Loving the Wild Card (10 page)

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Authors: Theresa L. Henry

BOOK: Loving the Wild Card
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For some reason, he was finally out of the dog house and back in their
room. As he stood in the entrance of the bathroom, the glow of the light picked
up every indentation of his muscular body. Josh was a little embarrassed about
showing off in this way, but when it came to getting his wife’s attention, he
would do this and a whole lot more.

Each step he took towards her was one of deliberation. He knew she
watched him. Knowing his naked display of enticement was way too obvious; he
decided to keep her guessing on his next move.

Reaching the bed, he flopped down beside her, stretched out his long
body, and folded his arms behind his head to show her, he was in no rush to
make love. Nothing could be further from the truth, and the reaction of his
body telegraphed his arousal.

“Did I ever tell you how I knew you liked me?” Josh asked.

“No, and I don’t want to know.”

“Yes you do. You smiled at me, flounced around and then keyed my car. I
fell in love with you right then and there. Any woman who had the balls to
damage such an expensive car and admit to it was the woman for me. You know it
wasn’t my fault right, Lux? That girl Fannysacia just couldn’t stay away from

“You know full-well her name was, Fantasia, so don’t even start with me,
Joshua Kingdom.”

Josh could hear the first notes of laughter in her voice and hoped she
would lose the battle with seriousness. “That paint job on my car cost me a
fortune but you were worth it, Luxandria.”

“Well, I’m glad you think I’m worth more than a paint job on your car,”
Lux scoffed.

“My weight in gold bullion?”


“Okay, you drive a hard bargain, our weights combined in diamonds.”

“Josh, what are you talking about?!”

Finally, Josh thought, as she turned around and looked at him. “How much
you mean to me.”

“Stop it!”

“Stop what, telling you that I love you. I’ll never stop telling you
that because it’s how I feel.”

“Just stop–”

“I can’t, Luxie because you are in my life, I wake up each morning
thinking I’m the luckiest man in the world. Don’t you know that some people
search their whole lives for what we have?” Turning over onto his side, Josh
looked down at her. “We found each other Lux. We’re in our twenties and we met
and fell in love. I love you Luxandria, I will always love you, more than you
could ever imagine.

I love you so much, I know when I’m seventy years old and you walk into
a room, I’ll still think you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.
Remember I’m still seventy years old,” Josh teased. “I bet I’ll be sucking in
my gut to remind you of how I looked when we first met.” It worked, she laughed.

“You are such an idiot!”

“It’s funny but my family says the same thing all the time. I guess as
you understand me so well, we were meant to be together.”

“This isn’t a good idea.”

“What isn’t?”

“You being all cute and me wanting to feel you deep inside me.”

“Hell, Lux, are you kidding, come sit on this bad boy!”

“That comment isn’t very romantic, Joshua!”

“Romantic, I had romantic all planned out for you tonight. Now, after a
whole week of abstinence, I just want to make love to my wife. You can have the
flowers and the meal tomorrow. Right now if you don’t put me inside you, this
boner might go to waste!”

“For a rich boy, you can be incredibly vulgar, do you know that?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Don’t you have any shame?”

“Where you’re concerned, no, ma’am!”

“For goodness sake, what am I supposed to do with you?”

“Right now all that is required of you is that you ride my dick until
we’re both satisfied.” With his final quip, all traces of humor disappeared. It
was too long since they’d made love, and he wanted the feel of them wrapped in
each other’s arms more than he wanted his next breath.

“Okay, because it’s been a while, you get to tell me what you want.”

Josh hesitated as he considered her words. Maybe he’d come across wrong.
“Lux…” Josh paused as she straddled him. “No matter how much I’ve messed up, I
did it because I love and want the best for you.”

“You talk too much, do you know that?”

“I’ve been told that.”

Lux didn’t say another word as she palmed and lowered herself onto his
erection. Gritting his teeth, Josh wondered how long he could hold out against
the feel of her body taking him deep inside her. When she began to move against
him, he couldn’t hold back from telling her how he felt.

