LOGAN SEAL Team Seven (Book 2) (14 page)

BOOK: LOGAN SEAL Team Seven (Book 2)
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Damn, this is going to be some shit. I hope I didn’t open a can of stink because what just went through her was real fucking real. I’m gonna have to have a serious talk with my brother. I don’t think he had any idea what that woman had in her for him, he couldn’t have let her walk if he had. Whatever had gone down, I’m thinking she wasn’t the one to call it quits. I’m gonna have to deal with his ass in the next few days while she was here, but fuck he can be a hardheaded ass, this was not going to be a walk in the park.

Looking around I realized that the others had noticed it too, and no one was making any wise cracks, in fact no one was saying anything. The only sound that could be heard was the moaning, or complaining that was coming from behind the gag that the prisoner was wearing.

I waited to see who was gonna break first, but he didn’t say anything and neither did she. Now I remember why they had such a tumultuous relationship in the first place; they were both thick as fuck. I rolled my eyes and picked the woman up by her bound hands before removing her gag. She looked around in fear, because although she might not have seen us that night, she had to know that this was more of the same. Connor the fuck wanted to work her over because of what she’d tried to do to Dani, he didn’t care that she wasn’t sporting a dick; he just wanted answers.

Ty would slit her throat if he thought she knew who was behind it and was refusing to talk, and I’m not too sure about the others. “She’s not staying in the commander’s house. Tie her ass up in the yard somewhere.” Damn, I hadn’t even asked the question.

“Now Ty, we need to treat our guest with a little more decorum than that, this is the south after all.” I didn’t know where the fuck to take her but he was right, she wasn’t stepping foot in the old man’s place, it would be an insult. “Well she can’t stay with me and I’m not sure I trust any of you with her overnight, so what do you suggest? Other than tying her up outside like a canine.”

“Let’s just question her first, the question of where she stays might not matter, not if we end up slitting her throat for being stupid.” Fucking Connor, bastard can hold a grudge like nobody’s business. Of course she opened her mouth to scream and before I could stop her Vanessa very obligingly throat punched her. “She does that a lot.” She brushed off her hand while the woman gagged. I’m surrounded by fucking animals!




In the end we went with the old guest cottage behind the old man’s place and chose Devon as night watch since he was the only one not bitching about something, though that didn’t mean he was any more trustworthy. This woman’s life was in danger no doubt about it. “Cord take your charges back to my place.” They’d been so quiet this whole time I’d almost forgotten they were there, but I didn’t need anyone in our business. They’d both been frisked and were both clean and besides, they knew the girls so there was no worry that they might try something.

Still, I called my woman with orders. “Those two kids are coming back to the house, either of them try anything aim to kill, remember to protect Dani and the baby.”

“Who is she?” Dammit, I need this shit. Why would a woman who looked like Gaby, and who knew that she had her man tied all the way the fuck up in knots suffer that jealousy shit?

“Fuck babe not now, she’s Zak’s.” Her harrumph told me she didn’t give a fuck what I said and I was gonna have to deal with her shit later. She hung up on me, but at least she was in a fucked up mood, anyone tried anything she’d take ‘em out. My sigh was long suffering because I truly was about at the end of my rope. Not with Gaby and her shit, but with all the up in the air bullshit that had been going on lately. “Let’s get this over with.”

I led the way to the cottage that hadn’t been used in over a year and had that smell of disuse about it. There were sheets over everything once we turned on the lights. “Okay, we didn’t have much time last time, but we need some answers and you’re gonna give them to us.”

She opened her mouth to speak from her place on the dusty floor in the middle of us, but I held my hand up. “Before you open your mouth to lie I think you should know that we know a lot more than we did last time and if you bullshit me, I will let one of these fucks slit your throat since we know these guys killed our commander.”

Her eyes gave her away before she opened her mouth again. “I had nothing to do with that, I was just the scapegoat for the money thing.” Her eyes were even more afraid than before and I felt the shift in the room. It was one thing to suspect and quite another to have verification.

