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Authors: Mickey Erlach

Lover Boys Forever (14 page)

BOOK: Lover Boys Forever
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Vincent, please. Stop,” Storie said.

I’m going to kill him.”

Hit me,” Pierre instigated, “It won’t change Storie’s mind. He wants me.”

You know nothing about Storie,” Vincent said. He usually could keep his cool even when pressed, but when things involved Storie, not even he could control himself. He roughly released Pierre with his fist still threatening the guy, and faced Storie, “I love you.”

Vincent …” Storie said.

Vincent turned toward Pierre,
“Storie belongs me. I’ll screw him right in front of you as his punishment for even thinking about going to France with you.”

What?” Storie was almost horrified at the sudden words. Pierre was shocked, too. Before Storie could protest, Vincent had already pushed him on his back in the nearby alley. His body was limp from the surprise of it all.

When Vincent ripped off his clothes like a beast, he was no longer in disbelief. He lay with his legs spread apart
, and his pale body was too warm to feel the coldness of the ground. Neither of them cared to see if Pierre was still watching. Storie imagined that Pierre probably hurried off in defeat. He couldn’t think much when Vincent was capturing his mind, body and soul.

’s sweaty body was above him. The first kiss was soft and sweet. His lips pressed against Storie’s in a jab like motion, but once Storie’s lips were half open, he shoved his blazing tongue inside. The muscles coiled, and his tongue tickled the roof of Storie’s mouth. When he pulled away, a thin string of saliva broke and lay on his chin.

It’s been a while since I kissed you like this,” he said in the lewdest way possible. Storie wanted to say anything, but when he attempted words, Vincent’s tongue lashed out at his. Filling his mouth, he could only manage to let little moans escape through his breaths. Since Vincent was so close, the scent of his cologne and sweat was intensified.

Unconsciously, Storie
’s finger darted to Vincent’s hard-on, still bulging through the denim. He wanted it badly and that was all the invitation Vincent needed. The noise of the zipper revived a strong happiness in Storie, drawing his lips to a smile. Just looking at his face from this view overwhelmed him with emotion. His swollen cock was an indication.

Vincent didn
’t hesitate. He pressed the tip of his stiff penis against Storie’s anus. Storie was so tight; it was always like this, but right now seemed like he was tighter than usual. Storie cried out. He wiggled his hips in both pain and pleasure. And even though Vincent hadn’t used his member on him yet, Storie already felt as if he were about to explode. Each inch crawled inside the shuddering Storie as he moaned. His body was squeezing the shaft so viciously that he heard Vincent groan as well, “Oh god … you’re so tight,”

Instead of hurling a complaint like
“it’s been so long since you screwed me,” Storie struggled to breathe.

Relax,” Vincent’s voice was a husky whisper. He began thrusting at a quick rhythm. Storie released a frenzy of short moans as his anus stretched to fully accommodate the thick rod. His hips bucked as Vincent’s meat was buried deep inside him. His mounds of flesh scrapped back and forth on the ground as Vincent diligently thrust inside. Feeling the warmth of Vincent’s lips pressed against his again created a kiss tenderer than any other they had shared in the past. As a wave of bittersweet pleasure flooded his body, even with Vincent’s mouth on his, moans still struggled to escape. Vincent caressed Storie’s body. Fingers excited him so easily.

His body rocked back and forth. He couldn
’t hold back any longer. A sweet fluid ran down his shaft and spilled on his thigh. When he managed to look at Vincent apologetically for releasing so soon, he noticed Vincent had no intention of stopping there. He was determined to make Storie come twice.

Beads of sweat ran down his forehead. He didn
’t bother to wipe them. The jagged noise of their friction echoed off the walls of the alley and the air seemed so hot. Storie bit his bottom lip. His fingers grappled at the ground until his hands clinched into fists. Vincent pushed in deeper, slamming his tool against the hot walls of Storie. All that remained exposed was Vincent’s balls. The next climax was coming soon. Vincent’s pace quickened. The intense pleasure made Storie feel so weak. He bucked his hips, loving the deep penetration. Vincent’s penis twitched, and he gave one last thrust. Storie’s cock was impatient. He already came, but his penis was begging for another release. Vincent jerked back, released a violent groan and flooded Storie’s body with his milk. Simultaneously, Storie’s juices gushed out, circling his navel. He breathed heavily, his chest bouncing up and down and his eyes closed. Vincent slouched over on him.

