Love's Destiny (Love Trilogy #2) (20 page)

BOOK: Love's Destiny (Love Trilogy #2)
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“Oh, uh, yeah” I had no idea how to explain.

“I’ll tell Mom you need a few more minutes.” Chance said smiling and walking toward the stairs.

I just stood for a minute watching him. He paused after taking a few steps and turned back to face me again.

“You missed a button.” He smiled and then turned back and finished walking down the stairs.

I looked down to see that in my haste I’d rebuttoned my shirt incorrectly and had indeed missed a button. I groaned at the realization that I had in no way fooled my little brother and didn’t even want to wonder at what he must be thinking.

I quickly grabbed my suitcase and pulled it to my room, glancing once at the closed door of the music room that Tyler had still not come out of.

I threw my bag on the bed and hurried to my bathroom to check myself in the mirror. I was horrified at my reflection. My hair was a mess with loose strands pulled haphazardly from my braid. My shirt was lopsidedly buttoned and untucked from my skirt. My lips were swollen and my cheeks flushed. I could only be glad that it was Chance that had come upon us and not one of my parents. They may have not been so oblivious to my appearance, although I wasn’t entirely sure that Chance was either.

I undid my hair and quickly ran a brush through it. I splashed water on my face and readjusted my clothing. I still looked flushed but it was the best I could do. I hurried downstairs knowing that I’d taken too long already and that if I didn’t Mom would probably come looking for me next. As I passed the music room I noted that the door was open now and Tyler was no longer in there.

I blushed at the memory of what had happened in that room as I hurried down the stairs. I couldn’t believe I’d almost had sex with Tyler right there on the floor where anybody could have walked in on us. I hadn’t been thinking. I hadn’t wanted to think. My reaction to him had been so intense, his response so overwhelming. Nothing else had mattered in that moment.

I followed the sound of voices into the kitchen and found my family sitting around the kitchen table.

“There you are” Mom said as I entered the room “Did you get unpacked?”

“Yeah” I lied hoping she wouldn’t notice how I fidgeted as I said it, I had never been good at lying.

“Need any help?” I asked eagerly trying to change the subject

“Nope, just finished.”  Mom said pulling the homemade pizza out of the oven.

It smelled delicious and reminded me of just how hungry I really was. I grabbed the seat next to Chance and tried to ignore his big mischievous grin directed my way.

“Where’s Tyler?” he asked. I tried not to blush.

“Don’t know” I replied quickly taking a bite of pizza to avoid further conversation on the subject.

Just then Tyler walked into the kitchen. He’d obviously showered, his short hair glistened with water. His dark brooding eyes pierced me from across the room and I knew I was blushing but I couldn’t pull my eyes away from his face. Had his mouth always looked so soft? Or was it just because I was remembering how his lips had felt against mine a few moments ago.

He’d always had high cheek bones and a strong square jaw line but the fullness of youth had left his face leaving his golden skin pulled tight over his angular features. And his neck had definitely not been so thick the last time I’d seen him, his shoulder’s had not been so broad.

I could feel the tension building between my legs as I scrutinized every inch of his muscular physique following his broad shoulders down to his narrow waist remembering the muscles that had flexed under my hands only moments ago.

Dad cleared his throat and startled me out of my reverie. I turned and realized that my parents and brother were all watching the silent exchange between Tyler and me. Self-consciously I looked back down at the pizza on my plate.

“Hungry?” Mom asked breaking the silence that had fallen over the kitchen.

“Starved” Tyler replied moving to the table and grabbing a plate.

He took the seat across from mine and I let my eyes lift from my plate to find him staring at me again with the same intensity in his eyes and a small smile pulling up the corner of his mouth. I smiled back, almost shyly and laughed inwardly at how I could possibly be shy considering how intimate we’d just been.

Dinner passed slowly and painfully. The tension between Tyler and me sparking every time our eyes met. Conversation varied and stayed light and casual, but the looks we exchanged were charged with emotion, desire and unmet need.

