Lokai's Curse (7 page)

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Authors: J. Lee Coulter

BOOK: Lokai's Curse
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After considerable thought, Alred had to agree with Lokai’s assessment of the situation. His throne had to be the target. He could not understand how more than one Fae was involved though. Athor…yes.
But who else?

“Tell me of this other traitorous Fae, Lokai. What did he look like?”

“It was a woman, Sire. I do not believe she was pure blood either. She entered the nursery shortly before this treachery began. She was statuesque with red hair and hazel eyes. A striking woman just a few years older than I. She hid in the shadows most of the time…staring at Diedre. I sensed malice emanating from her.”

The king’s blood began to pound in his veins. It cannot be! She had stayed away for all these years. Why would Natasha make herself known now? He visibly paled.

“What is it, my liege?” Lokai rushed to his side apprehensively as Garrick’s head snapped up. He had just described the nursemaid, Natasha.

Haunted eyes met theirs. “You just described Diedre’s mother. If it is truly her then Diedre is in mortal danger!


A wicked smile creased her lips as she watched the melee before her. The mistress and her brats were inconsolable as her daughter tried to cajole them from their weeping.
Good! She wanted them to feel pain…just as she had when she lost Alred’s attentions.
They will feel more pain before I am through with them.

Although she could not see them, she sensed the guard that Lokai had sent to protect the women. Alred would have to arrive soon
. She slipped unnoticed from the chamber as she planned her next move.

I need to handle the next events very carefully. I cannot let Athor find the spear but I will need it to kill Alred. Mayhap I will set him on Diedre next while I deal with the king. Once he relinquishes the power of his throne to me there is nothing Athor can do about it. Yes…that could work.
Natasha rushed through the gates to rendezvous with Athor.

Chapter VII

Diedre felt her body begin to tingle as she held her weeping sister in her arms. She glanced about the room, recognizing the royal guardsmen stationed there as the same who guarded the palace. She arched her brow at Moran, Lokai’s second-in-command, questioningly. He remained mute giving a slight shake of his platinum head.

What is going on? Why did Lokai send his best guards here secretly? I know Moran, as well as the rest. If only I can see them then there must be a traitor amongst us. Oh bother! I need to get Seonaid to calm herself so I may find out what is happening.

She stroked her sister’s auburn hair in a loving caress. “Come rest in your chambers, Seonaid.”

She shook her head vehemently. “I can nae rest till Lokai brings me my husband!” Her voice trembled as she attempted to calm her tears.

Diedre sympathized with her pain. If it were Lokai instead, she would be in the same distress. Still…there were plans that needed to be made. She would need to be stern.

“Nonsense! Garrick would not be pleased that you are distressing yourself…and the bairns, without knowing if there is cause. They will not calm till you have done so.” She waved her hand toward the children being comforted by Mary and two other maids.

Seonaid turned tear-filled eyes in their direction and knew that Diedre spoke the truth.
She nodded slowly and allowed her sister to lead her out of the room reluctantly. Her heart ached as she reached out into nothingness with her thoughts…searching for Garrick’s essence. There was no response to her cries. She stumbled as reality struck her. Her love was dead.

“Nay,” she choked out as black dots appeared in her vision. Bile began to rise in her constricted throat as her legs gave out
beneath her. Moran appeared and swept her into his strong arms as she fainted, carrying her to her bed. Diedre quickly checked her over and finding nothing amiss, spoke a few words to allow her a dreamless sleep.

Then she turned to Moran. In her most imperial voice she commanded
, “Tell me what is going on!”

“I cannot, Princess. Lokai ordered us to protect the royal family until he returns. That is all I may tell you.” He bowed low.

“I am your Princess. Surely you can divulge anything to me that my husband has spoken.”

He shook his head, his mouth in a grim line. Lokai had warned that she might be trouble. He specifically told him to reveal nothing to her…especially her!

Diedre’s eyes hardened as she worried her lip. She studied the handsome Fae before her, determined to get answers. She will not allow him to deny her wishes.

“Tell me, Moran…do you enjoy eating raw fish?” A wicked smile crossed her lips

His eyes darted toward her nervously, shaking his head.

“How about cold salt water? Do you enjoy it?” She plucked imaginary lint from her sleeve nonchalantly as she continued with her inquiries. “Or being pursued by sharks?”

