Loving the Wild Card (16 page)

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Authors: Theresa L. Henry

BOOK: Loving the Wild Card
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Lux didn’t know what to say, what to do. His actions of moments before
told her she should push him away. But this was Josh. The man she loved with
all her heart. The man she’d walked away from. She knew he was still hurting
from the way she’d treated him, hence his mood swings.”

“Josh, maybe this isn’t such a good idea.”

“Do you like my touch, Luxie? Do you miss the way I make you feel?” Josh
asked as his other hand gathered up the folds of her expensive gown. Inch by
inch it rose up her leg, his touch a path of fire.

When he brushed his hand against the front of her panties, her body
betrayed her. In seconds, they were wet with her arousal and she couldn’t, nor
did she want to hide it from him.

“Isn’t the feel of my hands here enough for you, Luxie? Do you want my
fingers inside you? Umm, maybe you want my cock.” Josh rumbled against her ear,
his deep voice vibrating through her body.

“All you have to do is tell me what you want, Luxie. Tell me and it’s

Lux didn’t know how he did it. The feel of his hand finding a way
beneath her wet panties caused all thoughts of pulling away to flutter and
float away. The heat coursing through her was almost beyond what she could
bear. Without conscious thought, her arms rose and locked behind his head. Her
body arched in a silent plea for him to touch her where she needed it most.

“So wet, and it’s all for me.”

Josh’s fingers were relentless as he cupped and explored every inch of
her with so much expertise, Lux moaned out loud.

When he inserted two long fingers inside her and pumped, her groans of
pleasure increased, as his fingers repeatedly curled to hit the bunch of nerve
endings inside her.


“Say nothing. The only sounds I want to hear is your moans of pleasure.
Can you do that for me?

Lux knew he was taunting her, punishing her for not doing what he
wanted, but she didn’t care. What he was doing to her body felt too good.

At the insertion of a third finger, she pulled in a sharp breath and
rose onto her toes. It was too much after her long abstinence from being
touched in this way.

“So tight, my Luxie, but you can take it.”

Lux knew the moment his thumb found her clit would be the moment she
found release. That was how much she craved his touch. Her body was primed and
ready for anything he wanted to do to her. This was how it had always been
between them. When he gave her his full attention; all rational thought left
her mind.

The knock on the door went unanswered. A second rap, this time more
insistent garnered no more reaction than the first.

 “Joshua!” Jackson called, but he didn’t enter the room.

“Yes,” Josh responded as he withdrew from her body.

Always the gentleman, he pushed her behind his large frame as awareness
seeped into her at the sound of his father’s voice.

“Our guests are leaving and they will be passing this way. I suggest you
curtail your activities for another time. Heaven knows I have no wish for them
to think my house is haunted. Which is exactly what they would think were they
to hear the sounds emanating from this room!”

“Sorry, we’ll,” the jab in the small of his back caused Josh to quickly
revise his words. “I’ll of course keep the noise down.”

Lux held her breath in the pause that followed Josh’s assurance.

“I’m sure that you will but what about your wife?”

If the floor could open up and swallow her, Lux would have been grateful
when she finally heard Jackson’s departing footsteps.




For Aviva, after having words with Lux the rest of the party went
without a hitch. She danced with and without her husband and now her feet hurt
like hell.

Looking across the room, she was just in time to see Jason roll his eyes
at something Jackson’s date was saying to him. Catching his eyes, she smiled
and blew him a kiss. Without a word to the woman, he walked away.

“So what do you think of, Laura?” She asked once he’d arrived at her

“Who the hell is Laura?”

“Your dad’s date,” Aviva gave him an odd look. When his expression
remained blank, she shook her head and motioned in the woman’s direction. “The
woman you were just speaking to.”

“Oh, Jackson introduced her, but for the life of me, I couldn’t remember
her name.”

For a moment, she thought he was joking until she took a good look at
him. “You really need to pay more attention. That woman may well be your new

The snort that escaped her husband was loud enough to catch the
attention of the people close by. Jabbing him in the side, Aviva did her best
to withhold laughter.

“Angel, Jackson’s just getting his groove back. Just because he’s
hitting it, doesn’t mean he’s going to marry her.”


“What?” He replied with a devilish look in his eyes.

Before she could say anything else, the sound of an implement applied to
the side of a crystal glass drew their gaze. As the room grew quiet, they both
looked across the room.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Jake began once he had everyone’s attention. “My
wife and I thank you all for joining us tonight.”

The round of applause that followed the mention of the word
caused Aviva to smile at Jason, who winked at her.

“As you all know, our wedding took place a few months ago in Florida, as
MacKenzie’s parents are too elderly to travel. Hence this belated reception for
our friends.