While I participated in conversation with my family I imagined how tonight I would sneak into Tyler’s room to finish what we started. Or maybe it’d be better if he came to mine since it was farthest from my parent’s room.

I wondered if he would come to my room tonight. Maybe I should give him some sort of sign that I wanted him to. But how? What should I say or do? My nerves began to kick in as the pizza was finished off and the anticipation built.

“Hey Ty want to see my batting cages out back?” Chance asked as we cleared the table.

“Sure kid” Tyler said but glanced my way apologetically. Obviously he was just as ready to be done with family time as I was. I smiled back reassuringly.

“I think I’m going to go take a shower and call it a night.” I told everyone but tried to look at Tyler meaningfully. I hoped he would pick up on the invitation to come to my room later.

“Oh I’m sure you must be tired from your flight. You go on up to bed and get some rest.” Mom said hugging me “You boys go ahead and go play leave the dishes.” Mom said turning to Tyler and Chance. I thought I saw Tyler wince at being referred to as a boy. We all walked out of the kitchen together with Chance rattling on about baseball to Tyler. When we came to the foyer the guys headed toward the sunroom and out to the back yard.

“See you later.” I said as I paused at the foot of the stairs. Hoping Tyler would pick up on the invitation.

“Night Destiny” Chance called as he grabbed Tyler’s hand and dragged him out of the room.

I hurried upstairs and quickly unpacked glad that I had the chance to do so before Mom realized I hadn’t. Then I took a shower, grateful again for the chance to shave my legs and wash the long day of travel off of me. I took my time washing my hair and lathering soap all over my body, remembering how Tyler’s hands had felt caressing me.

After the shower I dried my hair and applied lotion to my skin feeling as if I was preparing for the biggest night of my life. It was funny how nervous I felt, as if it were my first time.

No, my first time had been horrible, a drunken mistake. And Tyler had been there then to defend my honor and to comfort me.

Tyler had always been there for me, he had been my first best friend, my first kiss, and if I were being honest with myself my first love. Maybe that was why I was so nervous. Tonight would be a defining moment in our relationship, and I was ready. Of that I was sure.

We were both adults now, there was no reason not to take this next step when it was so obvious that it was what we both wanted. There was nothing to stand in our way this time.

I looked over the clothes I had packed, wishing I had some sexy lingerie to wear to bed. Of course I didn’t. I briefly considered going to bed naked, but quickly decided that wouldn’t be wise just in case someone else besides Tyler came to my door. I hoped desperately that they wouldn’t. I couldn’t bear to be interrupted again.

Finally I settled on a silk pajama set that Mom had bought me for my last birthday. Then I found the gold locket that Tyler had given me for Christmas and hoped he would notice that I was wearing it. Feeling that I’d prepared as much as I could all that was left to do was wait.

Time ticked by slowly as I waited for Tyler to come to me. I began to wonder if I’d not been as obvious as I’d thought.

What if he’d gone to bed? How long had it been? Surely they couldn’t still be outside in the batting cages. I paced my room restlessly trying to decide if I should sneak over to his room to see if he was there.

What if he’d changed his mind? No, not after the looks he’d given me through dinner. His desire had been clear, but maybe mine hadn’t. Maybe he was unsure.

I should go to him. After all I was the one who’d repeatedly rejected him over the years. It was my turn to put myself on the line.

I opened my bedroom door and peered down the hallway. It was dark and I wasn’t sure if my parents had come to bed yet. I hadn’t heard anyone come upstairs. I crept over to the top of the stairs and peaked over the landing. The foyer was empty. I started to turn towards the hall leading to Tyler’s room when I heard voices below and quickly ducked into the shadows laughing at my own jumpiness. I was almost 22 years old and I was sneaking around like a kid after curfew.

I realized it was Tyler and Chance I heard coming toward the stairs and decided I would just sneak back to my room to wait for Tyler there.

