Lost Until You (The Sorrentino Brothers Series Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: Lost Until You (The Sorrentino Brothers Series Book 1)
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“No, but I’ll be okay. I just have a lot to prove.” I unlocked the latch and pulled open the door. “I’ll see you around.”

I knew there had to be something I could do to make this right. If I felt at all like Jazz was my father’s biological daughter, I would have to let her go, but I couldn’t give up that easy. That girl had been my fucking world for five years. I would never be able to move on without her by my side. All of this was killing me. Slowly and painfully, I felt like I was dying.

Chapter Eighteen






When Brax said he wasn’t going to give up on us, I wanted to jump in his arms and beg him to take me home. But none of this was right. As much I wanted to hold onto everything he had said, I knew I had to find a way to move on with my life. The problem was that Brax was my life. He meant everything to me. I didn’t think I could ever make it without him.

I stayed in Kelly’s spare bedroom for the next three days. I couldn’t face my friends or anyone for that matter. I texted Amelia and checked on Savanah, but that was as far as it went. I missed my daughter terribly, but I couldn’t be around her either. I knew if I went and picked her up, the minute I saw her I would be reminded of Brax and things would be a lot harder than I could handle right now. Dealing with everything had been too much, so I did the one thing I had been famous for my whole life, and pushed myself into a hole of depression that I couldn’t dig my way out of.

I didn’t shower, I barely ate, and when Kelly begged me too many times to get up and do something, she got fed up and called an intervention with our friends. Stone, Tanya, and Kelly invaded the room, demanding I figure out what I was going to do and move on with my life. I knew they just wanted the best for me, but the best no longer existed. I was doomed.

“You can’t live like this, Jazz. You just can’t,” Tanya stated. “Think about Savanah. Think about how she must be feeling, not knowing what’s going on or where her mommy and daddy are. You’ve got to pull yourself out of this. You and B need to think about what you’re going to do and move forward. Moping isn’t going to do anything.”

I kept my focus on my lap, playing with my fingernails. I didn’t need to hear this from their mouths. I didn’t want to. What they thought was irrelevant. Not one of them knew what I was feeling.

“She’s right, Jazz.” Stone moved across the room, taking a seat beside me on the bed. “Tell us what to do. Tell us how to help and we’ll do it. But you’ve got to fight your way through this.”

It was easy for everyone to give their two cents considering they had never been through something like this. I mean, what would they have done differently? How would they have handled something this extreme? Because I sure as shit would like to know.

No one understood the morbid thought running through my mind. I wanted to drench myself in gasoline and light a match to my skin. Catching my body on fire wouldn’t solve anything, I knew that, but it sure as shit would have made this disgusting feeling go away. Anything had to feel better than this.

A hand touched my leg, forcing me to look up. It was Stone and the minute I looked into his eyes, I wanted to crawl under the bed and hide. Kelly walked out the door, slamming it shut behind her. I couldn’t be mad at her for the frustration she was feeling, but she needed to just let me deal with everything on my own. If she wanted me to leave her house then I would. That was all she needed to say. I had no problem finding somewhere else to go.

Tanya stood directly in front of me, leaning against the wall. You could tell she had been crying. I felt bad for putting my friends in this position, but I didn’t know where else to turn. I would have been fine left alone in the park, but of course, they wouldn’t let me be.

I scooted back on the mattress and looked back at Stone, wanting him to hurry up and say what he needed to say. But once I saw the pity on his face, it literally made me sick.

How did someone pick up the pieces after they found out their husband might very well be their half-brother? How did they move forward without a care in the world? I wasn’t like normal people. My life had never been simple. I took everything to heart, and out of all people, Kelly, Tanya, and Stone knew this. They knew once I was forced down, it took time to pick me back up. That was the only way I knew how to handle situations that crossed my path. But this was far worse than anything I had ever been handed.

“I know this can’t be easy.” Stone stared into my eyes. “I get it. We just want to help you. We’ll do anything you want, anything you need, Jazz, but you’ve got to say something. Sitting here, not wanting to face reality is just making things worse. Go get in the shower. I’m going to take you for a ride. You’re going to get some fresh air, and I will help you get out of this funk.”

