Loco's Love [Brac Pack 9] (8 page)

Read Loco's Love [Brac Pack 9] Online

Authors: Lynn Hagen

Tags: #Siren-BookStrand, #Inc.

BOOK: Loco's Love [Brac Pack 9]
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“Come in, come in.” Tangee’s mom grabbed Loco’s hand and led him into the living room.

Loco looked over his shoulder at Tangee for help, but Tangee just stood there with mouth agape.

Well, he wasn’t going to be any help.

She patted the space next to her on the couch as she took a seat.

“Tangee, get us some refreshments.”

Tangee finally closed his mouth and obediently went to the kitchen. Loco wasn’t sure what to make of the situation. Dealing with the warriors at home was easy. Just toss a few insults at them and shoot a game of pool. What did you do with a human mother?

“You’re one of them, aren’t you?” Tangee’s mom asked Loco

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when his mate disappeared into what he assumed was the kitchen.

“One of them, ma’am?” Loco was confused. Melonee jumped onto the couch, resting her arms on Loco’s thighs.

He felt like he was trapped between two inquisitive imps. The need to run was making his legs jumpy. He smiled down at the little girl, unsure of what to do next. Tangee talked nonstop of Melonee. He could see why. She was quite adorable.

“You know what I’m talking about.” She leaned closer. “Wolves.” She straightened back up and patted his knee.

Loco sat there, stunned. He figured the visit would be somewhat pleasant, a chance to see the mother who had raised his mate and his little sister that he talked about constantly.

But this…holy crap, what was he supposed to say? Oh yeah, I’m a shape-shifter, and I’ve claimed your son. Right, then right afterward he would be explaining to his mate why he was waiting for him on the front step.

No, he would hear her out. He nonchalantly touched his canines with the tip of his tongue. They weren’t protruding, nothing out of the ordinary, as ordinary as a shape shifter could be at least. How had she guessed?

She leaned sideways, looking over Loco’s shoulder toward the kitchen. This made him look, too. “As you may have seen, Tangee is half. I never wanted to talk about it because it still hurts to this day.

My…mate”—she broke on a sob, then continued—”was killed when I was pregnant with Tangee.”

Loco’s head was churning with this information. “Who was your mate?” Maybe Tangee could have some peace of mind knowing this information. Loco wondered why she was telling him when she would never discuss it with Tangee. What kind of woman did that?

“Sky. He was a brave warrior.” Her tears began to fall. “He was overjoyed when he found out I was pregnant. His pack informed me of his death. They offered to take me in, but I refused. I didn’t want to be reminded every day of what I had lost. That’s why I refused to talk
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about it, but now that my son has obviously mated, he needs to know.”

“Why? Why the
couldn’t you tell me?” Tangee shouted as he dropped the glasses that he had been holding in his hands. They fell with a shatter as rage contorted Tangee’s his face.

“Tangee, you will keep a respectful tone with your mother.” Loco stood and crossed the distance, pulling his mate in his arms. It unnerved him to see Tangee like this.

He understood the anger he was feeling, but you only had one mother. However fucked up she may be, she was still your mother.

“No. I begged and pleaded to know why I wasn’t like the other kids, but she would never tell me.” Tangee grabbed Loco’s shirt in his fists, the look in his eyes changing from anger to pain. “All I wanted to know was who my father was, and you couldn’t even give me that!” Tangee shouted past Loco’s shoulder. Loco pulled Tangee around, holding onto him as his mate’s body shook from rage.

“Tangee,” His mother sobbed then got to her feet and disappeared down the hallway.

Loco saw Melonee sitting on the couch with tears in her eyes. He took one of his hands from his mate’s back and waved it at her to come to him.

She slid off as her bottom lip shivered. Loco kissed Tangee’s cheek as he lowered himself to embrace the little girl and run his hand over her hair.

“Oh, Melonee. I’m sorry, honey.” Tangee pulled her from Loco’s arms as he hugged her.

Tangee’s mom reappeared with a shoe box in her hand. “Here.”

* * * *

She handed Tangee a shoe box. He stared at her for a moment, hurt and love mixing within his chest. How could she tell a complete stranger but deny him that precious knowledge?


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“What is this?” he asked, looking down at the box then up at his mom.

“Open it.”

He opened the lid.

