Lost and Found (10 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: Lost and Found
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“We are still having issues with it. It tastes good, so she’s just being stubborn. I told her she can’t have ice cream with everything. I tried to get her to eat some scrambled eggs, but she refused.”

“Ok, we’re going to nip this little attitude in the bud tonight. Noelle? I am very unhappy with you right now. Be smart and don’t push me any further.”

“You’re mean!”

“I can be. Drive carefully, Katherine. I’m sorry about this.”

“We knew what we were getting into. Besides, you have lots of experience with tantrums. I threw a few good ones in my day,” she embraced her brother lovingly, holding his waist tightly. She knew he was very upset.

“I remember them very well, and how they were controlled. Thanks, little sister. I’ll see you tonight. Let me know if you need me to pick up anything on the way home.” After saying good-bye, Lance swung by the lab for supplies then strolled over to the general practitioner's office to inform the receptionist of the problem. She promised to contact him with results once they were processed and then wished him luck. He met the OT, Julie, and the social worker, Meg, in the elevator on the way to his floor.

“How’s Noelle doing, Lance?” Meg asked, greeting him with a hug.

“We are starting to have temper tantrums when we don’t want to do things.”

“I know YOU have them, but how is she?” Meg teased as Julie giggled.

“Very cute. She’s going to get her bottom warmed tonight, that’s for sure,” he complained, telling them of the parking lot event. Both women were quiet as they looked at each other. His comment did not come as a shock. Everyone on the unit suspected he would handle things in this manner, simply because of his personality. Poor Noelle.

“Maybe she’s bored, Dr. C. You could bring her by here and we’ll keep an eye on her.

It’s pretty quiet right now,” Julie suggested as she stepped out of the elevator with the other two.

“It would also give Kathy a break.”

“My poor sister looks like she could use one. Noelle’s been very demanding of her time.”

“Think about it. I’m up for it,” Julie volunteered. Meg nodded in agreement.

“I’ll consider it. But, I’m warning you, don’t teach her any bad habits, like talking back to me. I’m already getting some lip. I don’t need more.”

“Some lip is good for you, Lance. Teaches you how to be more patient.” Meg giggled, linking her arm around his as Julie took the other one.

“I agree, Dr. C. Since you’ve been getting the lip, you’ve been smiling more and definitely look more rested. I think teaching that girl some new tricks to keep you on your toes will be a good idea.”

“Ladies, I’m warning you. If I find out that either of you teach Noelle more bad habits, you will both find yourselves over my knee for a serious tanning. Don’t do it.”

“Lance, you really know how to make your threats sound like a challenge. I’m sorely tempted to defy you," Meg grinned, winking at Julie.

“I agree, Meg. A good spanking sounds like it could be fun, Dr. C. Should we set a date?” Julie teased. His staff loved getting a reaction from him whenever they could, and they jumped at every chance. Lance blushed, saying nothing as both women squeezed his arms and then retreated to their work.

“Sir Lancelot! How’s fatherhood treating you? Get into her pants yet?” Stuart asked, crossing him in the hall. He found himself held by the front of his shirt, pushed into the wall and lifted to his toes.

“Don’t you ever speak that way to me again, Hart. I’ve had enough of your miserable comments and sick remarks. I have Noelle because I care about people, not to get laid. And, unlike you, I don’t have to pay for my bed partners.”

Stuart’s face turned red as Lance let go of him. “You will hear from my lawyer, Callahan.

Just wait!” he threatened, scurrying off like the rat he was.

Lance turned as he heard someone clear his throat. “Sorry about that, Lou. He pushed the wrong button this time,” Lance looked abashed.

“I saw it all. It was self-defense, right? He shoved you bodily into the wall,” Lou grinned, “Come sit a while and catch me up on things. I need to talk with you, too.” Lance nodded, following his boss to the administrative office where they both sat down.

He started to spill his frustration and expressed his conflicting feelings, trusting Lou for advice.

The older man was quiet, listening carefully. So, the brilliant, self-controlled, guarded, and purely rational Dr. Lance Callahan finally met his match. The man was falling in love and did not even know it!