Kelly walked back in the room and handed me some clothes. “Here,” she said.

I took them out of her hands and noticed they were mine.

“B dropped them off yesterday. He knew you would need them eventually.”

“Thanks,” I told her and walked out of the room. I went into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. If getting out of here was going to get them to shut up and leave me the hell alone, then I would do it. I really wanted to be by myself, but seeing how they weren’t going to leave me alone, I had no other choice than to swallow this shit up and go.


After my shower, I left Kelly’s condo with Stone. I didn’t fix my hair or put make-up on. I left feeling and looking like a hot mess. When I looked in the mirror, I was reminded of how far I had come over the years. I used to go to school looking like a lost soul. I didn’t want to draw attention to myself. That meant dealing with people and back then, I was better off alone. I might have been young and naïve, but it worked, until Brax walked into my life.

 Stone drove us around in his two thousand thirteen Jeep Wrangler. It was white with dark tinted windows and sat high off the ground. Stone bought it last summer, wanting to ride with the top down on the beach. It was a badass truck, but after being in it for a little over two hours, I’d had enough.

“You hungry yet?” he asked, keeping his eyes trained on the road.

I stared out the window where I had looked since we started this journey and said, “I guess.”

Stone exhaled a loud breath. I could tell he was frustrated to no end with me, but he didn’t have to do this. He could have very well left me in the room at Kelly’s and I would have been just fine. But no. Kelly, Stone, and Tanya liked to push my buttons until they got their way. And if I didn’t give it to them, all hell would break loose. I was over it.

He drove through Baltimore City and made an illegal U-turn, jumping back onto Key Highway near the Inner Harbor Marina. When he pulled into the parking lot, he found an open spot and parked outside of Rusty Scupper. Stone shut off the engine and opened his door. I climbed out my side of the Jeep and followed behind him, burying my nose in my jacket. It was freezing out there and we were next to the water. I hoped we were eating indoors, because I couldn’t take the chill running through my body.

The restaurant was busy but not overcrowded. The hostess grabbed two menus and seated us in the back. The view was magnificent. The windows covered every corner of the walls, giving us the perfect outlook of the water.

I pulled off my jacket, hanging it on the back of my chair, and then glanced over the menu. The waiter came and took our drink order, giving us time to decide what kind of meal we wanted to order.

“Have you eaten here before?” I asked.

 “A few times. The food is pretty decent.”

I didn’t bother asking him anything else. I could tell by the way Stone had been acting that he was irritated from my behavior earlier today.

A few minutes later, the waiter sat down our drinks before taking our order. We closed our menus and handed them off to him, as he stepped aside to the next table.

My hands were fidgeting in my lap. I was starting to feel more uncomfortable, which was weird. I had always felt at peace whenever Stone and I hung out, so this was out of the “norm” for me.

“Are you gonna say something, or just sit there staring off in space?”

I leaned my elbows on top of the table, resting my hands under my chin, and stared directly at him.

“What would you like to me say, Stone? Oh, wait…how about this…How’s the weather over there? Or how’s work going?”

He rolled his eyes, clearly frustrated. “You know, for a smart girl like yourself, Jazz, I thought more of you.”

 “Seriously?” Was he kidding? “Why’s that? Because I can’t handle the fact that I may very well be married to my fucking brother? Is that it? Or wait…maybe because I’m acting like a royal bitch since my life is officially over?”

I was livid. I knew Stone was Brax’s best friend, but he was also one of mine. We had been close for many years; I was baffled by his crude remarks.

How could he be such a dick to me while I was facing all this shit? Did he not take a step back for one minute and think how this would make me feel? How this affected me? It was fucking sick. SICK. No one got it. No one understood and it pissed me the hell off.

Stone reached for my hand across the table, but I pushed my chair back, moving further away from his reach. Fuck him. He couldn’t say shit like that to me and expect everything to just be okay. I was not a fucking doormat. I wasn’t a punching bag to him or anyone else for that matter. You couldn’t just stomp on someone while they were down and then act like everything was normal. This shit was insane and definitely unacceptable in my eyes.

