Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series) (21 page)

BOOK: Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series)
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He had been watching the woman for days and knew she was comely and had a body made for pleasuring a man. Percy had always bragged on her sexual skills
. She had ample breasts, her hips were a trifle wide. Her bright red hair proclaimed her a whore.

Had she only been honest with him, he might have truly considered taking her on as one of his mistresses. In truth, his stable was full
. He had four very skilled mistresses that catered to his varied sexual needs.

He brought his hand, fingers splayed to connect hard with one cheek of her bottom
. She flinched at the slap. He admired the print of his hand on her derrière. He began to participate. He was a busy man and he must be on his way. He drove into her, fast and deep. “Do you like that, Mrs. Jones?” he asked gruffly.

“Yes,” she managed
. Amelia did like it. She had been wary of his offer at first, but it might have its advantages. She had actually enjoyed pleasuring him. She enjoyed what he was giving her now.

He pumped himself into her harder
. She cried out with pain or delight as she found her release. He wasn’t certain which, nor did he care. He remained silent as the pleasure came to him and he filled her cavity with his seed.

He had already put himself to rights and was leaning on his cane when she was able to turn herself around and sit on the bed
. She was breathing quite hard from her pleasurable experience.

“You’ll be hearing from me tomorrow
. I’ll take the diary with me tonight.” He turned and took a step toward the door. “Oh, I nearly forgot your first payment.” He turned quickly to face her.

Amelia caught the movement out of the corner of her eye
. Why was he turning around to face her so quickly? She saw the glint of flashing silver. There was nothing she could do.

As the woman fell back upon the
bed, he could see the dark stain spreading upon the coverlet beneath her as the blood gushed from her throat. He took her chemise from the chair and wiped off the ten-inch blade of his sword cane. He allowed the fine lawn to fall to the floor when he was done. He retracted the weapon back into his cane.

He walked to the bedside table, lifted the lid off the box and removed the letters
. He looked to the bed and saw the gaping gash in her throat. Her eyes were open, glassy, staring at nothing. She was dead.

“It’s a pity you lied to me, Mrs. Jones, even more of a pity that you recognized who I am. That made too dangerous a combination for my liking. I suspect you would have made quite a diverting mistress for a time
. That was quite an enjoyable little romp. Thank you for that.” He smiled, placing the letters and diary in his coat pocket. He left Mrs. Jones’ shabby lodgings, closing the door behind him. There was absolutely no reason to lock it.

Chapter Nine

Roseland Abbey, June 1834

large party congregated at dawn on the drive of Roseland Abbey to begin their journey to Cornwall. The members were somewhat subdued, having just attended Charlie’s funeral the day before. The sadness of Charlie’s family had affected many.

Jack stood talking to Trevan, Owen, Wyldhurst and Harry.

“I will see you in about a week. Once I remove the artifacts from the safe house, I will stop by Swandown Manor and check on Charlie’s family before going on to Cornwall,” Jack offered.

. Lady Stanbridge will be expecting you. I told her as much yesterday. Are you certain you don’t want company?” Trevan asked again.

Jack nodded
. “I have to agree with Harry. It would attract less attention if I travel alone. Once I have the treasures in my possession, I will send a letter using our code, so you know I was successful, and I will send a message to you at every stop I make. If ill circumstances do befall me, you will have a good idea at what point in the journey I was waylaid.”

“Be careful, Jack
. If you see any Brown Coats, hold up in a safe place and send for us. There will be well over eighty men at Menadue once we arrive.” Harry Bellingham, Lord Glaston, the head of the Avalon Society, clapped Jack on the shoulder.

“Don’t worry about me
. I’ll be fine.” Jack presented his comrades with his infamous lazy grin. He nodded and stepped back as they prepared to leave Roseland. He watched the procession of three carriages and almost sixty men as they left.

His bags already packed and his horse at the ready, h
e went immediately to the stables so he could set out for Wiltshire.

Once on the road, he could not stop thinking about Lady
Tuesday Inwood, the same woman who had tormented his thoughts for the past four years. She was no longer a girl. Tuesday was a woman now. A beautiful woman. Every time Jack set eyes on Lady Tuesday Inwood she affected him. Being in her company these two days past had affected him in the same manner. He wanted Tuesday Inwood. He had but to look at her and he lusted after her. Yesterday afternoon, and still this morning upon waking he knew that this time there was a difference. This time he knew it was much more than lust.

