Lokai's Curse (14 page)

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Authors: J. Lee Coulter

BOOK: Lokai's Curse
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Chapter XV

Your presence in my chamber is totally unnecessary, Da!” Seonaid was becoming frustrated. She had been attempting to remove him and the MacGregor for nigh on to three hours.

Alred crossed his arms over his wide chest and smiled benevolently in response. He marvelled at how much she resembled her mother...especially when she was upset.

“You will not change my mind, Daughter. I made a vow and I intend to keep it.”

“A vow? To who? Garrick?”

“Yes...and myself. I intend to see that no harm comes to you.”

Sighing, she sat down near the hearth. All she wished to do right now was take a wee nap, which was impossible with two men in her room...talking.
A wide yawn escaped her.

Seamus glanced over at her, noting the dark smudges beneath her green eyes. She appeared to be a bit more exhausted than usual.

“Are ye well, lass?”

Seonaid looked up...startled.
How was she to explain to her father that her ghostly husband got her with child...if that was the cause of her fatigue? She smiled wearily. No, it was the babes that had worn her out this day.

“I am fine. The bairns have just been a handful these past days since they are crawling about now. One of them is always getting into harm’s way.”

He nodded in agreement. Babes at that age are always a worry. “Would ye like me ta go and help them run off some of that energy?”

Grateful eyes turned on him.

“Aye. That would be welcome. I think I will lay down for a wee nap before sup, if ye would occupy them for a while.” Seonaid eyed her bed longingly.

Seamus stood and kissed her brow. “That sounds like a grand idea, lass. I will see ye at sup then.”

Nodding her thanks, she crawled into bed as Seamus closed the door behind him. She was asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Alred stood before the window with his arms crossed contemplating how all these troubles came to pass. He could fault no one but himself. He was the one who had bedded Diedre’s mother before he knew her true nature. Natasha was
beautiful with flaming hair and eyes that changed color with her mood. He supposed that he must have had some feelings for her at the time, but he could not bring them to mind now. His eyes darkened as he remembered how the wench had tossed their child at his feet in disgust when she was barely two, calling her all sorts of foul names! Alred’s fists clenched.

Diedre’s sobs echoed in his memory as if it were yesterday. How can a mother hate her own child? He could not comprehend it. All Natasha wanted was to be queen. She cared naught for their daughter. She tossed her aside like
offal when she realized that he would not wed her...even for the child’s sake. He shook his head. She had threatened to kill her that day, but Alred stopped her and took Diedre away. Now she has reappeared and threatens both of his daughters. He vowed to himself, right then and there, that he would put an end to this strife. He will not allow her to harm his family!

A sudden draft ruffled his platinum hair alerting him to danger. He spun around to find the red-haired beauty emerging from behind the wardrobe.

“At last, you show yourself! Have you tired of lurking in the shadows, Natasha?” She was still as beautiful as he remembered.

She studied him with an appraising eye. He was still magnificent! Every muscle and sinew of him made her hands itch for want of touching him. His noble bearing exuded power...power that she desired for her own. Shaking her head to clear it, she reminded herself of the Fae power of seduction. Natasha would not allow him to distract her from her purpose.
A cold smile touched her red lips. He will not be so confident when he learns of Diedre’s fate.

“I have your
, Alred. If you wish her returned to you...unharmed...you will heed my demands.”

Alred did not so much as flinch when he heard her words. He had been king for centuries and knew well how to mask his thoughts.
He wished to rip out her throat with rage...but appeared calm to anyone observing the exchange.

“What is it that you wish?”

Her delicate brow arched in surprise. “I am amazed that you even need to ask! I want the throne and all of your powers that go with it! What else is there?”

A wide grin split his face. “That is no longer mine to give. You will have to settle for something less ambitious.”

“You are lying! Do you not care for your daughter’s well-being?” she uttered breathlessly.

His eyes darkened venomously. How dare she ask such a question! “I do not lie! You know that I love my children, but I cannot give what I do not possess!” He took a threatening step towards her.

Alarmed, she raised the oak cane in defense as it transformed in her hands to the Spear of Destiny. Natasha smiled wickedly jabbing it in his direction. Her eyes took on a wild, frantic look as her mind began to slip.

* * *

Seonaid had awakened to the sound of voices arguing on the other side of her draped bed. Fear clutched her heart, recognizing Natasha’s voice. She dared not move from her hiding place.

Garrick, my love, she is in our chambers! Father is in danger! Are ye near?
Her thoughts reached out to him in a blind panic.

Garrick and Lokai’s eyes met at the same moment. He, too, had heard her cry for help.

“I will send you to the passageway. We must surprise her so that she does not use the Spear! Are you ready to play spirit again?”

“Aye! Tis time ta put an end ta this nonsense!”
We be near, mo cridhe. Stay safe.”

Lokai glanced at his wife once more as she slept. Satisfied, he transported Garrick into the black corridor near his chambers.

* * *

Athor was crouched at the entrance to the bedchamber, listening avidly to the exchange. He was certain that Alred told the truth. He had no reason to lie...which meant that Lokai was now King of the Fae Realm. Damn! He needed the Spear! A movement of the air caught his attention from the corner of his eye.

He retreated several yards swiftly and quietly, as Garrick’s ghostly form appeared near where he had been standing. He gasped in superstitious fear!
The rumors were true! There stands his apparition plain as day!
He watched as Garrick stealthily peered into the chamber.

What is this? A spirit would not show caution when approaching mortals.
A wicked grin crept over his face as comprehension hit him. The sound of steel as Garrick unsheathed his sword settled it in his mind.
Tis no ghost I see but a Fae trick! Garrick still lives!
Athor’s eyes glittered with excitement. He would have his reckoning in one fell swoop. All he needed was the spear. He crept back to the open portal as soon as Garrick slipped through into the bedchamber.

