Love's Destiny (Love Trilogy #2) (22 page)

BOOK: Love's Destiny (Love Trilogy #2)
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“I want you Destiny.” I whispered against her neck

“Then take me.” She moaned arching up to rub against me.

I sat back to pull off my jacket and shirt, she sat up too reaching for the button on my jeans. The cold ocean breeze was shocking against my naked skin but wasn’t enough to quench the passion building between us. I stood to remove my jeans and she immediately shed her clothes as well. She shivered once before I came back down over her our heated flesh pressing together.

I brought my mouth to her hard nipples and she shivered again, this time from pleasure. I kissed my way back up along her neck until I found her mouth warm and waiting for me. She wrapped her legs around my waist and arched up even as she pulled me down toward her.

I entered her slowly as she sucked on my tongue. I forgot all about the cold as my body overheated with desire. I moved against her slowly and she matched my rhythm our bodies completely in synch. We rocked against each other in time to the sounds of the ocean waves rolling behind us. No words could express what our bodies were saying. We loved each other, and it was enough. Somehow it had to be enough.

We reached the peak together, both of us changing pace simultaneously as we moved harder faster deeper until we both screamed out in unison and then collapsed against each other.

We didn’t stay there long. The cold ocean air against our sweaty bodies cooled us both to the point of shivering within minutes and we silently searched for our clothes and redressed.

“Guess it’s time to go back.” Destiny said and she sounded reluctant.

I put my arm around her as we walked back up the beach.

“Look we don’t have to say anything to your parents about us, I mean there’s no rush.” I said breaking the silence as the house came into view.

“Thank you.” She whispered and I felt her shoulders relax.

It bothered me that she wanted to keep what was going on between us a secret, but if she needed time I would give it to her. We held hands as we climbed the path along the cliff and she didn’t pull away when we reached the house. I took that as a good sign. Maybe we wouldn’t have a big announcement with her family but instead a gradual shift. I would let her take the lead about what she was comfortable with in front of her family.

We walked through the foyer together still hand in hand as we entered the living room. Everyone turned to look at us immediately and the first thing I noticed was the look of concern on Katherine’s face.

“Steven?” Destiny’s startled voice beside me drew my attention and then I followed her gaze to the guy seated on the couch.

He stood and walked toward us as she pulled her hand from mine.

“I thought I’d surprise you.” He said smiling, completely oblivious to the tension everyone else in the room seemed to be feeling.

“Who is this?” I asked Destiny and she simply looked back at me with the fear of a deer caught in headlights.

“Steven Creighton,” the guy said extending his hand to me “Destiny’s boyfriend.”



Chapter 23: Broken Hearts



Everything happened so quickly. My first reaction to Tyler was pure physical need, an attraction that had started years ago culminating in an overwhelming desire that couldn’t be ignored. But nothing prepared me for the emotions that would come with fulfilling that desire.

When he came to me that first night he not only brought me new levels of pleasure that I’d never imagined possible but also a new depth of feeling I had not ever experienced before. I was overwhelmed with emotion as we’d made love, an emotion so intense it was terrifying. It wasn’t until I spoke the words that I recognized the truth to them. I loved him. I was in love with Tyler.

The next morning we made love again but this time he abruptly pulled away just before his climax explaining his concern over not having protection. I tried to reassure him by letting him know that I was using birth control, but saw the questions that brought to his eyes. I had not told him about Steven. I actually hadn’t even thought about Steven until that moment. In my mind and in my heart that relationship was already over.

Tyler didn’t have the chance to ask the questions that I was sure were now burning in his mind because we heard the sounds of my family stirring and it was time for him to slip back to his room.

We didn’t have a moment alone all day, which gave me plenty of time to think, and plenty of time to worry.

I had already decided to end my relationship with Steven, it was just a matter of getting it done. But I did have one semester left of school and I still lived with Steven. I wondered how difficult it would be to find my own place, and knew that it would be nearly impossible to find an apartment near the school on such short notice. And what about a lease? How much longer would I be staying in New York?

Should I wait until graduation to end things with Steven? That seemed wrong, but also the easiest route. I wouldn’t sleep with him. It would be like we were just roommates. Then after graduation I could come back home. There were several symphony orchestras in Southern California that I would love to be on. Then Tyler… would still be in the Marines.

Tyler had two more years in the Marines, but maybe that was best. That gave me time to settle my life. To finish school, to break up with Steven, to start my career. There really was no rush. No need to worry over all these questions. It would all work out in time. I had plenty of time.

I decided just to enjoy my time with Tyler while I could, soon enough
he would be going back to base
and I would be going back to school. No need to spend that time worrying over the future.

We finally broke away from the family after dinner and went for a walk on the beach. I was so eager to be alone with him again. To stop the incessant questions that had been running through my head all day and just enjoy the moment with him. But apparently he had some questions of his own. Questions I didn’t yet have answers to.

I couldn’t make any promises to Tyler while I still had the Steven situation to figure out. I was relieved when he let the questions drop and made love to me again.

With each time it seemed we reached new levels of intimacy, sharing not only our bodies but our hearts and souls. I loved Tyler, if nothing else I was sure of that. Somehow everything else would work out.

When we walked into the living room hand in hand and saw Steven waiting for us I think I actually felt my heart crack the pain was so sharp. Then I looked into Tyler’s eyes and saw the betrayal burning there and knew my heart had broken.

I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t think. I reached for Tyler as he backed away from me. I had never seen such anger in his eyes. He jerked away from my touch as if it burned him and I let my hand drop, still at a loss for words.

