Love Begins with Fate (4 page)

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Authors: Lindsey Owens

BOOK: Love Begins with Fate
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Kelsey followed the directions her father had drawn out for her until she finally arrived at the school. It was a large brick building which seemed to have long hallways and multiple stories. Kelsey whimpered, at least she would have Hannah to get lost with. Kelsey had grown up in a school which only had a few hundred kids max. They were far from cities and she knew each and every student.

Here on the other hand, Kelsey wondered if she would even get to know half of them. The school was huge. She parked her truck and watched nervously as everyone within the parking lot began to stare in her direction.

“What’s there deal?” she mumbled to herself.

Kelsey pushed open the door of her truck which started the gossip. “Ewwe, who brought the trash?”

Kelsey turned her head to a skinny blond girl. The girls surrounding the blond began to giggle and Kelsey cocked her head slightly in curiosity. “H
ello,” Kelsey smiled brightly. She was oblivious to this type of behavior so the comment didn’t bother her.

“And the trash driver talks!”
The girls squealed turning around and rushing away.

Kelsey was confused. She looked back behind her not noticing any other person just her pickup. Most
, well more like all of the vehicles parked around her were cars, many expensive sports cars; her brother’s red sports car among them. Kelsey’s black four by four Ford with its blacked out windows, and big knobby tires was a beautiful sight; the girls were obviously not talking about her.

Shrugging, Kelsey made her way to the school; she had planned on meeting Hannah by the office. It was the one place which Kelsey knew would be in the school for sure which made it a logical choice.

People looked at her with disgust and she couldn’t quite comprehend why. Once Kelsey reached the office she spotted Hannah. “Hannah” she called out as she approached.

Ghahh!” Hannah screeched. “I knew you wouldn’t listen to me. Do I really have to come and dress you every morning? I can’t believe you died your hair back to brown!”

Kelsey rolled
her eyes. “Just thought this would be more comfortable and I like my hair this color.” She admitted.

“Come on, we need to get you changed.” Hannah whined as she gripped her
friend’s hand and tugged her toward a nearby bathroom.

“I’m not
changing right now.” Kelsey complained pulling her friend to a stop.

“At least change the top.” Hannah argued.

“Fine.” Kelsey groaned holding out her hand. Hannah smiled quickly pulling a new top out of her bag.

Kelsey muttered under her breath as she pulled her flannel off and pulled the other s
hirt over her head. Nobody had ever complained and urged her to change before. Probably mostly because what Kelsey had worn and the way she acted was very common in her home town.

“Kelsey!” Hannah complained.

“What now?” Kelsey sighed.

“You can’t take that top off.” She told her. Kelsey shook her head.

“Fine. Now can we get to class?”

“Yeah, I guess.” Hannah finally accepted the semi new look.

The two girls continued out of the bathroom. “What class do you have?” Kelsey asked. Hannah had been so eager to get Kelsey to change that she didn’t tell her friend what the first class she had was.

Hannah said with a look of disgust on her face.

“Oh.” Kelsey frowned. “I got Math.”

Hannah pouted, but there was nothing else they could do because at that moment the first bell rang signaling it was time to get to class. Pushing out her bottom lip, Kelsey said “I will see you at lunch for sure, right?” The girls hugged goodbye and parted ways.

When Kelsey walked into her math class there was students talking and laughing like there would have been in her small town. Boys smiled and girls glared, like her old school. It was when the teacher walked in and class begun that everything seemed to change.

“Welcome class; please open your AP geometry book to page 210.” Kelsey’s face fell. She had only noticed her class schedule stated “Math – AP Geom.” She didn’t know anything about AP classes. She wasn’t sure if she would even be able to do this. The last math class she had taken was algebra and she struggled with it as it was.

The teacher had stopped talking for a few moments and Kelsey took it as her chance to go up to the front and speak with him. “Uh, excuse me.” She spoke in a hushed whisper.

“Ooo… look it’s the poor new girl!” cried a girl from behind her and Kelsey turned to look curiously at the girl.

“Ms. Marks!” The teacher barked. Then he turned toward Kelsey offering a reassuring apologetic smile. “Hello and you are?” He stated.

“Uh… my name’s Kelsey. I was just wondering if I could go down to the office. I don’t think this class is right for me.” She stated honestly.

Laughter erupted from the clas
s. “It’s cause you are such a loser!” Another girl laughed out. Tears erupted from Kelsey’s eyes and she looked back at them with big green eyes. What had she done to them?

“That’s enough class!” the teacher barked. “Kelsey, please take your seat. You
r score indicated this class is perfect for you.” Kelsey felt like shriveling up. As far as she was told and by what she knew of most schools, her brother was extremely popular; but that must have skipped over her.

When she sat down she sunk deep into her chair
, anxiously waiting for the class to end. She could hear random banter behind her of boys talking about her and the girls continued to glare. As soon as the bell rang, Kelsey was up and out of the door before she could hear another word.

She raced down the hallway throwing
herself into the girls bathroom. Sinking down into the corner of the bathroom, Kelsey cried. Her first experience at Hinckley High School was horrible. She couldn’t figure out for the life of her what she had done to piss off all the girls but they were mean.

Laughter and mild chatter from outside the door made Kelsey duck her head. Tugging her knees to her chest; she was pretending to be invisible. The door creaked open a moment later and the talking stopped. “Oh great…”





Chapter 7



Kelsey didn’t bother looking up she simply dug her face further into her knees. “Kelsey.” Hannah asked taking a step forward.

Kelsey was too embarrassed to look up. She could hear the light click of Hannah’s shoes. “Oh my goodness, Kelsey!” Hannah dropped to her knees wrapping her arms around her friend “What happened?”

