Long Pass Chronicles 02 - Canning the Center (23 page)

BOOK: Long Pass Chronicles 02 - Canning the Center
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“You and your wife?”

“Please, Trixie, you’re not naïve.”

“No, I’m not.”

“Consider this an offer in good faith.”

“You want me to leave Jamal.”

“Of course. I find the idea of the man touching you to be a little repulsive. Leave Jamal and I assure you, your future is set. I’m very interested in a woman like you. In fact, your beauty has driven me to some very, shall we say, naughty actions.”

So that’s what he was doing. The lech. “What an interesting offer.”

“I hoped it would be.” He scooted closer. “Should we seal it with a kiss?”

Trevor held up his hand. “I don’t cheat. I would have to be free.”

“Well, then, talk to him soon. I’m not a patient man.”

Trevor rose and smoothed the slim black skirt of the dress. “Thank you for this discussion, Lex.”

“Give me your number so I can call you.”

Trevor gripped the phone in the purse. “No, I’ll call you. Please give me your card.”

“I thought you young people just put numbers in your phone.” He grinned.

“I’m old-fashioned, and I like business cards.”

“Good for you.” He walked to his desk and plucked a card from the holder. He wrote on it. “I’m adding my personal line. Please use that one.”

“I will.” Trevor took the card, and Arondel grabbed his fingers.

“Don’t keep me waiting.”

“It’s a lady’s prerogative.”

His eyebrow rose just a fraction. “Don’t overdo it.” He slowly pressed his lips to Trevor’s fingers.

Control the shudder
. Trevor smiled, retrieved his hand, then turned and walked to the door. He pushed the handle. Locked.
What the fuck had his plans been?
He looked back at Arondel.

“There’s a button under the handle.”

Trevor clicked and escaped into the hall. Arondel didn’t follow.
Thank God. That could have been a hell of a lot worse.
When he got back to the living room, Jamal looked up with his wide eyes a little frantic. Trevor smiled.
Everything’s okay
. He sat next to Jamal and whispered, “I took a little tour of the house.”

Marie patted his leg. “He was all worried about you.”

“Sorry. But I’m sad to say I have to leave soon. I have classes tomorrow.”

Lavinda broke in. “Say, Trixie, how come nobody in the math department at SCU seems to have heard of you? My friend asked around for me, and no Trixie appeared on the radar.”

Trevor stared at the woman. “Maybe you should have confined your investigations to an area you know something about, Lavinda, because obviously your friend doesn’t know the right people in advanced mathematics.” He turned to Jamal. “Ready when you are.”

Boogaloo frowned. “Lavinda, why were you axing about Trixie at SCU anyway? What biz is it of yours?”

For a second she looked uncertain, but then that supercilious expression came back.
Smack it off your face, bitch.
“I’ve got my reasons.”

Jamal stood. “Good talking with you guys.”

Jet West rose and shook hands with Jamal. “I know, since we never see each other.” He laughed.

“See you tomorrow at practice.”

As Trevor started toward the door, Arondel came from the hall. Jamal smiled. “Thank you so much for inviting us, sir. You have a beautiful home.”

“My pleasure. So glad you could both come.” He shook Jamal’s hand, then took Trevor’s, squeezed it a second too long, then released.

Trev practically ran to the front door, where Jose let them out. Jamal took his arm. “I have a feeling you have lots to tell me.”

“Shit, you got that right.”

In the car, Jamal pulled quickly away from the curb, and Trevor sighed.

“Tell me.”

“Arondel came on to me.”

“Crap. I can’t say I’m surprised, but I’d still like to kill him.”

“Made me an offer of ‘mentorship,’ the little shit.” Trevor opened his mouth to say more but stopped. Jamal had to work for the asshole. Telling him the guy’s racist opinions would just make that worse. There were a few things it would be best to keep quiet for now.

“He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

“No, but he might have had more insidious plans than he carried out. I told him I never cheat, so I had to break up with you before I could consider his offer.”

“You’re amazing. That’s good, then. I’ve decided. I’m going to tell Hartford I’m bi. I’ll tell him I broke up with you because I’m seeing a man. That should get you off the hook.”

“And keep Lavinda off you.”

“And off you. Hell, she’s spookier than Arondel.”

“Yeah, but if I’m not seeing you, she shouldn’t have any more interest in me.” That was a fervent wish.