“For me, this is the best feeling in the world. When I’m inside you, I
feel as though I’m whole. I know I’ve messed up, but please don’t ever stop
loving me, Luxie. This last week has been hell.”



“Stop talking. Tonight is about feeling.”

That night, making love with Lux was the best he’d ever known. When she
grew tired of riding him, he took over. Placing her exactly where he wanted
her, he moved in and out of her for what seemed like hours. When his body
finally screamed for release he held on. He needed her to be in the same place
as him.

“Do you love me, Luxie?”


“Are you ready to give us what we both need?”

“Yes, but I want you to fuck me like this is our last night together.
Fuck me like you mean it, Josh. I want to feel you in every part of me. Don’t
hold back, give me everything. I can take it baby! You know I can take it, and
I want it. I know you want to be deep inside me. Can you feel how deep you’re
inside me, Josh? I can feel it? Don’t stop, baby… please don’t stop.”

Josh knew he couldn’t hold back for much longer. “I want you with me,
Luxie, it’s been too long. I need you with me…I always want you with me!” Just
then he felt it, her body contracting around him and Josh let go. All
restraints left him as he pounded into her.

They had made love two more times before the night faded and the sky
lightened with the dawn of a new day.

“I love you, Luxie. I’m sorry I disappointed you, but I promise I will
make it up to you.” Josh was almost asleep when he murmured the words. The
night had begun with him wanting her to take what she wanted, but it ended with
him giving her all that he had.

When he woke up, Josh instinctively knew something was wrong. Throwing
off the covers and about to search for her, he stopped. His gaze landing on her
rings lying on the pillow which still held the impression of where her head had
laid. She was gone. That was the day something within him shriveled and died.





Present Day

Memories came rushing back when Lux stepped through the door of the
Kingdom home. The place felt the same. Residing within these walls was a
feeling of love that she always recognized.

Unsure of her reception, Lux harbored feelings of reservations at seeing
Jackson. She’d always liked him, but throughout her relationship with Josh,
she’d never been certain of whether he felt the same.

Lux knew, back then she’d had that effect on a lot of people. By nature,
she was a loner and a staunch advocate of doing the right thing. Only, her way,
of achieving the right thing, didn’t always gel with the thoughts of others.
Her time spent in the Caribbean had changed and shaped her. Being back in the
United States scared her, and she hoped she wouldn’t lose the person she’d

Jackson was the first to greet her,” Lux, it’s...” He trailed off.

“Don’t worry about it, Jackson. You don’t have to think up something
nice to say to me.”

“I’m quite sure I don’t need to take instructions from you, Lux,”
Jackson rejoined with obvious irritation.

“I’m sorry, that wasn’t my intention.”

“I think it’s best we don’t dwell on your intentions.”

That he was pissed off at her was clear, and his attitude hurt more than
she could have imagined.

“Dad!” Josh reprimanded.

There followed a silent clash of wills and she turned away. Looking
around the room, Lux took in the other occupants. There was a lovely black
woman who sported a stylish afro and another who had more freckles than she’d
ever seen on a black person. There was also a toddler playing on the floor.

When the child noticed the twins, she stopped her game, stood up and took
a moment to look between them. Seemingly satisfied, she excitedly moved towards
Jake and latched on to his leg.

“Did you miss your daddy?” Jake asked bending down to scoop the child up
off the floor. “I missed you. Were you a good girl for mommy? Whose mommy is
the most beautiful woman in the world?”

The last part of his comment could only have been directed towards the
woman who was an exact replica of the child, and it made Lux smile. That Jake
attempted to ingratiate himself into the red haired woman’s good graces was
funny and sweet to watch.

When her gaze finally turned to the other woman in the room, all traces
of her amusement disappeared. This woman regarded her with a look of such
suspicion, Lux was momentarily surprised. Following on the back of the look of
hostility came the thought that she was one of Josh’s women.

