Loco's Love [Brac Pack 9] (3 page)

Read Loco's Love [Brac Pack 9] Online

Authors: Lynn Hagen

Tags: #Siren-BookStrand, #Inc.

BOOK: Loco's Love [Brac Pack 9]
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Lynn Hagen

He would really be
if he thought too hard on it. But still, the guys must be lined up around the corner to date him. Too bad they lost their chance once Loco stepped into the man’s life.

“Guess not.” Tangee rubbed his left arm, biting his bottom lip as he looked at Loco’s chest. His mate looked unsure of what else to say.

Loco grinned at the shyness and uncertainty flickering in Tangee’s teal-green eyes.

“Can I take you out to dinner since it seems you missed it?” Loco wanted more time with Tangee. He wanted more time to get to know him and convince him that it wasn’t safe for him to be on his own.

“I’d like that, but I can’t. I have to go to work.” Tangee grabbed the boxes Loco had stacked, breaking them down into a flat pile. Loco grabbed a few and did the same.

“Uh, Tangee. You’re at work.” Loco’s forehead creased in confusion.

job.” Tangee sighed as he shook his head. “Yeah, the other one.”

“How many jobs do you have?” Oh, this was not good. His mate wasn’t about to work himself to death. He wasn’t about to work at all.

Loco had a nice portfolio, and Tangee was about to be taken care of with it.

When one lived as long as shifters did, it wasn’t hard to build your wealth with that much time. Especially when you were good at playing the stock market, which Maverick proved to be.

“Well, this one here and then another one as a clerk at a mini-mart.” Tangee grabbed the pile of boxes and pushed the back door open, tossing them in the dumpster.

Loco checked the alley to be sure no one else was out there. It may be daylight, but crime happened at all hours, especially in alleys.

He held the door open as his mate came back through.

“You work at night? Where harm can come to you?” Loco was about to go crazy. What if someone came in to rob him or hurt him?

Who would protect him? Those places were notorious for getting held
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up, the clerk shot and killed. Hell, no.

“Gotta pay the bills.” Tangee chuckled nervously.

“We need to talk. How long before you have to be at your other job?” That’s it, his mate was coming home with him.

He was going to explain everything and hope the guy didn’t freak out, but it needed to be done. There was no way in hell Loco was leaving him here.

“In about three hours.”

“Hey, Mark,” Loco yelled through the back door. “I’m taking Tangee home. Cool?”

“Yeah, go ahead,” Mark yelled back at him.

“You can’t do that. I need the money.” Tangee looked on the verge of panic.

“Then I’ll pay for your time. Let’s go.” Loco pulled Tangee by his arm and walked him back into the building, grabbing his leather and telling Tangee to get his coat. He wasn’t taking no for an answer.

Loco drove through the city, his eyes watching how seedy the neighborhood was becoming the closer they drove to Tangee’s home.

He rubbed his jaw, dying to turn the truck around and drive straight to the Den regardless of any protest. There were drug dealers on the corner, for crying out loud.

Tangee pointed to his building, and Loco pulled his truck in front of it.

Loco stared at the graffiti painted exterior walls of the building and groaned. Good god, Tangee risked his life every time he stepped out of his apartment from the looks of the neighborhood. He risked his life
his apartment living in this area.

“Come on.” Loco cut the motor and got out, walking to the passenger’s side to help him. His truck sat high, and even though Tangee was five-eleven, he still felt the need to coddle him, that and the fact this place made him twitchy.

Tangee led Loco up the stairs to his apartment. Loco noticed the burnt-out bulbs in the hallway and the dilapidated steps that groaned

Lynn Hagen

under his weight. This building should be condemned.

Loco was horrified at the thought of his mate living here. He kept close to Tangee as they approached a door that looked as though it couldn’t keep out a damn thing, not even a cold breeze.

“Here we are.” Tangee unlocked the door and led Loco inside.

Loco looked around. It was a typical one bedroom rental. A living room with sparse furniture, a small kitchen with a two-seater table, and there was a hallway off of the kitchen that must lead to a bedroom and a bathroom.

It was clean and well taken care of. Thank goodness it didn’t reflect the outer dwelling of the building. The place looked like Tangee tried his best to make it a home.

“So what did you want to talk about?” Tangee set his keys down on the small table by the door.

