Lost and Found (7 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: Lost and Found
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“I know. And it scares the heck out of me.”

After putting all the new purchases away, the three sat at the kitchen table for lunch.

Noelle stared at the food on her plate then looked at Lance helplessly.

“What’s wrong, Noelle? Don’t you like your lunch?”

“It hurts to swallow,” she said.

“Shoot! I forgot she’s a choke risk. Great physician I am.” He smacked his forehead. “I have some supplement powder that we can mix with milk until I get a decent formula ordered for her. Sit, Katherine, I’ll fix it.” He placed the glass in front of the girl and watched as she lifted it with difficulty to her mouth, spilling most of it all over the front of her shirt. She started to cry.

“No need to cry, baby. It was an accident. I shouldn’t have given you such a big cup. Here,” he poured the drink into a travel cup that had a lid, “see if this works better for you.” He could tell it was still difficult for her to coordinate her hands to feed herself, despite her ability to color inside the lines and was fairly adept with other self-care.

Kathy frowned as well. “Lance? Do you think she needs to use a bottle? Watch her. It’s like she’s never eaten solid food before and she tilts her glass clear up in the air.”

“You’re right. Call Todd and ask if he can bring a couple home with him. The store is right by his office. Then would you mind running to the market and getting some more milk? I’m beat and I don’t want to spend another second driving.”

“You do look tired and really washed out. Must suck getting old, huh? Love you! Be right back.”

To Lance’s dismay, Noelle took a long time to finish her drink. He desperately needed to sleep and noticed that Noelle also appeared tired, as well as a bit pale. Lance reached for her hand. “Come with me, little one. You need to get cleaned up and then I want you to take a nap.”

“I don’t wanna take a nap. I’m not sleepy,” Noelle whined as she yawned.

“Of course you’re not, but I am. Come lay down with me so I’m not by myself, ok? I don’t want you to feel scared in this big house and I’m way too big to sleep in your bed.”

“I like this house. It’s warm and happy. Bunny likes it, too.”

“Good. I’ll make your bath and…. what's wrong now?” he tried not to sound impatient as she balked from the water.

“No bath!”

“Yes, bath. You’re sticky and covered with milk. Are you embarrassed in front of me?

I’m a doctor…”

“NOOOOO! No bath!” Noelle screamed, kicking at him.

Lance frowned. This behavior was unacceptable and he knew she could control herself.

“Young lady, you are to take a bath and then a nap. You will not raise your hands or kick me or anyone else again, either. Do you understand me?” he asked in his sternest voice.

“I don’t wanna take a bath and I’m not tired!” she cried, plopping on the ground and kicking her feet on the floor. Kathy heard them as she entered the house and ran upstairs, milk still in hand. She stared at Noelle in disbelief.

“What did you do?” she asked her brother, putting the carton down.

“Nothing. I wanted to give her a bath.”

“Noelle? It’s time for you to get in that tub. I’ll help you undress,” Kathy reached for her. Noelle slapped Kathy’s hand away and screamed. Loudly.

“Oh, no way! Not in my house,” Lance announced, gently pushing his sister away from Noelle. “Move aside, Katherine. Noelle! This behavior will
be tolerated. I will not put up with any disrespect in this family. You will stop this tantrum this instant, young lady, or you will be getting a spanking! You are making Aunt Kathy very upset!”

“No bath!” she continued to scream at the top of her lungs, heels hammering against the wall.

Lance reached down and grabbed her arm, easily pulling her off the floor. He carried her, kicking and screaming, to the bed and sat down, plopping her tiny body across his lap.

Noelle continued to screech at the top of her lungs as his hand smacked the seat of her pants. He again spanked her, knowing that the impact through the thick cotton did not hurt her, but he was hoping to gain her attention so he could talk to her. She continued her high-pitched, ear-splitting protests, struggling wildly under his hand.

“Lance, don’t hurt her!” Kathy said worriedly.

“I’m trying to get her to stop her theatrics and, if we’re lucky, she’ll also wear herself out.

You, of all people, know that I won’t put up with fits for any reason. Noelle, if you don’t stop this, I will lower your britches and spank your bare bottom.” Noelle froze. Lance stood her up and placed her between his knees to look at her firmly.

