LOGAN SEAL Team Seven (Book 2) (11 page)

BOOK: LOGAN SEAL Team Seven (Book 2)
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“Here you go Davey, I was wondering what you were doing here. Susie knows where you are?” she sat the kid and gave him his own plate. “What the fuck, where’s mine?”

She patted my cheek like an imbecile and grinned, she was full of herself because the boys liked her shit. “I saved the best for last.” I stood at the stove while she poured more batter onto the griddle and then pulled a shitload of bacon out of the broiler. “Ty sit the fuck down.” Geez this fucker and food!

Con and Dani soon joined us and she wasn’t looking so green anymore, in fact she had a nice glow about her and Con was looking like king of the walk. Fucking douche interrupted my morning session but it looked like he’d not missed out. Fuck there’s going to be a baby. I walked over to my brother and hugged him.

“Congratulations bro this shit is amazing.” The others soon joined in and the talk turned to babies and all the shit they were gonna need, and my eyes went to my woman as I imagined her round with my child. My dick sprung up and leaked. I was tempted to drag her outta there but shit turned into a mini celebration.

Con held Dani on his lap like he was afraid to let her go and Ty and Zak teased her about blowing up like a whale soon. Even the kid was grinning and smiling like he was part of the crew and for a little while there, we weren’t thinking about the shit storm that was about to unfold.

I let them enjoy the last bit of happiness before we had to get back to the trenches. The kid was another extra worry, now that he’d done his part, I didn’t know what the fucks had planned for him, so I couldn’t just cut him loose. I would’ve left him with the girls, but with Dani pregnant that was a fucking no-no. If the kid even sneezed wrong Con would cap his ass.

In the end we headed back to the commander’s place and had the kid call his sister and give her some story about leaving early. With that squared away we got down to business trying to piece shit together.

We hadn’t heard any sirens until long after we’d come back last night, so chances are no one had seen us leaving the area in such a hurry. I was half expecting a phone call any second, unless they thought we were brainless assholes who had fallen for their trick.

“I think last night was more of a warning than anything else. They couldn’t have believed that we’d be that fucking stupid.” We had the kid in front of the TV with headphones on so he couldn’t hear what we were discussing. Although it seems he was tight the with old man, he was still an unknown and there was no way I was gonna trust him with shit. As long as he was here there were going to be eyes and ears on him at all times.

“Maybe, but we can’t sit around and wait for them to try again. From everything the kid said we know the commander was onto something.” Con was going through the ledger again interpreting what was written there and breaking down the code.

So far we knew that the kid had brought the situation to the commander and he in turn had picked up the scent. There was definitely a military presence involved, but so far all the old man had written about was speculation. But he was convinced that someone very high up was involved.

“It looks like he was digging for a while guys, and knowing him, he would’ve been asking questions. He would’ve been smart about it, but if that got back to the wrong ears it could be why they killed him, if they killed him.”

Connor looked at Ty who was already getting restless again. “We’re gonna take this shit one thing at a time. First we have to decide what to do with this kid, he can’t stay here indefinitely and we can’t just cut him loose.”

“His parents won’t mind if he stays here with us, we’ll just come up with a story, tell them we’re taking him under our wing.” I gave Cord my ‘what the fuck’ look because he was acting like one of the pod people. “Come again, since when do you wanna babysit?” Every mission we ever had that involved getting some diplomat’s brat out of shit, he was the first to grouch about babysitting. Now he’s acting like it’s the most natural thing in the world to take on this kid.

“Look, all I’m saying is that from listening to him last night, we can work it. It’s not that they don’t care, but they need a break, that sister of his sounds like a real handful, maybe we’ll be helping them out.

Besides, they know he was cool with the commander and he says he spent a lot of time here before the old man died, so it’s worth a try.” Huh, I’m not sure what the fuck but whatever. I shrugged my answer and went back to looking through the old man’s belongings for anything else that might help us.

The women were at my house today and the place was on lock. We’d given the workers the day off; they can have a long weekend. Thank fuck the job was all but done and only needed the cosmetic finishes before we handed it over. One less thing to worry about.