He felt a bottomless peace and happiness wash over him as he stared at the content. Tangee sank to his knees as unchecked tears ran down his face. There was a photo sitting right on top, and Tangee knew in his heart that is was his father.

The man he had longed to have knowledge of was staring up at him.

His hands trembled as he dug through the pictures and poems lining the small cardboard safe-keeper. His father was handsome, strong, and proud looking. He had his dad’s eyes, as well as his hair color. His strong jaw was passed on to Tangee as well. “What was his name?” he asked in a strained voice.

“Sky. He was part of the Eastern Pack.” She wiped her eyes, her hands fluttering to her breasts as they fisted the tissue she was holding.

“Sky,” Tangee repeated the name, feeling close to the man he had never met just by saying his name. He ran a finger over his father’s face, wishing he had known him.

What would it have been like to be raised by this strong and powerful looking man?

He swallowed a few times past the lump in his throat as he absorbed every feature in the face, committing it to memory.

“I can make arrangements for you to meet the pack,” Loco offered as he rubbed Tangee’s arms.

Tangee just nodded as he stared at the picture. He wanted to explore the other items in the box but decided he would indulge this in private, in his room at home.

He wiped his eyes and looked up his mother. “I came by to tell you that I moved. I live with Loco now. I’ll still help you and Melonee. As a matter of fact, I would like her over for a weekend if
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that’s okay.”

“I think she would like that.” His mom held her arms out.

Shocked, Tangee fell into them. So much had happened to him recently that he would probably crumble at any more revelations. This emotional stuff was draining.

They both cried for a moment, and then he straightened and grabbed his little sister into his arms.

“Would you like that, Melonee?” He kissed her forehead, thanking his lucky stars for the little gift in his arms.

She nodded her head quickly as she wrapped her arms around him.

“I’m gonna go now.” He set his sister on her feet, messing up her beautiful hair.

Loco smiled at his mom and sister then took his hand, promising to have him back for another visit. Tangee pulled his hand free and handed an envelope to his mom. “Love you.”

“You, too, baby.” She caressed his cheek as he and Loco walked out.

* * * *

Loco walked out with Tangee, watching him clutch the shoebox so tightly to his chest it was as if he were trying to make it become a part of him.

He buckled his mate in. Tangee held his arms up but never released the box. Loco placed a knuckle under his chin, turning his head for a peck on the lips.

Tangee had been through a lot lately. He didn’t know what he would do in a situation like this.

Maybe he could take the five-by-seven photo and have it blown up to an eight-by-ten and frame it to put on his mate’s dresser so Tangee could see his father all the time.

The yellowing papers in the box that he assumed were letters

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would need to be preserved. He was sure he could find a place that would do that sort of thing.

Right now it wouldn’t be possible. That box held Tangee’s own private little world that he wasn’t allowing anyone else into.

* * * *

“You okay?”

“No,” Tangee answered honestly. His mind was scattered, his emotions were in a whirl, and he didn’t know what to think. He finally had answers to lifelong questions, but now he had even more questions.

Tangee nodded, watching the forest pass them by as Loco drove.

It wasn’t like the last trip where he chatted excitedly. This trip home was more of a reflective time for him.

Tangee cradled the precious box in his arms as he climbed the steps with Loco to their room.

He opened his dresser drawer and sat the box inside, staring at it for a moment.

“I’m here if you need me.” Loco walked up behind Tangee and ran his hands down his back. Tangee’s head fell forward, his eyes closing at the sensual touch. He would never, in this lifetime or the next, get enough of Loco’s touch, kiss, or tenderness. Tangee craved it now, like an addiction he couldn’t kick, and didn’t want to.

Loco wrapped his arms around Tangee’s shoulders, kissing his neck softly. Tangee held onto Loco’s arms, his head lulling forward, his skin buzzing from the contact. Every spot Loco placed his warm and moist lips made his breathing heavier, his heart race faster.

“I want you, Tangee,” Loco admitted as his fingers splayed and his hands skimmed down his chest and abdomen. Tangee’s cock hardened, growing in length as Loco’s hands explored him.

He raised his hands when Loco pulled his shirt up and off. Loco began to pinch his nipples as his tongue played over Tangee’s back.

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Tangee hissed, his hands fisted at his side as Loco unsnapped his pants. Tangee pushed his ass into Loco’s groin, his anus clenching in anticipation.

