Loving the Wild Card (13 page)

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Authors: Theresa L. Henry

BOOK: Loving the Wild Card
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A few days later, Josh was surprised that persuading his brother’s and
their wives to accompany him and Lux for dinner had been so easy, especially
when Jackson unusually called babysitting duties.

Josh knew some of his family still had misgivings about Lux, but whether
they liked her or not, she was his choice. The sooner everyone accepted that
fact, the sooner they could begin to really get to know her.

Although they were all leaving for the same destination, everybody
traveled to the restaurant separately. This told him they were still unsure of
Lux. Traveling independently gave them an easy way out should the need arise.
It was a tactic he and Jake had perfected during their youth. That his brothers
were using it now was a source of amusement he would keep to himself.

Josh hoped his choice of venue would be somewhere they would all enjoy.
The restaurant was a cross between mood lighting, pulsing music and just enough
sophistication he hoped would keep everyone happy.

Tonight was important to him and he wanted everything to be perfect.
That said, his brothers were wild cards and Aviva was just as bad. One
misplaced word could turn their dinner into a success or a massive failure. He
knew his happiness was important to his family, so he hoped they would follow
his lead.

So far only Jason and Aviva had arrived. When Aviva lifted her phone to
check it for the sixth time, Josh knew something was wrong. Just then Jason
removed his phone from his pocket and lifted it to his ear. A series of grunts
and grimaces later he ended the call.

“Apparently, due to some form of mysterious affliction, visited on whom,
I’m still unsure, Jake and MacKenzie will not be joining us for dinner.”

On hearing the message, Josh smiled. If Jason’s expression was anything
to go by, it seemed he currently wished he’d been the one to delay their
arrival and place a call of apology.

“Maybe next time,” Josh suggested to his brother.

“Hmm,” Jason retorted.

“What’s going on?” Aviva asked.

The wine waiter saved Jason from having to give a reply as he chose the
wine. At the same time, Josh knew the interruption wouldn’t be enough to
distract Aviva if she really wanted an answer.

The wine order given, Josh glanced at Lux, who appeared to be busy
looking for something or other in her purse. He was just in time to see a look
pass between Aviva and Jason that he interpreted to mean further discussion of
the subject was out.

Aware she still had reservations about his wife, Josh was pleased she
was unwilling to make the meal uncomfortable for Lux.

Silence that bordered on the uncomfortable settled over them. Josh
supposed it would be up to him to start a conversation to break the ice and
searched for something innocuous to say.

“I love those braids you’ve got going on, Lux,” Aviva said taking the
direct approach of complimenting his wife.

For the life of him he’d never seen Lux, so bashful. It was as though
the compliment took her by surprise and she was unsure how to respond.

“Thank you. I love the way you’re wearing your hair tonight as well.
Bantu knots, right?”

“Yes, and if I told you who did them, you wouldn’t believe me. They were
so perfect I had to show them off.” Aviva replied with a conspiratorial gleam
in her eyes.

“Really,” Lux perked up. “Who did–”

“I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m not about to sit here
discussing hair for the rest of this meal,” Jason broke in.

“Spoil sport,” Aviva whispered.

From the look his brother gave his wife, Josh was pretty certain she was
going to be in a lot of trouble when he got her home. When Aviva leaned over
and kissed him on the cheek, he saw she wasn’t concerned in the slightest.

He loved that, the way they fit. That was exactly what he wanted for him
and Lux. When they were first married, their relationship was just as loving
and outwardly affectionate as Jason’s and Aviva’s, and he wanted that back.

The Sommelier arrived with their wine and after tasting and giving his
approval, Josh looked around the room and his night took a nose dive. Almost
overcome by the urge to grab Lux out of her seat and run, he instead took a
deep breath and braced himself for the oncoming fallout.

“I spy with my little eye, Joshua,
I’m still waiting for your call
Kingdom.” Said a tall woman standing by their table.

As soon as she spoke, he looked at Lux, who was sitting as though
someone had slapped her. Before he could react to the woman’s rudeness, Aviva
was on the warpath.

“Well, he didn’t call you so piss off! Are you stupid as well as rude?
If a man doesn’t call you, it’s because he didn’t want to. Girl, didn’t your
mother teach you anything?!”

Jason’s bark of laughter didn’t reflect in his eyes as he too looked at
the woman. “My wife is correct. Lady, he just wasn’t that into you. Now, you
have exactly one minute to get lost or I’ll have you removed and banned from
this restaurant.”

“Who the hell do you people think you are?” The woman demanded in
outrage. “You can’t threaten me with removal. You don’t own this place!”

“You’re right, of course, we don’t own this establishment, but I bet we
could in say… one hour?” Jason broke off and looked over at his brother.

Josh nodded and he continued speaking. “Yep, it would take us about an
hour to get the deal done. However, in the meantime the fact that we are valued
patrons would be enough to get you tossed outside on your ass.” By the time he
was finished speaking the maître d’ was standing by her side.

“Lady, you’ve outstayed your one minute warning. As a result, this
gentleman will see you off the premises.” Jason informed her.

“Madam, this way please,” the maître d’ smiled. Extending his arm he
gave no indication of what was taking place.

If the situation weren't so embarrassing for Lux, Josh would have
laughed. Instead, he tried to catch her eyes but she ignored him. When Jason
reached over and squeezed her hand, her eyes swung up.

“Don’t worry, we’ve got your back! But honestly, what just happened
wasn’t his fault.”

Lux took a deep breath and Josh thought she was about to disagree.

