Lokai's Curse (10 page)

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Authors: J. Lee Coulter

BOOK: Lokai's Curse
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Chapter X

Diedre stretched languorously as she slowly awoke the next morn. A
measured smile crossed her swollen lips as the activities of the past eve came to mind. Lokai was home. She hoped that this meant that Garrick’s forced exile was at an end. She felt the bed move as her husband rolled toward her.

“Good morning, sleepy head. Did you rest well?” Lokai wrapped a blond lock o
f her hair around his fingers distractedly as he gazed into her eyes.

“Mm hmmm. I had the most wonderful dream. I dreamt that a handsome king came to my bed and claimed me as his queen with his body. He spoke great words of love to me without uttering a sound.” She
felt Lokai stiffen in response to her words. She sighed. Convincing him that he loved her was going to be a real challenge…but she was up for it. She cleared her throat then continued with her tale flippantly.

“It is a pity that I have to dream to receive such sentiments. Although it is obvious that you will never feel that way towards me.” With that
said she arose from bed and prepared her bath with a snap of her fingers.

Lokai eyed her back suspiciously.
What is the little minx up to now? I told her that I cared for her.
He shook his head at himself as he watched her lower her swollen body into the steaming water, a surge of desire making his cock jump.

“I must speak with Garrick.
When you finish your bath, I would be pleased if you would join us.” He did not dare tell her that he wished her counsel on how to proceed. He would never be able to live it down after punishing her for just such actions.

Lokai met up with Garrick as he was about to enter the hall. He was a bit startled
to see such a drastic change in him after only a sennight. His eyes had dark circles beneath them from lack of sleep; his skin was sallow and his face gaunt. He raised tortured eyes to meet Lokai’s gaze.

“Hail, Brother.” He grasped his arm in greeting, appraising his health unawares. It took only a moment to find that Garrick was wasting away rapidly
because of the separation from Seonaid. Their well-being depended upon their connection to each other…physically and mentally. One literally could not live without the other. Lokai had heard of this type of linking before but he had never witnessed such a strong joining. He realized that this plan would not work. They would both die if they were not rejoined soon.

“Ye bring news?”

“Of a sort. Let us dine in my cloistered chamber where we may have discretion. Tell me, Garrick, has my wife given you much trouble?”

He chuckled. “Nay, Lokai. She has been on her best behavior. Truth be told, she has been too busy eating and sleeping t
a do much else.” Garrick sighed. “I believe the bairn has tamed her.”

A stunned laugh leapt from Lokai’s lips. “I sincerely doubt that! Perhaps it has caused a sabbatical…but nothing will ever tame her spirit.
It is who she is. Her clever mind is constantly planning and plotting. We are simply fortunate that it is always directed with good intentions.”

“Aye…fortunate indeed.” Garrick returned a grim smile.

Moments later, Diedre waddled into the chamber dressed in a sky-blue gown, a cheery smile on her face. She greeted the men as she took her place by Lokai’s side at the intimate table. As she began shoveling food into her mouth, Lokai watched her, fascinated at how much she was devouring…and the speed that she was doing it. He shook his head.

glanced at Garrick furrowing his brow. He hoped that Diedre would take the bait he was about to toss out. Clearing his throat, he began.

“We need a new plan. All has been quiet at the castle and Natasha has disappeared. Perhaps she was there for another reason…who knows
. But Athor will be very difficult to locate if he acts alone.”

“Does this mean that Garrick may go home?”

“That depends. We still need to keep his resurrection a secret.” Lokai gave him a stern look. “Do you know of a way to be in the mortal world without being seen?”

Garrick’s heart leapt in his chest. He gulped as he fought for control of his emotions. His mind raced at the possibilities, then settled on a little known fact…the passageways! The castle was full of them! He gave a curt nod.

“Aye! Castle Brodie is full of secret passages. I could stay there and nae be seen.”

Diedre frowned.

“What troubles you, Sprite?”

“Nothing. I just thought that he could rejoin my sister. I am sure she is beside herself with grief.”

“Do not fret, wife. Her sorrow will end the moment he sets foot in the mortal realm. She will sense his presence. The problem will be having Seonaid keeping her happiness to herself. Do you think it will be possible, Garrick?” He arched a brow.

“I will make certain of it. But what then? If there is n
ae news of Athor or Natasha…?”

Lokai gave him a hard look. “There is some news that I overheard at an inn. Apparently there have been several lasses gone missing in the local villages. It may be nothing but I believe it to be Athor’s handiwork. Regardless, we need to find a way to draw him out. Any ideas?” He watched Diedre from the corner of his eye…a slight smile on his lips
as he watched her tap her teeth with her fingernail. A habit she always had when she was plotting.

Her aqua eyes were animated as she turned to Garrick. “How good are your ghost impressions?”

Garrick and Lokai’s jaws dropped simultaneously. Where in the world did she get these ideas? Lokai’s mind went blank for a second…ready to dismiss the plan out-of-hand.
The idea has merit! Even if Garrick is seen it could be explained. It would, also, cover Seonaid sensing his presence! My stars…Diedre is amazing! I never would have thought of it!
Lokai gave her a huge hug and kiss.

“Sprite, you have outdone yourself this time! I can see no down-side to your idea. We can spell him with luminescence to add to the ruse.” Diedre beamed up at her husband. He was proud of her. Her heart swelled in her chest.

Garrick considered the plan. He was immortal so they could not harm him…and he could be close to Seonaid to protect her. He would need to reach out to her first so that he does not frighten her though.
Aye! It would work!
He settled his sapphire gaze on Diedre and squeezed her hand in gratitude.

“Thank ye, Diedre. Tis a sound plan. At least I will be near me love if she needs me.”

