangee up, swinging his sated mate up into his arms and carrying him into the bathroom.

* * * *

“And where do you think you two are going?” Maverick growled as Loco and Tangee wrapped Melonee in her coat with her pink weekend bag slung over Loco’s shoulder.

“It’s time to take her home.” Tangee reached for the door handle, but Maverick was faster, at his side in a second.

“Not even letting me say good-bye?” That was exactly what Tangee and Loco were trying to do. Maverick would only delay them for hours as he fussed over the little pixie.

“We have things to do, so I wanted to get her home.”
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“Wait, I bought her a car seat.” Maverick yelled for Evan, one of the warriors that made Tangee uncomfortable. The guy never smiled, never even laughed. His aura screamed death.

“But, Maverick, she already has one,” Tangee whined, wanting to get out of there before the Alpha snatched Melonee and took her off with him, like he had been doing practically all weekend.

“Is it pink with little baby fairies?” Tangee couldn’t help it. He fought it to no avail, his laughter echoing throughout the foyer at the big bad wolf talking about baby fairies. To be on the receiving end when he was in full alpha mode was not something Tangee ever wanted to experience, but to witness him in full
wrapped around Melonee
mode was worth the price of admission.

“What’s so funny?”

Loco sniggered next to Tangee, as he hiked the bag higher on his shoulder. “I’m witnessing the downfall of our Alpha to a five-year–

old,” he whispered into Tangee’s ear.

Maverick accepted the seat from Evan, eyeing Loco and Tangee menacingly as he strode out to secure the booster seat in Loco’s truck, his look daring either to say a word.

“What do we do with the other one?” Loco asked as he pulled the squirming toddler from Tangee’s arms.

“Give it back to my mom. She’ll need it. We can keep the pink one with
in your truck for the weekends we have her.” Tangee smiled at Maverick as he slid into the truck, his mate securing his sister into her new car seat.

Maverick gave a nonthreatening growl toward Tangee as he leaned into the extended cab and kissed Melonee on her forehead.

“When will she be back?”

Tangee shrugged. “Whenever my mom says it’s okay.”

“Give me her phone number. I want to check on Melonee while she is away visiting your mom.” Maverick waited.

“Visiting? Uh, dude, she lives with her.”

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“Whatever. Just make sure I get that number.” Maverick tousled Melonee’s hair before retreating into the house. Tangee watched as the guy actually looked like he was going to cry.

Tangee chuckled to himself. He knew the feeling.

His sister had a way of making you feel all warm and protective inside, wanting to kill anything that breathed near her.

“Ready?” Loco asked as he started the truck.

* * * *

Loco glanced over at his mate as they entered Pride Pack Valley, which was Eastern Pack territory.

Maverick had phoned Alpha Zeus, informing him of Tangee’s situation.

Zeus had invited them to come so Tangee could meet his relatives.

He knew this was a big deal to Tangee but wished he could wipe away the anxiety he could feel rolling off of his mate in waves.

He pulled the truck into the drive, smiling widely when Jasper, who had been Loco’s pack mate until he mated with Zeus, came bounding out of the house, a smile stretched across his face.

Loco got his truck door closed mere seconds before Jasper jumped into his arms.

A low growl came from the direction of the house, Loco looked up to see Zeus standing there, looking as fierce as ever.

“Oh, hush you.” Jasper waved back at the very large Alpha.

Turning his attention to Loco, Jasper released him and sighed. “You look great. I’m so happy to see someone from my old pack.”

“Looking good, Jazz. How’s life in the Eastern pack treating you?” Loco asked as Jasper kissed him on the cheek, Tangee made his way around, eyeing the redheaded wolf then looking over to Loco.

His eyes were sharp and assessing. Did he think something had been between him and Jasper?

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“Good. Trying to get these guys in shape has been a challenge though. They are far worse than you guys were before Cecil showed up. Boring as all hell. I even have a new version of Remi here.” Jasper laughed, his eyes darting to Tangee then back to his Loco. “Who’s the cutie?”