When Jason walked up to her and pulled her into his arms, she dismissed
the thought. The kiss that followed was so intimate and intense, Lux had to
look away. There were also whispered words to accompany the embrace. The
displays of affection by both men, was all it took for Lux to realize how much
they cared for the women in their lives.

“The most beautiful woman in the world, huh? Well baby, you’re going to
have to prove that!” The freckled face woman drawled.

With the child still in his arms, Jake made his way towards the seated
woman and sat down beside her.

“Just name what you want and it’s yours,” he said, giving her a long

“Me too,” the little girl demanded.

With a laugh, Jake obliged.

Lux couldn’t help thinking about how much had changed since she was last
a part of this family. In her absence, there was now another brother and Jake
had a child and wife. If that wasn’t change enough, by the way he had spoken to
her, Jackson hated her.

“Why don’t I introduce you to these two lovely ladies,” Josh broke into
her thoughts.

Taking her arm, Josh led her towards the redhead. “I’d like to introduce
you to, MacKenzie, Jake’s wife, and this little one, who keeps us all on our
toes is, Noelle.”

Reaching out her hand to take the one MacKenzie extended, Lux only just
managed to catch the little girl as she jumped into her arms. Surprised at the
suddenness of the move, she stared at the child she held on to by reflex alone.

“Okay laty,” Noelle said with a slight lisp.

Lux was transfixed, unsure whether the freckled face child was asking
her a question about her wellbeing or telling her that everything would be

Securing Noelle in her arms, she looked down at the child’s mother and

“Well, that’s a turn up for the books. She rarely likes strangers,”
MacKenzie smiled as she watched her daughter lay her head against Lux’s
shoulder and pat her chest as though giving her comfort.

“Kenzie, this is Luxandria,” Josh completed the introduction.

“Please call me Lux, he’s the only person that calls me by my full
name,” Lux stressed, cutting her eyes to Josh and then back to MacKenzie.

Josh said nothing as he again took her arm and steered her toward the other
couple. Lux immediately felt a reluctance to approach the woman whose face was
now devoid of all expression.

“Lux, this is Aviva, Jason’s wife. Aviva, I’d like to introduce, my
wife, Lux.” Throughout the introduction, Josh maintained eye contact with
Aviva. Something passed between them that Lux couldn’t decipher. This Aviva was
obviously the new matriarch of the family. While she seemed to be very much in
love with her husband, she also appeared to have some kind of hold over Josh,
and Lux wasn’t sure if she liked her.

“Hello,” Aviva said spearing her only a brief glance before turning

Lux knew a dismissal when she encountered one. It took a few seconds for
Josh to intervene at Aviva’s rudeness and the delay annoyed her more than she
could say.

“Aviva!” Josh warned.

The shorter woman sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes in such a
Caribbean way, it immediately caught Lux’s attention.

“I’m pleased to me you,” Lux politely responded to the introduction
rather than the other woman’s actions.

“Really, I wish I could say the same!” Aviva responded.

Still holding Noelle, whose head remained on her chest, she was through
with the hostility towards her. Her frustration was the reason Lux spoke before
she’d thought through the ramifications her words might have.

“That’s a bit unfair, don’t you think?”

“No, I don’t believe it is. I don’t know you and right now, I don’t want
to know you. The only thing stopping me from cussing you out is that my
Goddaughter likes you,” Aviva, nodded at the child in her arms. “Isn’t that
right buggie?” Aviva smiled at the child.

By the time, she finished speaking Noelle had straightened up and was
holding out her arms to Aviva. Lux wanted to keep her but instinctively knew
she couldn’t compete. She just wondered if she would also have to compete for
Josh’s affection against those of this Aviva’s. Seven years ago, she wouldn’t
have doubted his feelings, now she wasn’t so sure.

There was something going on between this woman and her husband and it
didn’t sit well with her. The thought sprung into her mind about whether Josh
and Aviva were having an affair right under everyone’s noses.

