Lover's Road (12 page)

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Authors: E. L. Todd

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

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Without knocking, I walked inside.

She flinched when I burst into her door. She turned her gaze on me, which was completely unreadable. If she was angry, I didn’t know. If she was shocked, I had no idea.

The desk had a few pictures littered across the surface. There was one of she and I at Scarlet’s wedding, and another one of us sitting on the couch at the old apartment in Seattle…and another one. I was everywhere.

Janice watched my face while she remained in the chair. “Why are you surprised?” Her voice was cold. “It’s pretty redundant to state you’re my boyfriend when it’s pretty damn clear that you are.”

I met her gaze and put my hands in my pockets. “You want to get lunch?”

“Not really,” she said coldly. “The only reason you’re here is just to check on me when I least expected it. So what did you hope to find? Me giving Cal a blow job? Him taking me right across this desk?” The ferocity shined in her eyes. “I’m home at the same time every single day, and when I do go out, I’m with Monnique and Scarlet. When would I have time to sneak around and get some on the side?” She shook her head slightly. “I can barely keep up with you pounding me three times a day. You think I need more?”

I swallowed the lump in my throat.

“So, if you’re here just to check on me, get the fuck out.” She turned back to her computer and typed an email. She pretended I wasn’t there.

“You have a nice office.”

“Thank you. I worked for it.”

Another jab sent my way. “I never said you didn’t deserve it.”

“But I got it sucking Cal’s cock, right?”

Fuck, I was getting si
ck of her saying shit like that. I hated imagining her with anyone but me. “Shut your mouth.”

Her eyes widened. “You can dish it out but you can’t take it. Don’t accuse me of cheating on you if you can’t handle it.”

“I want to get lunch,” I said firmly.

“Too bad. I already have lunch plans.”

I knew exactly with whom. “Cal?”

“Yep.” She said it without embarrassment. “He’ll be here in a second so I suggest you get out.”

“You’re kicking me out?”

“You’re just here to harass me. I don’t need that right now.”

“And I don’t need you hurting me like this.”

For a second in time, her eyes softened. But the sympathy vanished quickly. “Whatever pain you feel is being caused by yourself, not me. I’m in this relationship completely even if you don’t think so. Even now, when you’re being nothing but an asshole, I’m still here a hundred percent. If I didn’t lo
ve you so much, I’d already be gone.”

“Doesn’t seem like
it,” I said bitterly.

A knock on the door echoed in the room. Then it opened, revealing Cal in his expensive s
uit and even more expensive shoes. “Ready for some grub?”

“Yes.” She flicked her hair and stood up, making my heart accelerate. Her curves were endless and her posture was perfect. When I looked at Cal, he was eyeing her dress.


Cal’s eyes flashed in recognitio
n when he saw me. “Hello, Ryan. It’s nice to see you again.”

I didn’t speak. I just glared at him.

Janice threatened to end my life with her eyes. “Ignore Ryan. He’s under the weather today.”

“Oh.” Cal turned to her. “Did you already have lunch plans with him?”

“No,” she said quickly. “Let’s go.”

“Yes, she did,” I said firmly. “Her boyfriend would like to take her our for a meal. That is, if you stop hogging her.”

Janice looked like she might kill me.

“My apologies,” Cal said quickly. “Why don’t we all go together?”

“He’s fine,” Janice said quickly. “Let’s go.”

“Nonsense,” Cal said. “I’d like to get to know your boyfriend a little better.”

So you know how to get rid of me for good.

Janice finally stopped trying to ditch me. “Whatever.”

Cal put his hand on her waist then guided her out of the office.

This fucker wanted to get stabbed.

I followed behind him then hooked my arm around her waist, pulling her so close to me she could barely walk. Janice tried to step away but I kept her firmly placed against me. She hissed under her breath but that didn’t relax my muscles.

We left the building then walked to a small café just a block away. We stood in line then Cal ordered his food. When he finished, he told Janice to order next, intending to pay for her meal.

I don’t think so, buddy.
“I got it,” I said firmly.

“I’d like to treat both of you,” Cal said with a smile.

“No, thank you,” I said rudely. “I can pay for ours.”

