LOGAN SEAL Team Seven (Book 2) (13 page)

BOOK: LOGAN SEAL Team Seven (Book 2)
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Chapter 14




“I’m telling you, there’s something major going on, and I think it has something to do with that explosion we heard down by the water the other night.” I was putting the last stir on my whipped potatoes; with one last taste on the tip of my finger it was ready.

Dani was sitting on one of the kitchen stools at the island sipping on a ginger ale; it seems her morning sickness had got its times mixed up. “Did Connor say anything to you?”

“Nope, and I would stay out of it if I were you. These guys aren’t like what we’re used to Gaby, Logan will go upside your damn head if you go meddling in this stuff, trust me, I know. I can’t even ask Connor about what they’re doing without getting a lecture and a warning. If I were you I’d forget all about it they know what they’re doing.” I checked on my NY strip to make sure they weren’t overcooked and turned off the heat under the cast iron skillet I’d brought from home.

It was my nana’s and had been in my family for generations. My Bourbon pepper cream sauce for the meat was next, the beans had already been blanched. I started to get a little nervous. “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, maybe I should’ve waited.” I went into panic mode I’ve been doing that a lot lately.

“Shush Gaby, we both know you can cook your ass off, stop worrying, did you see them at breakfast?” she rolled her eyes at me, and lifted her can to her lips. I looked down at the row of steaks on the platter that I’d covered with foil to keep the heat in and my chest got tight. This was my new family, what if they hated it, I was actually close to tears. “Dani.” She must’ve heard the panic in my voice because she left her perch and came over to hug me. “This isn’t about dinner is it hon?” I could only shake my head against her shoulder.

“It’s the wedding, and everything that’s going wrong, and Logan keeps getting mad at me because I can’t keep my big mouth shut, and our beautiful wedding is going to be destroyed.’ I said all that in one sentence and felt a little relieved to get it off my chest.

“That’s it, I know what I have to do.”

“Uh-oh, I know that look, that is the look that got me grounded more than once in this lifetime girlfriend, oh no.” She’s such a worrywart. “No-no-no, this is gonna be good I promise. Don’t you want to have the wedding you’ve always dreamed of? And how amazingly cool is it that we’ve found brothers to marry and that we can have a double huh? But there’s one fly in our ointment, whatever is going on down at the boardwalk. Now if only we can take care of whatever it is.”

“Gaby, if the guys can’t do it what makes you think we can?”

“Because the boys don’t know our little town like we do, it’s probably just some kids messing around.

Remember what we used to do down there when we were teens? It’s the same thing; it’s just that kids today are more advanced than we were. We had bonfires and firecrackers, these little delinquents probably have homemade bombs, I mean look who they’ve nabbed already, Davey. We both know what he and his cohorts get up to.”

“I don’t know, Connor seems to think there’s more going on.” She bit her lip but I could see her weakening, just a little more and I’d reel her in. “Yes but like I said, that’s only because they don’t know this town like we do. Our boys are SEALs babe, they’re trained to see danger in everything, shoot Logan would childproof the house for me if he thought he could get away with it. Sometimes at night he takes me through all these scenarios of what-ifs. I now know the theory of how to get out of every sticky situation known to man.

But am I ever really gonna need them here in Briarwood? Come on. Look. It’s our job to show these guys that they can take off the riot gear, that we’re perfectly safe. Unless you wanna be under house arrest every time something goes wrong in a fifty mile radius.”

“Fine, but we’re being careful.” She put her hand on her tummy and I had my first doubts. Nah, it was nothing I was sure, just Logan being overprotective as usual. If I wanted that wedding that I’ve had mapped out in my scrapbook since I was ten, I’m gonna have to do this. With my mind made up I went back to my sauce feeling ten pounds lighter.





“For the love of fuck, Ty chew.” It was no question that dinner was huge hit, she’d really outdone herself. There wasn’t an unloosened tab in the place. She had the biggest fucking smile on her face and that’s all I cared about, though I could wish the wildebeest at my table had some damn manners.

