LOGAN SEAL Team Seven (Book 2) (9 page)

BOOK: LOGAN SEAL Team Seven (Book 2)
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“They said they would hurt us if I didn’t, I swear sir I didn’t know what else to do, that’s why I shot wide, I didn’t really want to hurt anyone. They tried telling me that it was part of some night raid game, but I knew better, I’ve seen stuff on TV ya know.” Now he was babbling.

“Kid what the fuck are you talking about?” he opened his mouth to speak but I held my hand up for silence. “Start at the beginning.” He wiped under his nose and tried to compose himself. I saw myself at his age and my heart gave a little. That shit was dangerous as fuck, you never identify with the enemy, no matter where or who, but there was something about the kid.

“Okay, my friends and I were messing around down here a few months ago. We weren’t supposed to be, but we thought it was fun to hide out here and steal a few smokes. These guys came, they didn’t know we were here at first and we didn’t even hear what they were talking about at first I swear. But when they noticed us they went ape shit. It was really scary when they put on the things on their faces and came after us.”

“What things on their faces?” Was this kid reciting a movie to me or some shit? He looked from me to the others and down at the sand and brush. “Those military mask things they wear in the movies.” I looked at my brothers over his head as he carried on with his story. “They were scary enough to begin with, but when they put those on it was like one of those horror movies you know. Then they roughed us up a little, not much, they just wanted to know what we heard. Then they asked our names and I was so stupid I gave them the right information, my friends didn’t though; they were smart.” He wiped his nose again. 

“Have you ever seen these guys before?” He squinted in thought and shrugged his shoulders before looking out at the water.

“Maybe, that night I thought one of them looked familiar but it wasn’t his face, it was the way he moved ya know, I don’t know how to explain it. There aren’t that many bodybuilder types around here ya know, so he kinda stuck out. I know they’re not from around here though and when I asked the Commander if his friends were doing some kind of training here in town he seemed surprised.” Well fuck that changes things now didn’t it?

“You knew the commander?” Everyone was paying attention now, as the kid seemed to relax a little, sensing that just maybe his stupid ass might make it out of this alive.

“Yeah, Don, he was a cool old guy, but when I asked him I could tell he didn’t know what I was talking about and then he asked me all these questions, kinda like what you’re doing now. Then he got real quiet like and I don’t think he was too happy.” He did that sniffling shit again, reminding me of his youth. “Go on, what else did the commander do?”

“He played it down ya know, the way adults do when they wanna keep something from us kids, but I knew it was something big because he seemed deep in thought when he told me to head on home and stay away from the boardwalk for a little while at night, but he sure did ask a lotta questions, like a lot. I wish I’d got a better look at the guys’ faces but I didn’t, I couldn’t even describe the tattoos because it was dark and they were partly hidden under their sleeves, but I think they might’ve been the same.”

“And you say this happened a year or so ago?” He got sad and picked at the grass before nodding his head and looking at me for the first time. “Yeah, just a few months before Don died.’ I didn’t like how the way he said that shit made me feel, and from the restless movement around me no one else did either.

The commander had supposedly suffered a heart attack out on his boat; fuck me no. I looked at my brothers and barely contained the rage that was just beneath the surface. The same question was reflected in their eyes and the winds had just shifted.

I questioned the kid some more until he gave up all he had. “How did they talk you into this, how did they find you?”

“They knew my name, just looked my family up in the phonebook I guess. They told me it was a game and that the bullets weren’t real, they were these new type of bullets that the army was trying out or something like that, but I knew it was a lie, because when I practiced the cat died.”

Fucking kid started crying, what the fuck was this shit? I let him get it out of his system before going on to tell me how he was contacted by phone, how the package was left for him a few days ago and how they convinced his dumb ass to do it. Apparently he wasn’t as dumb as he looked because he’d shot wide and long.

“Why you, why did they choose you for their little experiment?”

“Because I’m the best marksman on my reserves team I guess, and because they knew that if I didn’t do it they’d tell my mom what I’d been up to down here a year ago and she’d skin me.” Something was off as fuck, why would obvious professionals send a kid to take shots at us?

