Loving the Wild Card (21 page)

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Authors: Theresa L. Henry

BOOK: Loving the Wild Card
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Choosing to ignore her shocked expression, Josh readied himself to
protect his wife.

“Are you crazy?! If we hurry we may still be able to get away from
them,” Lux cried, holding on to his arm.

“Yeah, but one of them is a girl and the other four look like
flat-footed pussies!” Josh shouted his last words.

“For God’s sake don’t antagonize them, suppose they have guns!”

“If they wanted to shoot us they would have done it already. We’ve been
in their sights for a while.”

“I guess you’re right,” Lux agreed dropping down on flexed knees much
the same as Josh.

“What the hell are you doing?!”

“Protecting your back, what does it look like?”

“I don’t need you to protect my back. What I need is for you to stay out
of my way while I deal with these fools!”

Her only response was the sucking of her teeth. Then he was out of time,
their assailants rushed them in what Josh immediately saw was a coordinated

The first man to come within his reach, he kicked directly in the balls.
His kick was so accurate that even as the man went down, it made his own eyes
water. Sparing a quick glance he noticed that the woman in their group was
lagging back. Her actions instantly set him on edge. What worried him further
was that he recognized her.

Unable to understand what she was doing in the mix, Josh only just
managed to side-step a punch thrown his way. Feigning to the side, he moved in
close to his attacker and delivered a direct hit to his opponent’s kidney, he
hoped hurt as much as it did his fist. The big lug grunted in pain, but he
didn’t go down. Josh twisted around, caught hold of the man’s arm and wrenched
it upwards with so much force it snapped. One more jerk and the man passed out
from his pain.

Having only two more to deal with, the sound of someone being hit caught
his attention. That was his undoing. Turning he saw Lux crumpling to the
ground. With an almighty roar, he moved with lightning speed. In a blur of arms
and legs, in a matter of seconds the remaining men were down.

Turning to a fallen Lux, he dropped to his knees and gathered her into
his arms. Pain exploded in his head and he realized he’d underestimated his
final opponent. As the blonde woman stood looking expressionlessly down at him;
his final thought before unconsciousness claimed him was of Lux, and how badly
let her





Her head was pounding. As her eyes fluttered open their attack on the
path rushed back to her. The side of her jaw hurt and she knew that was where
the man had hit her. Looking down her body, Lux saw that she was lying on a
mattress her hands and legs tied. Pulling herself upright, Lux looked around
and saw she was in a nicely decorated bedroom.

A feeling of desperation assailed her as she thought about Josh. At the
same time, she twisted her hands in an attempt to release her bonds. It only
took her a few minutes before she managed to pull the chafing rope from her
wrists. Whoever had tied her up must be completely inept or had deliberately
tied her in such a way as to make it easy for her to get loose.

Setting to work on the rope around her legs, Lux fared even better and
they too were quickly undone. Jumping from the bed, she cautiously easing
across the room. Ear against the door, she listened intently for sounds of
activity from outside. When she heard nothing, she turned the handle to test
for a lock. The door was unlocked. It didn’t make sense; why go to all this
trouble to capture her only to make escape so easy. It was obviously a trap.

Withdrawing her hand, Lux took a moment to gather her thoughts. The way
she saw it, she had two choices; wait around for whoever was involved to
return, or find Josh and get as far away from these people as possible.

She was no great thinker, but she knew her brother had something to do
with their situation. Even after all this time, and countless years of
introspection, it still bothered her that he turned out the way he had.

Her mind made up, Lux heaved open the door with more force than caution,
and looked up and down the hallway. The sensation of being watched caught her
attention. Jerking her head around, she made eye contact with a stranger. The
woman was stunningly beautiful and she was looking directly at her. Raising her
hands and flexing her knees in a defensive pose, Lux fixed her gaze on the
woman who took her time looking her up and down before smiling.

The blonde woman’s smile was so condescending it angered her. Without
thinking, Lux told the woman exactly what was on her mind. “Let’s see if you’re
still smiling after I shove your head up your ass and turn you into a

In response to her rudeness, the stranger did the most peculiar thing;
she raised her index finger to her lips to indicate silence. The woman then
tilted her head to the right; after which she took a stepped back into her room
and closed the door.

Lux had no idea what to make of the incident. What she did know however
was she wasn’t about to stand around contemplating the workings of a stranger's
mind. Rationally she knew she could be walking into a trap, but somehow she
didn’t think so. Taking a deep breath, she pulled the bedroom door closed
behind her and set off down the hall with cautious steps.