I can’t believe I screwed you outside.”

Yeah,” Storie said. He forgot where he was for a little while.

Pierre’s gone.”

Oh,” Storie said and then giggled a little.

What are you giggling about?”

You. I can’t believe you screwed me in front of him. Jeez – Vincent, sometimes I really don’t know who you are,” Storie said with an exhausted smile. He then kissed his boyfriend and wrapped his limp arms loosely around Vincent’s shoulders.

Were you really going to go?” Vincent said.


You know, go with Pierre?”

Storie didn
’t say anything. He couldn’t judge himself because at the time, he felt helpless. The two were silent for a moment.

I don’t have your ring yet, and I know this is a little sudden but … will you marry me?”

Vincent …” the name spilled from between Storie’s lips. He gazed into his soon to be husband’s eyes and kissed him. It was a moment like this that made Storie fall in love with him again and again.

It was 10
:00 am, which was a little too early for Storie, but today was different. He was happy in a bittersweet way. He was at the airport with the ticket to France in hand. The edges were slightly bent because he had been fidgeting with it as he waited. As planned, he spotted Pierre dressed in a trench coat and holding luggage.

I didn’t expect to see you here. You’re not a morning person.”

Yeah I didn’t expect to be here.”

When the nervous chit
-chat died, they found themselves just staring into each other eyes. Then Pierre interrupted, “I have to get going.”

Oh. Yeah. I just wanted to give you this.”

He handed Pierre the ticket. Pierre hesitated at first but then accepted it.

“Maybe I could invite you to my wedding, some day. It’ll be fun.”

Pierre smiled at him. It was a fake smile, somewhat more provoking than the Mona Lisa.

“Goodbye, Storie,” he said.

When Pierre quickly walked away, Storie remained standing there. He watched Pierre until he was out of sight. He looked down at the silver ring with the small white diamond in the center on his finger. He exited with a sharp breath. As he stepped toward the car, he heard Vincent from the window,
“Hurry up, it’s going to rain soon.”

I’m coming.”

Storie looked up at the sky and said quietly to himself,
“Goodbye Pierre and thank you for rekindling us.” He then smiled and ran toward the man with whom he was going to spend the rest of his days.

By Fox Lee

Fox Lee is a writer of gay erotica and horror (as Natalie L. Sin). In addition to writing, she enjoys way too much coffee and is the proud owner of a
“pushorkie.” Visit her at:

My cellphone rang on the way to the bar. I answered, knowing it would be Bryan, one of my best friends and the man behind that night’s blind date. My romantic life was in a dry spell, and according to Bryan, if I didn’t go on a date soon I would forget how. I told him he was an asshole, and stole a bottle of his Jack Daniels.

Hello, Bryan,” I said. “Are you checking up on me?”

Yes. Are you on your way?”

Yes. Did you tell him to keep an eye out for a guy that looks like he just got back from a rock concert?”

Yes, because heaven forbid you dress up for a date.”

It’s a clean shirt.”

David, you make a very good living. Do you think you could maybe put on a polo shirt once in a while?”

No. Anything else?”

Do you even own a tie?”

I mean do I need to know anything else for this date?”

Well …”

I stopped in my tracks.
I knew all along Bryan was holding something back, and I wanted to know what it was before I stepped into the bar and inflicted my reaction on some poor guy who didn’t know what was coming.

I’m going to find out in less than five minutes,” I said. “You might was well tell me.”

Billy isn’t exactly your type. Physically.”

Jesus Christ, did you set me up with a bear?”

He snorted.
“You think I would waste a bear on you?”

You can’t fuck them all, Bryan.”

I can try. And he’s not a bear. I met him in a chatroom for Rockabilly fans, back in college.”

I could handle a rockabilly.
My heart belonged to eighties’ rock, but I had a healthy respect for its ancestors. But music taste wasn’t physical, so I pressed on Bryan harder.

Send me a picture. Now.”

Fine. Hold on.”

Thank goodness for smart phones, I thought.
Even if Bryan didn’t have a picture of the guy, he could grab one from online and send it.

There, Bryan said. “It’s on its way.”

The picture arrived, and I groaned my disapproval into the phone.
Billy was my age, tall and fit with broad shoulders.

