Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series) (19 page)

BOOK: Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series)
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Aside from the fact she carried Charlie’s child, she felt her life was bleak and meaningless

If it were not for their chi
ld, she would not wish to go on. She knew this.

She had not heard from Marrek in weeks
. Lord Ince explained to her that St. Erth’s mission in India likely kept him from writing to her. She missed him. He was always a source of strength to her. He helped her hang on, helped her stay strong and positive. She doubted he had received word of Charlie’s death yet. More than likely, he just barely learned she was carrying Charlie’s child.

Lord Ince had arranged for her to go to Cornwall. He said he knew it was what St. Erth would want, and assured her she would be very safe
. She would stay as a guest in Lord Ince’s home until St. Erth returned from India. Lord Ince seemed to think Marrek would return quickly following the receipt of the news regarding Charlie’s death.

Ince returned and presented her with a small plate of biscuits and a cup of tea. Absently she ate a few bites, only because she knew the babe needed it. Their babe was everything to her now. It was truly all she had left of Charlie. She sipped her tea, while she tried desperately to keep her composure.

She stood when Lady Wednesday approached her

“Lady Burrow, it means a great deal to us that you came
to us today all the way from Bath.”

“Call me Catherine, Wednesday.
We are dear friends after all.” She hugged her childhood friend.

“I wanted to be here for you, Tuesday and your parents,
for we all grew up together,” Catherine’s voice broke with the emotion threatening to spill from her. She felt Lord Ince move to stand beside her, ever ready to jump in if he were needed.

“Of course, Catherine,” Lady Wednesday sniffed and continued, “Charlie always favored you
. I remember when he was sixteen, he informed us at the dinner table one evening that he loved you and he wished to marry you. As you can imagine, mother and father were quite surprised. I remember Tuesday and I giggled, we thought it was the most amusing thing. Father merely told Charlie it would be wise for him to wait until he finished University to think about marriage.”

gave Wednesday a small, wistful smile, “He said that?” A tear trickled down her cheek. Another followed it.

Wednesday’s eyes watered as well. She lifted her spectacles and dabbed at her eyes with her handkerchief.

Lady Wednesday was
summoned to her mother’s side. She excused herself.

“Perhaps some air would be helpful, Lady Burrow
. I suggest we stroll in the gardens for a bit,” Lord Ince placed her hand upon his arm as she began to sag against him. He whispered, “Lean against me, Lady Burrow. I have you.”

Numbly, Catherine nodded and allowed Lord Ince to lead her away from the
drawing room.


Roseland Abbey, Hartland Devon, June 1834

“Thank you for coming
to join us at Roseland this evening, Catherine.” Grace reached out to take the hand of her long-time friend, Catherine Hewett, the Marchioness of Burrow.

“I am happy for y
ou, Grace. Lord Ince told me on the way from Swandown Manor of your wedding this morning to Fitzlewis.” Catherine managed a smile. She was so happy Owen and Grace had finally married. It had been a long time in coming.

“My mourning period from Lord Marston
’s death is not yet over, but Owen would not leave Roseland without our being wed. He obtained a special license before we left London.” Grace smiled happily. “Tomorrow we leave for Cornwall. We expect to be there for a month or two. When we return, we can announce our marriage.”

“I will be joining you on your journey to Cornw
all. Lord Ince has arranged it,” Catherine said nervously.


“Grace, there is so much you do not know. There is so much I can’t tell you. You have been such a dear friend to me all these years. I wish I could share all with you, but I cannot,” Catherine shook her head. Tears threatened. She willed herself to be strong and continue, “What I can tell you is this; I am removing to Cornwall for an indefinite period of time. What with circumstances, and now Lord Silverley’s…” Catherine stopped at the realization of her error. She took a deep breath, “Oh well…” Catherine sniffed and dabbed at her watery eyes. “Many things have happened and just about everything in my life has changed, Grace.”

Grace no
ted how sad her friend appeared. She remembered the gossip Meg Bell had repeated to her over four years before, “
Everyone knows Charlie and Catherine were deeply in love. Her father forbade her to see Charlie as he had already made arrangements for her to marry the Marquess.

Grace didn’t ask Catherine any questions. Her friend was clearly deeply sad
dened and upset.

took Catherine’s hand in hers. “I’m here for you, Catherine. I want you to know that. You look as if you could use some tea, I’ll ring for some.”

Catherine dabbed at the tears spilling down her cheeks and offered her friend a half-hearted smile as she nodded.

Owen Darrington, Lord Fitzlewis, entered the parlour with the Earl of Ince.

“My Lady, it is good to see you again.” Owen gave a nod to the Marchioness.

“It is good to see both you and Grace, Fitzlewis.”

“Lady Burrow, may I have a word with you?” Lord Ince extended his hand and helped Catherine to her feet

“Excuse us, Grace
. I shall return in a moment. We have travel details to discuss,” Catherine said as she walked with Lord Ince to a small study next door to the parlour.


“I have good news, Lady Burrow.” Ruan smiled kindly at her as she sat.

“I could use some good news, Lord Ince.” Catherine gave him a
half-hearted smile.

“St. Erth set foot on English soil just
the day before yesterday. It was no doubt the reason we have not heard from him in nearly a month. He is in London. He plans to leave the day after tomorrow and will join us in Cornwall very soon. You will be a guest at his home, Penhallow. Lord Roscarrow acquired Lord Burrow’s signature on your divorce papers and was to arrive in London with them today. St. Erth will see the divorce is handled quickly.”

Tears streamed down Catherine’s cheeks
. “I will be free?” she whispered in disbelief. When the realization sunk in moments later, she smiled brightly, despite her tears. “I will be free.”

