Love's Destiny (Love Trilogy #2) (27 page)

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“Sure” she quickly agreed.

“I haven’t had anything to eat all day, and I’m starving.” I told her trying to look deprived. “Do you think you could pop into the kitchen and snag me something?”

“Yeah, I guess.” She said looking a little reluctant.

“Thanks! I’ll be upstairs. Got to see if Tyler needs anything. You know, Best Man duties.” I winked again as I passed her on the stairs.

“Your hair really looks great.” I called over my shoulder and glanced back to see her playing with it again as she headed toward the kitchen.

It was almost too easy. All it took was a smile and a wink, a few compliments and girls would do anything you asked.

I skipped up the rest of the stairs and followed the hallway to Tyler’s old room. I found him pacing inside.

“Hey Ty, don’t think Mom would appreciate it if you wore a hole in her floor.” I joked.

He just laughed nervously tugging at the stiff collar of his Marine dress uniform, and then paced over to the window to look down on the mayhem below.

“Seriously man, what have you got to be nervous about? I think of every groom that ever existed in the history of time, you have the least to be nervous about. First of all you’re marrying my sister, which makes you officially my brother so like that should be enough reason to do it right there. And it’s not like she’s going to have second thoughts. I mean it’s Destiny. You guys were like meant for each other since birth.”

He laughed again and turned to face me.

“Thanks Chance, you have a way of putting things into perspective.”

“It’s what I do” I shrugged.

Just then someone knocked on the door and I opened it to find Kenzie holding a plate of food.

“Wow Kenzie you’re the best!” I exclaimed taking the plate from her.

“No problem,” she blushed again under the weight of my smile “But don’t tell your mom I got it for you. I told her it was for Destiny, which was the only way I made it out of the kitchen with it.”

“It’s our little secret.” I assured her with a wink.

I turned toward Tyler after closing the door and held out the plate of food.

“Hungry?” I asked

“I really hope you only use those powers for good.” He said reaching for a jumbo cocktail shrimp.

“I have no idea what you mean.” I feigned innocence.

“Not everyone gets everything as easy as you Chance. Someday you might actually find a girl who doesn’t bend to your every whim.”

I just laughed as I dug in to the plate of food. It wasn’t long after that before another knock sounded at the door. This time it was my dad.

“Okay guys, time to get this show on the road.” Dad said

I looked over at Tyler and he looked pale and nervous again.

“It’s just Destiny” I whispered.

He nodded took a deep breath and we followed my dad downstairs to take our places at the altar.

I stood next to Tyler in front of the flower trellis and looked out at the crowd of people seated on each side of the aisle. Mom, Aunt Amy and Uncle Dan were sitting in the front row. Mom was already starting to cry.

The music started and the glass doors of the sunroom opened. Everyone turned to face the opening as first Jaime then Kenzie emerged dropping flower petals along the aisle as they moved to take their places in the front row next to our parents. Following them was my sister’s college friend Carrie who had flown in for the wedding. She stood opposite me as the maid of honor.

Finally the music segued into the wedding march and Destiny stepped out of the doors arm in arm with our dad.

She was stunning. I heard Tyler gasp next to me when she came into view and knew that he agreed. Her dark hair was braided on the sides with little white flowers woven through it and loose in the back flowing down to her waist with a few strands falling over her bare shoulders. Her dress was strapless with a heart-shaped top that flared out at the waist into a full skirt that reached the floor. It looked as if she was floating down the aisle. Her eyes never left Tyler’s as she glided down the aisle toward us.

They stopped just in front of us and Tyler stepped forward. Dad kissed Destiny on the cheek and then took her hand and placed it in Tyler’s. For a moment they just stared into each other’s eyes as all their friends and family looked on.

I knew that in front of me was the truest kind of love, the kind that lasts a lifetime. I didn’t know if I would ever be lucky enough to have what they had, but I couldn’t think of two people who deserved it more.

Finally hand in hand they stepped forward under the flower arch and faced the priest.






Don’t miss the final chapter in the Love Trilogy


Love’s Chance

Chance Carter has never met a woman he couldn’t charm. Until now…

Caroline Tolleson had learned all too quickly that men could not be trusted. She had been young and naïve once, but not anymore. She knew how to spot them, she knew the type: charming, handsome and dangerous. Chance Carter was all of those things. Even if secretly deep down he made her pulse race, she would never let him see it. She would never let her heart be broken again.

Can Chance convince her to let go of the past and trust him with her heart?


Also Available now…


Michael and Kat
herine’s story



Connected by Tragedy… Consumed By Love

Do you believe in Fate? Do you believe in soul mates? What if there was just one man out there who was meant for you? Would you know him if you saw him? Would he know you?

Katherine didn’t believe in soul mates, she wasn’t even sure if she believed in love… until the night she saw him. There was something oddly familiar about his dark blue eyes, but she was sure she’d never seen him before. The only thing more confusing than the overwhelming attraction she felt toward this mysterious stranger, was the way he was staring right back at her with that same look of curious fascination. Then suddenly he leaves and she’s left with nothing but the haunting memory of his beautiful eyes and the strange connection they seem to have with her recurring nightmares.

The day Michael’s mother died was one of greatly mixed emotions. He would miss his mother, but her passing meant that he would finally be free of his oppressive father. He was leaving and nothing was going to stop him. But why couldn’t he stop thinking about the beautiful woman he had seen the night he got the call about his mother. Why had she seemed so familiar?

More than once their paths will cross, but will they ever find each other? Will Fate ultimately bring them together or keep them apart?


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