Cal finally backed off then took his tray to a table.

“You’re unbelievable,” Janice hissed the second he walked away.

“I’m good at rocking your world,” I said. “Tell me something I don’t know.”

“Shut the hell up.”

The guy at the register looked like he wanted to crawl away.

“Just order your damn food and shut up,” I snapped.

“Which one do you want me to do, smartass? Shut up or order my food?”

“You’re the damn smartass. Now order.”

Janice gave me a
look of menace then spit out her order. I picked a random number off the menu, having no idea what the hell I ordered. It could have been pig’s feet for all I knew.

I grabbed the trays then carried it to the booth where Cal sat. He was eating a salad with a side of fruit.

Pretentious asshole.

Janice scooted in then I sat beside her. My arm hooked around her shoulder and I anchored her close to me. She tried to squirm away but I refused to let her go. I’d eat with one hand if I had to. Janice finally gave up and ate her salad.

Cal took a small bite of his salad then looked at me. “So, you’re a tattoo artist? That’s pretty cool.”

He knew what I did for a living?
“Uh, yeah. I like it.”

“My roommate from college got a tattoo of a unicorn eating an Oreo.” He smirked. “When he woke up the next morning, he screamed. Lesson learned; never get a tattoo when you’re drunk.”

“I’ve seen worse. A guy had me tattoo a panda being burned alive. That was pretty weird.”

Cal laughed. “God, you must see some crazy folks in there.”

“You have no idea.”

“You miss Seattle?” he asked while he ate his food. “I lived there for a short time.”

He knew where I was from?
“Sometimes. I miss the summers, that’s for sure.”

He smirked. “The humidity gets old. I’m impressed you opened your shop at the age of twenty-two. That’s a huge accomplishment for a man so young.”

Did this guy read my biography or something?
“I saved a lot of money for a few years until I had the down payment.”

He nodded. “Smart guy.”

I glanced at Janice and saw a cocky grin on her face. When I turned back to Cal, he was picking at his fruit. “Janice told me you play basketball pretty often. You should join me and the guys at my gym. We can get pretty competitive though, I have to admit.”

“I can get competitive too.”

“Then join us,” he insisted. “It gets old playing with the same guys all the time.”

“I’ll think about it.” I looked down at my food and saw the salmon quesadilla. I hated fish. I picked at the fries and shoved them in my mouth. Who the hell would order a salmon quesadilla?

Cal finished his food then adjusted his tie. He had impeccable table manners and sat straighter than a piece of wood. He was too elegant to be real. I felt like I was meeting Christian Grey from
Fifty Shades of Grey
. What the hell?

Janice finished her food then pushed it away. “How’s baby Emery doing?”

“Good,” Cal said. “My sister has been home ever since. And she says breast feeding is a pain in the ass.” He chuckled at his own joke.

“Congratulations to her,” Janice said.

So they talked about their personal lives to each other, apparently. And he seemed to know a lot about me.

“So, Janice tells me you two share a nice apartment together,” Cal said. “But it’s a little small. I have a friend who is moving soon, and you should put in an application to grab his place. It’s pretty nice.”

“We’re getting married soon so we may buy a house.” I wanted to make it clear I could take care of my own girl. Just because I wasn’t an executive at a company didn’t mean I didn’t make a lot of money.

“Real estate is always smart.” He finished his plate until there wasn’t a single crumb left.

Janice was done too. “You aren’t going to eat?”

I glanced at my food. “I guess I’m not hungry.”

“Then why did you want to get lunch?” she jabbed.

I ignored her.

“Well, let’s head back to the office.” Cal stood up then adjusted his tie for a second time. I rose then helped Janice to her feet. Her heels were high and intimidating. If she kicked me in the balls, it would hurt like a motherfucker.

We walked back to the building then headed to the

Cal extended his hand. “It was nice seeing you again, Ryan.”

Janice burned me with her eyes, threatening to kill me if I didn’t return his embrace.

Not wanting to make a scene in front of her colleagues, I put my pride aside and did it.

He winked. “I’ll see you around.”

Janice walked into her office without waiting for me. I followed behind her then shut the door.