“What are you getting at, your highness? No one in their right mind would enjoy such torture.” He shuddered at the thought.

In a flash, she was standing on tiptoe beneath him, glaring. “I am referring to your fate as a sea lion lost in the ocean’s depths if you do not reveal all to me this instant! You know that I can do it…and Lokai would never find you.” She would never do such a thing to anyone…but he did not know that. He had always believed all the rumors about her, whether they were true or not. She smiled.

Moran was aghast! How was he to deal with her?
His blue eyes narrowed as he went nose-to-nose with her. “You would not dare!”

stomped her tiny foot and stood her ground. “Try me!”

Moran flinched. He opened his mouth to respond

“Leave us!” Lokai roared. He could not believe his ears. The moment her banishment ended she was back to her old tricks. Anger churned in his gut as he stared at her. Was there no hope for her?

“Now Lokai…I know what you must be thinking but it is not true. I was not really going to turn him into a sea lion. It was an idle threat to get information. Seonaid believes Garrick to be dead. I merely wanted to…reassure…her.” The look in his eyes made her falter, all but confirming her sister’s fears. She shook her head. “No. He cannot be dead.”

Tears sprang to her eyes as Lokai wrapped his arms about her. “He rested his chin on her head as he spoke the lie. “We are under attack, Sprite. Garrick and Hagar are the first casualties. I cannot allow any more. I will not lose you or the
babe so we must be discreet. It is Fae we fight…including Athor. I suspect that he was the one who pierced Garrick’s heart with an arrow.”

She stiffened and stepped out of his arms. “Athor is dead! You killed him with your own hands.”

“He must have jumped to another body as I struck the blow. He has the spear now.” He gazed into her eyes softly. “No one is safe.”

Diedre shook her head. “Take us to the palace then. All will be safe there. Athor has no magic. He cannot enter the Fae kingdom.”

Lokai darted his eyes away from her shaking his head. “No, we cannot.”

“Why not? It is the perfect solution.”

“We just cannot. You will have to take my word for it.”

Her eyes narrowed as she studied his face intently. He was keeping a secret! She could feel it in her bones. Her mind searched for a reason that made since and only came up with one. He was hiding Garrick in the palace! If Seonaid entered the Fae realm she would sense him. That had to be it. Garrick was alive!

“Why do you wish for Seonaid to believe her husband dead? That
why we cannot go to the palace…is it not?”

He groaned. Matching wits with his wife was a full-time job.
She was too smart for her own good. Sighing in resignation, he tried to explain the reasons for the deception.

“If Seonaid knew the truth she would not be able to hide it. She has no guile in her heart. These attackers must believe that their plans are going smoothly so they have to believe him dead. It is imperative that you do not tell her.”

Diedre nodded. “For how long?”

“For as long as it takes. Come Sprite, I want you away from here.
I will take you home.”

She shook her head in refusal. “I would not be any safer there. Since I know about Garrick, let me go to the palace.”

Lokai’s brow rose. Her idea had merit. She and the babe would be safe and she could calm Garrick’s worries. It would be beneficial to all.

“Very well. The king will be here shortly to protect Seonaid and the bairns. We will leave when he arrives.” He glanced at Seonaid asleep on the bed. “She sleeps soundly.
I hope she will forgive me someday for what I have done.”

Diedre gave him an odd look. Why would she not forgive him? He is keeping them all safe. She shrugged. “I spelled her to have a restful sleep. She will wake in a few hours.”

He grunted his approval. As they left the chamber he set two guards inside, passing a stern look at Moran. Diedre punched his arm.

“Do not be upset with him, Lokai. What else could he do?” She giggled. He knew she was right. There is no defense against Diedre and her ‘charms’.

They found King Alred awaiting them in the great hall. Diedre’s face lit up as she hurried to him as fast as her rounded belly would allow.

“Father!” she cried as he embraced her in a bear hug, his eyes misting. “I have missed you so!”

He held her out from him to look her over. With a mischievous grin he replied, “Not all of the time, I think.”

She slapped at his hand, laughing.
He glanced at Lokai raising a brow in question. He shook his head brusquely. He knew Alred was asking about Natasha. Just as he knew he would have sensed her presence if she were there. They would have to be patient.

