Lover Boys Forever (17 page)

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Authors: Mickey Erlach

BOOK: Lover Boys Forever
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Ricardo was hard
-put not to get distracted by the glorious sight of those slender muscles rippling and the smooth tanned flesh awash in sweat. But with Matthew’s wild abandon to attend to he was forced to pay close attention to their sport or risk accident. Nonetheless, his cock reared up stiff and eager beneath his trousers.

Truce, friend! We have worked up a good lather, and I believe it is time to get wet and cool off,” Ricardo called out as Matthew leaped off a nearby pile of rubble directly toward him.

Truce, then! Are we going for a swim? I don’t see a stream nearby,” Matthew replied as he landed lightly beside Ricardo and smiled brightly.

Come,” the Duke answered with his own smile.

In the lee of the north side of the ruin there was a small depression in the slope. An ancient stone stairway led them down to a wall of rock and an obvious shrine. Just above head height, a carved image jutted from the wall. The time
-pitted head of a Greek God with flowing locks of stone hair boasted a yawning mouth that spouted a flow of spring water to gush downward.

Laughing, Ricardo dropped his sword to the grass and stepped up to the little waterfall. Bending over, he thrust his bare head and naked upper body beneath the flow. A rush of pleasant cold washed over him. He let out a yelp of glee as he shook his head back and forth under the flow and then leaned forward to press his hands against the wet stone while the water ran down over his upturned face.

He heard Matthew laughing behind him. He was absolutely certain the reckless youth would be more than willing to join him in the cold shower. He turned around to invite him in and was shocked to find the red-head in the act of tearing off his trousers. His sword and boots were already discarded on the grass beside Ricardo’s sword.

Here I come!”

And he was there beside him, totally naked. Ricardo fell back slightly, open
-mouthed and momentarily uncertain. The rush of cold had gone to his head, and he felt totally exhilarated. It seemed as if his vision was suddenly marvelously acute. The youth beside him shone with glowing clarity.

His slim body was half
-tan and half porcelain-pale. His crotch and bottom were almost translucent, a light bush of fair hair at the base of his pink cock and balls, and none whatsoever across the round fullness of his ass. The pale cheeks glistened ivory as the water from the spout cascaded down over them.

There was nothing to do but follow his reckless friend
’s lead, otherwise his boots and trousers were about to get soaked as Matthew vigorously splashed about in the flowing waterfall. Disregarding the tell-tale betrayal of his rearing cock, he kicked off his boots and hopped out of his trousers.

Matthew turned in time to catch a glimpse of that stiff prick as Ricardo slipped into the waterfall beside him. His crooked grin seemed slightly wicked as he pulled the Duke against him and forced him under the gusher.

They wrestled playfully under the spout, pushing and pulling in and out of the water. They found themselves in a sort of embrace as they struggled, and once more gazing into each other’s eyes.

It took all of Ricardo
’s resolve not to press his lips against his young friend’s and thrust his stiff cock into his smooth belly. Matthew seemed oblivious to the erotic tension and continued to wrestle with the naked Duke, forcing his face under the waterfall and laughing as he did.

Truce,” Ricardo sputtered as he pulled away.

Truce,” Matthew agreed, though neither released their grip on each other’s arms and shoulders immediately.

I am famished. Shall we return to the Keep for a meal? I feel fairly certain you have enjoyed enough fresh air for the day!”

Of course. Thank you. What a fine morning it’s been!”

’s cock had remained stiff even under the cold shower, and as they dressed he dared glance at Matthew’s crotch to take note of the thrilling fact his pink member had swollen upright as well.

Both aglow from the scrappy sword
-play and invigorating shower, they rode back to the Keep engaged in merry conversation. But when the stone walls of the Keep reared up before them, Ricardo’s mood dampened.

Matthew noticed.
“I’m sorry for your situation, Ricardo. I know you feel as if you are imprisoned, but I have to confess when I gaze at these daunting walls, I feel comforted. Only because you live within them, and I’m blessed to share that prison.”

Ricardo was touched, and a little chastened. Although he was concerned for his guest
’s welfare, he seemed unable to resist lascivious thoughts from rearing up to cloud that concern. He also had to admit he feared Matthew’s recovery might mean the handsome youth no longer had need of him.

That night they returned to that theme briefly before falling asleep. Ricardo lay in his high bed and Matthew on the floor beside the hearth. Wooden steps that led up to the Duke
’s bed were covered in rich Arabic carpets and the pillars that held up the curtains were elaborately carved in Arabic script as was the huge base board and head board. Forest green wool curtains surrounded it. They were pulled open where they faced Matthew on his pallet.

Your dreams trouble you, Matthew. And I know you wish to remember your past. But you seem more content than I would in your situation. Why is that?”

Ah, if you must know the truth. It is because of you. I am happy just be near you. You make up for all the rest.”

Ricardo felt suddenly breathless. The urge to invite the sweet young stranger into his bed was almost irresistible. But
, he believed this was a selfish desire. Matthew was very vulnerable. He had no friends, no life that he could recall, only Ricardo. The young Duke would not betray the trust that had blossomed between them. He would not.

I am happy to hear it. I am happy to be near you as well. The bars of my prison are less tiresome with you by my side. Good night, my friend. If you dream tonight, may you dream of a pleasant past.”

Thank you. Your concern is a real help. I hope I don’t disturb you again tonight.”

But he did. Once more the hapless youth called out in the night in his barbarous English and only ceased his thrashing and crying out when Ricardo came to lay a hand on him.

Matthew’s troubled gaze dissolved into a brief but trusting smile before he slipped back into quiet sleep. Ricardo knelt beside him for some time as the embers in the hearth lit the youth’s soft face in an angelic glow. Finally, he returned to his bed.

