Love Begins with Fate (2 page)

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Authors: Lindsey Owens

BOOK: Love Begins with Fate
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“I don’t want any more of those.” Kelsey complained.

“Come on… Ash… You’re gonna ruin my fun.” Hannah whined.

Kelsey frowned, grabbed the drinks, and downed them quickly. “Don’t tell me I never did anything for you.” She groaned.

The night progressed and after Hannah had pressed a few more drinks into Kelsey she had began to loosen up. The two girls were dancing and bouncing on the dance floor moving with the beat when a guy began to grind behind Kelsey. Feeling the pressure of someone behind her she squealed and moved away.

“What are you doing?” Hannah hissed at her.

“He was rubbin’ against me…” Kelsey whimpered.

“Babe, it’s called dancing, please don’t embarrass me.” Hannah whined through grit teeth as she looked over at the school’s running back,
PJ, and pushed her friend back toward the guy who stood there peering at her curiously.

Stumbling back toward the guy, Kelsey took notice of his beautiful blue eyes, short brown spiked hair, and his high strong cheek bones. This guy was good
lookin’. He stood almost a foot taller than Kelsey with her high boots on and had so much muscle that they were visible from beneath his tight black shirt. She looked up at him sheepishly through her dark lashes and pushed her long hair back slightly.

He smiled and began to lift his finger motioning for her to come closer. Slowly one step at a time, Kelsey moved her feet toward him. If she was sober she knew this wouldn’t be happening. There was no way… she had to admit Hannah was right about some things and the fact that guys usually ran the other way from her well… that was so true, well at least here in the city.

Smirking, the guy gripped onto Kelsey’s hips and began to weave his body against hers. Kelsey began to move with him. It wasn’t long until they fell into a groove and she was enjoying his warmth against her.

Once the songs had turned into the first slow dance of the night the guy didn’t waste a minute pulling Kelsey in and gripping her butt with one hand and her lower back with the other. She was feeling in the mood to play along and wrapped her arms around his neck as they swayed back and forth. Pressing his lips to Kelsey’s ear he whispered “so beautiful,
where are you from? I haven’t seen you around…?”

Kelsey gulped. Up until this time she hadn’t needed to speak to him. Pulling back and to the side some, Kelsey turned her head to face him. He was smirking again. That cocky look which if she was sober would have alerted her he was definitely a player. She would have noticed it before but it didn’t bother the slightly tipsy Kelsey. “
I’m new here,” She murmured.

“Interesting” He beamed.

He smiled. His hands gripped tighter on to her pulling her slightly closer. “You want to get another drink?” He asked. His husky voice already held the dull scent of liquor and she was just slightly too tipsy to make heads or tails of anything right now.

Hannah couldn’t help but smile, she knew that
PJ was a player but this was a fun night and Kelsey could use a little loosing up. So when PJ began to drag her away toward the bar and Kelsey willingly going along, she couldn’t ruin it for her. PJ wouldn’t get anywhere Kelsey didn’t want to go anyway, she was a strong girl.

Nodding Kelsey let
PJ lead her through the crowded room. “Want to play a game?” He asked.

“Sure.” Kelsey said warily.

“First one to down the drink… has to give the other a kiss.” He grinned.

Kelsey’s eyebrows furrowed and she looked up at him with half a fro
wn on her face. “I think that you would win that one either way.” She said.

“Well… what about…”
PJ rubbed his chin which she noticed was covered in a thin line of light stubble.

“How ‘bout if you win… I’ll give you
a kiss. If I win we go back out there and dance some more.” Kelsey offered.

PJ grinned “Sure.” He couldn’t wait to get his hands all over the hot body of this girl once again.

“Two shots of Jack,”
PJ called to the bartender.

With the drinks before him,
PJ smirked as he passed one over to Kelsey. “Count for us.” He said to a guy standing beside them.

The guy counted and on three, Kelsey and
PJ downed their drinks. “I won” PJ gleamed.

