Love Inspired Suspense June 2014 Bundle 1 of 2: Undercover Marriage\Collateral Damage\Forgotten Past (53 page)

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Authors: Mary Hannah; Alford Terri; Alexander Reed

Tags: #Fluffer Nutter,

BOOK: Love Inspired Suspense June 2014 Bundle 1 of 2: Undercover Marriage\Collateral Damage\Forgotten Past
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Six months later

re you okay?” JT asked once more as he watched his wife fight back tears. He stood close by her side at the family cemetery outside of Austin. Rachel had chosen to share the future with him and he'd never felt more blessed or more afraid. Their love was different from the love he'd shared with Emily, but it was just as strong and just as important to him. For the first time in a long time, he had someone in his life he couldn't bear to lose again.

Rachel struggled to answer him because the tears were falling freely from her eyes.

“She would be so grateful to you, Rachel. You did it. You helped to bring peace to her and your father. He would be so proud of you.”

She reached for his hand and held it tight. She'd decided she couldn't change what happened in the past so why hold on to those painful memories.

JT had been by her side when most of the memories of her past returned.

“I still can't believe Ben would embezzle from my father. Dad treated him like a son and that's how he repaid him.”

“In his own way, Ben was just as sick as Phillip Masters. He had it in his head Carl was responsible for his mother's death and that he'd taken Elizabeth Jennings's share of their inheritance once she died.” JT shook his head. “He couldn't accept Elizabeth had gone through all the money on her own by the time she died. Ben didn't see it as stealing from Carl. He thought your father actually owed him the money.”

Ben had confessed to embezzling funds from Carl's firm for months before Faith brought it to Carl's attention. Ben had manipulated the records to make it seem like Faith had taken the money, but Carl hadn't bought it. It had been the final straw as far as Carl was concerned. He'd confronted Ben. Faith showed up with the evidence. Carl was going to call the police. Ben panicked. After their deaths, and when he thought he'd gotten away with the murders, Ben put the money back into a different account to make it look like a clerical error.

“If I hadn't hired Faith, none of this would have happened. Faith would still be alive. She was my friend and I delivered her to her killer.”

JT tugged her into his arms. “You couldn't have known what Ben was planning. He was desperate. He knew if he didn't do something he'd lose you as well as go to prison for a long time. He was just as obsessed with you as Phillip Masters and determined to have you and your father's wealth no matter what.”


“There are no ifs, ands or buts about it. He killed Faith and Carl...and there was absolutely nothing you could have done to stop him, Rachel. You can't take on his crimes.” He kissed her cheek. “It's over, sweetheart. Ben is paying for what he did. It's time to concentrate on the future.”

There had been one final thing left to do. She and JT had returned to Austin to close the file on what had happened two years before. Rachel had decided to leave the business running the way it had been for the past two years and her father's estate would continue to go to charities. She wanted to return home to Hope Island, open her own bakery and be a wife and, one day, with God's blessing, a mother.

It hadn't really surprised him the way Liz had taken to Rachel. Within a short time, they'd become good friends. Liz was a natural-born mother hen, after all, and she'd played a tremendous part in Rachel's emotional healing.

Rachel had told JT that in some weird roundabout way, Ben had brought her to the island where she'd met JT and found out what it truly meant to love.

“Thank you,” she whispered through her tears.

“For what?” he asked as they stood beside the headstone that now read “Faith Davenport.”

“For giving me back my friend. For giving me back my father's love. But most of all for giving me back
. For loving me. For not letting me run away. Thanks to you, Faith can finally rest in peace. JT, you are a blessing and my Job moment. God promised He'd see me through this dark season if I trusted Him, and He did. Just like Job, He's blessed me with more than I deserve.”

Although she didn't say the words, he knew. Rachel Jennings could finally start to live and trust again.

* * * * *

Keep reading for an excerpt from NO PLACE TO RUN by Marion Faith Laird.

Dear Reader,

I hope you have enjoyed Faith McKenzie's incredible struggle to recover her past after it was taken from her in a brutal attack that almost ended her life and sent Faith running from a killer she couldn't remember.

In writing this story, I found myself overwhelmed by Faith's will to survive. I can't imagine what it would be like not to remember anything about the person you once were.

For Faith, moving to Hope Island seems like a desperate attempt to outrun the killer determined to finish what he started two years earlier, but God has a bright future planned for Faith. He brings security specialist JT Wyatt into her life to help her find the missing pieces of her past. With JT's help, Faith is able to bring the killer to justice and reclaim her life once more. And in the process, she finds the love of her life in JT.

No matter what darkness we face in our lives, we can rest assured God is right there with us through it all.

