Lokai's Curse (6 page)

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Authors: J. Lee Coulter

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will always desire you, Diedre. Hold that knowledge close to your heart.”

She caressed his strong jaw languidly and nodded, a
satisfied smile on her lips. “I love you, Lokai. Never doubt it.” She chewed on her lip as she decided to get her worries out in the open.

“I know I have been distant these last few moons but…I had my reasons.” Lokai arched his brow waiting for her to continue.

Her eyes darted away from him. She could not bear to see the look in his eyes if her uncertainties were realized. He grasped her chin and made her face him once again.

“There is nothing that we cannot discuss openly, Sprite. Do not fear.” He gave her a peck on her pert nose. Her smile wobbled as she continued.

“Once your heir is born…” she paused. “Will you…still…want me?” Her shoulders sagged as tears misted her eyes.

Lokai was stunned! How could she believe otherwise? He hugged her fiercely to him. “Sweet Sprite, what has sparked such a ludicrous thought? I will want…no…crave you always! Beyond eternity! You are mine for always and forever. Why would you think this?”

Diedre clung to him, thankful to hear his adamant declaration.

When I was born I lived with my father. I never saw my mother…ever. Father never mentions her at all. If she had died then he would tell me, would he not? So he must have sent her away once he had me. I thought that is how things are done in a marriage.”

“Even if that were true, and I assure it is not, it would not be acceptable in
marriage. I have no knowledge of your mother so I cannot speak for the king. Mayhap, you should speak with him about her. Learn the truth of the matter?”

Thankful tears spilled over as she bobbed her head. “You will not leave me then?”

“No, Sprite, I will never leave you. Banish the thought from your mind. You are my anchor as I am yours. Cling to that surety.”

Diedre’s face beamed with love as his words took hold in her heart.
She realized just how fortunate she was to have Lokai in her life. Her heart swelled with love as her tears began to slow.

“Thank you, Lokai. I do not belie
ve I could stand it if you left me.”

He kissed her lips then wiped the tears from her face. “Never fear, Sprite. You are stuck with me forever. Dry your eyes and rest. Tomorrow we are visiting the family…if you wish it.”

Diedre bounced up in the bed with glee. “Truly? Seonaid and the babes?” She clapped her hands excitedly.

Lokai grinned wide for the first time in three moons. His lovely Sprite was returned to him. He nodded, his melodious voice filled with emotion. “Yes, sweet wife, your banishment is ended. We will visit your sister on the morrow…if you get some rest.” He gave her a peck on the cheek and tucked her into his embrace, resting his palm on her womb.
The babe’s heartbeat was strong. He smiled as he felt his son move for the first time. He glanced at Diedre but she was already snoring softly in an exhausted sleep. His heart swelled with pride at the progress he saw in his wife. She was ready.

Chapter VI

The grey sky was
heavy with the promise of a deluge before the morn was past, the air thick with moisture. A chill swept down his spine. Something was not right. Garrick could feel it in his bones as he rode through the woods to Hagar’s hut. A premonition had worried his mind regarding her for two days now. He could no longer ignore it as it intensified daily. He had to see what was wrong.

The moment he broke into the clearing he saw her crumpled
form on the ground. “Nay!” he cried out as he spurred Cadence to a full run, reaching her just moments later. He leapt from the saddle rushing to her but he knew it was too late. She was dead. Had been for at least a day. Tears filled his eyes as his heart wrenched at his old nurse’s passing. Anguish, then rage, filled him as he saw that she had been run through with a sword.

“Why, Hagar? Who would wish t
a kill ye?” As he surveyed the scene before him, he noted the bucket on the ground near her and a single footprint embedded in the damp circle. It was small…a woman’s footprint. It was too small to be Hagar’s, so who did it belong to?

As he
contemplated the question, he picked up the old woman’s broken body reverently, taking her inside and placing her on her pallet. He wrapped her in an old tartan forming a temporary shroud then glanced around the hut. Something was missing. It niggled at the back of his mind.
The Spear is gone! Who would ken that her cane was actually the Spear of Destiny? Only a few have that kenning. King Alred, Lokai, Angus, Liam, meself and perhaps…Diedre! Seonaid does nae even have that knowledge! None would have cause ta harm Hagar though…except for Athor.
He shook his head in denial. Athor was dead. He had seen to his burial himself. His black brow furrowed as he tried to reason it out.

He would need to inform the king of the missing weapon immediately. This put
Alred’s life in danger once more. His hand was half way to the torque he wore when he realized that in his haste he had forgotten to wear it this morn. He shook his head in frustration. He refused to lay this worry at his wife’s feet, though he could reach out to her with his mind over great distances. No…it will have to wait until he returned to Castle Brodie.

