LOGAN SEAL Team Seven (Book 2) (6 page)

BOOK: LOGAN SEAL Team Seven (Book 2)
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“I’m with you there Lo, looks like we got two breaks in one day, first the phone call, tipping us off to the fact that we’re getting too close and now the ledger.” Connor sped through the night headed for home and our women and who knows what the fuck else. I was getting really tired of the bullshit. In the service you pinpoint the enemy and take that fucker out. I didn’t have time for this bullshit.

Chapter 6




It was full dark when we pulled in. Cord said all had been quiet and there was nothing to report. We made one last round around the perimeter before calling it a night. I slipped into the house quietly so as not to awaken her, and got undressed in the dark. Out of habit, I made the rounds around my place as well before heading for m woman and bed.

I got in on my side and since I was still a little pissed at her, didn’t pull her into my arms the way I usually do. I guess I wasn’t quiet enough because she stirred behind me. “Logan?” She snuck up to my back and did her kitten shit where she’s all cute and cuddly. Sneaky ass.

“What is it?” my voice was stern and uninviting because if she made the wrong move, or the right one depending on how you look at it, I’d be putty in her damn hands and tonight’s little lesson would be in vain.

“I’m sorry I was bad I won’t do it again.”

“Yes the fuck you will. Go to sleep.” I’ll forgive her in the morning. Right now I had a misbehaving woman to train.




I rolled over early the next day before the sun rose. She was still sound asleep with tear tracks on her face. Poor baby, she must think I’m really mad at her. I don’t remember ever not holding her all night since we started sharing a bed. She was so beautiful in the early morning light that filtered through the windows, and so fucking young. She certainly didn’t look like she was able to take on a man like me, but she did it very well. My badass baby.

I made my way under the sheet that she had around her hips. Damn she has the prettiest skin, soft and supple with a hint of honey from the summer sun. I kissed her hip once before easing her onto her back. She sighed and settled as I held my breath.

Don’t wake up, not yet. I checked to make sure she was still asleep. I wanted to take my time and enjoy this, but if her greedy ass were awake she’d rush me to get to the dick.

“Damn baby what the fuck?” Her pussy was a red puffy mess. It looked like I’d literally pounded her with my shit. I studied her for a minute to make sure she wasn’t torn or some shit, and tested her skin with the tip of my finger for heat. I’m gonna have to make this shit up to her. That’s what happens when I turn off in the middle of a punishment, I can go too far. Damn Logan you fuck. The one person you’re supposed to have control with you lose it.

I ran my nose along her flesh and inhaled her scent. My morning wood got even harder at the sight and smell of her. I opened her with my fingers and inspected the damage. I must’ve been really ice last night because I didn’t realize I was hitting it that hard.

I looked down at my cock trying to do a Jedi mind trick on his ass to see if he would behave, but that shit wasn’t even close to working. He’d already smelt his girl and there was no putting him back in the gate. I’m gonna have to give her the softest fuck in creation, or she’d walk bow legged for a week.

I licked her folds before opening her slit and letting my tongue go inside. I was careful not to be too rough as I let the flat of my tongue taste her morning dew. She made waking noises when I took her ass in my hands and lifted her to my mouth. By the time she came fully awake I had my tongue buried to the hilt and my fingers digging into her ass.

I took care of her the best I could, tonguing her pussy’s soreness away as I pressed my cock into the mattress for some relief. She wasn’t fully awake yet, but there was a smile on her face. She knew if her man was giving her an early morning tongue bath that he couldn’t be that mad any more. I’m such a damn sap.

She moved against my tongue, slowly at first, and then the pleasure hit her and she went wild. I like the wanton moves she makes when she can’t control herself. The way she spreads her legs wider without having to be told, the way her nails dig into my scalp as she tries to keep me just where she needs me. I especially like the way she moves, like she’s fucking herself on my tongue.

