Love Me ~ Without Regret (25 page)

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Authors: Renee Kennedy

Tags: #Country Romance, #New Adult Romance, #Southern Romance, #Renee Kennedy, #Romance, #New Adult, #Southern

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The last few months, I’ve become almost as starry-eyed as Bailey. Heaven help me. I hope I don’t get to the stage where I daydream about all of the picturesque ways Clay could ride up on Buttercup to whisk me away. In my mind, he’d simply be wearing jeans and a cowboy hat. I’d have on a billowy dress and my hair would be blowing in the wind. I’d be out in a field of wildflowers, looking out over the horizon, shielding my eyes from the declining sun. Clay would reach down with one arm to scoop me up and we’d ride off into the sunset to live happily ever after. I’ll just shoot myself if I ever start dreaming up other ways.

“You ready to go, Babe?” Clay comes out of the bathroom smelling like I could eat him with a spoon.

“Yeah. Hey, have you ever thought about wearing a cowboy hat?”

“I’ve tried them on before, but I never found any that looked right. Why?” He smirks, coming up and pulling me to him hard.

“I think you would look freaking phenomenal with one on. You would be sexy as hell and just thinking about you wearing one makes me wet.”

“We’ll go looking for one tomorrow, Babe, if it causes you to spontaneously drip honey,” he says in between kisses.

“I think we need to leave before you get a craving for honey,” I say.

“Why do you always have to be right?”

“That’s just how I roll.”


We get back from dancing and I’m ready to have sexy time with my man. I send Clay for ice, promising him he can use it anyway he wants. When Clay comes back from getting ice, I’ve set up close to what I had in mind for our romantic bath together. I’ve lit all of the candles to cast a soft glow in the room. I have on the new red lacy bra and panty set that I picked out earlier. I downloaded songs from a playlist I found online that is supposed to set the mood, and I have it playing in the background. A lot of the songs are older than me, but after I listened to them they did sound sexy. There isn’t a doubt in my mind that my musically inclined man will know every one of them.

“Babe,” Clay says raspy. “You take my breath away every day with your beauty, but right now, Babe…” Clay’s hungry eyes darken as they drink me up.

“Shh, there’s no need for words right now, or clothes.”

Clay puts the ice on the nightstand, shucking off his shoes and goes to unbutton his shirt.

“Let me do it, baby.” I run my hand down his torso then I walk around him. I unbutton his pants and reach inside to give him a fondling. We work together getting his tight ass jeans down his hips, taking his boxer briefs down at the same time.

“Mmm Mmm Mmm,” I tell him. “It looks like you’re already saluting me, and ready for service.” I’m still bent down, so I decide to give him a little tease. I give his inner thighs a lick and standing up, I unbutton his shirt slowly.

“Lizzie, don’t toy with me, please, baby.” Clay’s voice sounds a little shaky.

“I don’t plan on toying with you, but doesn’t a little anticipation make the reward even sweeter?”


I run my nails over his lower abdomen. I walk around him, placing feathery kisses along his back as I go.

He reaches behind to bring me around to face him for a kiss.

“I love the way you kiss me. You say so much with mere kisses, Clay. They make me feel your love.” I bend to my knees. “Nothing makes me happier than knowing I can bring you as much pleasure as you bring me.” I give him a nice flick of my tongue.

“Suck my cock, Baby.” He grabs a handful of my hair.

I wet my lips then I swallow his cock.

“Yes, your mouth is so fucking sweet.”

Clay’s voice escalates.

He moves me around by my hair and rolls his hips, fucking my mouth. This isn’t the sweet blowjob I’ve always given him. I feel like we have moved to another level of trust and commitment. This is darker and much more hardcore. I fucking love it.

I look up and see him swallow hard.

“Babe, ah, mmm. OoooOOOhhhh.”

I continue my even pressure. I don’t want to stop. I’ve never heard a guy make this much noise during a blowjob. Damn, if it isn’t sexy.

Clay’s body jerks as he comes in my mouth and I lick my lips clean.

“Lizzie, no one ever…” He shakes his head.


Lizzie nearly brought me to my knees. No one has ever cared about my pleasure before. That’s something I’m sure would bring any guy to their knees.

“Now, it’s your turn, Baby.” I walk her backward to the bed. “Don’t plan on leaving the bed until you leave for home. I have a huge debt to pay now. You turned on a side of me that needed to be released.”

Lizzie gets on the bed in a crawling position and looks back over her shoulder smiling, wiggling her ass.

“I love that sweet ass of yours. Lay back, baby. I want to show you how much I care about your pleasure, too.” I love this woman. First, I have to teach my little vixen not to tease me. I reach over to the ice bucket.

“Clay, what are you doing?” Lizzie raises up on her elbows.

I give her a gentle push back down, “Did I tell you to get up, woman?” I say laughing. I go down to her feet. I run the cube of ice on the sole of both of her feet. I follow that up with my tongue and kiss her ankle and work my way down to the top part of her foot. I alternate between running ice, licking, and kissing.

Lizzie lets out an audible sigh.

I move to her big toe, kissing around it and slowly wrapping my mouth around it. I try to give it the same tongue swirl she does when she sucks me. I’ve read that the feet are an erogenous zone, but I’ve never wanted to lick or suck on anyone’s feet before to find out.

Lizzie moans in pleasure.

I give her other toes the same attention, two at a time. I move to the inside curve of her foot, licking and nipping along the way. Fuck, she is sexy when she is aroused. I take an ice cube to the inside of her leg then replace it with my tongue.

