Loving Deviant (Cyborg Seduction Book 9) (3 page)

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She moaned, the sensation turning her on. It had been a really long time since anyone had touched her down there. Fire ignited inside her belly, burned from her sex upward, until it hazed over her ability to think. His strong hips rocked faster against the cradle of her thighs, firmly stroking his rigid cock against the thin material covering her pussy. She pressed back, seeking more contact.

He rumbled, his chest vibrated, and he released her wrists to brace one arm on the bed while his free hand gripped her shirt from the side. The material tightened over her rib cage and only the sound of it tearing jerked her from her fervent stupor.

Venice twisted her head away from his hungry mouth, broke the kiss, panting. Deviant’s hips didn’t pause their torturous stroking against her clit. His mouth focused on the column of her neck instead as his hot lips traced it with a few flicks of his tongue.

“Stop,” she begged. “Wait.”

His brush of kisses paused. “No. I’m going to fuck you until I can’t move. We have eleven hours and forty-two minutes. I’m keeping track.” He opened his mouth and nipped her shoulder. “But I like the coy act. It’s turning me on more.”

A jolt of desire shot through her at the way he bit her again. It wasn’t painful, but instead made her wonder how it would feel on her nipples. They ached, along with the rest of her. She also knew if she didn’t stop this now that he would follow through with his plan. She wouldn’t mind…but it might piss him off more when he learned the truth. She needed his help too desperately to take that chance.

He arched his back, his mouth trailed down her collarbone, and he put a little space between their bodies to give his hands room to reach up and grip the vee of her shirt. He tore it open, baring her breasts, and his scorching mouth instantly sucked a nipple inside.

Venice cried out at the sheer pleasure. Things were moving super-fast, and damned if she didn’t want him. She did. Her clit throbbed painfully, her vaginal muscles clenched as she hovered on the brink of climax.

Oh, screw it
, she decided as her hands clutched at his hair. “Don’t stop,” she moaned. Her fingers dug into the silky strands, cupped the back of his head, and she hoped he wouldn’t move away as he sucked harder on her nipple. His teeth scraping the oversensitive bud became sweet torture.

He rolled his hips, pushed his cock tighter against her clit, and rocked faster, with more force. The bed swayed from his strength and that did it for Venice. She shouted out as ecstasy seized her body. She was pretty sure she’d said his name but wasn’t one hundred percent certain since it was a huge blur of bliss.

He tore his mouth away and hovered over her face, staring down at her with those electric-blue eyes. His features seemed darker than they had been before as he breathed heavily. Her gaze dropped to his lips, swollen from their kissing and what his mouth had done to her breast. It was a sexy sight, but she admitted to being biased after the shattering pleasure he’d just given her.

His hips stilled as her body trembled from the aftermath, and he growled at her. “Tell me the truth. Is that the exact reaction of a living female? Did I do it right?”

She was speechless.

“Foreplay is an art, and I know I am supposed to engage in penetration once you’ve reach sexual release. Which feels better for them? Do I tear off your panties? Enter you this way, on your back, or flip you over onto your knees to take you from behind? Which position hits a female’s G-spot easier?”

Her hands shook as she realized he wouldn’t believe the truth. He was certain she was a sex box sprouting programmed lines. In truth, the idea of him doing
of those things to her made Venice ache again. She’d bet he’d be good in any position—but she really needed off the station. Anything else they did together would only make him angrier when he finally realized she wasn’t a bot.

But how do I show him?

She lowered her hands between them, knew it would hurt, but used the synthetic fingernails of her left hand to claw her right palm. Tears filled her eyes when she painfully broke the skin.

Confusion widened his eyes at the sight of Venice hurting herself, but she turned her bleeding skin enough for him to see.

“I’m real, Deviant. I’m not a bot and this isn’t programming. That’s blood. Look. I am
in trouble—and I need your help.”

He stared at her hand and his mouth fell open. Total shock paled his dark features, and those pretty eyes of his flew up to stare deeply into hers.

In the next instant, he lifted off her with amazing speed, his weight gone, and she had a weapon pointed at her face from where he stood above her.

She glanced between the weapon and his stiff cock, pointing her way too. She swallowed down some of her terror that he might kill her, remained perfectly still, and forced her focus up his muscled body to meet his angry gaze.

“Please don’t kill me. I have a proposition for you. Hear me out.”

Chapter Two


“Who are you?” Deviant’s tone was rough, cold, and deadly.

“Venice.” She blinked, but that was all that moved besides her chest as she breathed, ignoring the blood dripping from her hand into the valley between her breasts. “Could you pretty please stop pointing that thing at my face?” She flickered her gaze to his gun, back to his erect cock, and then to his face, deciding she should clarify. “The gun.”

His hold tightened. “You have one minute to explain who you are and what your mission is here before I pull the trigger. Are you an Earth spy or a soldier sent here to locate us?”

Terror gripped her. “I’m altered, three limbs and some of my internal organs.” She babbled but it didn’t matter as long as he didn’t kill her. “I’m as screwed as you are with Earth Government if they get their hands on me. I—”

“Altered how?”