He’s taller than me,” I said.

Oh boo fucking hoo. Poor baby doesn’t get to date a delicate little flower.”

They aren’t delicate little flowers.”

Bryan and I had the opposite taste in men.
He liked bears, the hairier the better, while I stuck to Asians like myself. I liked them slender and boyish, unlike myself, and preferably a little younger. Bryan said it made me a dirty old man, I argued that you can’t be a dirty old man in your thirties.

You owe me for this,” I said as I neared the bar. “Big time.”

Be nice. Billy is a really good guy.”

That doesn’t mean I’m going to suck his dick.”

I hung up on Bryan, and tucked the phone into my pocket after switching it to vibrate.
Bad date or not, I believed in being a gentleman. The alpha male, if you will. The latter of which being a bit difficult when you were dating a Japanese giant.

It was worse in person.
Even before he stood up, I could tell Billy was at least six and a half feet tall. He looked down at me, his eyes focused more on my belt than my face. I thought he was sizing me up, until I saw that his ears were bright red. He was nervous, more than I had ever seen someone before. The ears led me to the hair, which was styled like a nineteen-fifties greaser. I added “Fonzie” to the Japanese giant title, and took a seat next to him at the bar.

So you’re David,” he said.

Yes.” I signaled the bartender, and ordered a whiskey neat. Billy had a beer, which he toyed with while he spoke.

I’ve really been looking forward to meeting you,” he said.

He still wouldn
’t look at me. He would look at parts of me, at nearby objects on the bar, but never at me. I felt a twinge and cautioned my heart to watch itself. I didn’t care how goofy he was, I wasn’t dating Japanese Fonzie Giant. My whiskey came, placed absent-mindedly by the bartender to my far left, and I brushed Billy’s hand when I reached for it. His beer bottle shot across the bar, fell on its side, and rolled onto the floor where it crashed on the bartender’s side. Billy stared at it, wide eyed, then at me. The bartender came over, his eyes shooting daggers between us.

My bad,” I told him. “I have a nervous tic.”

Be more careful,” the guy snapped.

He stomped off to get a broom and dustpan, and I gave him the finger as soon as his back was turned.

Let’s go sit at a table, so I don’t have look at that asshole.” I put my arm around Billy’s waist, and led him to a booth by the window. “I’ll tell the hostess where we are and get some menus.”

I had slipped into the role of
“guy in charge,” something that delighted, then eventually pissed off, nearly every guy I ever dated. I believed people were equal in a relationship, but for me it was like dancing. More often than not, someone had to lead.

You didn’t have to cover for me,” Billy said, when I came back.

He would have bitched at you.”

No one ever bitches at you?”

Not for long.”

We looked over the menus in silence and ordered without exchanging notes on what we would get to eat like people normally do on a date.
After the waitress left, I prayed Billy would say something, anything, to keep the date from circling any further down the drain.

Have you ever been to Japan?” He asked. “I was born there, in Tokyo, it’s a great place to visit.”

My body sagged in relief.
“I’ve been all over Japan, Tokyo’s my favorite, especially Shibuya.”

Billy grinned, the first genuine smile I had seen on him.
“Do you know any Japanese?”

I grinned back and told him to show me his dick, in perfect Tokyo
-style Japanese. Billy’s arm jerked, and his glass met its untimely end on the restaurant floor.

I’m sorry,” he said to the waitress who ran over. “I’m so sorry!”

It’s OK, sweety,” She patted him on the arm like he was a little kid. “Do you want me to bring you another?”

Yes, please.”

I was mortified.
Not at him, but at myself.

I’m sorry,” I said. “I didn’t really mean what I said, I was just showing off.”

It’s OK. It’s just a little surprising when you hear it in your own language. I’m not a prude or anything.”

I believe you.”

How do you know Japanese so well?”

I usually explained my ability with one sentence, I have a Japanese stepmother, but Billy looked so lost, and somehow small, on his side of the booth that I went with the long version.

Once upon a time my dad got his girlfriend pregnant,” I said. “He was happy, she was not. They had to get married, at least that’s what her family said, which they did. She had the baby six months later, and disappeared a few days after that. My dad got over her, what he couldn’t get over was the thought of me growing up without a mother.” I drank my whiskey, and let the beginning of the story settle in Billy’s head. He nodded, and I went on. “Meanwhile, in Japan, there was a woman who got really sick as a teenager. She got better, but the doctors told her she would never be able to have children. One day, she met a guy from Thailand who was in Japan on business. He flirted with her, badly, but she agreed to go out to dinner with him because he had the kindest eyes she had ever seen. That’s the part of the story where I throw up a little.”