“You’re beautiful.” Loco’s slid his hands into Tangee’s waistline and pushed his pants down, kissing each of Tangee’s mounds as he knelt behind Tangee.

“Men aren’t beautiful.” Tangee groaned. Loco separated his cheeks, the tip of his tongue dancing, indulging himself in anal play.

“Yes, you are.” Loco clenched his hands, squeezing Tangee’s globes as his tongue delved into Tangee’s hole.

“Damn, Loco.” Tangee exhaled. He bent forward, grabbing his ankles as Loco slowly pushed his tongue in and out Tangee’s ass.

Loco’s hand appeared between Tangee’s legs and then climbed up his lower stomach, wrapping around his hips, locking Tangee in place.

Tangee nearly fell over when Loco nipped his ring of muscles, thankful Loco had a firm hold on him. “Loco, use your fingers, please use your fingers.”

Tangee’s canines descended when one of Loco’s arms released him and then fingers breached him. Tangee shook his head back and forth at the intimacy of Loco’s touch.

Loco pulled back, rising behind Tangee. “Don’t move.” Like he could? Tangee couldn’t even remember how to stand at this point, his motor functions stalled out, leaving him bent over and panting.

He grinned widely when he heard a buzz behind him. “I know my cock is way bigger than this, but toys are so much fun.” Loco seductively teased him.

“Let the games begin.” Tangee wiggled his ass, laughing when Loco pinched it.

“Let the games begin,” Loco parroted, lubing his ass and then tracing his hole with the vibrating toy. Tangee’s cock jumped and shouted hallelujah when the silicone penis penetrated him. “Hmm,

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someone is hornier than hell.”

Tangee barked out a burst of laughter. “You’re an idiot.”

“Idiot, huh?” Loco chuckled. “Watch this idiot fuck you until your screaming uncle, aunt, cousin once removed, and preacher man.” Tangee’s fit of laughter quickly turned into groaning. Loco was using the toy like it was his own cock in Tangee’s ass. The vibrations made his shaft strained and twitch. His prostate was being stimulated in ways he’d never dreamed of.

“Get on the bed, we have heavy duty fucking to do and you’re about to fall on your face.” Loco pulled the vibrator free, grabbing Tangee around his waist and hauling him off of his feet.

Loco gently eased him down on the bed, using one arm to lift Tangee’s legs up, his other reinserting the toy.

“I want your cock. I want your cock in me.” Tangee panted.

Loco stood back, his dropped from Tangee’s eyes to his chest to his cock. A smile slowly formed. Loco pulled Tangee to the edge of the bed, looping his arms under Tangee’s legs and pulling his ass to Loco’s pelvis, his rock hard cock tapping at Tangee’s crease.

Tangee welcomed his mate into his body. Loco bent forward, his body melting into Tangee’s and the world was filled with his silver-haired mate.

Loco pressed his lips to Tangee’s, caressing his mouth more than kissing it. The kiss was tender and light as a summer breeze.

Tangee wrapped Loco’s hair around his hands, tugging it lightly as Loco’s cock repeatedly stroked his prostate. Loco broke the kiss, pushing from the bed and grabbing Tangee’s legs, spreading them apart as his thrusts became quicker, more demanding.

Tangee reached up, his fingertips tracing Loco’s sides and hips.

His eyes shifted when he saw Loco’s canines emerge.

His eyes rolled back, and his head tilted as electricity shot up his spine. Tangee palmed his cock, giving it a few helpful strokes, his back arching as strings of seed pulsed forth.

“I’m coming, too, baby,” Loco warned as he jetted into Tangee,
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stiffened, and then roared his released. The sight of Loco’s canines on display as he threw his head back was majestic.

Loco licked his lips and took a deep breath, his eyes blinking as if trying to focus them.

“Are you okay?” Tangee began to worry when Loco couldn’t seem to focus.

He blinked a few more times and then stared down at Tangee.

Loco’s head tilted sideways, and his brows pulled together. “I don’t think I’ve ever come that hard before.” Tangee rolled over and got up, smacking at Loco’s chest. “Don’t do that. You scared the shit out of me.”

“Your fault,” Loco teased as he pulled Tangee to the bathroom.


Lynn Hagen

Chapter Seven

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