All the best,

Mary Alford

Questions for Discussion

  1. For two years, Faith has been running from a danger she can't remember, changing her identity and moving countless times. Faced with the same obstacles Faith encountered in her life, what would you do? Have you ever been in a situation that seemed impossible to overcome? How did you deal with it?
  2. Of all the places Faith could have moved, she finds herself living next door to a security specialist. When JT brings Faith's dog home to her, they are attracted to each other, even though both have suffered great tragedies in their lives. Do you think her move to Hope Island and the attraction they feel for each other is just a coincidence or part of God's plan for their lives?
  3. Why do you think Faith finally agrees to accept JT's help?
  4. What qualities of Faith's do you most admire?
  5. After JT's wife was murdered, he didn't believe it would be possible for him to give his heart to another woman again. What do you think it is about Faith that makes JT want to let go of his guilt and learn to love again?
  6. JT blames himself for Emily's death. Are there situations in your life that you blame yourself for or situations that you wish you had handled differently? How do you deal with these feelings?
  7. What was the most unexpected part of the book for you? Why?
  8. Both Faith and JT are struggling with past tragedies. How do you think those tragedies affect their relationship with each other?
  9. Through all the moves Faith has made to elude her stalker, she prays that God will send someone to help her unravel her hidden past. She believes JT is God's answer. Has God ever answered your prayers in such a way?
  10. JT has some very good friends and family to lend him emotional and spiritual support. Who in your life do you turn to for guidance and support? How do they help you?
  11. Have you ever been caught up in a natural disaster, such as a hurricane? If so, how did you deal with it?
  12. When Faith discovers the identity of the killer, amazingly she is able to forgive him. Have you ever been hurt by someone so badly and been able to forgive them? How did you find the strength?
  13. When Faith realizes she isn't the person she thought she was, she believes JT won't still love her. Have you ever discovered someone wasn't who you thought they were? If so, what was your reaction? Did it change your feelings for them?
  14. In spite of everything JT faced in his past, he turns out to be Faith's hero. He never stops believing in her innocence and he is determined not to let her give up until the nightmare is over. Has there been anyone in your life you consider a true hero? Discuss.

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he note was unsigned.

Don't think you can get away with it.

The computer printout lay on the pile of library in-mail, as innocent as a rattlesnake ready to strike. Lorie stared at the words for one frozen moment as her heart began to race. She couldn't hear. Couldn't see anything except the note.

This couldn't be happening.

Not now.

Not after her prayers had been answered to let her begin rebuilding her life in Dainger County.

By the time the other librarian, Jen Burkhalter, loped into the office and slung her denim purse onto the coatrack, Lorie was shivering.

“The weather's gorgeous. I think spring decided to stick around a little longer.” Jen's head jerked in a double take, her short black hair quivering. “What's wrong? Are you cold? You look like a deer in headlights.”

Lorie sent a silent prayer heavenward.
Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she shook her head. “I'm fine.”

Jen stuck her fists on her generous hips. “Don't try to put one over on a mom. If you're fine, I'm a sunflower in a cornfield. Now what's the problem?”

It took a moment for Lorie to calm down sufficiently to speak. “Have you heard any talk about my moving back to town?”

Jen looked surprised. “You mean trash talk? No. Why?”

You can do this.
Taking a deep breath for courage, Lorie nodded at the note. “Look at the in-box. Somebody doesn't want me here.”

Jen peered into the in-box, adjusting gold wire-rim glasses. “Oh, my. Get away with what?”


But it wasn't.

An icy shiver of doubt skittered up Lorie's spine. What if someone thought it was?

Get a hold of yourself. This isn't San Diego.

Lorie pulled herself together. “Maybe they left it on the wrong desk.”

“With your name on it?” Jen jerked her thumb in the direction of Lorie's Head Librarian plaque. “Stop grasping at straws. Everybody knows who the new head librarian is. You haven't touched the paper, have you?”

Lorie shook her head. “I've read enough mysteries to know that's the worst thing I could do.”

“Then you also know we need to call the sheriff's department.”

Call the law? Fear stabbed Lorie in the gut. “But what if this is just a prank?”

“What if it isn't?”

Lorie winced.

“Grimace all you want to, but if you don't call them, I'm going to.”

“All right.” Lorie's sigh ruffled the papers on her desk. “We'd better use the phone at the main desk, in case there are fingerprints.”

“Good idea.” Jen followed Lorie out the door, closing it after them, the automatic lock clicking into place.

As she reached for the phone at the circulation desk, Lorie's stomach roiled.
Lord, why me?
If she never had to talk with another person in law enforcement, it would still be too soon.

