Love In the Red Zone (Connecticut Kings Book 1) (56 page)

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I closed the door behind us and pushed my palm into it.

“You sure you wanna do this?” I studied her eyes for the slightest evidence of hesitation. It wasn’t too late to flake out.

She slid her little frame draped in a black catsuit, hugging her voluptuous body, a black leather vest, and cranberry high heeled booties that drew more attention to her fat peach. I didn’t like her outfit choice, but wouldn’t dare cry a word of disproval because I knew Jade would rip me a new one if I tried. Her face was made up with smokey eyes and a deep burgundy lip color that made her mouth look fuller, reminding me of what her lips looked like with my dick inside. Jade opted for her jet black curly weave, adding to her mysterious diva look. My dick started to swell.

“I’m starting to think you don’t want to play with me, Trent,” she whined.

… Her teeth looked bigger with that matte lipstick shade. Sexier. And Jade looked edgier. Okay. Maybe I was getting cold feet here. 

“Listen, shawtie, all I’m saying is this party can get mad wild. I don’t want no trouble between us later because I had to pull you off of a groupie, who I can’t even see.”

I couldn’t see them because the only woman that appealed to my eyes was my wife. I still felt guilty about us keeping it a secret, but Jade hadn’t flexed about that. She said she really didn’t care about what the world knew, just as long as we were official. And I hoped we’d be official after this party. On the low, I was more concerned with me having to go ape-shit on a nigga trying to get at my wife.

We were at a rented fifteen-thousand-square-foot estate in Galveston, Texas, on the water. Whenever JJ and I threw parties, we’d handle it from top to bottom, hiring necessary staff to coordinate it. Tonight, Eli footed the bill. He was damn proud of our comeback. The
were definitely a household name again. Our recognition and reputation had returned. We were all proud and amped.

“You just be sure you see this.” She lifted her left ring finger to my face. “Okay?”

Another jolt of guilt hit me. I couldn’t wait to add a band to the engagement ring. It was only right. But as far as the public knew, we were engaged until later this year.

I took her by the hand. “Girl, let’s go. Remember, if you need me, shoot me a text,” I reminded her, still uneasy about this game she wanted to play.

Jade stay with the games

We walked down to the elevator. On the ride down, she didn’t speak and my mind ran with so much shit, I couldn’t speak. I could hear the thumping from the bass as soon as we passed the second floor. Once we hit the main level, there were armed security guards posted at the doorway and the entire back foyer. Tyheem was there. He shot me a nod before walking near Jade. He was assigned to her tonight.

Jade followed me to the front of the house where there was a reception area in the main vestibule.

“Mr. Bailey,” the brunette with a sharp cut bob greeted then checked her device. “I see you’ve purchased just one bracelet tonight.” She glanced over to her partner. “Trinka, TBailey. Purple.” The other girl next to her went into a case and pulled out two gold neon wristbands. She sprayed it to be able to read the inscription on them. After wiping them off, she motioned for Jade’s arm.

“What’s this for?” Those hazels danced with alarm.

Not the sexy vixen you were upstairs, I see.

I tried hiding my laugh. “Procurement bands—or assignment bands as Alton calls them—for buying guests.”

“Come again?” Jade asked, sweeping her curls behind her ear as she studied the bracelet after it was put on her.

“There are more women at these parties than men. By design—”

“Who’s brilliant idea was that?” she hissed as my band was being placed on my wrist.

I gave her a knowing eye with my chin to the floor, again trying to hide my smirk.

“In advance, any man or woman who wants to have fun at the end of the night can spend the evening, picking their playmate.”

“Playmate?” Jade’s face wrinkled. “What the hell?”

“Yo, you wanna do this or not? We could go back upstairs and I’ll be gravy,” I threatened.

“No!” She rolled her eyes. “It’s just that I can’t see you doing this type of thing. Procuring a sex partner?”

“Or three,” the brunette added.

“Or five,” her partner, Trinka butted in with a giggle.

Jade’s nostrils grew at the two girls.

“I’m just saying, J. It gets wild and the ladies are topnotch, most of them come from clubs and organizations suited for men of our caliber.”

“Prostitutes?” her eyes grew.

“Not really, but some are professional escorts. We don’t rent women. They come with a culture that knows how to entertain us with…discretion. We can’t have just anybody here. Some of the WNBA ain’t out yet. Not for nothing, not all the men buy bands. They just come to vibe with their peoples. But for those who do wanna play, they mark their woman of interest with these. If you see someone with a band you didn’t buy, you gotta keep it moving. That’s the rule. That’s why people get here mad early so they can claim what they want.”

We walked over to the wall for privacy and to get out of the rush of people filling in the house already. It wasn’t even one in the morning yet.

“What if the woman doesn’t want to be “procured?” She used air quotations.

“Then she doesn’t accept the band.” I bent until I got in her face. “Like you…won’t be accepting a single fucking band tonight. That’s a game I won’t play, Jade.” I could see her swallow before nodding hard. I made sure to lock my eyes to her hazels. Jade was sneaky. I didn’t think she’d cheat on me, but she would pull some slick shit in the name of fun and have me crack some dude’s jaw in here.

“Okay! No more allowances to our game!” she assured.

