Love Begins with Fate

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Authors: Lindsey Owens

BOOK: Love Begins with Fate
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Love Begins with Fate

By Lindsey Owens


Lindsey Owens

Copyright 2013 by Lindsey Owens


All rights reserved.




“Meeting your fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you I had no control over.”

-Author Unknown





Chapter 1



“Come on Kels…” Hannah whined.

“What’s the big deal?” Kelsey groaned as she buttoned up her top. Hannah had been whining for the l
ast few hours that Kelsey was such a buzz kill and was taking way too long; it was just driving her crazy.

“It’s your first night here. I just want to have some fun before I have to share you with the entire school.” Hannah begged. She had been ready to go for the last two hours.

“I’m almost ready.” Kelsey admitted. She pulled on her cowboy boots and stepped out, and up to her friend.

“You’ve got to be shitting me.” Hannah hissed
, she slapped herself in the forehead before stomping off to the other side of the room.

“What are
you doing? Are you ready or not?” Kelsey huffed out in her sweet southern twang, she couldn’t believe after all the complaining, Hannah, was not ready yet. “Well…” Kelsey barked when Hannah didn’t reply.

“I can’t go anywhere with you I swear.” Kelsey’s eyebrows furrowed and she looked in the mirror at herself then back to her friend.

“What’s the deal; this is how I always dress.” Kelsey evaluated her clothing; there wasn’t a stain or a stitch out of place. She had on her normal faded jeans, brown button down tee shirt, her cowboy boots, and her matching cowboy hat. Along with the whole attire, Kelsey wore her last year’s champion belt, which was custom made just for her and her hair up in a messy ponytail.

“That’s exactly what the big deal is
Kels, you look like your uptight redneck cowgirl self. No guys are going to go after us with you looking like that. You’re starting new. A new high school, new friends, new reputation…we’re changing you look.” Hannah said firmly before adding “If you’re going to dress like a cowgirl, at least look like a sexy one.” Hannah complained.

aint a redneck.” Kelsey drawled slightly peeved. “I don’t think there is anything wrong with the way I dressed.” Kelsey frowned.

Kels, you and I both know that after tonight… I will never get you to leave the house again; this is your first day here AND…” Hannah exaggerated “the last day of spring break. It’s our last chance to have fun. If you would have just up and moved when your mamma asked you to but no… you had to argue. So would you please” Hannah dragged out the words for effect “PLEASE just let me dress you for tonight…”

Kelsey frowned over at her friend. It was their last night to go out before Kelsey started Hinckley High School and their last chance to have fun before she started at her brother’s school. “I don’t want to look stupid in front of anyone we might meet at school.” She complained. Hannah rolled her eyes “Better not regret this.” Kelsey muttered.

Hannah squealed and raced back into the closet. When she exited Kelsey’s eyes widened and she frantically shook her head “Nah uh.” She said firmly.

Hannah smirked “Yes way.” She wiggled the outfit back and forth in front of her friend. “Put it on and give me your glasses.”

“I aint given you my glasses.” Kelsey complained.

“They are for reading!” Hannah barked. “And you use them as a crutch.”

Another thirty minutes later and Kelsey was whimpering as they walked through the parking lot to the club. “I can’t believe you talked me into this.” She complained as she tugged on the bottom of the black mini skirt. She couldn’t believe she had let Hannah convince her that this… THIS outfit was sexy. Kelsey felt as if her every part was going to pop out of the outfit. She had on a shirt that was barely a shirt and more like a bikini top and the mini skirt along with a pair of black fuzzy boots which Kelsey was sure Hannah had bought from a stripper store. Her hair was down flopping around in light waves and she couldn’t help but fidget.

“Leave your hair alone!” Hannah scolded. Ever since Hannah had convinced Kelsey to bleach her hair to the platinum blond, which she now sported, she had been fidgeting with it saying that ‘her hair missed its color.’ “Remember tomorrow we are going shopping for your new school outfits. I am not going to be seen with you in this city wearing you old cowgirl clothing.”

“It’s the best clothes for working at the ranch.” Kelsey complained.

“But… you are in the city now. Your horses are back home with your mother
” Kelsey sighed, her mother hadn’t been home in a while “and” Hannah continued “you are going to my school now where NOBODY owns a horse.” Hannah stated firmly. Kelsey had decided a new start would be acceptable since she was going to be going to a new school and Hannah wasn’t about to let her forget it.

“It’s just so different.
Can’t help it. Don’t feel comfortable.” Kelsey complained. “I’m dying it tomorrow morning.”

“Don’t worry, once we get a few drinks in you…” Hannah began.

“Drinks!” Kelsey squealed. “How are we gonna drink, Hannah we’re only…” Hannah slapped her hand over her friend’s mouth and stared at her with a look of pure horror.

“Your sexy body’s going to get us into the club” Hannah smirked.

“I am far from sexy.” Kelsey rolled her eyes.

“Don’t worry about the drinks they’ll be easy to get.” Hannah said changing the subject. She had yet to figure out where Kelsey’s lack of beauty confidence had gone but once they were
freshmen in high school Kelsey changed and her confidence went out the window.

“Where exactly
are you taking me?” Kelsey complained again.