You can do this.
Her inner pep talk wasn't working.
You have to.

She glanced back at Jen. “What's the phone number?”

“You could just dial 911.”

“It isn't an emergency. It's just a—” What
it exactly?

“A personal threat.” Jen finished the thought for her. “Something you can't afford to take lightly.”

“You don't know the phone number, do you?”

“Here.” Jen punched in seven digits and shoved the beige receiver at Lorie.

“Dainger County Sheriff's Department.”

The receptionist's voice was warm, honeyed and very Southern. She also sounded vaguely familiar, but Lorie couldn't put a name to the voice. Just hearing the words “Sheriff's Department,” Lorie swallowed hard and almost hung up. Jen, noticing her hesitation, glared at her.

Lorie cleared her throat. “This is Lorie Narramore at the county library. I'd like to report an incident.” There. She'd said it, as if the note were the only thing wrong.

“Why, Loretta Lee, is that you?”

Lorie rolled her eyes. A few years in California had eliminated Loretta Lee from her name. A few minutes in Daingerville brought the ponderous moniker back.

“Yes, it is.”

“This is Vangie Rae Sutherland. Used to be Vangie Rae McCormick, remember?”

Could she ever forget her old school nemesis? “It's nice to hear your voice again, Vangie.” The Lord would forgive her for exaggerating. She hoped.

“Goodness gracious, I haven't seen you in forever!” Vangie sounded delighted. “I'd heard you'd moved back. You're at the county library, you said?”

Reduced to wordless sounds? Really, Lorie, you're a grown-up. You shouldn't let her do this to you.

“That explains why we haven't run into each other, then. Frank and I always go to the city library in West Bluff. How do you like being back here with your family?”

The unbusinesslike tenor of the conversation gave Lorie a headache, but she answered automatically.

“It's been fine...” Lorie caught Jen's Momzilla
I'll get you if you don't 'fess up right this second
face. “Look, when I went into my office just now, I found a threatening note on my desk.”

“Ooh, that sounds serious.” The threat might sound serious, but Vangie sure didn't. A clicking sound issued from the phone speaker, as if Vangie were making a note on her computer. “Are you still single?”

“What?” The sudden change of subject sent Lorie's brain reeling. What could her marital status possibly have to do with the case? If there
a case...

“We have several good-looking deputies I've been trying to match up with someone, but—”

Fear morphed into irritation. “Vangie, it doesn't matter. There's a threatening note on my desk.”

“Well, of course it matters. If you're not divorced or anything, I've got a couple of good Christian boys I could send out.”

Lorie sighed. Vangie Rae must not have outgrown her high-school matchmaking tendencies.
Lord, preserve me!

“I'm not divorced. I've just been too busy to get married.”
Not to mention getting dumped twice by guys I should have known better than to date in the first place. And—
No. Lorie refused to dwell on the main reason she hadn't had a husband or at least a fiancé when she'd left the West.

“Good.” A few clicks issued from the line. “Now, tell me what this note said.”

“Something like, ‘You won't get away with it.'”

More clicking sounded on the other end of the line. “Can't you see it?”

“No. I left it in the office. I'm calling from the checkout desk.”

“Oh, very good. It'll be better if you haven't got fingerprints all over the place.”

Yanking her attention back from the computer, Lorie switched the phone to her other ear. “We all share the office, so my prints are probably on everything except the note. At least, they shouldn't be on it, unless the person responsible used my printer paper.”

“Now, now, don't go looking on the gloomy side, Loretta Lee.” She still pronounced Lorie's first name as though it were two words: Lo Retta, emphasis on the Lo. “We've already alerted one of our deputies.”

“Thanks, Vangie.” There was no sense in taking her frustration out on her old school frenemy. Getting on the wrong side of Vangie Rae had always had dire consequences, even before she was in law enforcement. “I never dreamed you'd grow up to work at the sheriff's office.”

“Neither did I, but then I met Frank, and my entire career plans changed.”

Frank Sutherland. The Dainger County Sheriff. Duh. Vangie was Mrs. Lawman-in-Chief. Suddenly everything made sense. Vangie was bubbly enough to make the station a friendlier place. With her at the reception desk, crime in Dainger County had probably plummeted to an all-time low.

Until someone decided to threaten the new head librarian...

“Let's see now. We have several single deputies, and I've put in a request for—”

“Vangie, I'm not angling for a date.” Lorie fought down her irritation.
Especially not a deputy!
“I just want to find out who sent the note and stop them from sending any more.” There. At least she

“Are you sure? Because after the men you probably dated in California, the fellows here are gonna be a whole lot more real.”