I pressed my cock into the bed because she wasn’t ready to take me yet, not by a long shot. So I tried to keep my dog on its leash while I pleasured her with my tongue until I had taken some of the sting from the night before out of her abused pink pussy; well it was more like red now but…

“Can you take me now?” My mouth and jaw was tired as fuck and I know her greedy ass would keep me down there with my face buried in her snatch all day, it wouldn’t be the first time, but I had shit to do. Her answer was to tug on my shoulders to pull me up her body. One last check showed that she wasn’t as beaten up looking as she was when I started, but she was still a little swollen

I eased my cockhead in slowly, sort of testing the waters so to speak. She was a tight fucking fit, tighter than usual. “Baby, if this hurts you gotta tell me and I’ll stop.”

Her lying ass nodded but I knew she was full of shit. I measured her pain and discomfort by watching her eyes myself. That’s how I knew to stop when there was only about six inches, half my dick, inside her; anything more and she started flinching.

“Wait a minute love.” I pulled out and reached for the side drawer. I rummaged around until I found the cock ring I was searching for and slipped it on to the desired length. I eased back inside her with more confidence, this way I was sure not to hurt her.

Sometimes I get carried away when the pussy’s good, and the pussy’s always good. I didn’t want to forget and slam my whole length into her and hurt her unnecessarily, this way the ring would block me from going too far.

Unlike last night, this was a slow sweet ride. I held her close with her face in my neck with one hand on her ass keeping her close, and the other around her shoulders. You couldn’t get a thin blade of grass between us that’s how close we were.

“I missed you baby.” I’m not a complete ass I know how to make my woman feel her worth. “I missed you too.” She squeezed me a little tighter as I cautioned myself not to get too rough.

When I came, I brought her over the edge with me. We stayed locked together like that for a long time until the birds started chirping and I started moving inside her again. “You too sore for this?” She shook her head no and pushed her pussy harder onto my cock. “Quit it before your hurt yourself.” I tried slowing her ass down. “I want all of you, please Logan, I can take it I promise.” I studied her eyes and tested her with a harder stroke before pulling out and removing the ring.

I was still a gentleman when I dipped my dick back into her though, but she had other ideas.  Her nails bit into my ass, she planted her feet in the mattress and her pussy took over. “Gabriella, fuck.”

For five minutes she fucked herself on my dick, I didn’t move, didn’t do a damn thing but hung over her as she got what she needed out of me. She laughed like a loon when she came. I like when she does that shit. “You done?” I slammed into her, cutting her off mid laugh. “Oh shit.” Yeah!

I pulled her nails out my ass and held her hands down on the bed over her head. “Wrap your legs around my back.” She hurried to obey and as soon as she did I started fucking. I was riding high in her pussy, hitting the back of it with each stroke, making her cream the way she does. She begged me to fuck her harder, but I kept it to a decent pace so as not to hurt her again. “Shh baby it’s okay.” She was reaching for her climax and close to tears because I wasn’t going faster to help her out.

She growled some shit at me that got her a slap on the ass before I flipped us over. “Go ahead greedy, take what you need.” Her eyes lit up and she bit into that bottom lip of hers which meant I was in for it now.

That’s her ‘I’m about to be a bad girl’ look. She started out slow, lifting herself on and off my pole, then rocking herself back and forth, looking for her sweet spot with my dick. When she found it, it was off to the races. Still I held her hips to control her wild movements, but I didn’t try to stop her.

“Uhhh, harder Logan, faster.” Her head went back on her neck, her tits pushed forward, and beads of sweat were starting to form on her skin. I wasn’t thinking when I sat up suddenly to reach her tits with my mouth, but that seemed to be the right move.

It sent my dick deeper into her, hitting her spot even as I sucked her nipple into my mouth hard. She gushed all over my dick, riding hell bent for leather. “Oh it’s so good, feels so good.” She did her babbling shit while I fucked up into her, chasing my own cum.

I felt it rise up in me, hot and sweet and blasted her insides. It was like a tidal wave this morning, a never ending fountain of jizz spewed up inside her while I pulled her down hard onto my rod until my nuts were empty. She kept moving to get the most out of my still hard cock until she damn near exhausted herself. “Hop off.” I tapped her ass to get her moving. “You need a shave let’s go.”

She lifted off my dick and plopped down on her back beside me. “I’ll just lie here, you do it.” I kissed her forehead before rolling out of bed and heading bare-assed for the bathroom.