Con moved to stand next to Tyler but I wasn’t sure he was the only danger. She might not have offed the old man herself, but she was in bed with the fucks who did it. “Tell me everything you know, from the moment they contacted you, to now.” She swallowed hard and looked around for an ally, there was none to be had. Right now I might be the only thing keeping her alive.

“What guarantee do I have if I talk? These people are vicious, if they even know that I’m here they’ll kill me.” I didn’t stop Ty when he moved towards her. “What guarantee do you have that I won’t cut your lying tongue from your head right fucking now?” he brandished his knife and she tried to escape through the floorboards. “Now talk bitch and make it good, I’m not like my brothers here, you’re a waste of space that I won’t mind offing and dumping somewhere, I give a shit that you’re a chick.” I gave her time to compose herself and get used to the fact that her life depended on what the fuck she said in the next five minutes.

“Okay, okay. Robert approached me, we knew each other from gambler’s anonymous or one of those deadbeat things, I was so high at the time I don’t remember which. I don’t know, I guess in an off moment I’d actually told the truth about myself, how I had lost everything because I’d embezzled funds and the only reason I hadn’t done a longer stretch is because I’d been so good at it that the feds had recruited me for a job.

But my life went into a downward spiral after that and I started using and drinking and everything in between. I don’t know how Robert got in bed with those guys, he never said and we never really got into it. I just knew that they needed money moved and he knew I was good at hiding large sums of money under the radar.

Her came up with the idea of using the charity, and I kinda got the impression that everything was local, though no one ever said, just from some overheard conversations everyone seemed to know everyone. I wasn’t part of the whole smuggling thing, anything I know about that is just hear say.”

She looked like she was really afraid that we were gonna ask her to testify or some shit. “We’re not asking you to stand up in a court of law and point fingers at anyone, just tell us what you know.” No because these fucks were never gonna see the inside of a courthouse, not if I had anything to say about it.

“Yeah, okay, like I said, Robert brought me in to work the money angle, he set up the meet with his ex.” Her eyes went to Connor and she lost a little color, and with good reason. “When you refer to her in the future you will use her name, it’s Danielle, the woman you had no problem setting up for a fall is Danielle and she isn’t his ex anything.”

Oh yeah, she’ll be lucky if she makes it out of here alive. “Sorry, okay Danielle, he set it up with Danielle so that I could get the job. I swear I wanted to change my mind after I met her, but you don’t know these guys, they don’t care about anything or anyone.”

“Tell me about these guys.” I moved in closer, now we were getting somewhere.

“I don’t really know that much the one time I saw one of them by mistake they almost killed me. Robert had let it slip that they were having some kind of meet, not him, just the guy that’s in charge and one of the go-betweens I guess. I got nosy, I wanted to know who we were dealing with because that was a lot of money and I wanted some insurance just in case things went south.

I was even playing around with the idea of going to the feds.” Lying ass, the feds never entered your mind. Even now the signs of a true junkie were riding her hard. She was sweating from more than fear, her eyes were blood shot and her skin had that clammy unhealthy look an addict gets over time.

“This guy you saw, tell me about him.”

“Uh, stocky, with a low haircut, military I think, not very tall five-nine I’d say. It was the way he walked though that stood out, and the tattoo high up on his arm.” I looked at the others, sounded like the same asshole Davey had seen down by the pier.

“Go on.” you could hear a pin drop in the room, no one so much as twitched as we listened to her recitation of what she had seen that night. “I remember his voice, it didn’t really go with this body type, kinda girlish like but there was nothing girlish about the way he went after me.

It was only the other guy who stopped him from snapping my neck I’m convinced, and only because he said it would be too messy.”

“This other guy what did he look like?”

“That’s the funny thing, I never saw him, he stayed in the shadows, but I remember the smell of his cigar it had a sweetish smell to it; and his voice, very authoritative.”

She didn’t remember much more after that and believed me we grilled her, if she’d had anything more we would’ve gotten it out of her. “Can I go now?” She looked at Vanessa who looked like she’d like nothing better than to scalp her ass. “No, you’re staying here for at least tonight, we’ll decide what to do with you in the morning.”