Loco quirked a brow at the flat piece of a cardboard cutout lying on the table with outlines drawn on it for keys, a wallet, and something that resembled a rectangle. The outlines resembled the ones you would see at a crime scene outlining a body. Was his memory that bad? He watched curiously as Tangee laid his set of keys in the appropriate shape, the wallet as well. The third outline must be for mail because that’s what he sat there.

What was up with that?

Pulling his eyes away, he cleared his throat and looked at his mate.

“You may want to sit down for this.” Loco waved his hand toward the couch, taking his jacket off and tossing it over the back. Where did he begin?

“Okay, that bad?” Tangee slid his coat of as well and hung it by the door. Loco was surprised there wasn’t an outline on the wall for that.

“No, just…different.” Loco sat down next to him, trying to think of a way to say this. “Do you feel drawn to me at all?”

“You’re hot, if that’s what you’re asking.” Tangee blushed and
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scooted an inch closer. Was that lust in his mate’s eyes? Loco had to fight the urge to take him on the couch.

Explanation first.

“No, but thank you. I mean a pull, a need to be near me?” His mate had to feel it. Loco did, and it was driving him crazy.


“Maybe I’m not asking it right.” Loco was getting frustrated. How could he make it any simpler than he already was?

This was not going how he had thought it would. He ran his hand over his face, racking his brain for a way to make his mate see what he was talking about.

“Do you mean do I feel a connection?”

“Yes. Do you?”

“Kinda.” Tangee blushed again, scooting another inch closer.

Loco was getting tired of trying to explain it while fighting the urge to pull his mate into his arms, so why try?

He pulled Tangee to him and kissed those soft looking lips. His mate whimpered and grabbed a handful of his shirt as he pulled Loco closer.

He had known those lips would taste as good as they looked. Loco nudged Tangee to lie back, climbing over him as he deepened the kiss, moaning into Tangee’s mouth. He pushed his hard cock against Tangee’s, snaking his hand behind Tangee’s head.

To hell with it. Explanation later, sex first.

Tangee pulled at his shirt. “Off.” He clawed desperately.

Loco pulled back, yanking his shirt above his head and tossing it aside. He pulled Tangee’s up to his armpits and dove down to suck a nipple into his mouth, the taste of salty skin making his senses roar to life.

Tangee arched his back, grabbing Loco’s hair as he pushed his cock into Loco’s hardened erection. The action made Loco desperate to bury his cock deep into Tangee. His mate writhed under him, raising his groin higher, rocking his hips from side to side. Their

Lynn Hagen

cocks danced around each other’s, and the friction had Loco panting.

Loco kissed his way up Tangee’s chest until he got to the wall of flames surrounding Tangee’s throat. Loco traced the tattoo with his tongue, pressing his body harder into Tangee’s.

He nipped at Tangee’s Adam’s apple, licking the sting away.

Loco licked his way over to Tangee’s shoulder to an S shape tattoo, driving himself mad with desire.

Loco couldn’t take it anymore. He had to be inside of this heavenly creature.

Sitting back, Loco quickly kicked his boots aside and pulled his jeans off, then tossed his socks on his pile of discarded clothes.

“Holy hell, man.” His mate stared at him wide-eyed. His tongue peeked out, running across his bottom lip. The sight of that little pink appendage had Loco’s cock weeping with pre-cum.

“Now you,” Loco pulled Tangee to his feet, helping his mate strip down to reveal a body so fucking perfect that Loco had to fight the urge to howl.

Loco was in awe of Tangee’s creamy skin, slim build and the rock hard cock that jutted out from between his legs. Fuck if he wasn’t dying to sink inside of him this very second. He grabbed Tangee up into his arms and carried him through the kitchen and down the hall, kicking the door open.

“That’s the bathroom.” Tangee chuckled as Loco swung around and pushed his bedroom door open.

“I would have taken you in there if I couldn’t find your bedroom.” Loco chuckled with him. He climbed onto his mate’s bed while still cradling Tangee in his arms, rubbing his naked skin over his mate’s body. Goose bumps rose at the contact. Their cocks tapped at one another, both leaking onto Tangee’s lower abdomen. The glistening pool made Loco’s mouth water.

Tangee stayed on his back while Loco was on all fours. Tangee slid down until Loco’s cock dangled above him. “Hmm, what do we have here?” Tangee grabbed his cock and licked the pre-cum off that
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was still dripping out. “Mmm, tastes yummy.”