Hannah slapped her hand to her hip and turned around grabbing her friend’s wrist as she began to tug her along. “Really Kelsey, I would have thought you would like to enjoy yourself for once in your life. Instead, I am finding myself wishing I had come alone. I can’t believe you and your brother are even related.” That hurt.

Hannah was Kelsey’s best friend from the city. She had been Kelsey’s brother and father’s neighbor for years. Every time Kelsey had come to visit her father and her brother she would hang out with Hannah.

Instead of Kelsey’s country life with her mother, her father had demanded she live with him the remained of her senior year. When their parents had divorced, the twins had been separated to opposite sides of the country. Kelsey went with her supportive horse loving mother while Ryder went with their sports loving father. Ryder becoming the famous quarter back of his high school while Kels
ey became a three time national barrel race winner with her horse, Thunder and inherited her grandfather’s ranch.

Hannah was more than ecstatic that her friend was moving in with her father and brother; she had convinced her parents to fly her out so she could help Kelsey pack. After a lot of convincing they set off in Kelsey’s pickup truck with all her things.

“That hurt Han.” Kelsey frowned.

“Well sometimes…” Hannah sighed “Look at him. He’s your twin for peat sake and he’s the star quarterback, team captain, has every girl trying to vie for his affection, and you… you don’t care about your fashion, you don’t play sports, and you’re virtually a loner.”

“I play sports.” Kelsey complained.

“Team penning and barrel racing on horseback is not sports. It’s just … different.” Hannah sighed. She fully supported Kelsey in some ways but she had figured it was about time her friend give up the country bumpkin lifestyle and move into the normal world.

“I’m not a loner. I have you.” Kelsey mused.

“And thank goodness you do, sweetie.” Hannah told her.

Kelsey let out a sigh. “Fine, you want different today… I’ll be someone different.” Kelsey said icily. She was sick of everyone patronizing her for her choice of activities. She was good at what she did and nobody but her mom and grandpa had ever congratulated her on it. Heck, she had won the pole bending competition at her arena almost every other weekend for three years in a row. Three years in a row, come on! She had received two scholarships so far even.

“Okay…” Hannah agreed.
“So… who you going be?”

changin’ my name completely would just be confusin’… I’ll go with Kelly.” Kelsey smiled.

“Dumb.” Hannah yawned.

“Fine!” Kelsey groaned “I’ll go with my middle name.” She said triumphantly.

“Well that works well enough, but I don’t think I even know your middle name.” Hannah frowned. She had thought she knew everything about her friend.

“Not many do… I don’t use it much, it’s Ashlyn.”

“Well it’s nice to meet you Ashlyn.” Hannah mused sticking out her hand to shake. “No
w let’s just try and drop that twang.”

“Very funny.
Come on and let’s get this night over with.”





Chapter 2



“See…” Hannah mused as she patted her friend’s arm. The girls had easily made it passed the bouncer at the door of the club and now they were making their way through the halls to get to the dance floor.

cause you promised him something, I know you did.” Kelsey groaned. She didn’t want to know what her friend had told the guy but whatever it was it made him smile.

“He was cute so sue me.” Hannah giggled.

“This is way too crowded.” Kelsey groaned. She had never been to a night club before nor had she ever really wanted too, but Hannah had insisted that this was the most upbeat and happenin’ place in town for people their age. Ryder had confirmed it and so now there they were wandering around the club.

“Well let’s get a drink.” Hannah smirked as she strode over to the bar. The man behind
the counter perked an eyebrow up at the girls but didn’t refuse when Hannah flirted and asked for two shots.

“Sure thing sweetheart” He smirked. “Maybe you’ll save me a dance later.”

“Maybe… I guess you’ll have to come out here and see.” Hannah giggled as she rubbed her hand across the man’s which lay on the counter.

The girl’s downed their drink and Kelsey nearly choked on the bitter sharp taste of the alcohol burning her throat. “Come on.” Hannah urged “Let’s dance.”

“You bad” Kelsey giggled looking back at the man who ogled them. “I think ya made him nearly crap his pants.”

“Oh no babe, I bet I gave him a …” Hannah laughed as Kelsey slapped her hand over her friend’s mouth and interrupted.

“You can’t say that!” Kelsey scolded.


“Ashlyn remember.”

“Ashlyn, he’s a guy and I’m an interested looking for a good time girl…” Hannah shrugged as she began to wiggle her hips to the music.

Kelsey couldn’t help but shake her head at her friend. “I can’t believe you…” Being in
the city for nearly a week surrounded by Hannah, Kelsey was slowly losing her slang.


“Ya’re interested … really?”

Hannah smiled. “Well it’s not like I haven’t done it before…” she mused. Her friend didn’t know; she had purposely never mentioned it to Kelsey. She was as uptight as they came.

“What!? When?!” Kelsey screamed.

Opps,” Hannah muttered. “Didn’t mean to hurt your innocent ears.”

Opps.” Kelsey repeated. “You have a lot of explaining to do later.” Kelsey groaned “but right now my head feels funny.” Kelsey wasn’t really into the partyin’ type of life. It seemed to get the boys back home into a lot of trouble.

“Oh… time for another drink then.” Hannah laughed as she quickly made her way back to the bar
, grabbing more drinks, and bringing them back to Kelsey. “Here these are yours I already drank mine.” Hannah said as she giggled. She was beginning to feel the effects of alcohol too and she liked it.

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