“What about Arondel? Will he come looking for you?”

Trevor sighed. “I didn’t give him a phone number or anything. There’s not much trace of Trixie anywhere. I can’t imagine he’ll be that interested.”
A whole wishing well full of hope, that one

“What an asshole. Coming on to another woman in his own house with his wife right there.”

“I read quite a bit about her.”

“I gathered.”

“They pretend, but the gossips say they haven’t gotten along for a while. They don’t get divorced because their finances are so intertwined and complicated, it would be a nightmare. The company he runs was inherited from her father, so it’s a mess.”

“Poor woman.”

“Poor rich woman.”

They laughed.

Jamal stopped at a light. “So where to, Ms. LaRue? Since this is our last date.”

“That’s kind of sad. I enjoy dressing up and going out with you.”

“How about we stop at a club and dance a little? For our big finish.”

“Sounds like fun.”

Jamal pulled into the parking lot of a small club in downtown LA and found his usual spot at the far back in the “less door dings” area. Ten minutes later they were ensconced at a table with two Cokes, since root beer wasn’t on the menu. Jamal held out a hand and led Trevor to the tiny dance floor as the DJ played something silky and sexy. Even in high heels, Trevor had to reach to get his arms around Jamal’s neck.

He chuckled. “This is easier lying down.”

“That can be arranged.”

Trevor leaned as close to Jamal’s ear as he could get. “Careful. If the beast emerges, it not only hurts, it could blow your cover.” He laughed.

The sultry music oozed around them like smoke, and, even in the soft light and crush of the crowd on the dance floor, people stared at them. One lady, a little older than most of the dancers, leaned over toward them. “You certainly are a striking couple.”

Trevor smiled. “Thank you.”
Tell that to asshole Arondel

Jamal snuggled him closer. No way their hips would ever meet in this position, but he was getting a stiffy in the abdomen, which was sexy enough.

Trevor sang softly to the song and felt Jamal’s hot breath on the top of his ear. Lying down sounded better and better. His cock stiffened, which hurt like hell when tucked. “We better stop or my manhood may get called into question forever.”

“Sorry. Let’s go home and fuck.”

“Shit, Jamal.” He grabbed his hand and pulled Jamal from the dance floor, scattering a few dancers along the way. Jamal slapped money on the table, and Trevor headed for the door. He looked back. “I need to stop in the ladies’ room.”

Before Jamal could even answer, Trevor scampered into the bathroom and slipped into a stall. Thank God for the privacy in women’s rooms. He pulled up his skirt, yanked down the skintight bikini panties, and gently released the prowling animal. “Oh yeah.”

Someone giggled from the next stall. Better keep his feelings to himself. He sat on the lid and let blood flow return to normal, which resulted in more bulge in the front of the dress than was desirable. Carefully, he flattened his erect cock against his belly and pulled the bikini panties up over them. Better. At least good enough to get him to the car without injury. He waited for the person in the next stall to leave, then slipped out and washed his hands. Jesus, his dick throbbed. It knew exactly what it wanted. He stared in the mirror, and Trixie stared back. What were the chances of finding a guy who loved them both? Trevor and Trixie? Outside that ladies’ room door stood one six-foot-seven-inch dream come true.
Don’t fuck it up

As he exited the ladies’ room, Jamal smiled, grabbed his hand, and pulled him out the door into the cool evening. “Is our friend untucked?”


“Good. Come on.”

When they got to the back of the parking lot, Jamal stopped and grabbed Trevor up in his arms for a devouring kiss. Trev leaned his head back, laughing. “My feet are off the ground.”

“Then put them somewhere useful.” Jamal kissed him again, deep and hungry, while Trevor pulled up his slim skirt until he could get his legs free enough to wrap Jamal’s waist. He twined his arms around the strong neck and kissed back, letting his tongue explore all that sweetness. Sweetness described Jamal. Kind, good, full of joy. What had he ever done to deserve to be with this man?

Carrying Trevor like he was no more than a bouquet of flowers, Jamal walked to the driver’s side, opened the door, then sat with Trev on his lap.
Oh yeah. Now the position paid off
. Or it would if Trevor could get his cock unfastened from the bikini restraint. Trev ripped his lips from Jamal’s. “I need to get these panties off.”