“I don’t ever want to see another temper tantrum like that again, young lady. There will never be a time that you are allowed to hurt anyone here. Ever. Promise me! You can ask Aunt Kathy that my spankings on the bare bottom hurt a lot and if you act that way again, you will feel them. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Daddy. I promise,” whispered words were heard between sniffles.

“Now get your buns into that bath.”

“I don’t like baths.” Her lower lip puffed out. Lance fought not to hug her, she was so cute! He pointed to the tub, his face showing a lack of sympathy.

“Too bad. Do it. Katherine? Could you please take over, I’m about to drop.”

“Sure thing. Go lay down. I’ll wake you for dinner,” Kathy said as she kissed his chin.

She turned to undress Noelle and help her into the tub, watching as the young woman stiffened immediately and refused to sit right away. Kathy said nothing as she started to gently cleanse the pale, slender legs with fragrant lavender soap. Gradually, Noelle sat down and let the water cover her to her small breasts.

“Please don’t throw another tantrum around Lance. He hates that almost as much as lying. Trust me, I know.”

“Lance? Daddy?”

“Yes, Daddy. Promise me, no more fits.”

“Kay, I promise,” the girl pouted.

“We don’t break promises in this family. The results are very painful. I have a sore butt right now to prove it. You need to do your best to be a good girl. You won’t like spankings from him.”

“Daddy spanks you?” the violet eyes were wide.

“Unfortunately, they all do. My brothers are very big on manners and appropriate behavior. And none of them tolerate lying or cussing. But they will all be there for you if you ever need anything. You’ll love Alan and Todd.”

“I don’t want spankings.”

“I don’t want you to get them. That’s why I’m telling you this. Noelle? Why didn’t you want to take a bath? You showered at the hospital.”

“Baths are bad.”

“I love bubble baths. Why do you think they are bad?”

“They hurt.”

“Where do they hurt?” Kathy asked with her brows drawn.

“All over. Stuff in water hurts.”

“Did you tell this to Daddy?”


“Does this bath hurt?”


Kathy was quiet, wondering if the girl had been abused. She also noticed one thing. She had no hair on her body from the neck down. Even her arms were bare. Could she have been soaked in something that fried her body hair straight off of her? That certainly would explain her fear of baths, but she saw no obvious scarring. In fact, she had no marks anywhere; her skin was pristine. As for her being a child, Kathy noticed that her small breasts were well developed and her figure, although slight, was no doubt that of an adult. She just needed a little extra padding to round out the angles. Lance was right. Even without his sixth sense, Kathy knew there was something different about this girl.




Lance stripped out of his scrubs and stretched his back, glancing at himself in the mirror.

Ok, he was way too tall but good looking, fit and muscular, not as scruffy as his older brother, and in serious need of a tan.
I look like freakin’ Casper the friendly ghost
, he thought. He also had a drawn, tired look to his face and could see tiny lines starting to form around his eyes, mouth, and forehead. He was 34, way too young for wrinkles. He was smart, successful, a gentleman, and knew how to treat a woman like a lady. He knew he could be a bit arrogant and bossy, but even Alan (who was far worse) had found himself a wife ten years ago. Why was he alone then?
It’s time to move on
, Julie advised. Was he just too particular? Or maybe, as his sister had suggested, he sought out damsels in distress and put himself in the role of rescuer to those who really didn’t need it. Noelle, though, was special. She truly needed help and did not come to him seeking it like the others.

But that temper tantrum! She could certainly put up quite the fight for someone that small and frail. He felt bad for spanking her, although he knew it hadn’t hurt. Still, if he was to keep peace in his home, obedience and respect was necessary. He just hoped she wouldn’t try pushing him again. He didn’t relish the idea of actually leaving handprints on her cute little behind.

Slipping into flannel PJ bottoms and a cotton t-shirt, he yawned as he slid under the cool sheets of his big, custom-made bed. He closed his eyes and felt himself sinking into the mattress when he heard a whisper in his ear.

“I’m sorry I was bad, Daddy.”

