LOGAN SEAL Team Seven (Book 2) (12 page)

BOOK: LOGAN SEAL Team Seven (Book 2)
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It was a tight fucking fit and her hiss when I eased in to the hilt told me all I needed to know. “How many times I gotta tell you about your fucking mouth huh?” The ‘huh’ came right before a slam that sent my dick right into her deep end. I eased back and fucked into her hard over and over again, until she was babbling out an apology.

“I told you to shut the fuck up. I don’t wanna hear shit.” I took my dick on an adventure in her pussy, hitting places I don’t think I’d ever touched before. I was aware that she was crying and telling me how sorry she was, but that shit didn’t mean fuck. Her hardheaded ass needed to be taught a fucking lesson. I kept one hand in her hair and the other on her hip guiding her on and off my dick, and made each stroke count.

She tried pulling off my dick, but my hand in her hair held her in place. “The fuck you going?” I slammed into her over and over again before reaching around and teasing her clit. Just as her body started to wind up I removed my fingers from her clit, pulled out of her pussy and came in her back.

“Think about what the fuck you just said to me, and next time you won’t get off so fucking easy.” I left her ass crying on the couch with her skirt up around her waist and my seed running down her back. The fuck outta here! “Don’t even think about leaving this fucking house.” I slammed out the door done. Who the fuck was she talking to anyway?




I was too pissed to think straight and the others seemed to notice that when we reconvened. No one said anything to me about it until a good hour later when I’d cooled down a little. She’d tried calling me in that hour and my phone had dinged with a few texts in that time that I was sure were from her, but I ignored them. I’d had time to think while I was pissed, but not about my woman and her fucking PMS melt down.

No my mind had gone over all the things that had been going down here lately, and some things just weren’t adding up. I stepped away from everything in my head for a hot minute. Things were changing for us, most of them good, some were a little fucked, but nothing we couldn’t handle. I was going to be an uncle soon, that was a giant step in the right fucking direction if you ask me, and before anything else was done around here, as the designated head of our little family, I’m gonna see to it that our boy came into a peaceful world.

It didn’t matter what was going on around us, we were never gonna lose sight of the greater purpose of us being here. We’d earned this little piece of heaven, and I aimed to see we got it.

“I’ll be right back guys.” I knew they thought I was headed back to my house to fix whatever the fuck had gone wrong between the last time they’d seen me and now, but my mind wasn’t even on that shit.

Instead I called one of my contacts to see about the mission that was hanging over our heads. I needed to get that shit squared first and foremost, and was more than a little surprised by what I learned. He couldn’t tell me much about something he knew nothing about, so it was a short fucking conversation. I’m not in the habit of keeping shit from my men so we had a little huddle and I conveyed what I’d learned.

“What the fuck, that doesn’t make any sense. He of all people should know something about the mission.” There was a heated debate about the implications of this, but the boys and I decided to shelf it for now, since there was really nothing else we could do. But it was passing strange that someone as high up in authority as he was, had no idea what I was talking about.

More alarming was the amount of time between the call-up and actual deployment; that shit’s just not done. My guy on the inside didn’t sound too pleased by the shit either, or the fact that he knew nothing and was only now hearing about it from me. Something was way the fuck off.

Granted it hadn’t been his division that had contacted us, and sometimes these things were kept close to the vest, it was still weird that he hadn’t heard a whiff of what was going on. Either the shit was more volatile than we’d first thought, or someone had got their wires crossed somewhere.

Either way it looked like we had bought some time, which with the news of Con’s impending fatherhood, was most welcome. Chances are we’d end up scrapping the mission because of this turn of events. It was a hard call to make, but we worked together or not at all, and I wasn’t about to take my brother into combat under these circumstances.

We’d done our bid ten times over and were free and clear. It would’ve been a favor in the old man’s memory, but getting to the bottom of this shit now took precedence as far as I was concerned. It was more important to me to make sure our own backyard was safe than some hellhole in some remote part of the world that would just go back to the same old same old ten minutes after we cleared out.