“I don’t like him!” I snapped. “You spend way too much time with him and he’s a—”

“Shut the hell up.” She didn’t yell but her command sliced through the air. She crossed her arms over her chest and gave me a look I’d never seen before. Not only was she pissed, but she was disappointed. “If you pulled your head out of your ass
for once second, you would see who Cal really is rather than just a threat. If you actually listened to what he had to say, this war would be over. He knew everything about you because all I do is talk about you, Ryan. I didn’t shove all the information down his throat then pay him to regurgitate it to you. My desk is covered in pictures of us. How much clearer can I make it that I’m with you? And to top it off, you’re totally missing his biggest characteristic.”


“He’s gay.”

That hit me like a freight train. The knowledge washed over me like an ocean wave. His constant bubbliness, his impeccable attire, his appreciation for Janice’s clothes, his salad…it all made sense. God, I felt like the biggest idiot in the world.

Janice’s mirth hadn’t dimmed down. “You humiliated me during my first work party. Now I’ll always be known as the boss with the psycho boyfriend. Their respect for me has diminished ever since. When I ask them to do something, I have to put in so much more effort to get it done. You sabotaged a job I love before it even began. And all because you saw some guy that was just as good-looking as you. You never trusted me from the very beginning. I shouldn’t have had to tell you he was gay. You should have just fucking trusted me. So, if you expect me to apologize for my behavior, forget it. You should get on your knees and beg me to stay with you. Because if I were anyone else, I would have left a long time ago.”

I didn’t know what to say. For the first time, I was speechless.

“Now get out of my office.”

I stayed rooted to the spot, trying to think of something to say.

“I said get out.” Her voice dripped with hatred. I knew she meant business.

I sighed then reached for the door. I wanted to apologize, to tell her I loved her, to do something to fix this, but I knew the damage had been done. I screwed this up.



Bounce on my dick.

You’re so gross.

Come on, baby.  You knew I was gross when we met.

When we met, you were a perfect gentleman. I miss that.

I knew those days were over.
No, you don’t. You like it when I’m gross with you. And I’m gross with only you.

How did you manage to make that sweet?

I smiled.
Because you know how desperately in love I am with you.

I’m rolling my eyes right now.

Roll your eyes while you ride my cock.

Watch that mouth of yours.

I loved arguing with her.
Why don’t you watch it when you make me come?



She didn’t respond.

Come to my office. I’m your boss. Do what I say.
I knew that would entice her into typing a response.

You may be the boss at work, but I’m the boss at home.

Ooh…that’s hot. Come up here and teach me a lesson.

You aren’t going to stop, are you?

My baby knew me too well.


I bet you are…

I put the phone down and adjusted my tie. Then I moved to the couch and got comfortable. Knowing Cassandra was just a floor below me had me hard all day long. I could get my dick wet anytime I wanted. I could have best sex of my life for lunch.

When she came inside and locked the door, I put my hands behind my head then winked at her.

She grinned at me then sauntered closer.

I eyed her turquoise dress and the up-do she put her hair in. It revealed her slender neck and soft chin. Her lips were red and full. The curves of her body in her dress immediately had me excited. I imagined her naked even though I was about to see it.

Slowly, she unzipped her dress and let it fall off her body.

I was getting a strip show. “Look who’s gross now.”

“Shut your mouth if you want me to keep going.”

I closed my lips and zipped them shut. I gave her another wink.

Her dress dropped to the floor, revealing her black bra and matching thong. Seeing her in heels reminded me of a supermodel on the runway. But this girl actually had curves—gorgeous curves.

She peeled off her bra, revealing her full tits. She tossed the bra at me, hitting me in the face. I smirked then felt it slide into my lap. Cassandra turned around then pulled her thong down, revealing her ass and then her pussy.

I shifted my weight because my cock was pressing against my slacks, hurting at the odd angle.

She turned around then kicked her thong at me. It hit me in the face. I inhaled the scent and felt a shiver down my spine.

Fuck, my girl was hot.

Still wearing her heels, she glided to me then gripped my tie. She pulled it off then unbuttoned my shirt, taking her time. I was about to burst from need. Her strip tease made me harder than a nail in a board.