“What’s for dessert?” I closed my eyes and counted to ten, there’s no point in trying to control his greed. She got up from the table and headed for the kitchen and I got up to go help her. “Cap sit your ass down, no hokey pokey while I’m waiting for dessert. If you’re anything like Connor we’d end up waiting half an hour while you do who knows what in there, and some things just don’t taste the same cold.”

“Ty, learn to cook or better yet find a woman who can, that way you don’t have to worry about what goes on in my kitchen.” “Ooh nasty, I’m just saying.”

He wasn’t fazed by my tone, not even a little bit. I ignored his dumb ass and went in search of her to help. She was bending over taking something out of the oven and I eased up behind her and rubbed my dick into her ass. “Logan you’ll make me drop the cobbler.”

She placed the pan on the rack and turned into my arms. “They liked it Logan, they liked my food.” I didn’t have it in me to tell her that that bunch would eat fried sawdust, but it was good that she could actually cook or they’ll talk about her, my brothers have no fucking etiquette whatsoever. “Yes baby I know.”

Before she could open her mouth to prate away at me I swallowed her tongue while pressing my cock into the junction of her thighs. “Let’s feed them real quick and get rid of them so I can have my dessert.”

I nibbled my way to her ear and bit down gently before going back to her lips. “Logan we just did it like a few hours ago.” That didn’t stop her for reaching for my mouth or grinding her pussy onto my cock. “Your point?” Ty started pounding his hand on the table in the next room and started up a chant for dessert. I heard the kid start to laugh before he joined in. “I’m gonna skin him.”

I helped her take the little mini crocks of the bubbly peach concoction out to the table after she’d spooned mounds of homemade whipped cream on top. My baby’s a fucking gourmet, which means that while Dani’s dealing with her pregnancy, my kitchen’s gonna be like the fucking mess deck. By the time I got rid of them it was already getting late. I wasn’t sure what the night would hold, but I knew I didn’t want to face it without her sweet taste on my tongue, or the memory of her pussy wrapped around my cock.

That’s how we ended up in bed with my dick in her mouth and her clit on my tongue. I had her on top of me in the sixty-nine and she was going to town on my dick. If I didn’t know better id swear she wanted something from me.

I licked her clit until it was nice and plump in my mouth, then tongue fucked her until she squealed and creamed all over my face. I blew air into her pussy before opening her up with my fingers and going back in with my tongue.

When she was nice and sopping wet, I eased her head away from my dick, which made her grumble until I held her head down on the mattress while searching out her hole with my cock. “Right there.” I sighed as I eased into her pussy.

It doesn’t matter how many times I’ve had her, it’s always exciting and new, that first feel of her. I gave her a variation of nice and slow and hard and rough. Each time she’d get used to one I’d switch up on her until she was screaming and tearing at the sheets.

“I wanna see you when I cum.” I pulled out and flipped her onto her back, driving my dick back into her before she could even miss me.

I like this position. In this position I could take her breast in my mouth, kiss her lips and dig as deep into her pussy as I wanted, all of which I did now.

The orgasm hit me out of nowhere, an emotional cum. It was just having her under me, knowing what she meant, all of that combined to give me the sweetest cum of all. She felt my seed burst into her and that set her off so that she clenched and released around me as I emptied my nuts into her belly.

I had visions of a little me running around as I rested my still hard cock inside her walls. We’ll talk about that shit later.



“I’m hoping she can shed some light on this shit, cause so far we’re catching at our tail.” Word had come in that Vanessa was on her way with the sub. The kid and his sister were still here, I knew why he was here, but there was no real reason for her to stay after she’d ascertained that her little brother was perfectly safe. I did gather though in the time that she’s been here, that she is one over protective sister, who seems more like a mother to the boy than a sibling. If we weren’t in the middle of this bullshit, watching her and Cord dance would’ve been funny as hell too. He was looking at her almost as much as she was eyeing him, but neither of them was about to let the other catch them at it.

“They’re here Cap.” Ty was on lookout, which means he was monitoring the street around our place. We had it under surveillance for at least a hundred feet or more in some places, which meant no one was getting close without us knowing it. I walked over to the laptop he was monitoring and looked over his shoulder as we all sat around in the commander’s place, which had suddenly become headquarters.