Big, violet eyes stared into his face, with soft pink lips that begged to be kissed. What was he thinking?

“You’re forgiven. Come lay down with me, we’ll take a nap,” he said, moving aside for her to climb in next to him, her bunny in her arms. He held her to his chest, stroking her hair as she happily snuggled against him. Within minutes, they were both sound asleep.




Kathy had smiled as she dressed Noelle in her new light pink flannel pajamas decorated with ponies. She could not resist purchasing the adorable things when she noticed the girl swooning over them the minute they caught her eye. Even Noelle’s clothing choices were very juvenile, almost as though she had never been exposed to such colorful, bright or pretty things.

She couldn’t say no to the child, seeing her delight.

Kathy recalled that Noelle had been found dressed in drab linen pants with a drawstring belt, an oversized grey shirt, and a light brown hoodie. She was also shoeless. Kathy frowned, thinking. She needed to report her observations to Todd. She had done some snooping and had discovered that he was investigating Noelle’s case. She also suspected that big brother Alan had his fingers in the pie as well.

After blow-drying her hair and putting it into a braid, Kathy tucked the girl into her bed, promising to wash and soften her new comforter as she napped. Noelle hugged Kathy warmly and settled under the blankets, closing her eyes. Kathy checked in on her 15 minutes later to find her missing.

She knew Noelle had not snuck outside. Todd had insisted that Lance install a video camera and alarm system on the downstairs doors that would have sounded if activated. After searching for ten minutes and getting nowhere, Kathy finally stuck her head into Lance’s room.

The two of them were snoring quietly, snuggling closely together. Kathy sat at the foot of the bed, studying them. All worry and stress were gone from Lance’s face as he held the tiny young woman protectively. Noelle had a sweet little smile on her lips as she curled against his long torso, clutching her rabbit and with a thumb in her mouth. Kathy reached over to remove it. She decided that this was exactly what her beloved brother and this sweet young woman needed to heal. He had been lost for such a long time and finally had a chance to move on and be happy.

She prayed desperately that he could see that finding Noelle could help him find himself. She also feared that, if they discovered something important, it could tear these two apart. Yes, she needed to talk to Todd.

Chapter Five

Lance sat up in bed, slowly dislodging Noelle’s limbs that were wrapped securely around his body. The little octopus, he mused, untangling her leg from his. She muttered something in her sleep, turning over and sticking her thumb back in her mouth.
Bad habit
, Lance thought
, I’ll
have to break that before she ruins her teeth.
Glancing at the clock, he gently shook her.

“Noelle? Wake up, baby. You’ll never sleep tonight if you stay in bed. Come on, brat. I know you’re awake, I see you smiling.” Lance reached under the covers to tickle her sides.

Noelle shrieked, giggling hysterically as she tried to wiggle away from him. He straddled her, poking his fingers into her ribs and loudly laughing along with her. Hearing the commotion, Kathy ran upstairs with Todd right behind her.

They opened the door to see the two having a pillow fight. Noelle stood on the bed, swinging the pillow at Lance, who ducked out of the way easily before tossing another one back at her, knocking her down. Kathy lost all composure and started howling with uncontrolled laughter. She grabbed Todd’s arm as he gaped at his typically solemn and stoic brother-in-law’s behavior. “He used to do that to me every Sunday morning before church to get me out of bed. It drove Alan crazy. Look at them!” Kathy had tears rolling down her face and was clutching her stomach.

Todd just shook his head as he pulled out his iPhone and recorded the actions for Alan to witness. He hid his smile, knowing the older brother would want to have this special goody on file for when he had the need to pick on his kid brother. He stood in the doorway for about five minutes before Lance, now standing on the bed and completely disheveled, noticed him watching. The respectable physician turned bright red and slowly climbed off the mattress.

Noelle giggled loudly as she dove under the sheets.

“I, uh… she wouldn’t get up from her nap,” Lance stuttered, ignoring his sister who was on the floor, snorting hysterically.

“I see. And jumping on the bed, having a pillow fight, is the way to teach a child how to be respectful of property and personal space?” Todd asked, eyebrow cocked, hands on hips.

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