He glanced at Hagar’s body. He would bury her here. This was her home. She had always refused to live at the castle…said it was too noisy. He smiled sadly, hearing her refusal in his memories. “Aye, Hagar. I will honor your wishes and lay ye t
a rest here.” He retrieved the tools that he needed from the lean-to, went to the base of a hawthorn tree and began to dig.


Athor crept stealthily through the thick brush. As he neared the old waddle and daub hut from the rear, he heard the sounds of digging growing louder. His amber eyes glowed as he spotted Garrick placing damp earth into the grave, his broad back facing him.
This is going to be too easy.
He smiled wickedly as he raised the bow to take aim. A moment later the bolt was released, hitting its mark as Garrick fell forward, halfway into the grave he had been filling. His life draining from his body rapidly, his mind called out to Seonaid.

Mo cridhe!
Then he slipped into the black void of death.

Athor whooped loudly and danced a short jig.
I got him! He will plague me no more!
He was about to move toward the body when he saw the atmosphere vacillate heralding the approach of a Fae. He made all haste to quietly retreat before he was discovered, not seeing Lokai appear next to Garrick’s body and then, disappearing with it. Athor cackled in his thoughts as he made his escape, his eyes rolling wildly with glee. The skies opened up at that moment, releasing the deluge it had been promising.


Seonaid was beside herself with joy when Lokai and Diedre appeared in the hall that morn as she broke her fast.

“Diedre! Lokai! I am so happy to see you.” She rushed down from the dais and embraced each in turn, tears streaming down her face. “Oh my! You two have been busy,” she exclaimed as
Diedre’s swollen belly bumped into her flat one. “When is the bairn due?”

Diedre blushed but quickly recovered. There was no shame in bearing your husband’s child. She beamed at her sister. “About four moons from now…perhaps a fortnight more. We have come for a visit to see your brood and…Garrick.” She glanced about, searching for him before turning back to Seonaid.

“You have just missed him. He left but an hour ago to visit Hagar. You must stay at least a few days, though, so we can catch up on these last moons apart. He said he would return by the nooning. You will see him then. The bairns are playing in the nursery. Come. Are you hungry? Thirsty? Is your banishment ended?”

Questions burst forth without rhyme or thought. Her mind whirled. There was so much she wanted to k

Lokai smiled crookedly watching his wife’s face light up and become instantly animated as she tried to keep up with Seonaid’s thoughts. It was like watching hens cackling at each other.

Diedre turned a look of adoration his way smiling genuinely. He was a bit stunned to feel the full force of her love shining up at him. Her exotic aqua eyes mesmerizing. He could deny her nothing at that moment.

“May we, Lokai?”

He nodded agreement without knowing what he was agreeing to do. His blood thundered in his ears blocking all sound. He stroked her cheek.

“It is settled then. You will be our guests for the next fortnight.” Seonaid clapped her hands in glee. “Come. Rest and eat while I finish breaking my fast. Then we may visit the bairns.”

A short time later they entered the nursery, eagerly trading stories of their pregnancies. Seonaid handed Corinne over to Diedre, showing her the correct way to hold a bairn. She gazed at her beautiful niece blinking back tears at the tenderness that filled her heart. She glanced at her golden warrior. He smiled with approval.

“Motherhood suits you, Sprite.”

“Yes, I believe it does.” She returned his smile with one of her own. The door opened just then to allow entrance to one of the bairns nursemaids. Lokai stiffened immediately as a chill raced down his spine.
Fae! At least partially.
He studied the auburn-haired woman intently.
Who is she…and why is she here?
He glanced at Diedre but she had not noted the woman.

What is she doing here?
Natasha glared at the princess from the shadowy corner. Her fondest wish was to never lay eyes on her again.
She is breeding, too. That will not do. It seems that I will have to deal with this myself. I dare not let Athor get his hands on the spear!
She averted her eyes back to her task as she noted Lokai’s intense perusal of her.

The sisters never noticed the exchange as they were deep in discussion about child-rearing.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the chamber rippled. An instant silence saturated the air like a gigantic bubble, bursting a moment later with Garrick’s cry.

“Mo cridhe!”

“Garrick!” Seonaid screamed as the babes began to wail instantaneously. All in the room heard his cry though he had only thought it as he fell. “Lokai…?” Seonaid pleaded with the gut-wrenching pain that filled her heart.

He gave a brusque nod of his golden head as he gave Diedre one command. “Stay here!” He left instantly, not waiting for a reply.

He appeared a moment later at Garrick’s side. He was dead. Lokai sensed the presence of another Fae but did not have time to waste. He knew that if he acted quickly he could still save his life. Garrick was an Ancient. The last of that noble race. If he gave him the Fae nectar he would yet live. Lokai had to get him to the Realm now and administer the potion. He wasted no time wondering if Garrick would wish it.