“Is she coming in hot?”

“Nope but I only see one body in the vehicle, no wait.” Another little red dot showed up on the screen and all I could do was shake my head. “Let’s head out, you two stay here and don’t touch anything. The place is wired so we’ll know if you even move out of this room.” We started to head out but Cord stopped to have a word with the fire-breathing dragon.

I would love to have heard what he was saying that had her going hot and cold in one second flat. When she swung at him and he caught her arm and laughed I knew he was a goner.

“What the fuck Cap?” he scowled as he almost walked into me, since I’d been standing behind him watching the byplay.

“She’s not your usual type bro.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Yeah that’s why red was creeping up your damn neck, lying ass.

“Sure you don’t, just watch yourself, that one looks like she’d kill you in your sleep.”

“I’m not afraid of one little girl, she’s more talk than anything else.” I’m not ready for this shit; he was totally fucking gone.

“She’s tiny though Cord, damn.” Not that my woman was any bigger, it’s just that Gabriella and Dani for that matter, may not be tall, but somehow their personalities made them seem more mature, more able to handle men like us.

This one seemed to be all ballast. “And so fucking young.”

“Are you trying to talk me out of something brother?” he stopped walking as the others went ahead.

“Never bro, not if she’s what you want. I’m just saying that you’re part ox, part elephant, and she looks like a high wind would blow her away.” I had to rein it back in because if he wanted her I wasn’t about to put a damper on it. It’s just that I am over protective myself, and she did seem rather young for all her bravado earlier. I just don’t want to see any of them hurt. I want each of us to find what I’d found with Gaby and Con had with Dani. And who knows, maybe I was making more of this than there really was, but then again I don’t think so. I could almost feel that shit in the air.

Vanessa gave the signal for us to open the gate and we all stood around as it slid back to give her entrance. She stopped in the middle of us and hopped down with a big grin. It had been some time since we’d seen her, almost a year I think, if not more. However long it was, it was way too long, she was good people.

“Lieutenant.” I walked over for a hug and at the last second hoped like fuck that Gaby wasn’t spying on me from somewhere in the house. If there’s one defect in my baby, it’s her wide jealousy streak. She doesn’t give a fuck who it is, and no amount of explanations work when she gets that shit in her head. “Captain, it’s good to see you.” I patted her back and released her before my Tasmanian devil came running to put her down. I hadn’t told her too much about what was going down, just that we were expecting a visitor and I expected her to show her all the hospitality due a guest.

Gaby like I said gets her hackles up when there’s a female involved, and she doesn’t trust shit. I can’t say as I blame her because I’m the same way with her. I trust my brothers with my life, and still if I felt one of them was getting too close to her, as innocent as it may be, I’d go for his fucking throat.

She walked around the back of the van, hitting the sides as she went. We walked around with her and stood behind her as she pulled open the double doors. All that could be seen were the two eyes opened wide in fear. Vanessa hopped up into the van and pulled Rosalind up by one of the ropes she had wrapped around her body.

“Damn Lieu, what the fuck?” Ty the jackass was already sipping on a beer like he was really waiting for action.

I’d sent Zak on a chumped up mission slash errand because he was still acting like a bear with his paw caught. I don’t know what it is about women that makes otherwise smart men fuck dumb. As soon as the time for her arrival drew near he started getting twitchy.

“The sub was getting on my damn nerves so I decided back here was best. I assume you wanted her here in one piece?” That’s why we like Vanessa, even though she was a marine.

She’d worked with us on an Op in Kabul, that’s where we’d all met. We’d seen her mettle then when she’d put her life on the line for another SEAL. That situation had worked out but it could’ve easily gone the other way. That was all that was needed to bond her as friend for life though, until some fuck went wrong between her and Zak.

She dropped the woman on the ground and was about to say something else when she stopped. If I hadn’t been looking at her I would’ve missed it, damn. I literally saw the moment she sensed him.

Her whole body went loose and then tensed in a split second, she looked like a cartoon character the way she’d just shutdown in the middle of what she’d been doing. I did notice though that she didn’t turn to look at him, but she knew exactly where he was.

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