Kelsey huffed. “Let’s try that again. I wasn’t ready.”

“Whatever you say babe” PJ chuckled. Getting the girl drunk would be a breeze at this rate. She was already wobbly on her feet and she was oblivious to his obvious alcohol tolerance.

“Do over.” Kelsey slurred. It was their
seventh shot and she was beyond drunk.

“Babe, I think you had enough for now… Let’s just say you won.”
PJ grinned.

“But that’s not fair to you.” Kelsey pouted.

“Well you can pay me back with a kiss.” PJ replied rubbing a finger across Kelsey’s lips seductively.

She smiled as she wobbled back and forth slightly. “Why don’t we sit down for a bit, we can go over
there.” Kelsey pointed toward a booth on the far side of the dance floor.

PJ nodded. Together they walked through the crowd. The music still thrummed and it made Kelsey feel like she wanted to go crazy, in a good way.

Once the two reached the booth,
PJ reached up and pulled the curtain closed and looked over to Kelsey. She had flopped down on the bench weakly. PJ made his way over to her. It would be a shame, this girl was a definitely one he could get use to hanging around with but… he doubt he would ever see her again; he’d never seen her before. So he was going to take advantage of the moment.

Kelsey wiggled up to
PJ’s side as he sat down. Gently rubbing her hand up and down his chest she was enjoying him beside her. PJ gripped onto Kelsey’s hips and tugged her onto his lap. At first she was slightly startled but then as he began to lean forward and press his lips to her lips, Kelsey moaned in delight. This was only her second time kissing a boy. She had once played spin the bottle at one of her brother’s birthday parties before their parents split and wound up kissing some random boy but this was a real passionate, yet very sloppy drunken kiss.

’s lips moved over to Kelsey’s jaw and began to move down her neck as he began to weave his hands under her top. “How about to make it up to me you give me a dance?” PJ asked cheekily.

“Okay?” Kelsey said slowly. What harm could a dance do? Slowly she stood from
PJ’s lap and began to move her body with the beat of the music.





Chapter 3



Kelsey was having the time of her life as she danced around on the floor before PJ. He was grinning like a fool and when Kelsey began to dip between his legs, well, his smile broadened. She was making him go crazy with her sexy moves.

Slowly, she began to shimmy up between
PJ’s legs once more. Kelsey’s hands found their way to PJ’s shirt and she fought to pull it up and over his head. Turning around Kelsey shimmied herself down between PJ’s legs then slowly made her way back up pressing herself back against his chest. As the girl danced PJ took notice of the star tattoos along her rib cage and side of her hip and smirked.

“Cute.” He whispered trailing a finger across the mark.

“Thanks.” Kelsey said in a hushed voice. She never let anyone see that spot and she never had a man touch her like he was. If it wasn’t for Hannah making her wear the getup she was in nobody would have seen it… but right now she didn’t care.

Kelsey had gotten the tattoos as part of a reward for winning her competitions. With each one she won she had added a
nother star. It had quickly become an obsession for filled by the local tattoo parlor two towns over. Not even her mother or brother had ever seen them, only Hannah had ever heard of them. She smiled enjoying the felling of this guy’s hands on her.

As Kelsey slowly pulled away
, turned around, and began to stretch herself over PJ’s legs once again he smirked. PJ gripped onto Kelsey’s hips and trailed his hand up her bare thigh. Kelsey ground herself against PJ as he gripped her hips pulling her as close as he could.

Kelsey may have not done much with boys before but she did know how things worked. She had seen movies and read books; she knew this dance was turning him on.

PJ was harder than ever. He had never expected this girl to turn into such a vixen as she shimmied around him. Just watching her body move made him hard and when she took his shirt off, then began to grind on him, he wanted nothing more than to strip her down right here.

Kelsey leaned in and trailed small kisses down
PJ’s jaw and along his neck then back up. He groaned in satisfaction as she wiggled around him. Pulling her close he whispered “You’re so good at this.”