He spun away from me rushing back into the foyer grabbing his keys off the table and fleeing the house without a word.

I stood watching his exodus, feeling completely numb. I don’t know how long I stood there staring at the vacant room. I finally felt my mother’s hand on my shoulder and turned to face her. There was wisdom in her eyes and I realized she knew. I looked toward my father and saw sympathy there, and to my little brother who stood with his hands in his pockets head bowed looking like he’d just lost his best friend. Finally my eyes moved to Steven standing awkwardly a few feet away, his face a mask of confusion. It was too much. I couldn’t deal with it. I turned without a word and ran from the room. I ran to my bedroom slamming the door and collapsing on the bed. Crying so violently I shook the bed. Screaming into pillows when sobs were not enough. In the last two days I had experienced more joy and pleasure than in my entire life, and now I was experiencing more pain than I ever knew possible.

I cried until my tears ran dry and my voice was hoarse. When I’d finally shed my last tear I was left feeling hollow and empty. I had no emotions left. I heard a soft knock at my door and stiffened. I wasn’t ready to face Steven.

“Destiny?” I relaxed at the sound of my mother’s voice

“Come in.” I croaked with what was left of my voice

Mom opened the door slowly and crossed the room carrying two cups.

“I brought you some tea.” She told me setting the cups on the nightstand.

“Thank you” I whispered reaching for the cup knowing the hot liquid would soothe my raw throat.

Mom sat on the edge of the bed taking her own cup and we both sat in silence for several minutes sipping our tea.

“Do you love him?” Mom asked breaking the silence.

I wasn’t sure how to respond, I wasn’t sure who she meant.

“Steven and I…” I started to explain but Mom shook her head

“I meant Tyler.” Mom explained.


“Do you love him?”


“He loves you too”

“I know”

“Then don’t let this stand in your way.”

“But I don’t know what to do. I wasn’t expecting this. I wasn’t expecting Tyler to be here, I wasn’t expecting to feel what I feel. But I do. And now Steven is here and I don’t know what to do about that. And everything is ruined.” I started sobbing again curling up on the bed and Mom reached over to pull my head onto her lap as she soothingly rubbed her hand over my hair.

“You do have quite a mess here with Steven. I put him in a guest bedroom by the way.”

“Thank you.”

“You’ll have to handle that situation in the morning.”

“I wish I knew how.”

“Do you have feelings for him also?”

“No. I haven’t for a long time now I guess.”

“Then that decision should be easy.”

“But I live with him, and I still have a semester left of school.” Saying it out loud it sounded so petty.

“Destiny, your father and I can help you find your own place while you finish school. If you no longer have feelings for Steven there’s no reason to continue your relationship with him.” Her voice was stern and her words were true.

“I know, you’re right.”

“So first things first, tonight get some sleep. Tomorrow talk with Steven. And then we’ll figure out what to do about Tyler.” Her words were reassuring.

“Destiny if there is one thing I know about love it’s that Fate will work things out when the time is right. And I’ve been watching you and Tyler for years. You know your father and I think of Tyler as a son, but that doesn’t make him your brother. The two of you have known each other your whole lives, but I’ve seen the changes between you over the last few years. I’ve seen the way you look at each other, the way you move around each other. I know you love him, I know he loves you, and I know it will work out… when the time is right.”

With those final parting words she kissed the top of my head and left me to go to sleep. It was a fitful night spent tossing and turning alternating between anguish over the situation with Tyler and anxiety over the inevitable conversation coming with Steven.

I finally gave up on sleep after the sun rose and showered away the sleepless night. I had two cups of coffee before Steven came downstairs and felt as prepared as I was going to get.

“Morning.” Steven said hesitantly, obviously finally sensing that something was not quite right.

“Coffee?” I asked moving toward the cupboard to get him a mug.

“Sure, thanks.” He said going to the table to sit.

I filled his cup and topped off mine then joined him at the table. We had the kitchen to ourselves and I imagined my family was giving us some space.

“Steven we need to talk.”

“I figured as much.” He nodded.

“Look I think you’re a great guy, but…”

“But you don’t love me.” He interjected

“No. I’m sorry.”

“And you do love him.” He finished and I raised my eyes to meet his, feeling guilty and miserable.

“Yes.” I admitted ducking my eyes back down to stare into my cup.

“When did you know?”


“That you didn’t love me. That it was over between us.”

“I don’t know, I guess when I left New York to come back home.”

“I wish you would have told me before you left. I wouldn’t have made a fool of myself coming out here like this.”

“Oh Steven I’m so sorry.”

“Enough” his voice was harsh and the first hint of strong emotion that I’d ever seen from him sparked in his eyes.

“What’s done is done.” He said regaining his characteristic calm “I assume you’ll be moving out?” he asked detached from all emotion again.

“Yes.” I hesitated because I hadn’t really figured that part out yet.

“Let me know when you’ll be by to get your stuff, I’ll stay out of your way.”

“Steven I’m so sorry, I never meant…”

“It’s fine Destiny. I can’t make you feel what isn’t there. It’s obvious your heart is elsewhere so there is nothing left to discuss. I’ll just get my bag and be on my way. Please thank your parents for their hospitality.” He said and then left me alone in the kitchen.

His cold acceptance was unnerving. Steven had never been an emotional man I wasn’t sure what I had expected from him, but I hadn’t expected that. It left me feeling cold and hollow like he had drained all the emotion from the room. I wondered if it would have been better if he’d been angry, if he’d yelled at me. But that wasn’t Steven.

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