When my shirt was off, she loosened my slacks and pulled them down with my briefs. Then she sat on my lap, her heels still on.

I liked it when she wore heels.

I moved my hands to her hips then took her nipples into my mouth, sucking and licking the warm skin. Her hair was pulled back, so I had free access to her delicious skin. My hard cock was pressed against my stomach, and it twitched in desire for Cassandra. She gripped the shaft then massaged it.

“Stop teasing me, baby…” I was leaking from the tip.

Her hands gripped my shoulders and she pulled herself up, using my mass as an anchor.
Then she pushed me inside her, slowly stretching her body as she descended.

My head rolled back and I moaned. “Shit, that feels good.” She was wet and tight.

Her nails dug into my skin and she bounced up and down, taking me entirely into her over and over. Her breasts shook in my face and she breathed while she worked her ass. Fuck, it was hot.

She was a strong woman with powerful muscles and even more powerful stamina. She could move up and down without tiring out. I gripped her hips then moved her with me, thrusting my hips into her from below. Every time I reached far inside her, I thought I might come.

Cassandra bit her lip then dug her nails into me. “I love your cock.” By the unique moans she was making, I knew she was hitting her euphoria. And I loved the dirty words she just said. I gripped her tighter and thrust into her hard from below, giving her as much pleasure as I could. She panted as she finished, looking winded and satisfied.

I felt my cock explode in a heated release. I grunted as I filled her, watching her move up and down for me, desire and heat in her eyes. Just for me. I filled her, claiming her like I did every morning and every night.

When I was done, I pressed my face between her breasts and breathed in her scent. Now that I released my sexual frustration, I just wanted to cuddle with her. My hands hooked around her waist and I held her close to me. Her hands moved through my hair then she wrapped her arms around my neck.

“Thanks for being gross with me,” I whispered.

“You’re very persuasive.”

“I try.” I pulled away and met her look. “I should put your office in here. Then you wouldn’t have to walk.”

“We would get nothing done,” she said with a laugh.

“Who cares? Most of the time, I do everything wrong and Sean has to fix it.”

“I doubt that. I know you’re a hard worker even though you’ll never admit it.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about

“You worked fifteen hours every day
when Sean was with Scarlet during the miscarriage.” She gave me a pointed look. “You’re an invaluable team member.”

“Damn…you caught me.”

She chuckled. “I know my man better than he thinks.”

I kissed her forehead. “I love you more than anything in this damn world.” The emotion escaped my voice. Cassandra hadn’t left me when she found out I slept with Zeal, but that week was horrific for me. When you find something that means more than the whole world, you’re desperate not to lose it.

Her eyes softened as she moved her fingers through my hair. “I love you too.”

I pulled her to my chest. “I don’t want to get back to work.”

“Well, I have to.”

“No, you don’t. I’ll write you a note,” I said with a smile.

She moved off my lap, taking all my insides with her. “I wanted to talk to you about something.”

“What’s up, baby?” I pulled her back into my lap. I didn’t like talking when we weren’t touching. I liked her naked body being close to mine.

“My parents invited me to dinner tomorrow night…”

“Oh.” Where was she going with this?

“I haven’t told them about you, but…I’d like it if they met you.”

“You want them to meet me?” I asked incredulously.

“If you’re willing…”

“Of course, I am,” I said with a smile. “I’d love to meet the parents of the greatest girl in the world.”


I held her tighter. “Yeah. I’m glad you asked me.”

“Okay. Good.”

“But…are they crazy like my mom?”

She laughed. “God, no.”

“Phew.” I wiped the imaginary sweat from my forehead. “Then we’re good.”

“No one can beat your mother. How is she, by the way?”

I didn’t like talking about my parents’ divorce. I wasn’t sure why. “I wouldn’t know.”

“You haven’t seen her?”


She studied my face for a moment. “Maybe we should go see her.”

“ I have better things to do.” I kissed her neck then her lips. “But I should get back to work.”

“You’re trying to change the subject.”

Damn. This girl was good.

“But I’ll let you…this one time.”