While I’d been taking care of that, each of the men were taking care of other things, gathering more information. We now knew that the closest base was ten and a half miles away, which wasn’t far at all, and that the man in charge was well known and respected.

He ran a tight ship and was known as a hard ass stickler for the rules type. If this was coming out of his house he didn’t know about it, and that was a little hard to swallow with a reputation like his, you can’t have it both ways. But neither was I ready to start pointing fingers at anyone.

The day dragged the fuck on since we had nothing else to do but wait. Vanessa was bringing in the woman and we were all chomping at the bit to see what if anything she could tell us. “You need to go talk to your girl bro, she looks miserable as fuck.”

“I don’t have time for this shit now Connor, I’ve got more important things on my mind.”

“Yeah, more important than her? Look, I know they can be a trial, and heaven knows Dani knows every fucking last one of my buttons to push, but they’re ours bro.

They’re the best fucking things to ever happen to us in this fucked up life.” Happy motherfucker, soup to nuts he’d be trying to wring Dani’s neck in a day or two when she starts giving him fits again. “Ty is right, you’re pussy whipped.” I smirked as I walked away. Maybe he had a point.




I read her million and one texts on the way to the house, each of them a different variation on I’m sorry. Fucking female will drive me to drink. She was in the house curled up on the church wrapped up in a blanket like a mummy.

I wonder how Con knew she looked miserable, which she did. She probably called him over to set him on my ass which was a neat little trick she and Dani had; play monkey in the middle. I didn’t say anything just stood over her until she looked up at me with red eyes, and a blotchy nose. My perfect baby, fuck.

I picked her up and sat her on my lap and not once did I complain about how fucking hot it was outside while she was wrapped up like we were in a Deepfreeze or some shit. Maybe her pussy hurt, serve her mean ass right. “Do you understand why I got so mad at you?” she nodded her head against my chest and sniffled. “You can’t tell a man like me that there are other men lined up waiting for you. First thing I’ll do is go find every last one of those motherfuckers and de-ball them. Then I’d skin your little ass and tie you to my bed for all time so no one else could ever get at you.”

“It’s not true Logan, I was just hurt because you seem to always want to put off the wedding.” I held her closer because I understood how she could misinterpret shit.

I haven’t been exactly forthcoming in the last few days because I don’t want her stressing about this shit, but I didn’t know her mind was gonna go off the fucking rails.

“Babe I’m not trying to put off the wedding, there’s some things going on that me and the guys need to take care of before we can relax again. I don’t want you involved so I’m not gonna tell you any more than that, just stop with the crazy okay. I want to marry you, more than anything in this world I wanna marry you, come ‘ere.” I could hear Ty in my mind calling me bitch made but I didn’t give a fuck.

I turned her around on my lap and fought with the blanket to get to her skin. When I had all her pertinent parts free, I fingered her pussy until she was sighing into my neck, then lifted her enough to seat her on my cock.

“I need your tit in my mouth, now.” Now it was her turn to fight with her clothes to get me what I wanted. “Feed it to me.” She held her tit up to my mouth as she rode my cock with my hands on her ass.

“ I love the way you ride my cock, like you’re enjoying the fuck out of it.” And she did, all those horse-riding lessons came in handy when she got on my dick, she had great muscle control.

Her tits seemed a little fuller in my mouth; she was probably close to her period, that’ll explain her attitude I guess. “Are you tender?” I hefted her tits in my hands as I pushed up into her. “Not really a little tingly but nothing bad.”

I went back to mauling her flesh as she dripped all over my dick. There were no rushed movements, just a nice slow up and down, in and out that made us both happy. “I love you baby.”

Her pussy tightened around me and she wept in my neck. “I love you too.” I rolled my eyes where she couldn’t see. Just why the fuck was she crying, who knows? I held her a little bit closer and let her tit for her lips, and when she started a nice slow cum, I bit into her neck to mark her, let her know she was mine all the way.

