Loving the Wild Card (17 page)

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Authors: Theresa L. Henry

BOOK: Loving the Wild Card
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“But I had my period, this isn’t possible...” Aviva trailed off, as
Jason rubbed his palm against her breasts.

Pushing his hand away, her tender breasts irritated by his touch.

“Do you really think?”

“Yes, I really think.”

As soon as he finished speaking she was crying again. She was carrying
his child inside her and he was the happiest man alive. Everything they’d ever
wanted was coming to fruition.





Josh and Jake were in the office and they both looked up when Jason
entered, somewhere around midday.

“We’ve been waiting for you,” Josh said by way of a greeting.

“What for?”

“Where’s Vee?”


“What is up with the women in this family?” Josh asked tipping his head
to the side. Deciding a little light entertainment was called for, courtesy of
Jason, he said the first thing that entered his mind. “Uh-oh, don’t tell me you
wore her–”

“I’m not telling you a damn thing, so don’t say another word!”

“Geez, lighten up, man. Relax, I’ll tell you what, why don’t I give you
a massage. That should take the edge off seeing as how you didn’t get any last

Josh caught the paperweight that flew through the air with ease. “Come
on, you know I have lightning fast reflexes,” he laughed just before he took a
face full of a handheld rubber tension reliever. “Hey, hey, do not hate on the
face!” Josh warned pointing at his brother.

“Maybe you need to get
to renew your lightning fast
reflexes,” Jason flung his words back at him. “I’m out; I need to get some

Jake, who had remained quiet throughout their byplay, spoke for the
first time. “He may be a pain in the butt, but he’s right, we have been waiting
for you to put in an appearance.”

The seriousness of his words caught Jason’s attention and he followed
his twin’s gaze to finally rest on Josh.

His teasing of moments before forgotten, Josh’s face took on an
expression of seriousness he knew would be transferred to his brothers.

“We may have trouble coming our way,” Josh told them.

“What do you mean?” Jackson questioned, coming into the room.

Josh grimaced; he hadn’t expected their father to be a part of the
conversation. Knowing there was no getting out of his explanation, he resigned
himself to his presence.

“I guess this is as good a time as any to fill you all in on what caused
Lux and me to split up.”

Waiting until, Jason and their father took seats; Josh cleared his mind
before he began to speak.

“Sam, Lux’s brother, was involved in a lot of things. Drugs, money
laundering, extortion and around seven years ago, murder.” The mention of that
one word refocused everyone’s attention, but they remained silent.

“That’s where his actions began to impact on Lux’s and my relationship.
We both knew what he was into but as long as it didn’t touch our lives we
stayed out of it.

Their father, Theo, died not long after Sam became embroiled in a scheme
to extricate his father from a debt.

Theo borrowed money from people he shouldn’t have. Their mother died
when Lux was nearly at the end of her teens. She believes her brother’s
lifestyle was what finally killed their mother, and she’s never forgiven him
for that.

When Lux and I hooked up, she had no idea I knew her brother. When she
found out, she asked me to have nothing to do with him, and I agreed. After
we’d been married for a while, Sam got in touch with me and asked for my help,
and I couldn’t turn him down. I guess I thought she wouldn’t find out that he’d
contacted me for help, and that I gave it.”

“That was a stupid move, man,” Jake told him. “How did she find out?”

“I came home one day and detectives Saunders and Bonetti had already
filled her head with a load of nonsense. Because I’d lied to her, she refused
to listen to anything I had to say.”

Josh looked over at their father as he stood up, his face
expressionless. “Joshua, I’m only going to ask this question once; have you
done anything I’m not going to be able to live with?”

“I’ve done a lot of things you probably wouldn’t want to know about.
However, if you’re asking if I’m involved with the things I’ve mentioned, then
the answer is, no I am not.”

“Very well, now tell us why you would ruin your marriage based on a
broken promise.”

“It turned out, Sam was extremely talented at moving money around and
making it appear legitimate. The people he worked for needed him to be, how
should I put this,
fully invested
, in their organization. When he
contacted me, it was in order to prove his commitment.

Don’t ask me if this was the first order of this kind he’d received
because I don’t know, nor have I ever asked.

Once I agreed to help him, I couldn’t see a way out.” Josh knew the
whole of the story so he had no idea how his lack of detail sounded to the rest
of his family.

“Joshua,” Jackson said in exasperation. “You just assured me you’ve done
nothing I couldn’t live with. Yet with each word that leaves your mouth, it
drives me one step closer to wringing your foolish neck!”

“No, hell, I’m sorry. Let me explain–”

“You better hurry up before the old man has a heart attack,” Jason

“This is not the time for sarcasm, Jason!” Their father warned, color rising
in his face.

“May I suggest you all calm down,” Jake attempted to stop the
disagreement before it gained momentum.

Giving Jason one more disapproving look, Jackson turned back to Josh.

“When Sam was ordered to kill a woman–”

“There it is, the word I’ve been praying wouldn’t leave your mouth!”
Jackson exclaimed sinking into his chair.

Josh’s temples began to pound. Dealing with his father was frustrating
the hell out of him. Taking a deep breath, he tried to ignore him. Jackson, one
of the most resilient men he knew suddenly looked loaded down with concern, and
Josh wished he’d kept the truth from him. Knowing his last thought was no
longer an option, he continued.

“When Sam was given the order he contacted me. He told me he couldn’t go
through with it. He asked me to hide the intended victim until he could set up
another life for her. I agreed, and between us, she disappeared into a new

It became a problem when her family started asking questions. She was
leading a double life. On the one hand, she was a dutiful daughter, and on the
other, she was involved with some shady people. Her family’s inquiries led back
to the people who gave the order for her murder.