“Lance, I’ve known you since medical school,” Lou said softly. “A tough, arrogant little prick who thought that he walked on water because he played for the Lakers. I’ve watched you change over the years. Helping and healing is in your blood. It’s who you are, not what you do.

Stop fighting and just go with what comes naturally. Admittedly, your involvement with this woman is highly unusual, but you seem to be blossoming because of it. I’m sure she is, too. If you feel she is as cognizant as you suspect she is, just see where it goes and stop fighting it.”

“I just don’t know.”

“Dress her up like a woman and take her out on a real date. See how she responds in public. Now, to serious matters. There was a gentleman hanging around here asking questions yesterday. Did you see him?”

“No. What type of questions?”

“The type that made your nurses immediately send him to psych. He was questioning the staff on information leading to the whereabouts of a young woman who might be claiming amnesia. His description of her coloring was different, but the height and weight was the same as Noelle’s.”

“Damn. Who is he?”

“He refused to divulge any personal information. Eileen tried to get his name under the guise of contacting him if anything was discovered, but he left.”

“What did he look like? What else did he say?”

“He was dressed in a suit, older guy. Gray hair, lean, glasses, well-groomed.”

“No one told him about her?”

“Not that I know of. I don’t have your sixth sense, Lance, but this guy felt like he was trouble. Has your brother filed for emergency conservatorship yet?”

“Yes, but we’re waiting for the hearing. It’s next week.”

“Let’s see if there is any way to push it up. I’ll make some calls. I want to make sure this little girl is protected. From what you tell me, it doesn’t sound like that is a home she’ll want to go back to.”

“Thanks. Lou? Do you mind if I take the rest of the day off? I can work on my reports at home.”

“Go on, son. Keep your phone nearby in case I need you.”

“I will. I appreciate it. Thanks again for everything.”




Kathy firmly led Noelle into the house, closing the door loudly behind her. Noelle had repeatedly admonished her for being mean and unfair, and that she was no longer liked. Kathy felt absolutely terrible and more than a little angry with the girl’s mean-spirited remarks.

“Go to your room, Noelle. Right now. I’m seriously thinking about spanking you myself.

Don’t think I can’t, either.”

“Screw you!” Noelle yelled, racing upstairs and slamming her door shut. Kathy stared.

Where did she hear that? Lance walked in to find his sister on the couch, an ice pack on her head and drinking a glass of wine. He silently sat next to her and wrapped his long arm around her shoulders.

“I have a headache,” she whined, looking at her brother with tension in her eyes.

“I guessed so. And wine? You never drink. Let me guess, Noelle?” he asked kindly.

“She hates me,” Kathy was close to tears.

Lance kissed her cheek, “No, she’s testing you. I promise, after tonight, we won’t have any more problems like this one. What she did was unacceptable and she will be punished severely for it. I won’t have her being nasty to you either. It’s hard enough for you having to deal with Maggie’s garbage.”

“You know about Maggie? Alan always acts like it’s my fault that we fight so much.”

“She’s his wife, you know he can’t take sides in front of her. Trust me, Katherine, she pays dearly for her behavior once they get home. I suspect this is why she circumvents our family get-togethers. He’s not happy with how she treats you, and neither am I. You don’t deserve that.”

“Thanks, big brother. It makes me feel a little better. I’m sorry I couldn’t control Noelle today. I felt so helpless.”

“You were right to call me. Hey, it’s only been a couple of weeks. Now listen up, this is serious. There is a man looking for her. Please be careful and do your best to avoid him,” Lance said, giving his description.

Kathy leaned against his shoulder with a sigh. “I promise. Make sure Todd knows so we can get an ID on him.”

“Katherine, you should really talk to Todd about getting involved in his PI work. You’re very intuitive, pay attention to details and draw excellent conclusions based on found evidence. I think it would match with your strengths well.”

“Really!” Kathy brightened. “Do you think so?” His praise made her glow.

“I do. But you still need to tell him about your snooping. I’m going to shower and change, and then have a long talk with my little lady. Don’t interfere.”