It’s sweet,” Billy said. “And they got married?”

That same year. I was still young, so she’s the only mother I ever had. She never thought of me as a stepson, and made sure I knew the ‘other side’ of my family. Which meant Japanese language lessons and yearly trips to her home city. And that is how I can say filthy things to people in Japanese.”

That’s what I always wanted. A really memorable love story, I mean.” Billy said.

No luck yet?”

I’ve only had one serious relationship, and they wouldn’t exactly make a movie out of it.”

You’ve only dated one guy?”

I blurted it out without thinking.
Billy looked down and shrugged.

I’ve dated other guys, but nothing stuck. My ex said that dating me was like bait and switch.”

The food arrived, sparing Billy from the indignity of having to elaborate.
I steered the conversation back to Japan, and Japanese food, then to music. Billy seemed content for me to take the lead, and brightened up over the course of the meal. By the time I asked for the check, I felt sure that no more glass would shatter that evening. I walked him to his car, intent on saying goodbye for the first and last time. I hugged him, gave him the “glad we met” pat on the back and stepped away. Billy looked deflated, which made me feel like a piece of shit. I told myself it was weird that he was that invested after one dinner, and I had nothing to feel guilty about.

Can I ask you a question?” He asked. “Is it really that big a deal, the way I look?”

My inside
’s froze, and my mouth filled with cotton. I made a mental note to kill Bryan, when I got a chance.

It’s OK,” Billy said. “You like what you like. I just hoped that if we met, I could get you to make an exception. Two years wasted, huh?”

The cotton melted, and slid down my throat.
I took a step closer. “Two years?”

Fuck,” Billy sighed. “Can you pretend you didn’t hear that?”

Not really,” I said. “Let’s take a drive.”

I nodded
toward the driver’s side, and got into the passenger’s.

Where am I going?” Billy asked.

You’re dropping me off at my apartment. On the way, you can explain what you meant by two years.”

Billy left the parking lot, and I told him which turn to take to get to my place.

You can start now,” I said.

Bryan keeps a picture of the two of you in his apartment, he keeps pictures of lots of his friends, but you were the one I noticed. I asked him to introduce me, but he said it wasn’t a good idea. It took two years to get him to feel sorry enough for me to set us up.”

Why didn’t you just contact me yourself? Look up my number on his phone, or find out my email address?”

I couldn’t. I’m not good at that.”

You can annoy Bryan for two years, but you can’t call me on the phone?”

I can’t make the first move. It’s too scary. I know that must make me sound like a loser, but that’s just the way I am.”

I wanted to mount him.
I wanted to pull his pants down around his ankles, twist him backwards on the seat, and make him scream my name. The problem was that he was still driving, and my condoms were back in the apartment. As soon as he got to my building and parked, I snatched the keys out of the ignition and beckoned him to follow me.

I managed to wait until we were in the elevator to push him against the wall and shove my tongue down his throat.
Billy whimpered, an honest to god helpless whimper, and hung on to me like he was afraid the bottom was going to drop out of the elevator. My hand went down the front of his pants, where it was greeted by at least seven rock hard inches. I unwrapped them inside my apartment, putting aside giving Billy the grand tour for later. He fell backwards onto my couch, his knees spread wide and his ankles bound together by his jeans and underwear. I took my shirt off, and tossed it to the side.

Tell me when you’re going to come,” I said. “I want to watch.”

What changed?” He asked. “I don’t want to look a gift horse in the mouse or anything, but …”

Instead of answering, I sucked his cock into my mouth and flicked it with the tip of my tongue.
Billy whimpered again, entirely at my mercy, and suddenly I didn’t give two shits how broad his shoulders were. I tugged his balls, lightly, and bobbed on his thick shaft. He stroked my hair and panted my name. As the spaces between “Davids” decreased, he yelled that he was coming, and I let his cock pop out of my mouth and aimed it at my chest. When he was done and opened his eyes, there was a river running down my stomach toward my own throbbing organ.

BOOK: Lover Boys Forever
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