“Hey,” he whispered, but I ignored him. The waiter brought our food over, giving me something to turn my focus on.

Had I known Stone was going to act like a douchebag, I would have never come with him. I would have stayed at Kelly’s or asked her to take me to get my car.

Stone ate his meal in uncomfortable silence, while I sat back and picked at my plate. I was starving but had no desire to eat anything. Giving my body any kind of satisfaction felt wrong. It felt as though I needed to suffer for being so blind for all these years, which made me end up pushing myself further away, not realizing the effects it would have on my body.

I did, however, manage to drink four Blue Moons without having anything other than a few fries in my stomach. I was feeling a bit loopy. I had never been a big drinker in the past; however, I was shamelessly topping the charts tonight.

Stone hadn’t said another word or tried to apologize the entire time we were at Rusty Scupper. Once he was finished eating, he paid our tab and helped me walk to the Jeep, seeing how I was stumbling all over the damn place.

Stone placed his hands on my hips, helping me inside the Jeep, then leaned across the middle to buckle my seatbelt. When he pulled back, I caught the scent of his cologne, inhaling him in through my nose.

God, he smelled divine

When Stone pushed his body up, our mouths were just a few inches apart. He stared at my lips like he wanted to kiss me but pulled back and shut the door. He jogged around to the other side of the Jeep then climbed inside.

“Where to now?”

I guess that was how he was going to be. Would he really have kissed me? God, my mind was so tormented with thoughts, I was driving myself crazy. I didn’t know if I would have kissed Stone, but something inside of me told me to go with my gut. However, my gut feelings have never matched up with my heart. I would have been in for a rude awakening if I did what my body always wanted me to do.

Hold up…I couldn’t allow myself to kiss Stone. Why in the hell was I even thinking that way? This was exactly what happened when people got drunk. They acted out on things they had no business doing. You could get yourself in serious trouble going off of emotions and that wasn’t something I could handle, especially at a time like this, drunk or not.

I burst out laughing at my ridiculous thoughts. I was about as dumb as dumb could get.

“Wherever your little heart desires, friend.” I swayed my body back and forth in my seat.

‘Wrecking Ball’ blasted through the speakers, making me laugh even harder.

I closed my eyes lipping each lyric to myself. I was the wrecking ball the singer sang about. I destroyed everything. ME. Everything I had ever touched somehow managed to get messed up. It was inevitable, and those closest to me needed to stay clear. Because, eventually, I would destroy them, too. If I hadn’t already done so.

“What’s so funny?”

I knew I should probably say something, but I was so caught up at the moment, singing the chorus, not giving a shit how annoying I’d sounded.

When the song was over, Stone changed the station, and continued down the highway. We made it over the bay bridge in a little over an hour. Once we passed the outlets in Queenstown, Stone took Route 404. It was a back road that took you through Maryland into Delaware. It was a dark and windy night. I glanced at the stereo that read nine oh seven in bright green lights. Time was flying by. Good. Anything that made this trip shorter worked better for me.

I laid my head back on the seat and watched the trees as we passed them by, getting lost in my thoughts. I had been so focused on thinking about Stone kissing me and what I was going to do tomorrow that I didn’t see him pull off at Martinak State Park. I had been there a few times with the family for picnics and social gatherings.

Stone drove around the corner, stopping across from the trail, and threw his Jeep in park. I shifted my body to the side, nestling in the seat, and looked at his face. Stone was a gorgeous man. If I wasn’t married to Brax, I would have gone after him in a heartbeat.

Ha! Look where that got me,”
I chuckled to myself.

Stone had the heat blasting, making me sweat profusely. I took my jacket off, wrapping it around the front of my chest. He glanced over at me and asked, “You gonna tell me why you were laughing?”

I shook my head, not knowing really what to say. I mean, I couldn’t tell him that he might have been one of my best friends but I was having thoughts about kissing him.

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