I’d already had some run-ins with detectives Saunders and Bonetti.
Stupid, petty stuff, but I always; or should I say Delphine, always managed to
square things.

At the time, I only had a suspicion that the detectives were involved
with Matthaeus on some level, now I know it for sure. Hence their reappearance
in my life–”

“Hold on a minute,” Jackson interrupted. “Are you talking about Chad

“Yep, the one and the same.” Josh verified. “That grinning all American
guy is as
they come.”

“Good Lord, what is the world coming to?!” Jackson shook his head.

Josh looked at his brothers, but no one said a word.

“When the body of one of Matthaeus’ known associates turned up garroted
in his bed; the only way they didn’t pin it on me was because I could prove I
was out of state.

They couldn’t get to me so the detectives went to my home and told Lux
their version of the truth. They said a police officer had been murdered, and
that Sam had something to do with it. From what they said, it confirmed to Lux
that I was still in contact with her brother. She left shortly after that.”

Jackson nodded his understanding as he held his youngest son’s gaze. “So
what do you need from us?”

“Actually, it’s what I specifically need from Jason.” Turning to look at
his brother, he waited until Jason gave a nod. “I need to borrow your house for
a little while.”

Jason raised an eyebrow. “Let me get this straight, you want to use the
house Aviva just spent months decorating to her exact specification?”

“Yeah, that about sums it up,” Josh confirmed with a grin.

Instead of responding to his request, Jason changed the direction of the
conversation. “I don’t know about the rest of these guys, but to me there seems
to be a few holes in your story. You leave for the Caribbean with little more
than a word. Once there, you find Lux, and you’re both pursued by parties

Jake and I extract you from said situation, only for you to give us some
half-assed explanation about what’s actually going on.

Now you want to go to the house my wife loves, and I’m just supposed to
hand over the keys with no questions asked. Did I miss anything, Jake?”

“Nope, I’d say that just about covers everything.”

“For the love of God!” Jackson exclaimed.

“Thanks for that brothers!”

“Our pleasure,” Jason said without the slightest remorse. “When you’re
ready, we’re listening.”

“It seems Sam has some information Matthaeus needs to get his hands on
before the law closes in on him. By the law, I don’t mean Saunders and

“Why now, and why is Sam withholding this information?” Jake inquired.

“Because he wants out, and they know that if Sam isn’t onboard they
don’t stand a chance of this last deal. I don’t know what this deal is, nor do
I want to know. All Sam said is that it will set Matthaeus up for the rest of
his life.

However, in order to pull it off, they need Sam’s help. Sam tried to
hide his connection with Lux, and he succeeded until Saunders and
ferreted it out. I suspect until
the day they turned up at our house, they didn’t have any real confirmation
that Lux even knew Sam.

I guess all parties involved believe they can use Lux as collateral to
get Sam to see things their way. Only I got to her first. Now, it’s a waiting

“Then it’s settled, you will both remain here,” Jackson concluded as
though the discussion was finished.

Josh’s protestations only came to an end when Jason agreed he could use
their house. Jackson wasn’t convinced. But they persuaded him that Josh and Lux
spending a few weeks away would be a good thing. No one knew about the house,
which made it ideal.

With everything finalized, Jackson rose and left the room. The moment
the door closed behind their father, Josh turned back to his brothers.

“Now cut the crap and tell us what the hell is really going on,” Jake

Josh didn’t waste any time objecting to the way Jake spoke to him. They
all knew his well chosen words had been for their father’s benefit. “Okay, the
truth is, these people are killers, including those detectives. It appears that
now matters are approaching the end game, a lot of necks are on the line.

The part about relocating the woman was the truth. That was my only
involvement with Sam and the world he inhabits. We’re not friends and we don’t
keep in touch. When he asked that I go to Lux, there was no question of me
doing otherwise. She’s my wife and I love…” Josh trailed off without finishing
his sentence.”

“Go on,” Jason urged.

“Last night I allowed him to come here to speak with Lux because I owe
him a big debt.”

“What did you do, Josh?” Jason asked.

“It’s more what he did for us. I owe him because he was my contact which
led us to finding Aviva when she came up missing. He was also the one who told
me about the contract that was on this family.”

“Is my wife safe, Josh,” Jason queried, his eyes taking on a deadly

“She’s safe. All of you are safe, but I still want to put some distance
between the family, and the trouble Sam has snapping at his heels. At some
point, I know he’ll want to see Lux again face to face. He’s looking for
absolution and he thinks the only way to achieve that is through Lux.”

“Why?” Jake asked.

“Because he needs forgiveness for the type of life he’s led and what he
assumes he put his parents through. The only member of his family left who can
give him the release he craves is, Lux.”

“What do you need us to do?” Jason asked coming to his feet.

“I need you guys to find Matthaeus and ensure he doesn’t come anywhere
near Lux. I also want to know Sam’s whereabouts. He’s in hiding, and his
associates are desperate and that makes them even more dangerous.”


“What kind of trouble is he in that he needs to stay at our house?”

“Right now, I think he just wants to ensure that Lux has some distance
from her brother. I also suspect he wants to take some time to try to rebuild
their relationship.”

“Jason, I know an omission when I hear one,” Aviva warned. “Don’t tell
me then, because I doubt I want to know, but if Josh messes up my house, I’m
not going to be happy. But I know if he didn’t need to, he wouldn’t have asked,
so of course he can use our house.”

Jason gave a nod and turned away in the hope Aviva missed his look of
guilt. He should have known better.

“They’re already gone, aren’t they?”

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