“How is Seonaid and the bairns?”

“As well as can be expected, Father. I made her lie down and rest.” She sighed. You will stay with her? Lokai is taking me to the palace until the danger is passed.” She gave him an imploring stare. “She will need your strength to withstand her loss. It will not be easy.”

“This I know. I, too, have gone through such a loss…when her mother died.” He glanced at Lokai in question. “You are taking her to the palace? Is that wise?”

His eyes settled on his wife. “She knows, Sire. And besides it being the safest place to leave her…she could help calm our guest.”

Alred g
lared at him. “How could you-?”

“Oh bother! Do not be angry with him
! I figured it out for myself.”

Her father ground his te
eth. “We will not speak of it!”

“An excellent idea!” She beamed
at him. “Shall we go husband?”

Alred cleared his throat shaking his head. “There is one more thing that must
be done before you leave.”

Lokai arched his brow in question. He was not aware of anything else that needed to be
accomplished.The king called in the guardsmen that were present in the castle to bear witness to his next act.

“Kneel before me, Lokai.”

He did as he was commanded bowing his head. Alred removed his crown holding it high above his head. “I wish for all Fae present to bear witness to the passing of the Fae Realm to Lokai, King of the Fae!” Diedre gasped as his strong voice rang across the hall. He placed the crown on Lokai’s brow then bid him to rise. A golden scepter topped with a huge black opal appeared in his hand. Alred held it out to Lokai. “With this scepter I pass all of the powers of the kingdom to King Lokai!” Lokai was stunned as he took possession of the scepter and watched his former king bow down to him.

“All hail King Lokai!” Everyo
ne present repeated the salute.

“Why now, Father? You have many good years left.”
Her blue-green eyes were awash in tears. She was happy for Lokai but sad for her father.

“It is time, daughter, and Lokai is ready. It is a precaution as well. In case Athor reaches me…he still will not possess the kingdom.” He did not mention that her mother might lose interest in this scheme if the throne was beyond her grasp. He clasped arms with L
okai. “Protect it well, Lokai.”

He gave a curt nod in response. He was too overwhelmed at the moment for words. Lokai took Diedre’
s hand and left for the palace.


The ebony-haired laird paced restlessly in the palace gardens…frustration oozing from every pore. He did not like having no control over the safety of his family. The king expects too much! Alred’s reasoning was sound but it did not make the situation any easier for him. He slammed his fist into his open palm.
Damn the Fates for this dilemma!

Just then the atmosphere began to waver before him as Lokai and Diedre appeared.
They must bring news! Good! We will be done with this quickly.
He stood with his arms crossed over his broad chest as he waited for them to speak.

“Garrick! You look well…for a dead man.” Her grin faltered as he shot a look of venom her way.
Alright…he is definitely not in the jesting mood.
“Your family is well. Father is with them.”

“What of Natasha? Was she inside the castle walls?” He sent a swift glance at Diedre’s curious look.

Lokai shook his head. “She was gone when I returned. Perhaps she will return later but I do not think so. She knows she will be recognized if Alred sees her. Come…let us break our fast while we discuss our next move.”

Diedre’s ears perked up at the mention of food. She had not eaten for hours and she was famished! Her mouth watered as she began remembering all the sweets the palace cook concocted. Lokai took
her arm, leading her to the hall as he sorted out the options in his mind.

When she was seated at the dais a myriad of sweet delicacies appeared before her.
Her hand darted toward a tray of cherry tarts but by the time it had reached her mouth it turned into a boiled egg. Her mouth went into shock at the unexpected flavor and texture. She choked, spitting out the food, while Lokai pounded her back.

“What trick is this, husband? I know I retrieved a cherry tart.
Did we acquire a new cook who does not know her trade?”

He shook his golden head.
“No, Sprite, it is the same cook. I switched the food.”

She sputtered, turning her wide eyes on him. “What game is this? Are you trying to starve me?”

Lokai placed his hand on her stomach, gently massaging it, as he answered her. “The bairn needs sustenance…not sweets.”

“So do I…and my sustenance
sweets! Now stop being silly and let me eat. It will not harm the babe to taste the pleasures of life.” She reached for another tart.

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