“Oh, god,” Loco moaned as his mate wiggled below him, sucking the head of his cock into his mouth. “Tangee.” Loco’s arms threatened to give out as Tangee’s fiery hot hands stroked his cock.

Loco was lost in a world of lust. His mate was sucking the head of his cock with so much enthusiasm that Loco was going to blow any moment. “Tangee,” Loco called out again.

Tangee sucked him down deeper, grazing his sac then rolling them it in his hand, running his fingers over the skin between Loco’s balls and his ass. He pumped his hand around the base, caving in his cheeks for a tight suction. Loco was going nuts as he pushed his cock all the way to the back of his mate’s throat.

Loco yelled Tangee’s name as spurt after spurt of seed bathed the back of Tangee’s hot, succulent mouth. He leaned back and pulled his mate up the bed. “You have a beautiful mouth.” Loco kissed the taste of himself right out of his mate.

“Fuck me,” Tangee breathed. “I need you inside of me now.”

“I plan on tapping that ass.” Loco grabbed the lube, drenching his fingers and sliding them into his mate’s tight entrance, scissoring and stretching until his mate was loose and relaxed. The anticipation was almost unbearable. Loco had to reach deep inside of him for patience he didn’t know he possessed as he took his time preparing Tangee.

Loco wiped his hand on the blanket and then pushed Tangee’s legs back, the head of his cock kissing the tight hole. Loco reached down and grabbed his cock, using the head of it to rub around Tangee’s hole. He could actually feel Tangee’s muscles expand and contract against his cockhead. The anal play was maddening, but the sensation was erotic.

Pushing forward, he could feel the heat engulf his sensitized cock as soon as he entered him. The tight band of muscles clamped down on his shaft, stroking his cock as he worked his prick in inch by patient inch.

“Oh, fuck, yes. More,” Tangee cried, bucking his hips up to take

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all of what Loco had to give. His mate grabbed his shoulders and pushed down until Loco felt his balls hit his mate’s ass. “So good,” Tangee moaned. His fingers dug into Loco’s shoulders, the sting of fingernails breaking skin only adding to the sexual experience.

Loco pulled back until only the head remained then thrust forward, slamming his pelvis into Tangee’s ass. He pushed his mate’s legs back further, giving him full view of ass swallowing cock.

His prick slid in and out, and Loco watched in fascination. The sight of Tangee’s twin globes drawing up tight to his body made Loco’s teeth ache to nip them.

“Silver.” Tangee’s head thrashed around. “Your cock feels so damn good in my ass.”

Loco snapped his hips faster, those sexual words making his lust shoot up another notch. He could feel sweat dripping down his back as he grabbed Tangee’s ankles tighter. Loco noticed his mate’s toes curling in. How ego-stroking was that?

He knew he wasn’t going to last. Not with the sight below him.

Seeing Tangee in the throes of passion was so intoxicating, he could drink that look and get drunk off of it.

He fought to stave off coming so quickly, panting heavily as he concentrated on his lover. Tangee was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. Loco’s hand caressed Tangee’s soft abdomen, feeling the muscles quiver under his hand.

“Does it feel good, baby? You like my cock in your ass?”

“Hell yeah. You keep talking that way and I’m going to come.” Loco growled, thrusting harder at the dirty talk. He’d never had a lover verbalize his thoughts in bed, and fuck if it wasn’t a huge turn-on.

“I want to claim you, Tangee.” Loco panted as the need to come grew near.

“Uh-huh.” Tangee’s head rolled from side to side, his lips parting as his hands left Loco’s shoulders and grabbed the sheets, fisting them tightly. Loco knew his mate didn’t understand what he was saying,
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but when Tangee cried out as his cock erupted without even being touched, it made Loco forget what he had been thinking about.

Tangee’s hands flew up, pushing at Loco’s shoulders when he saw Loco’s teeth lengthen and his eyes shift.

“No, no, no,” he cried as he tried to get Loco to release him.

“Yes. Do you accept me as your mate, Tangee?” Loco leaned forward, his canines ready to strike.

“No. Loco, get off of me,” Tangee begged.

“Do not fear me. I would never hurt you.” Loco could see the fear in his mate’s eyes. He wanted to replace it with lust again. It was confusing him that Tangee had said no to the claiming.

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