The disturbed nights were repeated over the next week. Matthew claimed he could recall nothing of the nightmares, or of his past, and put up a good front in pretending it didn
’t matter to him. And Ricardo put up a good front pretending he did not lust after the slim red-head’s vigorous body every waking hour.

Exercise seemed to be a balm they both enjoyed. They rode out into the countryside daily.

This particular day they rode north into a deserted countryside where Ricardo knew they would be alone. He wasn’t entirely certain of his motivations.

By mid
-afternoon, they came to a meadow that was broad and empty, splashed with a plethora of sun-gold wild flowers and boasting only a solitary olive tree in its center. Ricardo felt a sudden stab of empathetic loneliness at the sight of that gnarled and ancient tree. Ever since his father had died, he had been without love of any sort. He turned in the saddle and glanced at the youth cantering just behind. A flush of excitement suffused his handsome face while that crooked smile of his brightened the solemn and lost expression he sometimes favored. He certainly had taken to riding, even though he’d claimed that he’d never ridden before – that he could recall.

Ricardo reined in from a canter just ahead of that lone olive tree. He pulled his horse to a halt and leaped from the saddle all in one graceful movement. Matthew reined in his own steed with considerably less expertise but did manage to come to a halt beside the young Duke with laughing breathlessness. He dismounted and tethered his horse to a branch beside Ricardo

All at once it seemed eerily quiet. The horses were still breathing hard, and so were the two young men. A few insects buzzed around the nearby patches of golden flowers. A raven
’s lone caw floated in the distance.

The day was very warm, more noticeable now that they had come to a halt. The breeze off the sea was muted by the low hills between them and the shore. The sun was high and the only shade was beneath the twisted branches of the olive. They stood close, smiling at each other, neither speaking.

Ricardo’s hand came out to gently settle on Matthew’s shoulder. The intent was friendly affection, but when the red-head let out a huge sigh, a release of breath that was seemed much more than it appeared on the surface, the young Duke felt himself all at once trembling, but oddly calm at the same time.

All his misgivings about his passion for the youth
’s beautiful body dissolved as one of Matthew’s hands came up to gently squeeze his own where it lay upon the red-head’s shoulder.

It is time. May I kiss you?” As ever, the young Duke was scrupulously polite. Matthew couldn’t help but laugh.

I wondered if you would ever ask,” he replied as he snorted back his laughter.

Happily encouraged by Matthew
’s boisterous response, he smiled in return as he leaned in and kissed the pink lips to silence that laughter. The moment their lips touched, they fell into each other’s arms with a desperate abandon.

They tore each other
’s clothes off while still kissing, their tongues diving between each other’s lips, and their breath coming in snorts and gasps. When they had finally shed everything and stood on the soft spring grass beneath the dappled shade of that ancient olive, they broke apart for a moment to gaze at each other in total wonder.

Then, wordlessly they came together again in a frenzy of desire. They seized each other
’s stiff pricks and pumped them as they kissed again. Ricardo’s free hand came around to cup and squeeze a round cheek of Matthew’s ass, and the red-head followed his lead to roam a hand over the hefty expanse of the Duke’s full bottom.

A total lack of inhibition on either of their parts elevated their explorations to a free
-for-all of joyful thrusting and heaving against each other. They pumped each other’s cocks and dove into each other’s deep ass-cracks. Fingers found holes to stroke and probe.

They broke their sloppy kiss once more to seamlessly slide into a new position. Matthew turned around to lean forward and place his hands on the gnarled bole of the olive and spread his bare feet wide apart while Ricardo knelt in the grass behind him and reached out for his beautiful a

The smooth cheeks were flushed slightly pink from the Duke
’s vigorous handling, and as he spread them wide, he could see the puckered hole was flushed, too. He moaned loudly as he gawked at the gorgeous sight of that naked body, presented for his use with feet spread and ass jutting backwards.

Although Matthew was slim, his shoulders were broad and his back tapered down to the small waist before the compact globes of his a
ss reared outward in pale glory. He wriggled them with enticing lasciviousness as the Duke pulled the sweet cheeks open.

Ricardo buried his face between those lovely mounds and attacked the wrinkled slot. He tasted male musk and sweat, slithering his tongue between the quivering anal lips and deep into the warm pit beyond. He sucked on it, stabbed at it, and licked it all over. He could not get enough of it, and Matthew wriggled back into that wet attack with corresponding greed.

The kneeling Duke reached one hand around to seize Matthew’s rearing pole. The curved rod was quite lengthy with a tapered head and a rigidness to it that testified to his desire. As Ricardo delved into his sweet asshole, that column of male meat jerked and throbbed in his hand.

He pulled away from his feast with a smack and a slurp. The pink hole was swollen and dripping with saliva. It was ready for cock. He rose on shaky legs and moved in to plant his prick where his face had just been. He spit down over the fat pole, dark purple now and throbbing with desire. Matthew reached back with one hand and added more spit to the gooey mess already there. Ricardo spit again, and again. Matthew wriggled against the stiffness and whispered his need.

“Do it, Ricardo. I need you in me. I need you in me more than anything else in the world.”

His golden eyes moist with tears of joy, he obeyed the red
-head’s command. He aimed for the pink hole and began to press against it. Both of them gasped as blunt cock-head immediately slipped past quivering sphincter and slithered inward.

Quivering heat enveloped his prick. Snug but accommodating anal muscle welcomed him. Matthew groaned as he pushed backward
s and swallowed up half of Ricardo’s thick meat in one slow gulp.

The Duke leaned forward and found Matthew
’s face as the young red-head turned his head and met him. They kissed again, slowly and deeply as that fat prick steadily burrowed home. It seemed as if they were made for each other as balls met ass and they became one.

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