“Fuck let’s move.” I grabbed the kid and we high tailed it out of there just before the place went to shit. The explosion was loud and lit up the night sky like fireworks, hopefully most of the town’s folks would think that that’s what it was.

The whole fucking boardwalk and a good chunk of the beach was gone. “Fuckers used C4. Ty clean him up.” The kid puked himself and I didn’t even wanna know what that smell was that was coming from him.

“Fuck outta here, little shit took shots at us let him wallow in his shit.” I gave him a glare which he ignored as we watched the night sky light up. “Fine, he’s on the back of your ride, let’s get the fuck outta here before the brigade shows up.” He grumbled some shit before collaring the kid and heading for the water.

I wasn’t surprised when I heard the splash and the loud complaint from the kid. They met us back at the bikes and Ty was contemplating tying the kid behind his bike and dragging him back, fucking nut job.

We headed back keeping to the side streets with our lights out. This shit had just taken a turn. All the implications the kid made had my radar on high fucking alert. Military, it sounded like military, but which branch, who and why?

It was definitely no newbies running this shit; it was too organized, too secretive. And the way they went after us tonight, took someone with a head on his shoulder and balls. One thing I wasn’t dwelling on too hard, not yet anyway, not until I’ve had a chance to talk it over with my brothers. The commander had suspected something, and then the commander had died. I’m gonna have a fuck storm on my hands of my suspicions turned out to be true, we’re gonna have to do some serious digging in the next few days.

The kid was scared when we clanged the big ass gates shut behind us, locking him in. I could kinda see why the town folk were so interested in what was going on behind these walls.

First, the shits were higher than regulation, but we pulled a few strings and got shit taken care of. The gates were special made titanium, wasn’t shit getting through there for all that we’d had them designed to look normal and not like the military grade shit they really were. There was no way too see in from the outside, and the houses were situated in such a way that no one knew exactly where each structure was. Add the fact that the walls were reinforced with a material that prohibited any kind of radar and we were sitting in fucking Knox. This is the reason for leaving the girls home and not letting them go to work or anywhere else. They were safer here than anywhere else.

Chapter 10




Back at the compound we all headed for the commander’s place without question. It was the first time since the night we’d buried him that we were going in like this. Even when our homes were being built we preferred to sleep outside in tents than to invade his territory, but somehow this felt right.

I knew from their somber moods that we were all on the same wavelength. I just needed the kid to tell me what he knew and what if anything he could remember from back then.

I didn’t lift the shields on my house yet and neither did Con, until we were in there with eyes on their asses I don’t think either of us were gonna feel comfortable doing that. It wasn’t a small thing that we were shot at tonight, I knew our blood was still up, which meant Gaby’s pussy was in for a workout again, damn. I’m gonna owe her and she’s probably gonna try to hit me up with this wedding shit again, fuck.

We headed for the study and Con went right for the liquor, which was right where the old man had left it on the sidebar. Each man nodded yes to his silent offer and he poured seven snifters of cognac. “Sit.” I pointed at the kid who was looking around at us in awe.

“He told me about you guys.” His eyes went around the room and I’m sure the granite looks in my brothers’ faces was probably making him shit in his drawers. “The commander talked to you about us?” My voice was more frightening than disbelieving I think, as he swallowed and his eyes snapped back to me.

“Some, no top secret stuff or anything, he just always told me that you were stand up guys and if I was ever in trouble…that’s kinda why I couldn’t shoot you you know, because I know he liked you guys and he was a good guy, so you must be good guys too right.”

He fidgeted in his chair when there was nothing forthcoming, but all our minds were working. The commander would never discuss our missions, but he wasn’t big about talking about us period except to a select few.

There was another shared look before I answered the kid again. “Why didn’t you come to us then?” He looked back over his shoulder again before scooting forward in his chair with a whisper.