She didn’t point out it was rude to cut her off while she was trying to explain, and that he was wasting precious seconds of the time she’d been given. “I was in a horrible accident. The damage was too severe for normal treatment, and Earth Government locked me inside a holding facility to die. There’s a law on Earth that if a certain percentage of you is damaged, it’s illegal to make the repairs. You’re considered nonhuman at that point. The only reason they didn’t kill me outright was because I have a rare blood type. They kept me locked up for four years while they used me to produce blood to sell. Scientists can make both artificial and cloned blood but…rich people like to buy the genuine thing.”

She sucked in a gulp of air. “My sister hired a hacker to enter the facility’s database, when she grew suspicious after they refused to give her my remains. Other people get their families’ bodies to burn but she wasn’t given anything. She saw photos of the accident and knew there should have been remains.” She sucked in another breath.

“Slow down.”

“You said I only had a minute.”

“I’ll give you longer if you make more sense.” He shifted his stance but didn’t lower the weapon.

“Okay.” She paused. “My sister discovered where I was being held, what they were doing to me, and hired Angels to steal me.”

“Angels?” His gaze narrowed. “As in the religious context?”

“They’re a group of people who believe it’s wrong for the government to just make people disappear, and or use them for profit. Angels is the organization’s name. They try to rescue those who’ve been deemed too damaged to save, and break into facilities to find people like me, who are used to harvest body parts, internal organs, or blood for rich people. They got me out of there and took me to an underground medical facility, where they performed surgeries to attach three artificial limbs. They also replaced my damaged organs with manufactured ones, and a few of my bones had to be replaced as well. They put skin grafts on my burns to get rid of the scars.” She paused and tried to think of what else to say that might save her life.

“Go on.”

“I could have registered as an artificial life form, and tried to hide as my sister’s ‘property,’ but all the work on me is illegal, since it was done by an underground movement. That means I’ll be destroyed if I’m caught, same as if I were a homemade android someone put together. All artificial life forms are considered slaves, and you have to pay to have them built by one of the regulated, licensed companies approved by the government. The law doesn’t care that I’m a live person. I’m over the percentage of manufactured parts allowed, and that means I’m not considered human. Unless, you know, you’re rich or come from a powerful family with serious connections to obtain a waiver. They can afford to bribe officials to bypass the laws. I had to flee Earth as soon as I recovered.”

He watched her as the silence stretched between them.

“They scan everyone, everywhere on Earth. My true identity would have alerted the authorities that I should be dead or still locked inside the facility. A more in detailed body scan would have revealed how much of me is altered, and they would have immediately arrested me. That would have been a death sentence. I came
thinking I’d be safe, but that was all bullshit. I need your help, and as I said, I have a proposition for you.”

“What?” He snarled the word.

“Take me off this station when you leave. I was hiding in the waiting room when you and your dad entered. I, um…overheard what you two talked about. We can help each other. You need a woman, and technically I
one.” She forced a smile. “I need to go somewhere I won’t be abused or arrested. You get me, and I get a safe place to live.”

He stared at her.

She lowered her gaze, saw he was still aroused, and hope flared.

“You want me. You can have me. And I’ll teach you whatever you want to know. Just
get me off this station.”


She swallowed. “Because you like me. I mean, you
interested…” She glanced at his cock again. “I—”

“Why do you need off this station? This isn’t Earth. They don’t run scans here. We wouldn’t visit it if they did.”

“Oh. That.” She eased up very slowly until she sat, keeping her hands in his view to avoid being shot if he thought she posed a threat. “I needed to get off Earth fast, once my surgeries were done and I’d healed enough to travel. I’d heard about how many deep-space traders were looking for wives. Convincing a real woman to move this far out is tough, you know. Most women don’t want to live so far from civilization, and it’s kind of crazy dangerous with all the pirate attacks.” She paused. “Of course, that seemed tame to me, considering an entire planet wants me captured and destroyed. So I logged onto the deep-space bride registry and thought I’d found a husband.”

“The what?” He actually lowered his weapon a few inches.

“Deep-space bride registry. It’s where women put ads to find husbands who live this far out, and men answer them if they want a wife. I found this guy, and even told him the truth about what happened to me. He knew why I needed to leave Earth. I wanted to be honest, and I planned to be a real wife to him. He was giving me a new chance at life by saving me from certain death.” She licked her lips. “It turns out he lied to me. The guy I talked to is just an employee, who was impersonating my
husband—a troll who marries women from Earth, gets them out here, and forces them to work in his private brothel.”


“It’s a derogatory name for a big ugly jerk. He’s much older than he stated, covered in warts, and just gross.” She hesitated. “Please get me off this station, Deviant. I’ll do whatever you want. I just have a few demands.”

His eyebrows rose as his eyes widened. “
have demands?”

“Yes.” She winced. “I know how that sounds, but I’m trying to escape so I’m not turned into a whore. I’d like you to promise that you won’t do that to me.”

Deviant took a step closer. “You aren’t a paid sex worker?”

“No.” She glanced at the bed and then him. “Um, this was my first time.”