“A’ight.” I straightened. “I see my man’s over here I wanna holla at. Don’t forget to text me. JJ’s around if you need something and don’t see me. You saw how big this place is from when we got here this morning.”

Jade nodded again, her shoulder still pressed into the wall as she looked at me. Something in her eyes made me want to stay by her side. This wasn’t easy for me. I bent down real quick and kissed her on the lips softly. Then I walked away…backwards like the lovesick puppy I was. When I finally turned around, I saw my boy Cam from Hotlanta and chopped it up with him for a minute.


He hadn’t lied. I’d been strolling through the place for close to thirty minutes and as I threaded through the lively crowd, I’d seen seven “procurements” and had four attempts made on me. Each time a man started my way, tried to grab my hand or the one that started dancing on my ass, I shot my wrist up in the air. What was crazier was one wanted to know who I belonged to so he could speak to my procurer and try for a negotiation. He used some type of flashlight gadget to scan my bracelet. Then my arm fell when he mumbled Trent’s name. I strutted off, smiling like a kept woman.

I eventually made my way to the bar, enjoying people watching while waiting on my cocktail to be made. I saw a familiar face coming my way. By the time she placed her order, I recalled where I knew her from.


She turned to me, just as beautiful as I remembered her from the night in Trent’s condo where I embarrassed myself by assuming she was a groupie. She paid a few seconds to remember me.

“Jade.” She smiled. “So, you were the one to convince Trent to come.”

I couldn’t help my face opening up to that claim. “How did you know he had to be convinced?”

“Jordan told me. He said he’d been trying for a week and Trent wasn’t having it. He’s really changed, that guy, and I for one am happy for him.”

My drink was handed to me. “You don’t think JJ is?” I frowned. “Trent can be a bit of a prude. I thought he was much older when I met him.”

Cole laughed. “I can see why. But all change isn’t bad. When he came home he was different, but in an angry way. Trent’s more confident now. More self-assured. I’m sure that has a lot to do with you.” She grabbed the drink being offered to her.

I took a sip on mine, shrugging my shoulders. Trent had changed. He admitted to it himself, but he had so much more work to do. We both did.

“He makes me happy.”

Her eyes fell to my ring. “And clearly wants to do it forever. I’m really happy for him. Even before going away, Trent was a really good guy. Always honest and up front, you know?”

Honest and upfront with me? We’re working on it.

I smiled. Now face-to-face, though she was taller—everybody’s taller—I could appreciate her gorgeous features.

“It was your hair.”

“Pardon?” she moved in closer and bent slightly to hear me.

“It was your natural hair that flared my jealousy. Trent suggested that I didn’t need my weave so when I saw a gorgeous woman with her real relaxed hair, I burned with jealousy,” I had no problem admitting.

“Oh, girl, please!” Cole’s head tossed back as she laughed. “I hope you’re not offended when I say this, but you were so well put together that night, even with a baseball cap and sweat suit that when I saw you, I thought you were a groupie. Your makeup was flawless as it is tonight and that donk, girl!” She high-fived me as she laughed.

Everyone, thanks to paparazzi and the media, thought I was a groupie because of my appearance: long weave, makeup, D cup boobs, and big booty. There was no way I could be offended. I didn’t feel worthy of her forgiveness, but was grateful for it. She’s just one of many I’ve spazzed out on to claim Trent all to myself. In her case, it was purely unnecessary. She was JJ’s girl.

I took a sip of my drink, enjoying the banter Cole made easy in spite of her first impression of me.

“Listen, I’m sorry. I was totally out of pocket as Trent would say. And I love JJ. Think he’s a great guy and an amazing friend to Trent. He could do no wrong in my eyes, and I had no business acting like a deranged bird in the parking lot of the projects somewhere.” Cole laughed even harder. “I’m serious. I was wrong and would really like to be cool with you one day.”

“Jade!” Cole shouted. “It’s really no biggie. I know how crazy these women can get over these athletes. I grew up in this business. But in your case, you have to have some bite. Trent’s a popular and talented player. He’s a magnet.” Her smile blossomed again.  “We’re good. Really.”

“Thanks, Cole.”

She nodded with a brilliant smile.

“Alright now! Alright now! For my veterans of this Two Kings jam, you already know how we do with this portion of our show.
Shoot ‘Em Up!
is in the muthafuckin’

My smile fell and heart sank.

“Oh, my god! Don’t freak, Jade.” Cole grabbed my lower arm. “
Shoot ‘Em Up!
is a talented man, but will be going upstairs with one special lady tonight.” She laughed as she walked away.

I followed the crowd into the living room of the house. There were countless bodies in there, scrambling to get to the center. I pushed my way through the sea of onlookers, hardly getting anywhere until I felt familiar hands on my shoulder.

“Pardon me!” Tyheem’s thick baritone boomed. “Let us through!”

And that’s when the sea parted. Tyheem ushered me close to where a spotlight was flashing on a chair that faced another. He sat me in the one that was darkened, without the light. A beautiful woman of Asian descent was seated across from me as the crowd went wild. She seemed more confident and calmer than I was. I couldn’t gain a hold of my breathing. Then I heard a familiar beat from a bass. As it continued, I recognized 112’s
Peaches and Cream

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