Just as I expected, the phone rang with the same unknown bullshit as before. “Yeah.” I motioned to the others and the place went quiet except for the squeaking of the chair the kid was swiveling around on as he watched cartoons.

“Sorry we missed you last night, until next time. You can consider that a pre-warning, next time we won’t be so generous.”

“Is that what that was, you army boys have a lot to learn. There were holes so wide in your little scheme my brothers and I walked right through them. It wasn’t even as good as a made for TV movie plot. And who uses kids to do their dirty work, what are you a bitch?” Come on asshole lose some of that control.

“Listen you seadog, that will be the day when one of you could get one over on us. You think you can outsmart me, better men than you have tried. Stay out of our business or next time one of your women will get it, or are they trained as well?” His laughter rang out as he hung up. I took the phone away and hit replay again. “Did that fuck just threaten my pregnant woman?” Ah shit, fucking tunnel vision.

“Con keep it together, the girls are safe as long as they stay inside you know that. We have to figure out what the fuck we’re dealing with and do it fast though because they’re not gonna wanna stay cooped up for long.”

I know Gabriella and her wedding shit is gonna be a problem, but I couldn’t worry about that now. “He’s army, no marine would refer to anyone as a seadog and the air force is full of elitist dicks who wouldn’t know what to do with this shit. If they were navy the commander would’ve sniffed it out, so I’m going with army.”

“Fine but that still doesn’t tell us who what or why?” Ty got up from his chair to pace as the others all looked to me for answers. “That’s where the power of deduction comes into play. We need to find out what base is near here, who’s running it and get the dynamics of the place, the ins and outs so to speak. It would be perfect if we could get someone on the inside that don’t have a clue what the fuck we’re up to, so we could have eyes inside.”

“We could offer some sap a weekend job or some shit, maybe a reserve, then work on him. Nah, that’ll take time.” Ty was thinking on his feet as were the rest of us, but we all knew it wasn’t going to be that easy.

“Vanessa is supposed to be here with the Rosalind woman tonight, let’s see what we can get out of her. In the meantime let’s get to work.” Before we could get started on anything the buzzer for the main gate went off. Everyone turned to look at everyone else. “Who’s expecting a delivery?” Everyone shook their heads including me. “Who the fuck?” Quinn pulled it up on the computer and panned the area.

“Shit, that’s my sister, that’s Susie.” This kid was really afraid of his sister. I couldn’t see why, she looked like about a hundred pounds and she was about a good two inches shorter than her brother, who looked like he was about to shit himself. “I’ll get her.”

Cord was out of his seat and headed for the door. What the fuck were we supposed to do with all these unknowns running around? The rest of us headed out at a slower pace with the kid bringing up the rear. If he was gonna hang around someone was gonna have to help him find a pair.

“Listen asshole I want to see my brother, until I see for myself that he’s okay I’m not moving. Now get the hell out my way before I call the cops.” Cord was standing arms crossed, legs braced in front of the pint size pixie with the behemoth attitude. “I said move dickhead.” His eyes went wide when she poked him in the chest. The rest of us just stood back and watched while her brother groaned.

“I’m okay Susie, I’m right here.” He moved out from behind us so she could see him, and see that we hadn’t mauled him or whatever the fuck it is that she’d expected.

The girls heard the commotion and peeped out the window but knew better than to step foot outside without getting the all clear. Cord’s gruff voice brought me back to the situation that was going on around me.

“And I said you’re not getting by until I search you, now turn your little ass around and head out, you’ve annoyed me.” I’m pretty sure everyone else had the same dumbfounded look on their face that I did. I’ve never heard Cord be anything but courteous to a female before, usually he’s their biggest champion. The kid started to move forward but Quinn pulled him back. “Stay out of it.”

The two in front of us squared off like two warheads, she was breathing fire and he looked like…what the fuck? I had to change tactics and take her in again. Okay, she was about five one five two tops, wild chestnut colored curls that seemed to go in every direction, and cat green eyes.

Her skin was that porcelain shit that people write about and if her little nose turned up any higher it’ll touch her brow. “Are you seeing what I’m seeing?” I asked Connor out the side of my mouth so the kid didn’t hear me, and especially to keep it away from Ty. I might be wrong, but I was pretty sure I wasn’t.