That's right, Vangie. Diss the place where I'd still be living if my world hadn't collapsed.

Beeping noises issued from the receiver.

“I have more calls coming in. One of our more eligible deputies should be there within an hour, unless there's an emergency. I surely am glad to talk to you again, Loretta. We'll have to get together real soon, okay? Bye now!”

Vangie disconnected. Lorie stared at the receiver for a moment before replacing it on the cradle.

“So?” Jen sounded like an overeager reporter.

“Vangie Rae.” Lorie rolled her eyes. “Why didn't you warn me?”

Jen straightened the free bookmark dump. “I didn't know you knew the Sutherlands.”

“I've only met the sheriff in passing, but I had several classes with Vangie. Now she's threatening to set me up with one of the deputies. The last thing I have time for is a romance.”
With a lawman, especially.

Jen clucked her tongue. “Honey, everybody needs love in their life.” Jen started straightening the brochures in the Summer Reading Program display.

Could her day
any worse? “I didn't say I didn't need love. I just don't need romance.”

Jen shrugged. “Keep on believing that if you want to. Time to open the doors.” She took the library keys from her pocket and ambled toward the entrance.

As Lorie got to work, hushed voices discussing the latest offerings on the new-books shelf trickled through the inside return slot. The coiled spring wound around her insides relaxed. At least she was doing one thing right.

After checking in the returned books and arranging them on their respective shelves, Lorie returned to the office. The impulse to check the door to make certain it was locked almost overwhelmed her, but she squashed it, hoping she and Jen hadn't already destroyed fingerprint evidence on the handle.

“Ms. Narramore?”

Lorie started, turned and collided with a solid mass of muscle in a tan uniform. A crackle of electricity jolted her. Was it that dry in here?

“Oh, I'm sorry.”

“Dispatch sent me. Threatening note?” The voice issuing from the strong face was a warm baritone.

Lorie met his incredibly blue eyes, shaded by a fawn Stetson.
Whew. Okay. Calm down. This is the investigating officer.
Without meaning to, she checked his left ring finger. Bare.
It's none of your business. He's the law.

Lorie cleared her throat. “Yes. It's right here, Deputy—” she glanced at his name tag “—MacGregor.” Oh, my. Was this the MacGregor boy who'd been the top defensive linebacker for the Daingerville Diamondbacks when she was a lowly freshman? Glancing again at his face confirmed her suspicion. This had to be either Matt or one of his equally handsome brothers.

As Lorie started to insert the key into the lock, the door swung open of its own accord.


“Don't touch it.” Deputy MacGregor drew his sidearm and clicked off the safety as he motioned her away.

Lorie's heart threatened to stop. They
locked the door...hadn't they?

“Hands up in there. Sheriff's department.” Deputy MacGregor kicked open the office door and scanned the room for intruders.

It was empty.

He glanced over his shoulder at Lorie. “Is there another exit?”

“Just the window in the bathroom, but it's a little small.... Although they assured me it does meet fire safety standards—”

Deputy MacGregor had already moved to the door leading to the minuscule restroom. He nudged it with the toe of his shiny black work boot.

A breeze fluttered through the open casement and into the office, riffling through the papers on the desk.

“Was the window open when you arrived?”

Lorie shook her head. “I don't think so—but I didn't really think to look.”

He took a step into the tiny space, enough to bring him close to the frame inset with frosted glass. Examining it, the deputy frowned.

“Screen's been sliced open.” The deputy poked at it and then peered at the area around the lock. “Window's been jimmied.”

Lorie could hardly hear him over the pounding in her ears. The harassment was starting again, and this time, she had no place to run.

“Wow, look at those scratches!”

Jen's voice made Lorie jump, as she hadn't heard her approach. Lorie glanced at Jen's feet. She
be wearing silent-soled cross-trainers today of all days.

“You didn't notice the window before?”

Lorie shook her head. “We keep that door shut most of the time.” Maybe whoever had left the note had still been inside the bathroom while she was in the office.... Panic welled up inside her, but she managed to swallow the scream.

“And you're certain you locked the office door?” Deputy MacGregor sounded as if he wanted to get the whole picture.

Lorie shook her head, wishing she had a glass of water. Her mouth had gone completely dry. The proximity of the attractive deputy was not helping, either. “No, I'm not completely sure. I meant to, but I was pretty rattled. I might have forgotten.”

“I locked it.” Jen put her hands on her hips again. “I felt it catch.”

“Right. Let's see the note.”

Lorie moved to the desk and waved a hand at the in-box. “It's right—wait a minute.”

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