“You know her?” A girl that had walked in with Hannah sneered.

“Of course I do, she’s my best friend!” Hannah barked back. The girl cringed, scoffing before she stomped toward the mirror.

“Kelsey, look at me.” Hannah asked. Kelsey sat stone still.

Finally, Hannah couldn’t take it anymore. “Fine,” She said tilting her friend’s head up. “I am just going to have to tug you around then.” She gripped both of Kelsey’s hands and tugged her up to her feet. Not that it was hard, Kelsey had a small frame. Her brother is build like the quarterback he is but Kelsey, if she was on the cheerleading squad, would have been the girl everyone wanted to throw up in the air. “Come on now Kels, we’ll get you fixed up.”

“We?” the girl questioned.

“Yes, if you want to still talk to me, then be nice to my friend.” Hannah snapped at the girl. “She’s new here and she’s taking it kind a hard.”

The blond girl seemed to soften “I’m Olivia.” She half smiled and extended her hand out to Kelsey. Kelsey looked over at the girl evaluating her. Olivia seemed as if she would be a cheerleader, popular type girl
, she was pretty.

Trying to smile, Kelsey extended her hand, “I’m Kelsey.”

“Now that you two are acquainted…” Hannah smiled “Tell me what happened.”

“I don’t know. I got out of my truck this morning and people seemed to be making fun of someone…” Kelsey dragged out.

“Oh my …” Olivia clamped her hand over her mouth.

Hannah turned curiously to Olivia’s face. “What?”

“I’m sorry. I just over heard. Vanessa is kind a snob but she can be very nice sometimes too…” Olivia said softly.

Turning back to Kelsey, Hannah continued, “Okay sweetie, why don’t you just continue telling me what happened.”

“We’re going to be late for class.” Kelsey whimpered.

“Well we can talk about it at lunch or after school?” Hannah offered “but only if you stop crying. I am not going to let you sit on the bathroom floor and cry.”

Kelsey nodded wiping her hand underneath her eyes “yeah… I’m good.”

As Kelsey spoke the bell rang. “What class do you have now?” Hannah asked.

“I have science with Mr. Pentwater” Kelsey said looking down at her schedule.

“Oh! That’s what I got.” Olivia beamed. She was beginning to warm to Kelsey. She linked her arm around Kelsey’s tugging her into her side.

“What about you, Hannah?” Kelsey asked.

“Pooh!” Hannah pouted. “I’m going to demand they change my schedule.” Hannah said as she turned toward the office “I’ll see you girls at lunch.”

Olivia chuckled as Kelsey looked at her confused. “It’s not going to work. They don’t like changing the schedule this far into the semester.”

Nodding in understanding
Olivia and Kelsey walked together to their next class. The class room was filled with mindless banter as they entered. Kelsey could hear the voices of guys murmuring to each other and tuned in “yeah, he said she was absolutely hot. He’s been trying to figure out who she is ever since.” One guy admitted.

“PJ’s going to be looking for a long time. He should just get over the dance and just get some action already.” The next guy chuckled.

Kelsey rolled her eyes. Boys were so immature. “Kelsey” Olivia said waving a hand in front of Kelsey’s face.

Snapping out of it Kelsey looked over to Olivia. “What did you say?” she asked confused.

“I said ignore them. They’re some of the most sought after guys in the school and no offense but they aren’t going to look your way unless you’re interested in putting out.” Olivia shrugged. She hadn’t meant to sound mean just informative.

“Why are they so sought after?” Kelsey questioned looking back toward the group of guys rambling on about girls and sports.

“Their part of the football team.” Olivia said as if it was obvious. To Kelsey it wasn’t so obvious. Her brother had been on the football team for years, quarterback even and she wouldn’t have thought he was ‘sought’ after.

kay?” She replied slowly “anyway… what are they talking about?”

“Oh you didn’t hear!” Olivia beamed with delight to be spreading a rumor which Kelsey didn’t know anything about.

“PJ supposedly had the hottest girl in the city giving him a lap dance the other night at a club down town. He’s been trying to find her ever since. I guess she’s his kryptonite.”

“Oh really.”
She said with a slight chuckle.

“Yeah, she’s supposedly super hot. He’s posted bulletins all over the school trying to find her. He even got the entire football team searching for her.” Olivia swooned. Apparently, she liked PJ.

“And why would he think the girl goes to school here? Isn’t the city big?” Kelsey asked.

“Apparently she was seen with one of the seniors here.” Olivia shrugged. Before
either one could say anything else the teacher walked into the room.

“Good afternoon
class.” The teacher said.

The classroom banter died down. The class continued on without a hitch.

Once class was through, Kelsey and Olivia left each other’s sides to go to their own lockers. “I’ll see you in the lunch room” Kelsey called anxiously. She wanted to find Hannah.





Chapter 8



The mystery girl poster was plastered on nearly every wall that Kelsey had passed. She hadn’t realized it before but now… there it was.

Beautiful girl, danced with me at the Back Alley club the other night.

She gave me the best dance ever in the corner booth.

Star tattoo down her side.

I want to know who you are…

Please contact PJ Booth, or one of the guys on the football team, they will get you in contact with me.

I need to see you again.

Kelsey dropped her things into her locker, slamming the door, and ran as fast as she could to the lunch room. She wanted badly
to find Hannah. She felt so alone with all the hate glares being sent her way.

Kelsey slowed once she came to the lunch room doors. Pulling them open slowly she noticed it was packed with people. Looking around, Kelsey tried to find Hannah, Olivia, or maybe even Ryder. With no luck, Kelsey sighed and made her way to the food. She pulled onto her tray a slice of pizza, milk, and a small salad. She paid for her meal and then turned around looking around the lunch room again.

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