“Okay, I’ll give him that one, and thank you both for what you just

“Great!” Aviva beamed looking at her menu. “So, what are we going to
eat? Alternatively, we could just order something and throw it at Joshua’s

“Come on Vee,” Josh said still feeling uncomfortable. “You heard your
husband, that wasn’t my fault.”

“It is your fault because you’re a tart!” Aviva said in a low voice.

Josh remained quiet as he couldn’t fault her summation. He’d been alone
for years and like any red blooded man he’d had lovers. However, he never made
promises to women he couldn’t keep, that included calling them.

Everybody buried their heads in their menus. Then he felt another
presence by his side. Expecting to see the waiter ready to take their dinner
order, Josh looked up and saw yet another woman from his past, and knew he’d
just struck out.

“Well, well if it isn’t the elusive, Joshua Kingdom!”

“Sorry man, you’re on your own, I’ve got nothing,” Jason remarked before
leaning back in his chair.

“I don’t know who you are but as far as I’m concerned you’re welcome to
him,” Lux told the woman as she pushed back her chair and flung her napkin on
the table. With a great show of dignity, she retrieved her purse and walked

Josh wanted to rush after her, but he didn’t know what to say to make
the situation right. They’d only been in the restaurant for twenty minutes and
already two of his past conquests had already had the gall to approach them.

“Aviva, go and get her. Do not let her leave!”

From the dirty look she threw at him Josh thought she was going to
refuse. Aviva must have seen something of his desperation because she hurried
after Lux. Seeing her intercept Lux before she left the building, he turned his
attention to the latest visitor to their table.

“Who are you?” He asked the former supermodel standing beside him.

“Are you kidding me, you know who I am!”

“Ma’am, if you were that memorable, I wouldn’t have asked the question.”


“Your parents called you
, you have my sympathies.”
Finished with her, Josh turned away to look at Aviva, who still seemed to be
attempting to coax Lux towards the bar.

“Nobody treats me this way!”

Knowing she wasn’t going to leave unless he went in hard, Josh drew in a
deep breath. When he stood to address her, they were nearly on eye level.

“I obviously fucked you at some point. I get that you want seconds, but
I rarely double dip. If it had been any good, I would have at least remembered
your name.” Seeing she was about to speak, Josh raised his hand to silence her.
“I get it, honestly I do, you want some more of me. Unfortunately, I can’t say
the same.”

“Bastard!” The woman exclaimed again.

Looking over at an amused Jason, he shook his head as he spoke to his
brother. “See what I mean, repetition is never a good thing.”

“Lady,” Jason said with deadly coldness. “If I were you, I’d go back to
my table and try to forget I made such a fool of myself.”

For a moment, Josh thought she’d refuse. When she reached for his wine
glass, he knew exactly what she was going to attempt. Before her hand made
contact, he’d already passed it to Jason.

“Final warning, go away or I’ll make you.” Josh was done with her and
the sooner she realized it, the better. Sticking her nose in the air, the woman
turned and stalked off.

Retaking his seat, he looked over at his brother, who was again sitting
in his reclined position. “What do you think?”

“I think you’re going to be eating crow three times a day for the
foreseeable future.”


Against her better judgment, Lux allowed Aviva to persuade her to stay;
even though she’d never been so humiliated in her life. She wasn’t a fool, she
understood that Josh was a man and had needs. She was the one who walked out on
their marriage, but being humiliated by the presence of two of his women was
too much. To cap it all, they weren’t the average run of the mill women, they
were stunning.

Why couldn’t he have just chosen ordinary women? Lux knew she was
clutching at straws. It didn’t matter who the women were. They could be trolls
and she would still have the overriding urge to rip out their throats. That
they were beautiful made her twitch and not in a good way.

Lux didn’t feel inadequate at seeing her husband’s lovers. She was a
confident woman and knew her worth. Her anger stemmed from the fact that they
dared to approach them while they dined. It was obvious two couples were having
a meal. Throughout all the thoughts that ran through her mind, she couldn’t
fool herself. But she would die before she acknowledged it. She was as jealous
as hell.

It also hurt more than she thought it would. While she’d been celibate
all the years they’d been apart, Josh had been making love with different
women. She’d tried to convince herself she was fine with him having lovers during
their separation, but faced with the women; a little part of her died.

“Thank you for staying.” Aviva broke into her thoughts.

“Don’t thank me. The way I feel I could walk out of here, board a flight
and be back in the Caribbean in a matter of hours.”

“I know, just as I’m aware that’s not what you really want.”

“You think you’ve got this all figured out don’t you?” The comment was
harsh, but Lux wasn’t concerned with pacifying Aviva’s feelings, so she let it

“I understand much more than you think I do.”

“Not about me. You don’t know shit about me so why don’t you just keep
quiet!” Lux snapped. Expecting a like response, she was surprised when it
didn’t come.

“I guess I’m the one you’re going to take all this out on, right?”

“You’re the one who stopped me from leaving!”

“I only stopped you because Josh asked me to and I can assure you I had
my reservations.”

“Do you do everything Josh asks of you?”

“Only if I want to.”

“I would have thought you’d want to see the back of me, not stop me from

“Why is that, Lux?”

In the heat of the moment, she allowed her emotions to run away with
her, and ended up saying and giving away more than she should. “Are you about
to sit there and tell me there’s nothing between you and Josh?”

“No, I’m not going to tell you that.”

“Does Jason know?”

“Know what, Lux?”

“That you’re fucking his brother, and if you’re not doing it now, you
were in the past!”

“Are you serious?”

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