“You’re a virgin?”

“No!” She was making a mess out of this. “I mean, I’ve had sex before, but never for money. Technically, you didn’t just pay me to blow you. I meant that I don’t work here. I came in here to show you that…oh hell.” Tears filled her eyes. “Could you put the gun down? Please don’t shoot me. I’m desperate!”

He hesitated before grabbing his pants and shoving them on. He slid his gun into the holster attached to his waist as he crouched down a foot away from her. His blue eyes were amazing as they locked onto hers. “I’m confused.”

“So am I.” She wiped at her tears. “I just wanted a new life, and instead I came here to find out the guy who’d married me doesn’t exist. I was tricked by this asshole, who wants to turn me into a whore, and then I saw you, and you’re totally hot; I don’t know why women from wherever you’re from won’t touch you. I want you to take me with you, Deviant. I just don’t want to be forced to sleep with other guys. I’ll have sex with
though, if you save me.”

He blinked.

“That’s what my conditions are. You want a woman who’ll have sex with you, and that’s what I’m offering. I just don’t want to be passed around to other men. Is that clear enough? I haven’t had sex in over four years, since before my accident.” She bit her lip. “I was afraid I’d even forgotten
to give a blow job. Was it at least good for you?”

He slowly rose to his full height. “Stand up.”

She trembled but stood. The guy was a good foot taller than her. He reached out and gripped the hand she’d cut, turned it to stare at her palm. His gaze shifted to hers. “This arm is the real one? You mentioned three of your limbs were replaced.”

“Yeah. Both legs and my other arm had to be added.”

He stared into her eyes. “Organs?”

“A kidney and a lung. Most of my rib cage was replaced. One shoulder blade isn’t the original either.”

“Give me your other hand.”

She lifted her other one and he took it, tracing her palm with his fingers. It tickled and she jerked a little in his hold. He gave her a questioning look.

“It’s really sensitive. Angels use the best materials they can and it’s very lifelike. I feel pain and everything.”

“It feels very real. I can’t tell the difference by touch.” He hesitated. “What about your breasts and your vagina? Are those real or replacements?”

“Real and totally my original parts.”

He leaned in to stare at her face. “Enhanced?”

“A little. I had burns on one side, but they put lab-grown skin over the worst of it to match the other side of my face, and repair all the damage. This is how I looked before my accident, more or less.”

“What about your hair color? Is that soft brown what you were born with?”


“How old are you?”


His minty breath fanned her face. “I don’t even know what to do with you.”

Hope flared. “Take me with you, help me escape, and I’ll teach you everything you ever wanted to learn about a woman’s body. That’s why you came here, right? I’m sexually attracted to you. You were attracted to
. Is my being real a bad thing?”

He released her hands. “Who’s after you?”

“The station owner. His name is Darbis Martin, and he’s a son of a bitch. A real bad guy. He bragged about doing this to other women before me. He’s got a private brothel with live women on this station too. I ran before he could have me escorted there. That’s when I saw you.”

He backed up a few feet and regarded her with a frown. “How long?”

“I just got here today.”

“I meant, how long will I own you if I get you off this station?”

Own me? Yikes
. She swallowed. “How long do you want to keep me?”

“Where do you want to go after you work off your debt to me, if I take you away from this place?”

Her mind blanked. “I don’t know. I have no idea where I’d be safe. I thought it was safe
, but I was wrong.”

Deviant watched her for a long moment.

“Please?” she pleaded. “All I ask, besides you taking me away from here, is that you be the only one to touch me. I’m not a whore.”

“You’re completely willing to give me your body?”

She let her gaze travel over him. “Yes. That’s not really a hardship, Deviant.” She saw his surprised look and smiled. “Are the women where you come from blind?”

“You’re lying to me. I’m not attractive.”

It was her turn to be surprised when total sincerity shone in his eyes. “They
be blind. You’re hot, Deviant.”

He frowned.

“You’ve got the best body I’ve ever seen and your eyes are so beautiful. Um, you’re built…all over.” She hesitated. “And you taste really good. On Earth, I’d have had to pay a month’s salary for that.”

He paled. “What?”

“You taste like maple syrup. It’s a very expensive, sweet treat on Earth.”

He was speechless.

“I prefer telling the truth. Maybe that was
much honesty.” She knew her cheeks were turning pink. “Forget I said that last part. Take me with you and you can keep me for as long as you want. Just promise that you’re the only man who touches me. I’m a good cook and easy to live with.” She forced a smile. “I know a lot of jokes. I won’t be a burden. I don’t even eat much.”

He took deep breaths and finally sighed. “Remove your skirt.”

“Um, okay.” She nodded, reaching behind her to unzip it. Her cheeks warmed more. “You want to get a look at what you’re bargaining for. I get it.” She pushed her skirt down and stood there in her panties and torn-open shirt. She hesitated but then shoved the damaged shirt away since, he could already see her breasts. Her gaze lifted and she took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. “Should I turn around?”

His brilliant blue eyes slowly traveled the length of her body. “Come here.” He pointed to the floor in front of him.

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