Love Me Always (33 page)

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Authors: Marie Higgins

BOOK: Love Me Always
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Taking in a deep breath, Nick tried to make the pain in his heart leave. Tears stung his eyes and he blinked to keep the liquid back. “Gregg, I need to talk to her. I need to tell her that I haven’t given up on her and that I’m looking for the killer.”

“I’ll be certain to pass that information along.”

Nick gritted his teeth and narrowed his gaze. “Gregg, I
you let me in that room.”

The guard stepped closer, folding his arms over his beefy chest. Gregg shrugged. “Demand all you like, but she doesn’t want to see you. Besides,” he said smoothing out his vest, “I won’t let you be upsetting my future wife in such a way. She’s in enough turmoil as it is.”

Nick gasped. “
Future wife?
When did this happen?”

“Just last evening. Catherine needs a man who’ll stay by her side no matter what.” He stepped closer to Nick. “And I’m that man. I have
doubted her for one moment.”

A bullet through the heart wouldn’t have hurt as much as his brother’s words...or the realization that Nick might have truly lost Catherine this time. But did he blame her? After all, he had a moment of doubt the other night. Instead, he should have been at her side, fighting the police and Ian. But Nick hadn’t. His feet had stayed rooted to the floor, his mind an empty void.

Gregg shook his head. “Nick, you weren’t by chance having ideas about making Catherine
wife were you?”

Nick shrugged, wondering whether he should voice his thoughts. Then again, hadn’t Gregg already suspected this? “And what if I was?”

“I fear you are disillusioned.” Gregg chuckled. “Although Catherine is a sweet, beautiful woman, the new Duke of Ashton needs to marry a woman of abundance. Catherine is a country girl with no dowry. She wouldn’t make you a fitting wife, and you well know it.”

Anger boiled behind Nick’s eyelids and he squeezed them shut. Fighting for control, he breathed deeply and opened his eyes. As much as he wanted to argue the point, he was too drained – mentally – to do it. “Then I suppose congratulations are in order. Please tell Catherine I hope the best for her...and for you, of course. Also let her know I will
give up searching for the killer. I won’t stop until the culprit is found.”

Nick turned on his heels and walked away, trying not to step on his broken heart in the process.

* * * *

They would be leaving within the hour.

Catherine’s heart clenched when realizing she wouldn’t be able to say her farewells to Nick. Of course, he didn’t love her enough to believe in her innocence, so why should she tell him goodbye?

She glanced over every item in her room...the room that would no longer be hers. A heavy pressure gathered in her chest, making it painful to even breathe. The past several weeks had been hell for her. Yet at times, it had been heaven. Running her fingers along her vanity, she exhaled deeply. She’d come to think this was all hers...or at least knowing it would be some day. Now, that too, was just a memory.

On the corner of her vanity, a letter caught her eyes. Grant’s solicitor had given this to her last night. Mr. Lewis said Grant had written it. Dare she open it to see what he wanted to tell her after his death?

Her mind had been deviated once Mr. Lewis had started asking her questions about the murders...and her whereabouts during those times. She couldn’t help him much. She didn’t remember.

Pain had sliced through her head as she tried to recall where she’d been those times. The more questions he’d asked, the more his tone had turned harsh.

Her throat tightened with emotion, and she willed the tears not to come, but her eyes watered nonetheless. By the way he’d talked, her future had seemed bleak. She didn’t think he believed her either. Thankfully, the police could find no solid proof, and so they wouldn’t take her to jail, especially when her father promised she’d be in his constant care.

She had remembered a little about the night her father had been attacked. She’d gone to his room to confess her wrongdoings in hopes he’d let her stay so she and Nick could marry, but didn’t find him. The next thing she recalled was awaking in her bed, dressed and dizzy with bewilderment. Yet, bits and pieces from her memory let her believe she had argued with him at some point.

A throb began in her temple and she rubbed the growing pain. Her gaze fell to Grant’s letter again. No better time than now. Her father – and the guard – would be here any moment to escort her to the carriage that would take her home.

Taking great care, she broke the seal.

“My dearest Catherine. The days until I leave this world are numbered, and I feel I need to be truthful with you before I die. I haven’t been fully honest about anything. I brought you to the estate under a false pretense. Although I led you to believe I wanted to marry you, I had no plans of doing that. Instead, I brought you here hoping you and Nick would fall in love.”

She hitched a breath and placed her hand to her hammering heartbeat.

“You already know how much I loved your mother. When I was younger, I didn’t follow my heart. My parents pounded into my head that it was my duty to marry a woman of wealth. Because of this, I’ve realized what I’d lost. I don’t want Nick to make the same mistakes. I’ve known he’s been in love with you since childhood, but society has dictated to him that he marry someone with an abundance of wealth. Nick has always been an obedient boy, and I worried he would follow society’s expectations. That’s the very reason I brought you here.”

She swiped the tear rolling down her cheek and continued reading.

“I have written Nick a letter explaining my deception. I sincerely pray the two of you will forgive me and follow your hearts. Forget what the members of society think, and go with your feelings. Please forgive me for any misconduct that I may have shown toward you. I’m aware my illness makes me think things I know are not right. Rest assured your father doesn’t know what I had planned, but I confess your mother did. Catherine, I will always love Sophia’s daughter.”

Closing her eyes, the tears gushed down her face as she held in the sobs she wanted to release. This had been Grant’s plan all along? Why had he put her through so much heartache? Why couldn’t he see she was indeed in love with Nick, as he was with her? Now it was too late. Nick’s love wasn’t strong enough to fight the accusations thrown at her the past couple of days. For that, she may never forgive him.

A knock came upon the door, and she jumped, clutching the letter to her chest. “Who is it?”

“It’s your father. Are you ready to leave?”