I went to the gym with my girl after work. She had her own exercise regime and I had mine. I noticed she never did the same thing twice. There were days when she focused on cardio, and there were days when she only lifted weights, but obviously, it was working. She had a tighter ass and flatter stomach than any other girl I knew. I glanced in the mirror and noticed the tattoo down her ribs. I always wanted to know what that meant to her.

Guys blatantly checked her out as they passed. I tried not to let it bother me. Having a hot girlfriend had its consequences. Everyone wanted a piece. Too bad. She’s mine.

We went home and showered before we prepared dinner. She was better in the kitchen than I was, but I helped her in whatever way I could. I never thought doing something so domestic would be fun, but I loved doing everything with her.

We sat down and ate together. Cassandra tended to cook meat, vegetables, and fruit. There was never bread or dessert. In fact, the freezer was totally empty. Now I understand why her body was so phenomenal.

“Baby, can I ask you something?”

She sipped her wine. “You may. But you don’t need to ask for permission.”

“Well, it’s a personal question.”

“There’s nothing about me you don’t already know.”

“Actually, there’s a lot,” I countered.

“Then fire away.”

I finished my chicken then rested my arms on the table. “What does your tattoo mean?”

“Oh.” She touched her side absent-mindedly. “They are song lyrics.”

“What song?”

She squirmed in her seat, clearly uncomfortable. “My wedding song. Zander has
a matching one across his ribs.”

Oh. I didn’t like that response. I used to think the tattoo was sexy in a daring way. I never had a preference for tat girls or girls with virgin skin, but now I was averse to hers. Every time I looked at it, it would remind me of him. It wouldn’t be a big deal if he hadn’t hurt her, making her eyes black and blue.

“I’ve wanted to remove it, but frankly, I just can’t afford it.”

I stared at the surface of the counter, unsure what to say.

“I don’t want you to think less of me…”

“I don’t,” I said quickly. “I don’t care that they are lyrics from your wedding. I really don’t. But the fact he hurt you…that’s what gets under my skin. Now every time I see it, I’ll think of all the bruises and cuts on your face from that night.”

Her eyes softened. “Then don’t think about it.”

“I’ll pay for you to remove it.”

“I don’t need your money, Mike.”

“I want it gone.” I didn’t mean to raise my voice but I did.

“And I’ll remove it when I can.”

“How much is it?”

“It’s about three hundred dollars per session, times eight sessions. So, it adds up.”

“I got you covered, Cassandra. Please just get rid of it.”

Cassandra’s eyes brightened in anger. “It’s a long and painful process, and since the tat is large, it will take at least two months for it to be permanently gone. While I want it to be gone, it’s a very torturous journey to get there.”

I knew I was being too pushy. “How about you put something else over it?”

She sipped her wine and considered my words. “I hadn’t thought of that.”

“You could put a flower or something. Or maybe a dragon breathing fire.”

She rolled her eyes. “That sounds like a tattoo you would get.”

I smirked. “Just get something you like.”

“I’ll have to think about it.”

If she got a dragon shitting jellybeans, I would be happy with that over the one she had now.

“So, do your parents know we live together?” I asked.


That surprised me. “Do they know I even exist?”

“No. I haven’t talked to them lately.”

I nodded. “Maybe you should give them a warning beforehand.”

“I’ll call my mom later.”

“Anything else I should know?”

“Um…” She tucked her hair behind her ear. “I’d prefer it if you didn’t tell them you’re loaded.”

“Oh. I thought that would make them love me. I wouldn’t have to worry about having manners or being charismatic.”

She smiled. “They’ll love you, Mike. I have no doubt.”

“They won’t be annoyed that I’m going to be your new husband?”

She raised an eyebrow. “You’re jumping the gun, don’t you think?”

“I didn’t ask you to move in with me just for the hell of it.”

Cassandra averted her gaze.

“Do you not want to get married?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. What does a marriage license mean anyway?”

“A lot—to me.”

She sipped her wine then stared at the glass.

“Cassandra, are you telling me you never want to marry me?”

“Never say never,” she said quickly. “But I don’t know… I was already married once.”

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