“But I’ve told you everything I know, why do I have to stay here?”

“Because you’re a lying bitch who’d sell her own mother for a dollar and we don’t trust your ass.” I think it’s safe to say Connor did not like this woman.

“I need a drink. You, stay here, I think you should know your friends are watching this place so if you try to leave they’ll most likely take you out. That’s if you get past our security, which I guarantee you you won’t. Put her out.”

She held up her hands when Devon moved towards her with the needle. That ought to knock her out for the next eight hours or so. I ended up having to drag her to the couch myself since no one else was willing to, before we headed out the door.

“Let’s get the women and go have some fun, I need it after this shit, and we’re supposed to be celebrating, fuck this.” I checked my watch, it was getting late but the little spot we’d found in the next town over didn’t close until about three or four so we were good, unless the girls were tired.

“Cord you cool with us dropping the kids off?” he had to think about it which told me more than words where we were at. “They’re safe enough, I didn’t pick up anything when I did a run through, but I think we should keep an eye out for the next few days just in case.”

“Fair enough.”

Chapter 15





For some fucked up reason the kids didn’t wanna leave, the female especially seemed the most reluctant though she tried to play it off. I noticed she was no longer breathing fire, she seemed calm as fuck compared to when she first arrived and I wondered what the fuck Cord had said or done to her in the past few hours to tame that beast.

I introduced Gabriella to Vanessa, which helped to calm her ass down a little, but she still clung to my arm like she was marking her territory. Even though we’d checked and double- checked the area, we were still careful as we headed out of town. We rode in three vans funnily enough with three couples in one and then two and two in front and behind for security. Zak and Vanessa still hadn’t said fuck all to each other but I noticed that he’d been quick to jump in the truck with her when she followed the girls.

The night was the usual balmy clear skies with a nice breeze and the women were acting more excited than the rest of us, like we’d held them prisoner for a month instead of a couple of days.

Vanessa was involved in the conversation like the three of them had known each other since birth, especially when it came to talk of the baby. I watched Zak in the rearview and that fucker was hanging onto every word.

“Hey Lieu if I didn’t know better I’d think you’ve done this before.” She stopped in the middle of her sentence and looked around like Bambi caught in the headlights. What the fuck was that about?

“No captain, just my experience from being around my sisters and cousins with their pregnancies.” Zak looked at her like he wanted to fall on her in the back of my damn truck but I didn’t say a word, whatever he had brewing I was pretty sure it wouldn’t be long before it came bubbling to the top.

We reached the bar and it looked like the place was still hopping, the weekend was just getting started so that could be the reason for the overflowing parking lot.

We hadn’t been here since the night I’d snagged Gabriella in fact it was the first time we’d really been anywhere in quite a while. “Okay crew, you know the deal, have fun and we’ll pick shit up tomorrow.” The ten of us headed in the doors and straight for the tables in the corner. Con and I pushed a couple together with our backs to the wall and a clear view of the door, which is our usual. The bartender hailed us and without being told started lining off our drinks of choice.

Ty stayed at the bar for now and I let him because I knew he was working through some shit, so I took off my captain’s cap and put on the fiancé cape.

Con and Dani were already off in a corner smooching and pretending to dance and Gabriella was smiling, that’s all the fuck I cared about. I saw the little one that was on Ty’s dick walk in not long after and looked at my sneak.

“What did you do?” She gave me the ‘who me’ innocent bullshit look but I wasn’t buying it, especially when she raised her hand and beckoned her over. Dammit, why are these women always playing an angle, and when the fuck did she have time to call her between the time I’d told her to get dressed and the time we left the house? Fucking women.

I looked over at Ty and wondered if I’d had the same reaction to Gabriella, as he and Vanessa seemed to have to their mate. I was pretty sure he knew the second she walked in. Some strange shit has been going on since we came to this town. If I didn’t know better I’d swear the old man was up there playing matchmaker or some shit.

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