This time they had buried Charlie
. Tuesday had been brave and strong, and had been a source of strength for her family. He was impressed by her strength, bewitched by her beauty and there was something more that drew him to her. Something he couldn’t quite name. He knew now that he wanted her, really wanted her.
Enough to marry her

She had mostly ignored him
. Yet he had caught Tuesday watching him out of the corner of his eye a few times. He knew she was still attracted to him, just as he was to her. He had seen it in her eyes when he took her hand yesterday. The telltale flush upon her cheeks after he kissed her hand also gave it away. He had been tempted to pull her to him and hug her. Then kiss her, for hours on end. Oh, he wanted to do much more than kiss her, but kissing her senseless was where he would start.

Yes, Lady Tuesday had always been
for him.

This time, there was less lust and more of something else
. He wasn’t certain exactly what it was. After the Brown Coat business was finished, he planned to return to Swandown Manor and kiss Lady Tuesday Inwood quite thoroughly. Then he planned to court her and offer for her hand.


Menadue, near St. Cleer, Cornwall

They should have reached their destination the same day.
After one and a half days of slow travel due to large amounts of rain from incoming summer storms, muddy roads, and having to stop at an inn for the night due to the inclement weather, the party did arrive safely at Menadue.

Catherine marveled at the
massive size of the crenellated, medieval gatehouse as their carriage turned from the road onto the drive. The long drive led to a massive house of gray granite, flanked on either side by beautifully manicured and extensive gardens. The grounds were enclosed by a tall, stone crenellated wall and surrounded by verdant green woods. The scene was idyllic and restful. She was happy to reach a place she could stay for more than one night, in any case. Her journey from Bath to Cornwall had been a long and emotionally painful one.

Once their carriage had come to a stop in the courtyard,
Ruan assisted Lady Burrow from the carriage. He whispered, “We will be staying here at Menadue until St. Erth reaches Cornwall.”

Catherine nodded
. Her stomach was still quite queasy from the long, bumpy ride from Devon. It was just past noon. She longed for a hot bath and a nap. In truth, she would like to stay in her room and sleep for days. The worry of her situation over the past months had caused her many a sleepless night. The last week had been the most trying experience of her life.

My Lady.” Morva sought out Lady Burrow. “I am pleased to make your acquaintance.”

“Your Grace,” Catherine attempted a curtsy
. She was so off balance she might have stumbled if Lord Ince had not steadied her by placing his hand at her elbow. “I am pleased to meet you.”

“My dear, you are travel weary
. We will get you upstairs. Would you like a bath?”

“I would love a bath.” Catherine managed a weak smile

I will escort you to your room, my dear.” Morva took her arm and led her toward the door.

The Duchess stopped
to step aside for only a moment. She spoke quietly to Lord Ince, leaving Catherine standing where she was. The Duchess came right back to her as she said, “Don’t you worry, Lord Ince, I shall see she is well-cared for.”

Ruan gave Catherine a nod and left her with the Duchess.

Once inside the expansive, marble-floored entry hall, she stopped to instruct a large, well-muscled, impeccably dressed man servant. “Diggory, please arrange for hot baths for all of our ladies who have just arrived. Tell Mrs. Moon to have some tea, biscuits and cream sent up to the parlour upstairs for our new arrivals while they await their baths. Send the same to Lady Burrow’s room. She is far too exhausted to wait in the parlour. Miss Penrose shall see to our other guests while I escort Lady Burrow to her chamber.”

“Yes, Y
our Grace.” Diggory bowed and set off to carry out his instructions.

bedchamber was spacious. Morva sat her down upon a settee. She sent Catherine’s maid, Marie, to go below stairs and take some nourishment. Morva sat beside Catherine and took her hands in hers.

“My dear, St. Erth is my nephew
. I received a letter from him yesterday explaining your situation. Once he arrives at Menadue, he will settle you into your new home at Penhallow. Until that time, I want you to consider Menadue your home. I know you must be exhausted. You have been through a harrowing ordeal. I will see that you are bathed and fed, and I want you to stay in your bed and rest.”

“I do not wish for the o
thers to think I am being rude.”

! I will take care of the others. None will think you are rude. Ruan mentioned you have slept little and eaten no more than a bird since the news of Lord Silverley came to you. You need to take care of yourself, for your babe.”

Catherine gasped in surprise. “You know my darkest secret and you wish for me to stay in your home, Your Grace?”

“Catherine, my dear, St. Erth told only me. Of course, I had to tell my son, the Duke. We shall tell no one. Your secret is safe with us. You are in Cornwall now. Marrek is my nephew, and you are my family now. You were a victim of circumstance. You fell in love with Charlie. Your father ignored your wishes and forced you into marriage with a monster who abused you horribly. Though my nephew was able to stop the abuse, you lived confined in your prison for four additional years.”