“I won’t. For once, I agree that you know better than anyone else does when it comes to what to dish out. Never thought you’d hear me say that, huh? I’m just glad it’s not my butt that’s getting slam dunked by you this time.”

Lance looked grim as he stood in the doorway to Noelle’s room. She sat on her bed, bunny in her arms, staring out the window. She sensed him standing there and turned to smile, which quickly vanished as she saw the look on his face.

“Noelle, we need to have a long talk,” Lance said, closing the door behind him and pulling up the chair from her desk. “You know what you did today was wrong, disrespectful and completely inappropriate. I need you to think like a big girl right now and talk to me. Can you do that?”

“I’m sorry, Daddy. Don’t make me go away. I’ll try to be better,” she beseeched him.

“I would never make you go away, honey. But I can’t let you act like this, either. You hurt Aunt Kathy’s feelings very badly today. I told you that we are to be mindful of each other in this family and you disobeyed me.”

“Why is she so sad all the time, Daddy?” Noelle asked after a few moments of silence.

“Because she wants to have babies and can’t. That’s why she was so excited about being able to help me with you.” Lance was surprised that she had picked up on that. Kathy, for the past few days, had been very upbeat and seemed like she was again back to normal.

“I didn’t know that. I’ll tell her I’m sorry.”

“Yes, you will. But not until you and I are done here. Do you remember my promise to you after you threw that fit about the bath?”

“Yes, Sir.” Noelle buried her face in Bunny’s head.

“Put Bunny down and come over to me. You will be getting a very long spanking for breaking your promise and then another for your disrespect and disobedience.”

“I don’t want a spanking. I promise to be good. Please let me keep Bunny,” the girl looked frightened as she met Lance’s eyes.

“You broke that promise to me. Do as I tell you, Noelle. Bend over my knee and get your bottom in the air. No Bunny,” he said, gently wrestling the purple rabbit out of her arms and placing it on the pillow next to him.

Noelle slowly and reluctantly obeyed, shaking as she rested her stomach on his hard thighs and clung to his jeans. She buried her face as she felt his fingers in the waistband of her pants and slowly dragged them past her thighs, falling to a puddle on the floor.

“Please, not those too,” she pleaded as her purple cotton underpants found their way to her ankles. Embarrassment flooded through her, knowing she was exposed and very vulnerable to this pillar of a man whom she called Daddy. In this position, she felt the child meeting the adult. It terrified her.

“Yes, these too. Tell me why you’re here, over my knee, with your pants pulled down and your bottom bared for a spanking, young lady.”

“I broke my promise. OWWWW!” The first smack came, hard and heavy, his strong palm covering her left cheek.

“Continue,” Lance ordered, tightening his hold around her tiny waist, hand raised for the next strike.

“I threw a tantrum in the parking lot. NO! That hurts!” Noelle yelped, struggling to escape the next two swats that burned her right cheek.

“It’s supposed to hurt. Keep talking.”

Noelle fought back her tears as she repeated back the day’s misgivings, each one ending up with more blows to her already reddening buttocks.

“Anything else, young lady?”

“No, Sir. Are you done?” she asked hopefully.

“I’m truly sorry, my love, but this is only the beginning.” Tears poured instantly as his hard hand methodically laid a series of sharp smacks to the delicate creases of her sit spot. Noelle howled, kicking furiously to escape the next spank, but found herself pinned in place. Lance quietly concentrated on the discipline, watching her very pale, silky smooth skin quickly change into fire-engine red. He covered every white inch of her shapely little bottom, his hand not once showing mercy as he set himself to make this lesson be a good and proper one. He fought to ignore her pretty pink cunnie beckoning to him from between her kicking legs. His mind knew to focus, but his troublesome cock wasn’t as self-controlled.

Noelle began to plead for him to stop, sobbing breathlessly as the burning in her backend grew to a fiery high. He paused, letting her cry as she laid over his knees. He placed his hand upon her hot flesh, letting it rest there to remind her that she was still in his control and would be going nowhere until he said she could.

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