Tangee snorted.

“Jasper, this is my mate, Tangee.” Loco presented him proudly.

“Nice to meet you, Tangee. I’m Jasper. Cool tats.” Jasper shook his mate’s hand before leading them up the front steps.

“Wait, I forgot my bag.” Tangee turned to go to the truck, but Jasper held his hand up.

“Got it.”

Loco stared up the steps at Zeus. The guy was frickin’ huge.

The wolf must have walked straight out of hell because there was no way someone gave birth to him. Loco took a step back, half hiding his mate behind him.

If the Alpha saw the move, he didn’t say a word. It wasn’t that he was afraid of him. Loco didn’t know him well enough to expose his mate to someone this enormous.

Jasper shouted from the truck, “Hey, I know your mate is short but really…a car seat?”

“Fuck you, Jazz.” Loco laughed. Zeus growled. Tangee rolled his eyes as Jasper bounced from the truck and up the steps to the Alpha, kissing him soundly to hush him.

“It’s for my baby sister.” Tangee quickly defended him. Loco thought it endearing that his mate was so protective of him

“Don’t mind queeny. He’s all fluff.” Loco winked at Tangee.

“I’ll give you queeny, you silver-haired Neanderthal.” Jasper stuck his tongue out playfully as he led them into the house.

“How’s Jason working out?” Zeus addressed Loco as he made them drinks. Jason was the wolf Zeus had sent to the Brac pack to replace Jasper.


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Loco knew he was trying to be hospitable for Jasper’s sake. The man didn’t look as though he engaged in too much small talk. Giving orders was more his thing.

“Good. Kinda quiet though. Pretty much stays to himself.” Loco took the drink. Enjoying a good brandy was always relaxing.

Zeus turned to Tangee. “About your dad.”
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Chapter Eight

Tangee could feel his heart racing out of control. His whole life he had been desperate for any scrap of information he could get pertaining to his father, and now he was about to hit pay dirt.

“I have been the Alpha for less a year, so I knew nothing of your father, Sky. I had to ask around. When I defeated the previous Alpha, some of the pack broke off to join him, turning rogue if you will. I wasn’t sure if your father’s family had gone with them.” Tangee’s head spun. His relatives, rogue? Please god, no. After waiting a life time to find out about his father, he wouldn’t be able to handle if his relatives were rogues.

Tangee felt lightheaded.

“Easy, mate. Listen to him before jumping the gun.” Loco kissed the side of his neck, giving him comfort when he felt bone-deep coldness creeping into him.

“Relax, young man. Your father’s honor seems to be throughout the entire family. You have an Uncle Windstorm. Helluva name if you ask me. He has a son, Heaven. Nice family. I had the honor of sitting down with them. Taking over a pack is hard work. I haven’t had the chance to get acquainted with everyone yet,” Zeus said as the large Alpha took a seat behind his desk. Tangee was relieved to hear this.

Tangee pulled his attention back from his thoughts and just nodded, feeling as though this was all a dream. He was afraid he would wake up in his apartment to find himself alone again. “Do…do they want to meet me?”


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“Can’t stop them from calling everyday to see if you’ve agreed to come.” Jasper smiled warmly at him.

“Really?” Tangee knew he sounded surprised, and the feeling of giddiness threatened to make him burst with laughter. They wanted him!

“Yep, they are chomping at the bit to meet you. Come on, I’ll take you.”

Tangee was on his feet in seconds, following behind the redhead as Loco followed him.

They headed out of the house and toward a large truck. Zeus followed all three, getting into the driver’s seat and driving them to Windstorm’s home.

Zeus pulled into the driveway, and Tangee thought he was going to vomit from nerves. He slid out of the back seat, ready to bolt instead of doing the hardest thing in his life, meet his unknown family.

The thought of them being disappointed played in his mind, making his feet itch to run and get the hell out of here before that front door opened.