The next twinkling found them in the palace garden with Lokai pouring the nectar down his throat. A few moments later he removed the bolt from Garrick’s back as he coughed…then sucked in a great gulp of air. His sapphire eyes fluttered open.

“What happened?”

Lokai grinned widely. “You died, Brother…and now you live.”

His eyes widened as his memory flashed back. He sat up rapidly. “Seonaid…the bairns…they must be in danger as well! I must return home now!”

Lokai shook his head slowly. “No, Garrick. You must rest for this day. I will send the king to watch over his daughters and your babes. We must speak about the events of this day in great detail. Something is afoot and I fear there is more going on than we suspect.”

Lokai whisked their presence to the king’s chamber, startling him.

“What goes on here, Lokai?” Alred sensed the changes occurring in Garrick’s body as he stood before him on shaky legs. He gestured to a nearby chair
and Garrick sat down gratefully.

“Sire, a Fae murdered old Hagar and…Garrick. I had no time to waste on debate if I was to restore him.”

He nodded. Glancing at his weakened son-by-marriage he knew that Lokai was correct in his actions. He worried that Garrick would not appreciate the gesture when he learned of the side-effects though.

“He is not aware of
the effects of your actions then?”

“Not yet.”

Garrick’s head jerked up. “Effects? What effects? Exactly what did ye do ta save me, Lokai?”

“It had to be done!
Seonaid would never forgive me if I had not saved you when I knew of a way!”

His sapphire eyes turned black as he glared at Lokai. “What…did…ye…do ta…me?” he roared.

“I gave you the Fae nectar…I gave you…immortality.” Garrick swayed in the chair as the reality hit him full force. He would live…forever in torment, as he watches his wife die, his children, and every generation till the end of time…and beyond.

I can nae bear it! Ye must change me back!” Pain flooded his eyes at the thought.

King Alred shook his head. “It cannot be undone, Son. You must accept it.
Your Ancient blood does not allow for a reversal. Perhaps you can convince Seonaid to drink the nectar as well.”

Garrick’s shoulders sagged in defeat. He did not ken if it were possible…but he could try.

Lokai glanced at the king. “We have another problem, Sire.”

Garrick and Alred both turned their eyes on him.

“And that would be…?”

A Fae witnessed his death…probably caused it, while another Fae heard his death cry.”

“That is nae possible,” Garrick shook his head. “I was
leagues away and I only thought it. I never uttered a word.”

peered at him. “You may not have spoken. But I tell you true. We were in the nursery with Seonaid and the babes and we all heard you cry out ‘mo cridhe’…even the bairns.”

Garrick was shocked. Where had the power to do that come from?
Seonaid and he have been able to hear each other’s thoughts from the moment they had met but he had never communicated like that with anyone else. He shook his head.
How can this be?
He reached out in his mind for his wife and found merely a void in place of her answering call. His heart clutched in his chest. He tried repeatedly but it was in vain.

Tortured eyes turned to Lokai. “I can nae hear Seonaid. She does nae answer me. I must go ta her.” He began to rise from his seat as a wave of dizziness struck him. Lokai placed a hand on his shoulder a
s he gently held him down, shaking his head.

“Be at ease, Brother, she is safe. You cannot hear her because you are in the Fae Realm and she is in the mortal one. My wife is with her and the bairns
, and I have dispatched six of my most trusted guardsmen to keep watch while we discuss our next move.”

Garrick released a shaky breath as he sank back onto the chair. “What did ye have in mind?”

“First of all, it is necessary for you to remain dead. I do not wish for these killers to scurry away into the woodwork. Especially since I have no idea who they are or what their motives may be.” He rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

“Nay! I will nae allow Seonaid to suffer that pain! Think of something else.”
Garrick’s gaze narrowed with determination. “As for intent…” he glanced at the king, “it has ta be the throne. I found the spear missing when I reached Hagar’s abode.”

Lokai’s frosty eyes darted to Alred.

“Athor lives! Tis the only logical answer!” Alred’s fist slammed the table. He turned his myriad-colored eyes to Garrick, softening slightly. “As much as I wish to cause Seonaid no more pain…Lokai is right. You must remain dead…even to her. She does not have the guile to deceive anyone. You know this to be true.”

Garrick’s heart sank as he realized they were correct. He was powerless to do anything while they occupied different realms; all he could do was accept their decision.

“Why must they believe I am dead? I see nae profit from that deception.”

Lokai stared intently at him for a moment. “They targeted you
with a purpose. With you dead, the king would rush to his daughter’s aid, making him vulnerable to an attack.” A shiver of dread raced through him. “With him and your family together, plus Diedre visiting, they could destroy the entire bloodline in one swoop. We must make haste, Sire. I need to remove my wife.”

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