She scrambled to her reticule lying on the bed and stuffed the letter inside. “In a moment, Father.” Using the back of her hand, she wiped away the tears then patted her face and pinched her cheeks.

Holding her chin erect, she walked to the door and pulled it open. Her father wouldn’t meet her eyes. Her heart twisted. So similar to the way he’d acted right after her mother was killed.

Beside him, the guard stood, his gaze bearing down on her.

She tried to keep an outward serenity about her as she walked down the wide staircase toward the waiting carriage. Her trunks had been packed in the accompanying conveyance, which would make their departure quicker.

Gregg waited beside the carriage and gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek. “My darling, please know I’ll obtain a special license for us to marry as soon as possible. We
be together very soon.”

Stiffly, she nodded before climbing in, her father and Hodgson entering afterward. As the wheels crunched on the road, she kept her eyes on Gregg, his image shrinking with each second.

Nick hadn’t come to see her off. She glanced at the windows of the manor, but couldn’t detect his shadow anywhere. Her heart sank lower.

A few months ago, she’d thought her life would be a dungeon, but it was nothing compared to the misery promised for her as she lived her life without the man she loved.

* * * *

Nick had enough of waiting. His patience couldn’t handle it. He must find the person trying to frame Catherine. He’d watched his servants closely when the policemen continued to ask questions. So far, none had given any leeway to being fraudulent. They all seemed honest.

Then there was Anne. She and Sara, the other laundry maid, were the two who’d first happened on Colonel Martin after his beating...and who had found Mary. Today Anne acted differently. While they were questioned, Anne’s wide eyes made Nick pause. Sara talked mostly, Anne only nodded on occasion, but it was the ashen color of Anne’s skin, the shakiness of her hands, and her gaze that couldn’t stay on anyone which made him suspicious. Anne had always been a shy girl. If she knew something, she for certain wouldn’t tell the lawmen.

Nick breathed a sigh of relief once the man of the law left. After waiting a little while, he hurried downstairs to the laundry room. Anne wasn’t there.

“Sara? Do you know where Anne is?”

The maid shook her head. “No, Your Grace. She wasn’t feeling well, so she went for a walk.”

“Do you know where?”

“No, but she usually goes toward the pond.”

He thanked her and hurried out of the house and to the stable. After he had his horse saddled, Nick rode hard to the place Sara had indicated. When he approached, a figure of a woman stood near a tree as she faced the body of water. It wasn’t until he was almost upon her when she spun around. The sun’s rays reflected off the knife she held, and he squinted against the glare. When he finally rested his gaze on her, she held the knife to her chest. Her face paled.

“Don’t come any closer.” Her voice shook.

Grumbling under his breath, he brought the animal to a halt. What could she be thinking? The knot in his stomach warned him it wasn’t good. “Anne? What are you doing?”

Slowly, he dismounted, and she backed up a few steps toward the tree.

“I mean it, Yer Grace.” She clutched the knife tighter, positioning the point right above her heart.

He held up his hands. “Anne, I’m not here to hurt you. Please, put the knife down so we can talk.”

Tears fell from her eyes and she shook her head. “There’s no use in talkin’. Not anymore.”

Her hands trembled, as did his own, which he hid behind him and clasped together. “Please, Anne. You don’t need to hurt yourself.” He took a deep breath to try and calm his out of control heartbeat. “Do you know why I’m here?”

“Yes.” She sniffed. “I knew it was only a matter of time before ye searched me out.”


“Because I know...I know more than what I told the police.”

“Will you tell me what you know?”

She shook her head. Her hair had fallen out of the bun and the awkward bundle rested on her shoulder. “He will torture me, just as he tortured Mary.”

Nick sucked in a quick breath. She was talking about the killer...and it wasn’t Catherine. He must force Anne to confess. “The killer won’t hurt you. I won’t allow it, you must believe me.”

“Ye cannot stop him. He knows everythin’. He has eyes everywhere.”

Taking another step forward, he held his hands out away from his body as to show her he was no threat. “Tell me who he is and I’ll make certain he’s put away. The police are looking for him and we need to help them any way we can.”

Tears blurred her eyes. “No, they’re not. They’re lookin’ for poor Miss Catherine.”

“Exactly,” he related slow and calm, “which is why we need to tell them who this man is so he can be arrested.”

Again, she shook her head. “Ye cannot make me say. He will torture me. He frightened Mrs. Berkley away, too. I don’t have any place to hide like she does.”

He furrowed his brow. “Mrs. Berkley knows also?”


“And that’s why she’s not here?”

“I believe she ran to her sister’s house in to hide, but I don’t know for certain.”

He nodded, recalling that was where his uncle had first heard of the companion. Now if he could only remember her sister’s name...

He licked his parched lips. “Please, Anne. You have to help me. Miss Catherine wouldn’t harm anyone, and if we don’t find this man, she’ll be hanged for a crime she didn’t commit.” A knot tightened in his throat. “Please help me. her. I cannot let her go to jail.”

Her sobs had stopped, but she still held the knife above her heart. She glanced down at the object, her bottom lip quivering.

“What if he finds me?” she asked softly.

“If you tell me who he is, I’ll help you. I’ll keep you safe. I assure you, nothing will happen.”

Slowly, she lowered the knife then dropped it. She crumbled to the ground and covered her face with her hands. He rushed to her and took her in his arms, comforting her.

“It’s all right now, Anne. He won’t get you.”

She shook her head. “He tortured Mary... He wouldn’t let her live to tell anyone her secret.”

“What secret is that?” He stroked her head.

“She was in love with yer uncle.”

He raised his eyebrows. Apparently more people knew. “Please don’t worry, Anne.”

“Mary wanted to marry yer uncle, and
knew this, and he wouldn’t let her live because of it...”

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