As she walked, Lux noticed the décor was so in variance to the room she
awoke in that it caught her attention. The floorboards were bare rough planks
that stopped just shy of creaking as she made her way over them. The walls were
nothing but plasterboard that had old peeling flakes of wallpaper still
attached in the odd place.

Coming to a corner, Lux stopped long enough to draw in a calming breath.
Hugging the wall she made ready to take a quick look at what was around the
bend. Immediately the song from the movie
sprang into her
mind. It was something or other about just around the river bend. Shaking her
head, Lux did her best to dismiss the inane thought in an attempt to
concentrate. She had no idea what she would do if confronted by some of the
goons from the path, but she decided not to borrow trouble and dismissed the

Reaching behind her back, she gathered up her braids and tied them in a
knot at the back of her neck. Edging forwards, she stuck her head out only long
enough to take a quick look into the unknown. Nothing, the hallway was clear of
bodies, which as far as she was concerned was a good sign. What wasn’t so good
was the hallway was a dead end.

Blowing out a long silent breath, Lux again considered whether the woman
was setting her up. If that were the case, she was about to find out.

Finally ready, she ventured forward her back pressed flush against the
wall. Reaching the first of two doors, Lux placed her ear against it and
listened. Hearing nothing, she turned the handle and slowly pushed it open.

The room appeared to be some form of junk room strewn with old furniture
and enough dust it tickled her nose. Looking around, a piece of wood caught her
attention. Thinking it made sense to have some form of weapon, she ventured
further into the room and tried to pick it up. That was her mistake. The wooden
plank was a prop for a whole stack of other debris that came crashing down.

Two things happened at once; she let out an almighty sneeze from the
disturbed dust, and the door banged against the wall. Unable to withhold a
yelp, Lux jumped and turned sharply at the sound. In the doorway stood a
dangerous looking man who appeared to be royally pissed off.

“Seriously, you need to fire your cleaner without a reference. If the condition
of this room is any indication of their work, dude, you’re being ripped off!”
Lux advised with a shake of her head.

“Lady, are you for real?” The man asked with a confused look.

“Of course I’m real,” Lux responded in an attempt to buy time. “You’re
not very bright are you? Don’t answer that,” she said holding up her hand to
silence him. “If it helps you to think I’m a figment of your imagination that
works for me. That way you won’t get what little sense you have knocked out of
that big head of yours by a girl.”

“Did you just insult me?”

“Lord protect me from morons!” Lux mumbled loud enough for him to hear.

Her last comment had the desired effect as the goon rushed her.
Sidestepping his outstretched hands, Lux raised the piece of wood hidden at her
side. Swinging it with as much force as she could manage, she connected with
the side of his head. He dropped so hard and so fast Lux worried she might have
killed him.

Dropping the now offending weapon, she bent over the prone man to check
he was still breathing. Satisfied that he was, she thought better of discarding
her only protection. Reaching for it, she just managed to retract her hand to
save her fingers from a size sixteen foot.

Before she could react; an arm hooked around her throat and restrained
her. Stiffening her body, another movie came to her aid, and she thanked God
for Gracie Lou Freebush, as she remembered, S.I.N.G.

Thinking it was worth a try, she rammed the man in the solar plexus with
her elbow, stamped on his instep and threw back her head and connected with his
nose. As she was reaching for his groin, he maneuvered his body away. Changing
his grip, he held her around the waist. In the same move, he managed to capture
her arms and pinned them to her sides. He then tightened his clasp and almost
squeezed the breath out of her.

“My girlfriend loves Sandra Bullock, and I’ve seen that movie way too
many times not to recognize the move,” he sniggered.

Gasping for air, spots of colored light floated before her eyes. Lux
knew if he didn’t let up soon, she was going to lose consciousness. He too must
have realized her predicament as he loosened his grip and she drew in a deep

Still feeling lightheaded, Lux could do nothing when he turned with her
still in his arms and left the room. As he swung open another door she saw six
men. Two were her husband and brother, both of whom were tied to sturdy looking
chairs. The other four men she wasn’t certain she had ever seen before.

Ignoring them, Lux looked over at Josh and Sam. “Well,” she drawled, her
voice loaded with sarcasm. “Whoever tied you two up did a much better job than
they did with me!”