We also have another announcement we want to share with you. MacKenzie
and I already have a beautiful daughter, and in a few months we will be adding
to our family.”

Aviva tuned out the sound of the applause and shouts of congratulation
sent Jake and MacKenzie’s way.

Although she already knew about their good news, she couldn’t stop the
tears that sprung to her eyes. Doing her best not to let them fall, she sniffed
and batted her lashes to clear her vision.

The feel of strong arms surrounding her was her undoing. The soft cry
that escaped her caused Aviva to press her fingertips against her mouth. Before
she knew what was happening, Jason was leading her from the room and she didn’t

The lights were dimmed, and Aviva and Jason lay immersed in lapping
water and the foam of silky soft bubbles.

She was exactly where she wanted to be. It was as though she could feel
the depth of her husband’s love and concern enfolding her. It didn’t matter
that they exchanged no words, nor did she feel uncomfortable with their
continued silence. She knew he would speak when he was ready. For her part,
Aviva didn’t know when she would ever be able to put her disappointment into

The impression of his muscular body behind her, his arms cocooning her
caused a hitch to form in her throat. As one of his big hands moved over her
stomach, her tears came again. Glad he couldn’t see her face, Aviva allowed
them to run down her cheeks unchecked.

“Don’t cry, Angel. Our time will come when it’s supposed to.”

Aviva knew he was doing his best to reassure her, but the doubts that
had taken root in her mind refused to lessen. Pulling in a deep breath, she
prepared herself to say the words that until now, she’d kept buried deep

“What if it’s never our time?”

“We’ll have our time, my angel.”

His affirmation came with so much certainty; Aviva latched onto his
words and repeated them in a silent prayer. She didn’t want to say anything out
loud, but she knew she had to. They had to talk about it; she had to know that
if they couldn’t have children together if it would break them.

“I know the doctor says we’re both fine, but we’ve been trying for two
years. What if it never happens, Jason, what if I can’t have babies?”

“Let me ask you the same question. If we didn’t have children, would I
be enough for you; could you grow old with just me by your side?”

“Jason!” She gasped. “Of course you’d be enough for me. How could you
even ask me that question?”

“You may have phrased it differently, but the inference was there. I
love you and whether we have children or not, I’m afraid you’re stuck with me.
You are the only woman I will ever love, and you will always be enough for me.”

“Oh Lord, Jason Kingdom, you have got to be the most perfect man on this
planet!” Aviva exclaimed, turning around to face him; all her love shining in
her eyes.

“I’m told on Kingdoria my brand of perfection is what all others aspire
to,” he teased with a grin. “Do you know what else they say on Kingdoria?”

“No, what,” Aviva asked around a smile at the mention of Kingdoria.

“They say that the second born of each family is the one blessed to be
the greatest lover.”

“Is that right?” She played along tucking her disappointment away.

“Yep, that’s right. They also say the second son makes the most
beautiful babies. Want to put that theory to the test?” Jason asked with a
wiggle of his eyebrows.

“Hell to the yeah!” Aviva yelled, pushing to her feet. With one leg over
the side of the tub, she looked down at her husband. “Come on studly, you’ve
got some mighty big bragging to live up to.”

By the time she finished speaking; Jason was out of the tub. Looking at
his body, Aviva adopted a mock coyness as her eyes traveled up his gorgeous
body to glance at him. “Oh my, Mr. Studley, is all that for me? I declare I
don’t know if it’s going to fit?”

Sweeping her off her feet, Jason headed toward their bedroom. “Oh, it’s
going to fit, don’t you worry about that. Come the morning you are going to be
carrying our baby or my name isn’t Jason Kingdom!”


Now laying naked in their bed, Jason was pleased his foolishness had
managed to distract her. However, he still sensed her underlying unhappiness.
She was genuinely worried about, not getting pregnant, but he wasn’t. Tonight
he intended to dispel all her negative thoughts by taking special care to
remind her how much he loved her. For him, that they had each other meant

“So what do you want first, a girl or a boy?” He asked as he ran the
tips of his fingers up and down the middle of her chest, enjoying the feel of
her butter soft skin. The way she felt beneath his fingers was one of his
obsessions. His eyes followed the path of his hand, so when she responded to
his question, he’d nearly forgotten he’d asked it.

“Seeing as you’re a twin how about one of each?”

“It seems I married a woman who wants it all. Lucky for you, you chose a
Kingdom because I can make that happen, right.”

“You are so full–”

“I know, you’re a very lucky woman!”

“I wasn’t speaking about your dick, but I have to admit, I like the size
and what you do with it. Do you feel lucky?”

Jason sucked in a sharp breath as her fingers found his rapidly
hardening shaft and stroked him. In no rush, he closed his eyes and allowed her
touch to wash over him.