Natasha was startled at the sound of the door hitting the wall behind her. She spun around, putting her back toward the wardrobe as she faced an enraged Lokai.
Garrick seized her from behind as the golden warrior struck the spear from her grasp. It hit the floor, rolling toward the opening to the passages.

Her eyes rolled wildly as she struggled against his steely embrace.

“You have lost, Natasha. There is naught else that you can do to harm my family.” Alred approached her with confidence.

She snarled at him in frustration. “You think not, Alred? Even now your daughter is at the mercy of Athor!
He can kill her, you know. She is not pure Fae. Diedre is as mortal as I am.” A wicked grin crossed her lips.

He glanced quickly at Lokai who shook his head to reassure him.

“You are mistaken, witch. Diedre sleeps safely in our chambers. Apparently Athor has betrayed you.”

“Nooooo!” she screeched.

Athor had heard enough. He reached for the spear, furtively, while they were distracted and stole back down the dark corridor taking the first exit he found. Crossing the empty chamber, he opened the door a crack to peak out. The hallway was empty. Good. The Fates were with him. Traveling the length, it did not take him long to find what he was seeking.

Garrick eyed Alred. “What do ye wish t
o do with her, Sire?”

His eyes saddened. “Put her in the dungeon until it is decided. We must not forget that Athor still runs free. Once he is captured, according to Fae law, they will be
tried and executed.”

Lokai stepped forward. “Where is your cohort, witch?”

She laughed maniacally. “Why should I tell you? I die either way.”

He glowered at her. “There are many ways to die, Natasha. Some swift, others...could take days...even weeks. The choice is yours.” He shrugged. “Makes no difference to me. I will find him regardless of your choice.”

She said naught as she glared at him.

Seonaid emerged from the cocoon of her bed when she felt it was safe. Smiling at her husband, she glanced about the room in search of the weapon that could endanger her family.
She frowned.

“Where is the spear?”

They all quickly looked in the direction it had fallen. It was not there! They shared a panicked look as they realized where it must be...in Athor’s hands! A scream echoed down the corridor.

Natasha jerked free in their distraction, running toward the sound
. Athor must have Diedre in his grasp once again! There was still hope!
She skidded to a halt as she reached them.

Athor tightened his grip on Diedre’s throat. Black dots danced before her eyes
as she attempted to breathe. There was no strength left to struggle against him. She cried out again as he bit her ear, drawing blood, then flicking it with his tongue.

“You taste good, daughter.” Hot breath fanned her neck causing an involuntary shudder. “I might let you live after I claim the throne. But first,” he glanced at Lokai entering the chamber, “I must rid us of your husband’s existence.”

Natasha glared at him. “I am to be your queen, Athor! You owe me!”

“I owe you naught!” He roared with contempt. “Why would I desire Alred’s cast-offs? You are no more than a thorn in my side...it is time to pluck you out!” He swung his sword with ease then watched her head roll across the floor with indifference.

Athor turned his feral eyes to Lokai as he grasped the spear leaning against the wall. “Now,
, you will relinquish your throne to me...or watch the same fate befall your wife.”

Lokai was frozen in place. He could not do what his father asked. There would be chaos in both the Fae and Mortal realms if he did. He searched deeply into his powers as king for a solution. There must be an answer to this dilemma!

The grip on her throat tightened as Garrick and Alred attempted to flank him. “Cease your movement or she dies now!” They halted, hoping that Lokai had a plan.

Icy blue eyes locked with aqua
Do you trust me, Sprite?
Her eyes bulged as his thoughts reached out to her. She did not know that it was possible for them to speak thus.
Yes, my love...with all my heart.

Then prepare to die.
His eyes misted for a moment when he saw her fear. It was risky what he planned to do, for her and the babe, but he had no other choice. The timing had to be impeccable. He could not afford a mistake. Lokai turned an ice-cold glare on his father.

“Too many lives depend upon the bearer of the crown. I cannot relinquish it...even for my queen’s life.” He could not bear to look upon her as he spoke the words.

“You are an even bigger fool than I thought, Lokai! Do you not know that she is mortal? I can easily snap her neck! And what of the child? Your heir? Surely you want him to live.” Panic teased his voice as he questioned his son. Had he miscalculated Lokai’s ruthlessness?

“There will be others.” His passionless tone caused Diedre’s eyes to peer into his stoic expression.
He is lying! I know it! Oh bother! Why do I have to be involved in him calling Athor’s bluff?
Fear clutched her heart as she recognized that she would die this day.

Athor roared with fury! With one twist of his wrist...her neck snapped and she slid to his feet. He lunged at Lokai with the spear just as he side-stepped
, causing only a glancing blow to his bicep. Blood seeped through his sleeve as he rushed to Diedre’s side, his heart in his throat. He wrapped his hands about her neck, instantly fusing the bones. A moment later, he was in the palace gardens. Plucking a grape-like fruit from a tree, he squeezed the juices between her parted lips. Gently massaging her throat, it seemed like an eternity before he heard her inhale sharply. Her long, dark lashes fluttered a moment before she opened her eyes.

Lokai grinned widely...Diedre frowned
then hit him as hard as she could across his square jaw.

Alright. I owed her that one.
“Hold still, Sprite, while I check the babe.” She halted her pummeling of his broad chest while he placed his hands over her swollen stomach...the bairn kicked him. “All is well.”

“You see, husband! Even your bairn is angry with you! How dare you risk our lives so flippantly!” Her fist smacked his chest once again as tears began to flow down her cheeks.

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