I listened at the door of my bedroom and heard my parents coming up the stairs with Tyler and Chance. I quickly switched off the light in my room so they wouldn’t see the glow coming from under the door. I moved to open the curtains over my windows allowing the moonlight to spill into the room and then I went back to the door and listened as everyone said goodnight in the hall. I heard the other bedroom doors close and waited anxiously wondering if Tyler would come to me.

Several minutes passed and I was just about to go to him when I heard a soft knock at my door. I opened the door and was flooded with both relief and anxiety when I saw Tyler. He’d changed into pajama pants, but his beautiful chest was bare.

“Hi.” He whispered almost shyly

“Hi” I replied as I opened the door farther to let him into the room.

He stepped into the room and I quietly closed the door then turned to face him. The moonlight reflected in his eyes as he looked back at me.

“I’m glad you came.” I said stepping forward and placing my hand against his bare chest as I looked up into his eyes.

“I’m glad you waited up.” He whispered huskily and then slowly brought his lips down to meet mine.

This kiss was different from the one we’d shared in the hall earlier that night. It was slow and sweet and had me going weak in the knees. I leaned into him as he caressed my back and kissed me so softly I thought my heart might burst.

I reached my hands up and gripped his strong muscular shoulders pressing my body against his. He reached down and lifted me into his arms keeping his mouth locked on mine as he carried me to the bed.

He laid me down and stood at the edge of the bed looking down at me long enough that I began to feel a little self-conscious. I reached for his hand pulling him down to the bed. He lay on his side next to me and I turned to my side to press my body against him as he brought his mouth to mine again.

He slowly ran his hand down my side, over my hip and along my thigh grasping behind my knee and pulling my leg over his waist. I could feel the hardness of his excitement pressing against me as our bodies entwined and our kiss intensified.

I scraped my nails along his strong back and moaned leaning my head back as his lips left mine to travel down to my neck. His hand slid back up my leg and along my side until it cupped one breast as his mouth trailed kisses down to it. I felt his warm wet tongue through the silk camisole as he teased my hard nipple through the thin material.

He shifted me to my back and pulled my shirt over my head immediately bringing his mouth back down to my breasts. Then he moved even lower kissing along my stomach until he came to the waist of the silk shorts I still wore.

I lifted my hips allowing him to slide the shorts down my legs. He followed them down and then slowly made his way back up my legs, pausing to place a kiss behind my knee and then run his tongue up the length of my thigh. Just as his mouth had reached my very center he bent back down to run his tongue along the other thigh.

My legs were quivering in anticipation. This was so much more than I’d ever experienced before, so much more pleasure, so much more emotion.

“Now” I gasped not sure if I could handle any more.

Then suddenly he was on top of me his mouth reclaiming mine as he pulled away his pajama bottoms. I wrapped my legs around his waist and raised my hips to him. I felt his hardness press against me and then he broke our kiss to pull his face back and look into my eyes. I nodded.

He kept his eyes locked on mine as he slowly pushed inside me. I clamped my legs around his waist pulling his body firmly down against mine taking all of him into me. Then I reached up and grabbed his face pulling it down so that I could kiss him as he slowly pulled back and then drove in again.

Our bodies moved together in a slow sensual rhythm that steadily began to build. Each thrust going deeper, coming faster until it was as if a dam had burst and the slow soft pace that we had started with erupted into a wild frenzy. Each of us moving at a frantic pace as we raced to the edge. I had thought myself experienced before this but realized I had never experienced anything of this magnitude before.

I cried out as he thrust into me over and over again. My nails scraped along his back as I desperately tried to pull him impossibly closer. His mouth ravished mine as he plunged his tongue into my mouth with each thrust of his hips.

He caught his hands behind my bent knees pressing my legs farther back and causing me to open up so that he could plunge even deeper. He reached a new depth that I had never experienced before and suddenly I felt a flood burst between my legs as I screamed his name and felt my body shudder with devastating pleasure. He buried his face against my neck as his body convulsed with equal pleasure and I knew he’d reached his peak as well.

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