“I have you in my life so how could I be anything else.”

“Aww, Jason that is so cute!”

“Aww, Aviva,” his eyes popped open, “puppies and kittens are cute!”

“Got ya, because you are so cute…” she laughed at his mock frown, “… yet
manly and hot; good save right?” Without waiting for a reply, Aviva continued.
“I want you to lay back and let me take care of you.”

“As great as that sounds I’m going to have to decline. Tonight is all about
you,” he told her as he gently pushed her onto her back.


At his nod, Jason was surprised to see tears appear in her eyes. Only
moments before she was teasing him and now she had tears trailing down her
face, and it immediately worried him. “Tell me what’s wrong, Angel. You know it
breaks my heart to see you cry,” he murmured as he stroked her.

“I don’t know why I’m crying, it’s stupid really. I have all these
emotions rushing around inside of me and I can’t seem to hold on to any of them
for more than a minute.”

Jason’s hand stopped on the way back up her body and came to rest
against her stomach. Leaning down, he replaced his hand with a gentle kiss.
Reminded of her tears, he moved up and kissed them away; even as his heart
clenched at her sadness. “Tell me what I can do to make you feel better,
Angel,” he said as he placed feather light kisses across her beloved face.

When she only shook her head, he knew exactly what she needed. “I want
to make love with you. Do you want that too?”

At her nod, his lips touched hers and slowly brushed back and forth. He
then placed his forehead against hers and allowed the stillness of their
surroundings to seep into him.

Lifting her with delicate care, he pulled her close and settled his big
body over hers. Tonight wasn’t about sexual contortions. It was about him
showing his wife how much he adored her in the gentlest way he knew how.

Bracing himself on his forearms, he pulled back and waited until she
looked at him. Then he held her gaze and imbued his eyes with all the love he
felt for his little wife. “Let’s make those twins you just spoke about. I’m
thinking a boy for you and a girl who looks just like her mother for me.” It
wasn’t his intention, but his words brought on a fresh round of tears.

Still on his forearms he depressed his body, his erection pressing
against her belly. “Do you feel how much I want you?”

Without waiting for an answer, he kissed her. The sigh she released
opened her mouth to him, and he took what she freely offered with tender reverence.
There was nothing hurried about the kiss, rather it was just another moment in
which they showed their love for each other.

Moving on, he kissed her cheek and trailed his tongue towards her neck.
When he encountered the spot he knew so well, he lingered for a moment. As she
squirmed in pleasure beneath him, he sucked and ran his tongue against the
small depression behind her ear before he moved on. When he reached her
breasts, he gave special attention to her distended nipples, kissing and
sucking them into his mouth. When she grabbed hold of his hair and pulled him
away, he allowed it.

Trailing his mouth across her body, he left nowhere untouched. Her
writhes, first to encourage and then to get away from his ministrations didn’t
deter him. He loved his wife with an abandon he couldn’t disguise.

Maneuvering her until her back pressed against his hard chest, Jason
inserted a muscular leg between her thighs. When she was fully open to him, he
rubbed his hand against her core to ensure she was ready to accept him. The
wetness that flowed over his fingers was answer enough. “I love you,” he spoke
directly into her ear, his voice a deep, soft timbre.

“I know, and I love you too. No matter what happens, you will always be
enough for me, Jason Kingdom.”

That was all he needed to hear as he began to move within her. These
moments were special to him. The way her body welcomed him would forever
affirm, he had found his special love.

In slow increments, he took care to build the friction between them, the
wetness of their bodies easing his path within her. Everything was perfect.
Everything was as it should be. He was inside his angel and finally her tears
had stopped. Making sweet love and being together was all they would ever need.

The next morning, Jason woke to the sound of his wife being sick in the
bathroom. Jumping out of bed, he hurried to join her. Going down on one knee,
he ignored her attempts at pushing him away.

When she was finally done, he picked her up from the floor, and gently
eased her to her feet. Supporting her against his naked body, he prepared her
toothbrush and waited until she was finished brushing her teeth. Smiling, he
gathered her into his arms and carried her back to bed.

Propped up on an elbow, he supported his head as he smiled down at her
stunned expression. “When I set my mind to something, I make it happen,” Jason

The last thing he expected was for her to burst into tears. Unsure of
how to deal with the situation, he tried to joke his way out of it. “What’s my


“Didn’t I tell you we’d be pregnant by morning?” His words had an
entirely different effect to the one he imagined as she only cried harder.

“I hope those are happy tears.”

When she didn’t respond, he pulled her into his arms and held her close
until the sounds of her weeping subsided.

“How did you know?”

“Angel, I know and remember everything about you. I think you’re about
six weeks along, but with the morning sickness it may be more. We’ll find out
for sure once we visit a doctor.”

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