Kelsey blushed closed her eyes and continued to move with the music. She was so in the grove that she didn’t hear a person screech until she was practically pulled away from
PJ. “Okay!” Hannah burst out “It’s time to go now, by PJ.” She demanded. “Come on girlie.” She said tugging on Kelsey’s arm.

PJ groaned. He refused to get up. He didn’t want to be seen walking through the club with such an obvious erection.

“Sorry buddy, but it’s time for us to go, this…” Hannah said pointing between
PJ and Kelsey, “isn’t going to happen.” Hannah laughed.

“Thanks,” Kelsey waved over her shoulder before blowing a kiss “I had fun.”

With that the two girls left the club. Kelsey was stumbling as they made it to the truck. “Give me your keys.” Hannah demanded one hand on her hip and the other sticking out waiting for the keys.

ya’re drunk.” Kelsey slurred as she walked over to the driver’s side.

“Kelsey.” Hannah demanded “I am not drunk. You on the other hand are wasted, now
pass’em over.”

bo banana fefi fofanana, Hannah!” Kelsey sang.

“Yep wasted, trashed even.” Hannah sighed as she walked over to her friend and pried the keys from Kelsey’s hand.

Grabbing her friend’s wrist, Hannah turned Kelsey around and pushed her over to the passenger side of the truck.

Hannah slid into the driver’s side after she had buckled Kelsey up and closed the door
. Kelsey had passed out, Hannah shook her head. Kelsey was such an interesting drunk. Hannah had lived in the house beside Ryder for years and she had become slightly obsessed with him but she wasn’t sure how Kelsey would react to that.

Driving back the ten miles to Kelsey’s dad’s house, Hannah had debated on whether or not to text Ryder on Kelsey’s phone saying she would stay with her tonight. She wasn’t quite sure how their father would take the fact that Kelsey was drunker than a dog.

Kelsey’s dad’s house won out and she parked in their driveway. Pulling Kelsey’s phone from her purse; Hannah search for Ryder’s number. Once Hannah found the right number she pressed talk and put the phone to her ear. It was late and she was sure that Ryder would be sleeping, but she could at least hope he would be a good brother and help her get her friend to bed.

“Kelsey?” Ryder answered.

“This is Hannah.” Hannah told him.

“What are you doing with my sister’s phone?” Ryder asked curiously.

“Well Kelsey’s passed out, we’re sitting in your driveway, would you mind…” She trailed off as she noticed the upstairs light flash on. She hoped it was Ryder.

“You want me to bring her up?” Ryder sighed.

“Would you?” Hannah smiled slightly hopeful.

“No.” Ryder said as he hung up.

“What the …” Hannah groaned as she dialed the number again.

“What?” Ryder answered this time sounding a little angrier.

“Just get down here and help out your sister.” Hannah barked. Her hand clenched slightly tighter on the phone and she could hear Ryder breath into the phone.

“Ryder?” Someone whined from the other side of the phone line and Hannah frowned. He had a girl in his room no wonder why he wouldn’t help his sister. This was another reason why Ryder had never shown much interest in Hannah, she wanted more than a one night thing
though they had had that once.

“I’ll be back in a minute toots.” Ryder said. Hannah could hear shuffling before she heard Ryder’s voice again. “I’ll be down in a minute.”

“Thanks” Hannah sighed in relief then she unbuckled her belt, opened the door, and walked around to the far side of the car. She leaned back against the pickup while she waited.

Moments later, the door was yanked open and the porch light was flicked on. Ryder in nothing but shorts strode out into the night. Hannah sighed dreamily. In a way she felt lucky to be friends with such a gorgeous man’s sister and in another way she felt sad knowing she was afraid to tell her friend about her crush. “Hi” Hannah murmured.

“Hey.” Ryder said as he walked up to the truck. “Thanks for bringing her back. How much did she have to drink?” He asked peering inside the window noticing Kelsey’s slumped form.

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