She gave a slight squeeze back. “It is the least I can do after all the trouble I caused you before. And it will be great fun when I arrive to reinforce the haunting.”

“No Diedre! You will not go one step near Castle Brodie!” Lokai roared at her.
“Your input will not be necessary.”

She batted her lashes at her husband innocently. “That is where you are wrong, Lokai. Why do you suppose that Athor…or this Natasha…ha
ve not struck? It must be because they wish to destroy our entire line. There could not possibly be any other rational reason. I must be there as well.”

He shook his head in denial as she placed a dainty finger against his lips. He did not like this! He would not have his queen in danger! Lokai knew she was right, but he did not want her to be. He had already reached the same conclusions about Athor.
His shoulders sagged as he relented.
At least I will arm her with as much knowledge about my father that I can!
Grasping her hand gently, he turned to Garrick.

“If this plan is acceptable to you, Garrick, then make ready. We will depart this eve. Until then I have plans for my wife. Please excuse us.”

Garrick smiled with a nod as he began making his own plans for Seonaid, not even noticing their departure.


Diedre glanced around the unfamiliar clearing where they appeared just moments before. It looked like any other ordinary place in the Fae realm. A small abandoned manor was slightly hidden in the overgrowth to her right. She looked at her husband quizzically as she arched a brow.

“Where are we, Lokai?”
She noticed a flash of pain cross his face but he quickly hid it.

“This is Dragon’s Glen…my boyhood home.
This place is where Athor destroyed my mother and thought to do the same to me. If it were not for your father intervening, I would not exist.”

She nodded. Diedre knew the tale. Her father had stopped Athor just in time by whisking Lokai to the palace where he could not be harmed. She had been six years…Lokai was fourteen at that time. That was thirteen years back. She still did not understand what they were doing here.

Lokai led her into the manor, lighting it once they had entered. She gasped in surprise. From the outside it looked much like any other modest Fae home, but the interior appeared to have had a whirlwind smash through it. Pictures were askew on the battered walls; furniture was broken and strewn about. Traces of a brown stain splattered the walls and floors which she quickly determined to be blood. Her stomach protested as she wrinkled her nose…a slight metallic pungency clinging to the chamber. She swallowed hard as she forced the bile back down her throat.

“I left it as it was the day I
departed to remind me of the vileness of my sire. Come.”

Lokai led her up a wide staircase to a bedroom on the second floor. She felt him shudder, then take a deep breath as he opened the door and entered. It was not
much larger than a storeroom…bare of any furniture. In the corner was a musty old straw pallet on the floor. He stared at it for a long time, lost in the past.

“That is where I slept…when I was allowed to rest.” He walked to the lone window
and removed some wood planks from the floor revealing a small cubbyhole. “This is where I hid from Athor…when he…he killed my mother. I can still hear her screams as he sent her to her death.” His knuckles whitened as he clenched his fists. “I could not help her. I was too young…too fearful,” he all but whispered.

A tear escaped Diedre’s eye as she felt his despair. Placing a hand on his arm, she tried to comfort him. “There was naught you could do husband. She would not have had you sacrifice yourself for her.

Lokai turned his ashen face to her. “This I know but it does not help me accept my cowardice. But that is not the reason I have shown you this place. Come. I want you to see one more thing before we leave here.”

He took her back downstairs and through the kitchen into the pantry. There, he opened a hidden door and they descended to a large chamber beneath the manor. Diedre’s eyes widened in horror as she surveyed the room.

Before her stood a large table in the center of the space. She could see leather restraints at the four corners, cracked with age. The walls were interspersed
with shackles of various lengths…rusted now. In the far corner was a whipping post. Her body quivered with shock at the sight. The opposite wall held a wide array of knives, whips, swords and other torturous devices. Lokai caught Diedre as her knees buckled beneath her, carrying her out of the manor, not once looking back.

They returned swiftly to their bedchamber. Lokai laid her in the bed then placed a cool cloth to her forehead.

“I am sorry, Sprite. I had hoped that you would never need to know of such evil.”

Diedre nodded shakily. She removed the cloth from her head staring deeply into his frosty eyes. She had had no idea of the horror he had been subjected to as a child.

you show me, Lokai?”

He stroked her pale face as he moved a platinum tress from her brow.
“If you insist on going to Castle Brodie, then you need to understand exactly how dangerous Athor can be. He is the vilest of Fae!” His eyes grew hard and distant as he pictured the scene he described to her.

brought many mortal lasses to the manor over the years. He chained them below…in that room…and tortured them endlessly. Most of them were raped. All were killed.” He shuddered. “I had nightmares for years after I came here. Their screams of pain echoing in my mind. He gets a sick pleasure from causing another’s pain…mentally and physically.” His eyes turned to her. “He would use you to hurt me, Diedre.”

That is when she knew that Lokai truly loved her. He could not be hurt by her pain if he did not. He could be distressed, perhaps, or concerned for her, but only love could make him hurt for her.
Her face beamed as a wide grin spread across it. She launched herself into his warm embrace.

“I love you, as well, Husband! Do not worry. I will not let him hurt us.”

Lokai sputtered in confusion. Surely his wife was daft! “That is not what I said Diedre! I just wanted you to be aware of how dangerous he is.”

“Oh Lokai! You can deny your feelings as much as you want…I know the truth. You love me, as I love you.
How else would my being harmed hurt you?”

He was stunned. He could not think of one plausible excuse. Why am I denying it? I wanted her avowal first and I have received it…so why can I not confirm it? Trust. Perhaps I do not trust her declaration just yet. I will observe her for a while to be certain. He held her close, molding her tiny frame to his own. He knew that his heart would shatter if anything happened to her. It was a love that he had held for many years. He would keep her safe…
no matter what, he vowed silently.

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