“Two minutes, be in here.” She mumbled something and rolled over onto my pillow, burying her face in my scent. I watched her for a hot minute, enjoying the feeling in my heart. Never in a million years, not even after seeing Connor get taken down, did I ever think this shit was in the works for me. Now I can’t imagine life without her in it.

Isn’t it strange how that shit works? How you can go from accepting and believing one thing about yourself to knowing something else entirely? When she wasn’t tying me in knots, she was making me crazy. It seemed like twenty of the twenty-four hours I was given in a day were now consumed with thoughts of her. Everything was about her, what she needed, how to keep her safe, and a whole host of other shit that I never thought to be dealing with ever in this lifetime.

I’d seriously thought that my brothers and I would settle down peacefully in this little slice of heaven and live out our days away from the chaos and mayhem we’d endured while in the service. I don’t think any of us ever expected to settle down and have families though we talked about it back in the day.

We had too much shit going on, had seen too much of the worse of what mankind had to offer. Now I’m looking forward to planting my kid inside her. The shit doesn’t even break me out in a cold sweat anymore.

She pranced into the bathroom with my seed drying on her inner thigh, and her hair flowing wildly around her shoulders. “Let me clean you up first.” Who would’ve thought that one of the highlights of my day would be washing her body? For some reason I get a huge thrill out of grooming her. She stood still while I washed between her legs getting her nice and clean for her shave.

Of course as soon as she was clean and sweet smelling, I knelt at her feet and with the water running down on my head and back, lifted her leg over my shoulder and tongue fucked her again. I’d only planned to get her off one last time before we started our day, she didn’t need to be riding my dick anymore for the day, but she started making those fuck me noises and tugging at me to come get some.

I stood and slid in in one smooth motion. Pinning her against the cool wall, I kept one of her legs over the crook of my arm and left the other on the floor, while I fucked her with my whole dick and sucked hard on her nipple. “Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck.” Have you ever seen a good girl gone bad? That shit is a big fucking turn on, turning little Ms. Priss into my own little cum addict.

With her tit in my mouth and my dick buried to the hilt in her pussy it didn’t take her long to cum. As soon as she came down I released her tit and whispered in her ear. “I want to cum in your mouth.” I pulled out and she dropped to her knees just in time to catch my first load on her tongue.

Then my little debutante covered just the head of my cock with her lips, held them closed tight and sucked, as I offloaded in her mouth. “Show me.” She held her head back and opened her mouth before swallowing while holding my eyes with hers. “Naughty girl.” I pulled her up finished cleaning her up and tried my best to stay the fuck away for her pussy. I had shit to do.

After I was through with her I took care of myself before stepping out and getting the supplies ready for her shave. Fuck, I’m gonna be late again. I looked down at my boy and he was remembering that swallow and looking for seconds, greedy fuck. Between my dick and her greedy ass pussy I’m headed for an early grave.

Chapter 7




“Devon and Cord, you two have first watch, we can’t let the job go too many days without us being there, and we’re not leaving the women here alone.” Of course they nodded their agreement and the rest of us headed out. I missed her ass already and we hadn’t even cleared the gate.

This was more about leaving her alone while all this shit was going on than anything else. We were gonna look through the ledger this evening after dinner, but we couldn’t leave the job alone too many days in a row since it was coming on to the end and we make it a point not to do shoddy work. The only way to make sure of that shit was to handle things yourself.

Business wise we couldn’t complain, things had taken off in ways that none of us had expected, not in the middle of a recession anyway, but so far so good.

We did good work and that spoke for itself, not to mention our reputation seemed to be spreading in the right circles and that shit goes a long way. My phone rang as we were on the road and I thought, ‘not a fucking again.’ But I recognized the number.

“Hey Lo, I just heard from Nessa. She’s moving in tonight, should be here tomorrow, next day the latest.” I whistled over the phone, I’d expected at least a couple days wait, but I should’ve known better.

One thing about Vanessa, she gets the job done. “Sounds good, how’s our boy?” it’s not like I expected Zak to do anything foolish, but when it came to men and women, I was beginning to see that that shit didn’t follow any guidelines I’d ever encountered. Pretty much everything else on earth had a playbook except that.

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