We ended up fucking one more time on the couch, this time I had her on her back as I drilled into her and whispered words of love and encouragement to her. I don’t know why the fuck I bother going upside her damn head when she acts up, because I end up putting in more time making up for that shit in the long run; high maintenance pain in the ass.

“We straight?” I flicked off the water and stepped out of the shower where she’d just sucked the last of my energy out through my dick. She sure knew how to make it up to her man.

The sun was gonna be going down soon and then the real fun would start, our visitor was gonna be here a few hours after that. “Oh shoot, I gotta start dinner.”

She slapped on her lotion and whatever the fuck else she used to make her smell fuckable before rushing out of the room. “What’s the rush?” Granted after that five star breakfast I couldn’t wait to see what she could do with dinner, but she was acting like there was a fire. “I wanna cook for the guys tonight. Breakfast was such a big hit I don’t feel any of my old fears anymore.” Poor baby, she looked so excited I didn’t have the heart to tell her that if you feed wild animals they always come begging for more. I’ll just have to knock some heads together and make sure they know not to fuck with me on this shit.

She threw on jeans and a white button down top, just some shit she pulled out of the walk-in closet, but made her look like she were getting ready for a magazine shoot.

“Flawless.” I like the way her eyes went all dreamy when I cupped her nape to hold her in place for a deep long kiss. “Don’t overdo it okay baby, just throw some scraps on a plate, they’ll appreciate it.” She gave me the bitch brow and jetted. Fine, I tried. I left the house in search of the hoard of wild beast that would be descending on my home in about two hours or so. The fucking kids were still here, but there was nothing to be done about that now, at least Davey had to be here for his own protection, the sister, well, that was another story.

We ended up meeting up in the yard. No one wanted to go to the old man’s place because we had all unofficially decided tot take a break since there was nothing else to be done for now.

Connor was the last to join us, I’m guessing in the next few months it’s going to be like that. The decision not to go anywhere was getting easier and easier. “Listen up, Gabriella’s in there making some kinda spread.” The pigs started rubbing their bellies and grunting already.

That would be Ty the ringleader, Devon and Quinn. Zak just smiled and Cord was looking over at where the two kids were setting up to play ball. When is the last time any of us had used the court? It had been a while.

“I don’t want you freaks overworking her with this shit, or this would be the first and the last time.” Connor had had to have this same discussion weeks ago, for all the good it did him, I figured I could at least try.

“What’s she making Cap?” how the fuck should I know? “Tyler, come back here you greedy fuck. How’s Dani doing bro, we need to do something special for her soon, a baby is a big fucking deal.”

“Yeah it’s called a shower and the women usually take care of it, bitch made.” Ty shook his head while the others laughed at his antics. “Fine, but in the meantime we need to have a celebration, just a nice night out somewhere. Even though the mother to be can’t drink we can still go out somewhere to celebrate the fact that we’re gonna be uncles and Con’s gonna be a dad. We’re not gonna hide out in here from these fucks forever. We need to figure out what to do with the kid, the asshole didn’t mention him when he called, let’s hope he just thinks the kid missed or we got the drop on him.” I looked around at each of them and everyone seemed to be in agreement.

The more I thought about it, the more it seemed the kid was just collateral damage, not really a threat. If they suspected him of talking to the commander, they had to know by now that he didn’t know shit, but I didn’t think so.

From what the boy had described, it seems like the old man had been very crafty in their dealings, only meeting at certain times of the day, and never being seen talking together in public.

“I say we work on getting the kids home tonight, tomorrow the latest, we’ve got enough to worry about without the added stress.” Cord shifted from one leg to the next and I waited, but he didn’t say a thing. Talk soon turned to the situation with the Desert Fox and when we all put our heads together, it really didn’t make sense.

The thing about dealing with the military, unless you were the headman in charge, nothing had to make sense, you just followed orders. Our only saving grace is that we were out, and had been doing it as a favor. But there was nothing that said I had to take my men into a fucked up situation if I didn’t want to. They may try to shame us, but that shit never works. We had too much to live for these days.

BOOK: LOGAN SEAL Team Seven (Book 2)
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