Lizzie arches her back.

Then I move in for the main event. I apply the same technique to her clit. After that piece of ice melts, I’m finished with the ice play. I make love to her pussy like I never have before. I kiss, lick, and suck, with and without my fingers inside her. My fingers are dripping wet and I rub them across her perineum up to her asshole, pushing one in a fraction. She doesn’t resist, I repeat the actions, but I don’t press my luck quite yet. I finally get up the nerve to press the tiniest tip in and out a few times. I’m really only breaking the surface but we haven’t discussed any of this and I don’t want anything to ruin our night.

“Beeeep Beeeep Beeeep.” A loud shrilling noise comes out of nowhere.

“What the hell is that?” Lizzie sits up.


“I think it’s the fire alarm.”


“Is the hotel on fire?”


“It’s coming from in here.” I look around and notice a haziness of smoke from all of the candles. I grab my shirt and wave it over the alarm to see if I can clear away the smoke and make it cut off.

Lizzie blows out the candles, causing them to smoke more.

“Take them to the bathroom and shut the door, Babe. I hope we don’t set off the sprinklers.”

Lizzie scurries around, taking candles to the bathroom.

I’m not having any luck with the fire alarm. I’m even jumping to get closer to the actual alarm.

Lizzie finishes with the candles. “Clay.” She’s laughing her ass off.

“What? I’m glad you think this is funny. The management will probably be up here any minute and I’m naked. You might as well be naked.” I continue jumping until the smoke dissipates then I see Lizzie has her cell phone pointed at me.

When Lizzie realizes I’ve stopped, she turns around quickly.

“What did you do?”


“Why did you have your phone?” I hiss.

“I was checking my messages.” She giggles.

“Sure you were. Let me see it.” I demand, reaching for the phone.

“Let you see what?” She turns, facing away from me.

“Let me see the picture you took of me jumping.”

“I didn’t take a picture of you jumping, I promise.”

She smiles like the cat that ate the canary.

“It’s not nice to lie, especially after what I just did for you, Tink. Let me see it or I’m going to take it from you.” I close in on her.

“Clay, if I prove to you I didn’t take a picture, will you drop this and forget about it?” She draws her lips in a straight line.

Obviously, she’s holding in a laugh.

“Woman, you drive me crazy. Give me your phone before I turn you over my knee and spank you.”

“Hmm, is that a promise?”

“Lizzie.” I hold out my hand.

She lays it in my palm. “Right here is where my pictures are located.” She points to a little picture on her phone.

I open up the file labeled pictures. I scroll to the bottom, nothing. I scroll back to the top, nothing. “Where is it, Lizzie?” I know she took a picture. It has to be hiding on here somewhere. I open up the camera and see it’s on video. I glance over at her, “You like to make home movies?” I raise my eyebrows, “I like home movies.”



Being here at home is lonely without Clay. Phone sex isn’t any substitute for touching him. I love nothing more than wrapping my arms and legs around him every night. He’s the best teddy bear, snuggler, and kisser. He’s just the best. This past weekend was amazing. We are closer and stronger than before. I’m almost glad we went through a trial. It showed me that he’s not going to leave me. He gave me my space like I asked for, but he was still there right within reach, letting me know he still loved me.

Oakley has been spending a lot of time with her new friend, Quinn. I’m glad she’s finding best friends. It helps everything in life having a best friend. She is still so excited about the festival pageant. They have given her a list of possible interview questions and she has been really working hard on her answers.

My girls are coming over to my apartment tonight to help me pack. I want to surprise Clay when he gets back in a few weeks and be moved in like he wanted. I know that Aubrey is going to miss me, but Denise is thinking about moving in with her. Bless her heart, she still lives with her parents. Denise needs this. We’re all encouraging her to break free from her chains. She’s beginning to take our teasing like we mean it and it no longer hurts her feelings. I was tired of walking on eggshells around her.

“So, how was Nashville?” Bailey crosses her arms and an all-knowing smile is on her face.

“It was one of the best weekends of my life. We’ve come out of this ordeal a better couple.”

We are in my bedroom packing clothing. Bailey has been trying to get this information out of me for the last couple of days. It’s just like her to ask me in front of the other girls to add pressure. I’m not sharing every detail of my sex life with her like she does with me, and it freaking drives her crazy. I love that keeping my escapades from her annoys the hell out of her. That’s exactly the reason I do it.

“Details. You know you’re not getting off that easy,” Aubs hoots.

“Are we twelve?” I ask them, rolling my eyes.

“I’m glad you guys made up, Lizzie,” Denise says then waves at the other girls. “Y’all leave her alone.”

“Thank you, Denise. You’re quickly becoming my best friend,” I give the other two the evil eye.

“Spoil sport,” Bailey says.

“I will tell y’all one thing if you promise not to ask for any further details. I need to hear from all of your lips, though, that you promise.” I smile.

“We promise.” They all say.

“Friday night, after we came in from dancing,” I lower my voice and lean in, “things took a spicier turn between us. Things got so hot that the fire alarm went off.”

“Oh, you had me going for a second, Lizzie. You never give any juicy details with Clay,” Bailey says, tossing a tank top at my head.

“Lizzie, that isn’t fair. You said you would tell us one thing,” Aubs says.

“It’s the truth. Do you want to call Clay and ask him if we didn’t make the fire alarm go off in our room? Things got hot, y’all.” I fan myself.

“Yeah, I believe I will call him.” Bailey whips out her phone.

“Put it on speaker, Bailey. I wanna hear this.” Aubs looks over at me with a smirk.

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