Loco must have felt his fear. He grabbed Tangee’s hand and led him up onto the front porch, giving it a squeeze for good measure and then let it go.

Tangee twisted his hands together, shifting from foot to foot as they waited for someone to answer the door. Excitement rushed through him, even though the fear of not being accepted remained in the forefront of his mind. He looked nothing like his father. He was skinny as all hell with no muscular definition to him at all. What if Windstorm curled his lip up in disappointment and slammed the door in his face?

Tangee took a step back as the door swung open. A man was standing there looking like a carbon copy of his father in the picture that was stored in his keepsake box in his dresser drawer. The urge to
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cry and fall into the man’s arms was strong. To be held by his uncle would be second best, only surpassed by being held by his father.

He squealed when the man rushed past everyone, pulling Tangee into a tight hug. Loco growled but remained at his side.

Tangee whimpered at the loss when the man pulled him back at arm’s length, but he didn’t release him. He just stared into Tangee’s eyes, his uncles eyes sparkling as he smiled. “You look just like Sky, as if I’m staring my brother in his eyes once more.” Tangee lowered his head. He knew he looked nothing like his father, and regret swamped him as he tried to pull away, but the huge man kept a tight hold on him.

“What is your name? No one would tell me in case you didn’t want anything to do with us.” Tears prickled the older man’s eyes, and Tangee’s heart warmed at the idea that this man was just as desperate to know everything about him as he was to know everything about his paternal side.

“Tangee.” He jumped when the man threw his head back and laughed, hugging Tangee harder.

“Do you know where that name came from?”

“I thought my mom was on a fruit kick when she named me and my sister.”

His uncle shook his head. “Your father was never seen without an orange or tangerine. The guy lived for citrus fruit, which was strange considering we are wolves, meat eaters. We nicknamed him Tangee.” Tangee’s heart burst with joy having a connection as deep as having being named after his father’s nickname. There was no fighting it. Tears welled up and spilled down his cheeks. He swallowed a few times to try and stop the waterworks, but they kept coming. Loco ran his hands over Tangee’s hair, comforting him.

“Are you his mate?” Windstorm asked Loco.

“Yes, Tangee belongs to me.”

Tangee rolled his eyes at the possessive declaration. Could Loco be any more caveman?


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“Come inside.” Windstorm ushered them in. “Sit. I’ll bring drinks.”

He watched as his uncle disappeared into another room. The man was handsome, just like his dad. Tangee was proud to be a part of his family.

“All I have for you is orange soda. Is that okay? Jasper insisted I stock it for you.”

The redheaded wolf, along with his uncle, waited for his reply, hopefulness in their eyes that they had gotten it right.

It really wasn’t. He enjoyed any kind of juice, but how could he hurt their attempts at trying to please him?

“Yeah, all the mates at home drink it.” He prayed they wouldn’t see that he was only placating them. Loco knew but kept it to himself, and for that Tangee was thankful.

Windstorm took a seat next to Tangee, with Loco on his other side. “So how is your mom? You have a little sister? Where do they live? How have you been? Was your life good? Did your mom remarry?” Question after question shot from his uncle’s mouth.

Tangee held a hand up to silence him. The inquiry was making him dizzy. “My mom has arthritis really bad. Yes, I have a little sister, but my mom never married. She adopted her. My life’s been okay, I guess. She lives in the city, in a small house with Melonee.”


“Guess she stuck with the fruit theme.” Tangee smiled shyly. This was so overwhelming.

His uncle laughed once again. “Guess she did. Arthritis? I’m sorry to hear that.”

“I wanted to ask you about that.” Loco leaned around Tangee to look at Windstorm. “How can she be sick if she was mated?” Windstorm sighed. “You are aware of the healing properties in our saliva?” Loco nodded. “Since she no longer engages in, er, copulation, she no longer has the immunity. She has, for lack of a better term, reverted back to being human. Does she look youthful?”
Loco’s Love

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