Trevor slid back and slipped one leg across Jamal’s lap so both his feet dangled outside the car door. He shimmied until he managed to get the skintight nylon down past his hip, and his cock spronged out from his belly where it had been held. Jamal hooked a thumb in the lacy bondage and pulled it down Trev’s legs until he could pull the panties off one foot. Trevor grabbed for them before they fell on the ground. “Panties that work for drag are too hard to find. Can’t lose these.”

Breathing hard, Jamal grabbed them from Trevor’s hand and tossed them on the passenger seat, then reached down and slipped a hand under Trev’s butt. Trevor leaned up and heard the sound of a zipper.
Oh hell yes
. When his hips fell back down, a very large cock stuck up between his bare thighs. “This is very promising.”

“I went nuts through that whole damned party watching you in that black dress with that disgusting man drooling over you. All I wanted was to pull up your skirt and fuck you just to prove you’re all man and all mine.”

Oh God
. All his. Right now. “Have you got—?”

“Yes!” Jamal leaned over and opened the glove compartment, pulling out a condom box and lube packet.

“Should I be jealous?”

“For you. Only for you.”

Trevor kissed his nose, then ripped the lube packet with his teeth, squirted, and started shoving cold, wet stickiness into his butthole. “I’m going to wreck your nice slacks.”

“That’s what cleaners are for.” Jamal ripped his condom pack similarly and went to work on the big intruder sticking up between Trevor’s legs. “Man, I can’t get this in fast enough.”

Trevor helped smooth the condom, wiped the excess lube on the outside, then rose up on his knees and positioned Jamal’s dick at his hole. Oh man, he loved this. Slowly, he lowered. Burn, stretch, pop, perfect.

“Oh yes, Trev, yes.” Jamal’s fingers dug into Trevor’s hips, and he bit his lip. Clearly trying not to shove that monster in too fast.

Trevor kept pushing down until he felt split in two in the very best way, then rose up and descended again.


Trevor laughed and followed Jamal’s direction—he fucked, sliding his happily expanded asshole up and down Jamal’s rod like a finely tuned machine. Breeze blew in on his damp face through the still-open car door. Probably entertaining the neighbors with their grunts and moans. That thought didn’t bother him nearly as much as it probably should have. He laughed and pounded harder.

“You’re the best, Trevor. The best for me. Want to fuck you forever.”

“Oh, Bunny.” He kissed him hard, sucking his tongue while his ass sucked that big cock in deeper, again and again.

Bunny moaned into his mouth, and his head flipped back and banged against the leather seat. “Unh, oh God, yes.” His body shook, then froze. At the same moment he came in Trevor’s butt, he grabbed Trev’s cock and cranked it between their bodies. Leave it to Bunny to think of him.

It only took one squeeze and a couple of strokes.
Gone, baby, gone
. “Unhhh.” His balls turned inside out as his head disconnected from his body and bobbed around the car. “Holy shit!” He collapsed forward onto Jamal’s chest with his head on a heavily muscled shoulder.

They both laughed softly as their breathing returned to normal. Jamal whispered, “There are tissues in the glove box. Hand me a couple so I don’t get stuff all over your pretty dress.”

Trevor snaked a hand across the seat and pulled out the tissue box, passed some to Jamal, then settled his head back in his comfortable spot.

He could feel Jamal wiping his hands. Tissues sailed onto the other seat, and strong hands caressed his back. “So, my place or yours?”

Trev shook his head without changing position. “Wouldn’t want you to go to mine. Too noisy and smelly.”

“I’m happy to be wherever you are.”

Dear God, he was in heaven. “If you can drive me to school in the morning, let’s go to yours.”

“Okay. I’ll drop you off. It will be one of our first official acts as a gay couple. How’s that sound?”

“You really plan to do this?”

“Yes. If they fire me, they fire me. I was stupid. Even football isn’t worth the lying. Not when I want to be with you.”

Trevor sat back and looked at that handsome face. “I’d never want to be the cause of you giving up your dreams.”

“Dreams don’t have this many compromises.”

“Wow. I think someone should carve that on a wall.”

“That’s me. Ferdinand the Wise.”

“When are you going to tell them?”

“As soon as I can get a meeting with Hartford. I’ll let him tell Arondel. I’m not that fucking brave.”

“Man, I don’t blame you.”

They both shuddered.

Chapter 15

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