“Yep, if Ty catches on there’s gonna be hell to pay. Then again it might distract him from plotting mayhem.” That’s a thought. Now I know all my men, down to their little peccadillos and if I were not mistaken I would swear my brother was fighting a serious case of lust. It was the way he was holding his body, the way he was scolding her yet protecting her from the rest of us.

That’s Cord’s thing when it comes to a woman he’s topping. I’ve never seen it look this intense before though, and never with someone he hadn’t already taken to his bed.

“Try it shit for brains and I will kick you in your nuts so hard you’d have ‘em for breakfast.”

“Geez Susie would you quit it? You see I’m fine, now go on home and I’ll be there later.” She withered him with a look but it seemed all her venom was reserved for Cord. Ty the nosy fuck came to stand beside me and from the way he was squinting I knew he was onto something. “Well fuck Cap, is it the water? What the fuck?” He hightailed it back to his place, the jackass, while I got the others back on track.

“Alright the rest of you, break it up, we’ve got shit to do.”

“Is that what I think it is?” Quinn pointed his chin at Cord and the female who were now in each other’s face.”

“Looks like.”

“Fuck, Ty’s right, I maybe should look into getting some sort of repellant. How long did it take this one?” Devon started backing away like he thought the shit was catching.


“Far as I can tell this is the first time they’ve met.”

“Well shit.” that was Zak’s pithy parting shot and I didn’t even want any part of his fuckery.

“Come on kid, looks like you’re with me for the duration.” I looked back at the two of them and felt almost sorry for the female. If Cord had he scent she was in for it, that brother is a controlling fuck if I ever met one. “How old is your sister again?”

“Twenty-one why?” he looked back at them but I put my hand on his shoulder and dragged him off to my house.

At least she was legal because chances are from what I’d just seen out there, it wasn’t going to be long before she was topped. Damn, maybe Ty the fuck was onto something, maybe there was something in the water.

Chapter 13




The day had been long and the night promised to be longer. Cord was the main attraction, he and the female that was caught between shooting daggers at him with her eyes, and mooning over him, that shit was making my teeth hurt.

The kid had proven himself to be more of a bottomless pit than Ty, by eating me out of house and home all afternoon, while the women fawned all over him like he was three. Connor was understandably preoccupied with his woman and their unborn child, and we’d already had a meeting, all of us, about the need to protect them at all cost.

Security was beefed up and Connor was working on getting her to stay home until we got shit squared away. I knew Gabriella was gonna give me shit, but I was gonna insist she stay her little ass put too. We were taking a break and every man was off doing his own thing.

Cord had taken his new shadows with him and I was alone with my woman. Things were gonna be a little hectic around here for the next few days, and I needed her cooperation.

“Babe I’m sorry, but you’re gonna either have to put your wedding shit on hold, or do that shit online.”

I guess she took offense to me calling it ‘her wedding shit’, if the way she posed up like a bantam rooster was any indication. “If you don’t want to go through with the wedding all you have to do is say so. I can just pack my stuff up and leave. You obviously got what you wanted and now why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free right? Jus so you know, there are more than a few men waiting to take your place.” She threw the pen down on the coffee table and folded her arms like she was fucking grown. I waited until she felt the frost from my glare and looked at me.

“You on the fucking rag?” she gave me a look that I did not easily recognize, one that I did not like one fucking bit though. “Come ‘ere.” I grabbed her neck and turned her over the arm of the couch. “Logan quit it.”

“Shut the fuck up.” Just that easily she’d pissed me the fuck off. Like I didn’t have enough shit to deal with she’s gotta get lippy. I pulled her little flirty skirt up around her waist and tore the thong off her ass. It was no trouble getting my dick out by just pushing my jeans down around my hips.

I wasn’t even gonna take the shits all the way off. That nice slow loving I’d been planning to give her for lunch was a thing of the past. I swiped my fingers through her dry pussy a couple times until she moistened up. Not her usual leaky faucet, but enough for me to get my meat in without hurting her too much.

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