Lux pulled away from the thought as she became aware of the conversation
between Jake and MacKenzie regarding a wedding party.

“I know the party is this weekend, but my brother needed me, so I had to
go. You and Noelle are my life, but if faced with the same choice, nothing
would be different. We would still be here having the same discussion.”

Lux saw the look they shared and thought MacKenzie would call him out
for, not putting her first. “That’s just one of the reasons I love you so much,
Jacob Kingdom. You always do the right thing and I accept that, and I wouldn’t
change anything about you.”

“Really?” Jake replied.


“You think I’m perfect?” Leaning forward, Jake whispered into his wife’s
ear and Lux looked away from their intimacy.

“Josh, Jake, Jason follow me,” Jackson commanded, his tone leaving no
room for objection. Without waiting, he turned and strode from the room.

The brothers only spared a brief look at each other before following
their father.

Left alone with the women, Lux felt as though she were under scrutiny.
It now seemed she was the new kid and was required to establish her place
within the new order. Whether she wanted to or not was still in question.

Taking a seat, Lux stared unwaveringly at Aviva. If she wanted a
standoff, she was more than prepared to give it to her.

The sound of MacKenzie’s laughter caught her unawares and she was just
in time to see Aviva give the other woman a dirty look. MacKenzie’s snort only
seemed to further annoy Aviva.

“Do you have something you want to say to me, Aviva?” Lux asked as she
made herself comfortable in her seat.

“I’m so pleased you asked that question because, as a matter of fact, I

“Then ask away, just remember that my business isn’t necessarily your
business.” Lux didn’t know what had gotten into her; she wasn’t usually so
outwardly rude. All she knew was this woman rubbed her up the wrong way.

“I don’t know you. Therefore, I have absolutely no interest in
business. However, Josh is my business. I’m only going to say this once; hurt
him again and I’ll hurt you. I hope I’ve made myself clear, Ms. Luxandria.”

When she was finished speaking, Lux was shocked at the way Aviva
challenged her. She would have cussed the woman out but for the use of one
. She knew her leaving would have hurt him because it had
nearly killed her.

“I didn’t ask to be here, Aviva.”

“Maybe not, but you are here. Josh dropped everything to go and get you.
When he called, my husband and Jake didn’t question his request. Therefore, I
don’t care whether you asked to be here or not. You are here, so you better not
f-u-c-k up!”

“Geez, Aviva why don’t you just tell her what’s on your mind?” MacKenzie

“Stay out of this, MacKenzie,” Aviva snapped back.

Ignoring her, MacKenzie said her piece. “We all know that as far as
you’re concerned Josh can do no wrong. However, in my humble opinion, you
should at least give Lux the benefit of the doubt.”

“Thanks for the words of wisdom but I’m not giving her s-h-i-t!” Aviva
again spelled out her swear words as Noelle was still in the room.

Lux had heard enough. As far as she was concerned this woman was paying
way too much attention to her husband. She’d only been back in Josh’s life for
a couple of days, so her level of jealousy astounded her.

“I hear you, but please remember that Josh is
husband. May I
suggest you take all that concern and direct it towards your own husband and
leave mine to me!”

“I’m not about to get involved in a slanging match with you; that was
never my intent. My reason, for speaking as I did, was because they were words
that needed to be voiced. I’ve said them, now you can do as you will with my

“They sounded more like threats to me,” Lux shot back.

“Call them what you will, it doesn’t matter to me.”

“Who made you queen of–”

“Both of you need to stop this right now. You’re upsetting my baby and
getting on my nerves,” MacKenzie threw in, effectively stopping a discussion
that was rapidly getting out of hand.

“She started it,” Lux mumbled.

“Damn right I did–”

“Luxandria, Aviva, I don’t want to hear another word!” MacKenzie
reprimanded them. “If I have to speak to you kids again I’m putting you both on
time out!”

“Whatever!” Both women said at the same time.

When they realized what they’d said they gave each other a dirty look
and rolled their eyes just as MacKenzie burst into laughter.

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