“It wasn’t like a prison
, really. St. Erth made certain I was safe. I had guards and a maid of his employ. It wasn’t all that bad,” Catherine explained nervously. “I felt safe after Marrek was involved.”

“Look at me, Catherine.
” Morva tipped her face upward by lifting it with a gentle finger beneath her chin. She smoothed some of the errant, chestnut strands of hair that had slipped from her pins from her face. “Your life is your own now. You will find happiness here on Bodmin Moor. You are about to be inducted into the largest family in Cornwall,” Morva chuckled.

She continued,
“You will receive nothing but love from us. You are safe. You can heal. And we’ve a babe to prepare for. I know you want this child to be healthy.” Morva smiled lovingly at her. “The midwife shall check you tomorrow. We happen to have one in residence, she is family and your secret will be safe with her.”

streamed down Catherine’s cheeks. “Your Grace, I was so worried about coming to a new place, among strangers, no less, especially because of my condition. But you have made me feel so welcome, thank you.”

“Don’t cry dear
. Call me Aunt Morva, like everyone else does, please.” Morva caressed her face and kissed her forehead. “You will always be welcome here. Cornwall is your home now.”

“It all seems so unreal, but so wonderful
. I waited so long to be free, but I thought Charlie,” Catherine paused as tears welled in her eyes. A sob escaped her. “I am sorry,” she took a deep breath.

“Shh, dear,” Morva embraced the woman
. She comforted her as any mother would a daughter. Catherine began to cry harder when the Duchess enveloped her in her arms. “Charlie is gone, this is true. He left you a very special gift, Catherine. You carry his child. A part of him will always be with you.”

“I wish we could
. Have. Had. Time together,” Catherine said in between sobs and proceeded to cry harder. “I always loved Charlie, for as l-long as I can remember, I loved him.”

“I know, Catherine
. It was your dream. I know.” Morva held and comforted her until she was cried out.

Morva whispered, “S
ometimes, God lays a different path before us than we expected. You shall not be walking yours alone. You have a family here.”

She made certain
Catherine was fed, bathed and tucked into her bed. Morva knew when she and her maid slipped her between the sheets that Catherine would sleep for hours. The poor, dear girl was near to exhaustion.

As Catherine was about to drift off to sleep, she heard Morva whisper, “I will check on you later tonight, my dear.”

Catherine was between sleep and wakefulness. Her mother had passed on two years before. When she heard Morva’s voice she thought of her mother. “Yes mother,” she whispered back.

Morva wiped a tear from her cheek before she left the room.
She was confident that Catherine would fit into the Chynoweth and Penaluna clan quite well.


It was a beautiful sunny day at Hartland Quay. She and Charlie sat upon a colorful blanket upon the cliff top. It felt wonderful to be home in Devon. The ocean waters sparkled in the sunlight. The breeze was fresh and warm. She could hear the waves below them as they crashed against the jagged rocks.

She felt Charlie’s hand upon her cheek and looked into his twi
nkling blue eyes. She felt his warm lips touch hers and his arms wind about her. She savored his warmth, his touch, his breath against her cheek. His gentle kiss. She reveled being in his embrace. She loved the smell of him, his cologne mingled with his own unique scent.

“You are
free Cathy,” he whispered into her ear.

“I am
free. We can marry now.” Catherine smiled brightly up at him.

Charlie returned her smile but shook his head. “No, Cathy
. It was never meant to be. You are free. You must allow St. Erth to care for you. He will always keep you safe. Trust him, Cathy. Do that for me.”

“Of course I trust St. Erth, Charlie
. He has kept me safe for four years. He arranged for us to see one another. But we are free to marry now, Charlie.”

“Cathy!” Charlie framed her face in his hands
. “You are free. You must go on without me now. You will raise our son.”

“How can you know we are having a son
? What if she is a daughter?” Catherine laughed.

“Stay with St. Erth, Cathy. I want you to be happy
. I want you to know love. I want you to enjoy your life.”

The sun broke through a group of passing clouds and shone its golden beams upon them.

Charlie looked upward. “I must go now, Cathy. I shall always love you, and I know you always loved me. You must allow yourself to love another. Promise me you will.”

! What are you talking about?”

“Promise me!” He playfully tapped his finger
upon the tip of her nose. “I wish for you to be happy.”

“Very well, I promise, even though I have
n’t any idea what you are talking about.”

“Remember your promise
. I must go, Cathy. I love you.” Charlie dipped his head and kissed her tenderly once more.

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