Josh dropped his chin to his chest and closed his eyes. The situation
had just got a whole lot worse. If he knew his wife, she was going to find it
impossible to keep her mouth shut.

“Put me down this minute!”

“With pleasure,” the man complied, dropping her unceremoniously on the

Josh took his time looking at Lux. When she got up from the floor and he
was sure she was okay, he turned his attention to the man who had so literally
carried out her demand. “For that one act of stupidity, your boyfriend is going
to have to wipe your ass for the next six weeks because I’m going to break
every bone in your hands!”

The thug bared his teeth and readied himself to respond. A hand signal
from the man who was obviously in charge was all it took for him to withhold

“Go and stand in the corner and do your damn job!” The man ordered. The
muscle bound underling complied without comment, joining the other men already
standing off to one side.

“That’s right, bitch do as you’re told and don’t forget your place!”
Josh mocked.

“Keep your mouth shut,” the man barked at Josh. “You are in no position
to taunt anyone!”

“I’m going to ask you again, where is she?”

“And I’m going to tell you again, Matthaeus... I don’t know who you’re
talking about!” Josh replied, looking bored.

Chad Matthaeus was a tall big-boned man who had been a star quarterback
in college; but was now running to fat. His family had once had money, but
through mismanagement, it was all gone before he could get his share. As far as
Matthaeus was concerned privilege was his birthright. If he couldn’t inherit it
then he would acquire it. The means by which he accumulated his wealth ran from
extortion to gun running.

As far as the business world was concerned, Chad Matthaeus had
singlehandedly turned around the fortune of his once wealthy family. His image
was that of a respected businessman; and he went to great lengths to maintain
that image.

His one weakness was beautiful women. When one of his girlfriends
stumbled across one of his deals, she had to go. He could always replace a
woman but he refused to take any chances with his liberty.

Matthaeus grew still and Josh flexed his tied hands. He knew what was
about to happen. He was just surprised it had taken the man so long to use his
one weakness against him. “How about if I get one of my associates to hurt your
little wife.”

“If any of you touch her, I’ll kill you,” Josh said with a calm that
radiated with seriousness.

The sound of Lux sucking her teeth drew all their attention. “Don’t even
worry about him, Josh. This boy’s full of gas!” Lux finished with a roll of her

“Lux!” Josh and Sam said at the same time in warning.

Tutting again, Lux looked Matthaeus up and down with disdain. “If this
boy’s so bad why is he running his mouth and threatening to get other people to
do his dirty work for him.”

“Do you know who I am?” Matthaeus asked Lux.

Not backing down, she faced off with him. “Can’t say that I do and I’m
really not interested, so don’t bother telling me.”

Josh shook his head at how sassy she was being. If she had any real idea
of what this sophisticated looking man was capable of, she would probably be
cowering in a corner. Having second thoughts, Josh revised his thought. Even if
she knew, she would more likely than not behave exactly as she was doing now.

Josh understood that she was attempting to distract Matthaeus’ to buy
him some time to loosen the rope around his wrists. No doubt Sam was doing the
same. It was risky but it was working.

Obviously exasperated, Matthaeus reached for her arm. Using some form of
twirling step, Lux danced out of his reach and committed her first error since
entering the room. She turned her attention to Sam.

“What are you doing all trussed up like the proverbial pig, Samuel,
couldn’t you find anyone else to perform a hit on. Or were you brought here for

“Lux,” Sam warned through tight lips.

Giving her a sharp look, Josh hoped she understood he wanted her to turn
her attention away from Sam. His wife could run her mouth like no one else he
knew, and at this moment he couldn’t be more pleased as long as she didn’t
direct her comments to her brother.

When she cut her eyes back to Sam, he allowed the tension to seep out of
his arms. She’d understood his silent message.

“I’ll deal with you later, Mr. Samuel. First, let me finish with this
one,” Lux said turning her back to the seated men. Seamlessly, she again
engaged Matthaeus. “I have a question for you; what could have happened in your
life or your childhood that makes it so hard for you to do something... good?”

There it was, a movie song reference. Josh blinked and spared a quick
look at Sam who closed his eyes in exasperation at the lameness of her
question. They both knew referencing movies was what she did when at a loss for
how to deal with a situation.

By the looks of it, she was on a roll, plus it seemed to be working so,
what the hell. If she continued with her nonsense, it might just buy them
enough time to get loose. The situation was as dangerous as any he’d been in,
but at the same time her surreal wordplay was exactly what they needed.

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