“Yes, Lady Burrow
. You will finally be free. Your new home will be in Cornwall. St. Erth wants me to assure you that you shall be protected and cared for. Your new life shall begin upon your arrival at Penhallow when he returns. I will escort you back to the parlour to join Lady Fitzlewis.” Ruan offered Lady Burrow his handkerchief.

When she dried her tears, he offered her his
arm and led her back to the parlour. He and St. Erth had been in charge of her protection for the last four years. She was a sweet, gentle lady, and a brave one. Despite the fact that she had lived in confinement much like a prison for the last six or so years and had endured serious abuse from her husband, Lady Burrow was always happy, cheerful and positive. Until Lord Silverley’s death. Ruan was overjoyed her time for freedom had come at last. He only wished it could have been a happier occasion for her. As it was, Charlie had perished at the hands of the Brown Coats in London.


Lyndhurst House, London. June 1834 

“Good work, Creed
. Lady Burrow is officially divorced,” Marrek Penaluna, the Earl of St. Erth, smiled as he clapped his colleague, Creed St. Germans, Lord Roscarrow, on the back.

“I only wish her freedom could be a happy occasion for her now
. With Charlie’s death…” Creed’s voice trailed off. He turned his head and look down the deserted long, marble-floored central hallway of Lyndhurst House.

Marrek swallowed the lump in his throat
. He knew Kitty must be devastated upon the death of her true love, Charles Inwood, Lord Silverley, also his close friend. “As do I Creed. I wish things could have turned out differently for Catherine. And for Charlie.”

Marrek wondered if his words were a lie. He thought for a moment
. No, he knew Kitty would be hurting. He cared for her too much for her to ever want her to suffer this kind of emotional pain, the death of her true love. Yet, he cared for her more than enough to do what he was about to do upon his return to Cornwall.

Marrek spoke again, “Ruan is taking her to Menadue
where she will be a guest until I can return and take her on to Penhallow. There is trouble at Menadue, but Ruan assured me Trevan believes the situation is under control.”

“Does she know her fate yet?” Creed asked.

“No. I will tell her upon my arrival to Menadue. We will have to act quickly to protect her babe from Burrow.” As an afterthought he added, “Creed, I would prefer Stephen not know yet. I will tell him after I arrive in Cornwall and the deed is done. I am certain he will try to talk me out of it.”

Creed nodded
. “He might. You have spoken to His Majesty?”

“I just came from there.
I have his blessing. Burrow made his formal accusation and I plead guilty to being the cause of the alienation of his wife’s affections. His Majesty accepted the testimonies and granted Catherine a divorce from Burrow without trials. I paid the fine. She is free.”

“Good. At
least we have saved her from that monster she was married to.” Creed nodded. He asked, “Where is Stephen?”

“He had some business to tend to
. He wishes for us to be present for dinner.”

“I can’t
stay for dinner. I visited Lachlan at his townhouse earlier. His family invited me to dine with them. I think he could use the company. His mama and sisters are smothering him.” Creed grinned.

“How is he?” Marrek asked in concern.

“He is as good as can be expected after receiving the wounds he did at Wychcombe House. He has a difficult time walking, but as you well know, he is stubborn. He pushes himself and walks every day to regain the use of his leg. His shoulder troubles him, but he seems to be able to use his arm fairly well.”

“That is good to hear,
” Marrek said. “I must dress for dinner and be downstairs before Stephen returns. Are you traveling with me to Cornwall? I wish to leave at dawn tomorrow morning.”
Marrek had to see Kitty
. He would not wait another day.

Go on without me, Marrek. I shall leave the day after. I’ve business to tend to for my family at the solicitor’s office in the morning. I shall stay here tomorrow evening and leave at dawn the next day.”

I should like to visit Lachlan later this evening if I can manage. If I do not see you again this evening or before dawn, have a safe journey home.”

Creed smiled. “
I doubt you shall see me before dawn. It will be good to get home to Kernow and stay awhile, eh?”

“You don’t know how good it will be
. I’ve been gone for a little over a year,” Marrek said. He missed his home.
And he missed Kitty
. Now Kitty would be make her home with him. He had to see for himself that Charlie’s death hadn’t broken her.

An hour later, o
n his way downstairs to the drawing room, Stephen’s butler, Griggs, informed Marrek he had a visitor waiting in the parlour.

“Who is the visitor?” Marrek asked.

“Mr. Nightshade, sir.” Griggs informed him.

“Ah, very good
. I wasn’t expecting him to return to Town so soon. Thank you, Griggs.”

“Shade,” Marrek said as he entered the parlour

“St. Erth.” Francis Nightshade stood near window looking out over Lyndhurst House’s formal gardens
, bathed in darkness. He was in evening attire.

“You are
returned weeks sooner than I thought you would be. And your mission?” Marrek asked.

. The spy in the Nawab’s Palace shall not pose any further problems for our country.”

Excellent news. Did you find proof that Shuja was also responsible for attempting to exterminate me before I left India?”

Nightshade shook his head
. “I found no proof. He did not own to it before I eliminated our problem.”

. Interesting. No matter.” Marrek shrugged. “He did not succeed and I am alive. Where shall I send your payment, to your London address?”

. I am returning to the country tomorrow.”

“Shall I send it to you there?”

“I’ve no need of it. Send it to Lily’s family in the Lake District, as usual.”

Marrek nodded.
Noting his friend’s attire, he asked, “Do you have plans for dinner this evening?”

“Yes, I am joining you and Lyndhurst. I saw him at the offices earlier
when I dropped in.”

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