“I think they’re watching me, my house I mean, and my phone sounds funny. I would’ve come I promise, but I didn’t want to risk it. I don’t even know what I’m supposed to do now that I’ve botched it.” He looked miserable the little fuck and I as reminded that he’d puked and shit himself not long ago. “Get the kid some clothes.” I directed it to Cord who was the one most likely to adhere seeing as how the kid had shot at us and the rest of them were an unforgiving bunch. He didn’t look too pleased by my request either though. “He looks fine to me the little fuck.”

“Cord!” Sometimes my brothers make me tired, all of them. I threw back my cognac and rested my head against the chair back. “Fine, but he gets any of his shit on my clothes I’ll skin his ass.”

He marched out of the room his massive shoulders straight, feet stomping. The kid must be scared shitless surrounded by all this testosterone. But instead he seemed amazed, just what the fuck had the commander told him anyway? “There’s a little bathroom down the hall go clean up.”

“I know where it is.” That got a few raised eyebrows. The commander never let anyone in his place as far as we knew, but it seemed he and this kid were close. “I wonder why the old guy never told us about this kid?”


“Probably never had time. Remember we were supposed to come out and then we got called away?” Devon was pacing back and forth, I wasn’t worried about him though, I kept my eye on Ty and gave Con the look that had him moving closer to our problem child.


“Yeah, and he’d said it was urgent, we just put it down to his health after he passed but what if it was about all this?”

When the glass hit the unlit fireplace mantle I wasn’t surprised. I knew it wouldn’t take long for everyone to start putting the pieces together and coming up with stink. “Con.”

“Got him.” He moved to crows Tyler against the wall while the others moved into position just in case shit went south. I heard Cord returning and called out to him. “Keep the kid out Cord we’re dealing with Ty.” His ‘fuck’ told me he got it; I didn’t have to explain.

“Murder, they fucking killed him the spineless fucks. I’m gonna cut off their heads and piss down their motherfucking throats before this is done.” There was wet in his eyes which I knew with Ty was as dangerous as it gets. Next he’ll go cold, just flat cold and heaven help us if he reaches that stage because there isn’t fuck any of us can do if he does. “Ty, we don’t know that…”

“Fuck that Cap. Military mask, the kid tells the commander, the old man starts digging the old man dies. Didn’t we all question his death in the beginning? Didn’t we all comment on how strange it was that he’d died from a heart attack when he’d been healthy as an ox the last time we saw him? And we let him down.

They fucking killed him and we built fucking houses and went on like nothing happened.”  I saw the change come into him then, his whole body locked down and his fucking eyes went dead. Con stepped away because he knew the signs. Our boy was here but gone.

“And there he goes, fucking ice.” Con looked over his shoulder at my words with that look of resignation he gets whenever his dog pops his leash. “Don’t worry Con we’ll all keep an eye on him.” Fuck me I need this shit.



We couldn’t let the kid go home yet so after we’d questioned him some more and were all coming down from our adrenaline high, we headed for our respective homes. Cord surprisingly enough, volunteered to put the kid up for the night.

Ty hadn’t said fuck one after his outburst, which meant I had a powder keg on my hands, and the only thing keeping the general population safe thus far was the fact that we didn’t know who the fuck.

“Logan.” Her soft whisper smoothed out some of the rough edges as I kicked off my shoes and shed my clothes. I climbed into bed and pulled her into my arms.

“I need you baby.” There were no words exchanged between us, I went straight for the pussy. I pushed the sheets away from her sleep warm body and dove right in with my tongue. She wasn’t allowed to wear anything in my bed except one of my old t-shirts, but definitely no panties, I liked knowing my fingers and anything else was just a slip away from her entrance, no barriers.

I lifted her onto my tongue and growled into her pussy as her taste flooded my senses. She was already moving like a wanton, her nails digging into my scalp. “Ohhh Logan, please.”

Damn, greedy bitch never lets me get my fill of pussy juice before she starts her shit. A nice hard slap on her ass was no help; that shit only made her wilder. “Yes, spank my ass.” This little girl is an enigma she can go from zero to fifty in the blink of an eye.

I pulled my tongue out her snatch before she scalped my ass and flipped her over none too gently. She was ready for me, canting her ass just at the right angle for the dick to go in. I hit her spot with the first stroke and she sprung a leak.

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